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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1921)
> ♦ a* rants pass Dailn Courier IMMOLI ATEO PREHM Hilft VICK GRANTH l'ANN, JOMKI'HINE (XJl'NTY. OREGON- k — EX-CONVICT CITY MAKES MOVE TARIFF BILL TESTIFIES TO SHOT TO DEATH Cont riotoH> an<l < I muu I hw - of Com merce Wir«' to Wnahlngtou For Cav««> Highway TAKEN JULY 21 Conferente Between De Valera And I nlonista Is Scheduled In IStblin On Friday Actlou to Insure the building of GENERAL DISCI SSION TO EN1> SPIRITI AUST MAYS' London, July 7.—(A P)—General SAVINGS AND MONEY RAISED MEDIUM Smuts will not attend the Dublin the eaves highway was taken yeater ' USED TO SI PPLANT MRS KABER ORDERED JULY II WITH SHORT ! meeting Friday between De Valera day by tbe Chamber of Commerce HIHBAND KILLED CARNEGIE GIFT DERATE PERIODS and the unionists. Smuts went to and County Judge Pollock al the In : Dublin Tuesday on the invitation of stance of the contractors, who de-1 De Valera, Lloyd George told the »Ire that the construction go through house of commons. (promptly. Telegrams were sent to' When asked whether he saw the the Oregon representatives and sen-1 General before the latter went to »tors at Washington, requesting1 Ireland, the premier replied that ho 'their active cooperation In seeing | *Fagnii, Convict hlnic I IO II, Is l.urcd Vltlilional l<h»n<rx To Iteli Unce Coug-t Sustains Objection to i'otn- was seeing Smuts constantly Techahal Work« on Mining, Tanning (that nothing happened at the capital, And Gardening are Kepeeneta- T«» Ite Handed Over Within Per munlcalion With Spirits Tim Pt»»»' By that might hold up the work live Of Practical 1 looks iod of Six .Months In Court Room Display of Money FILMN FROM THE U. ft. SAIO TO The fact that Josephine county AMERICANIZE BRIT1HH YOUTH has started work on her part of the triangular agreement was brought London, July 7.—English children I Washington. July 7. IA P) With Mr*. Cleveland. July 7.—<A P) -•Mrs Besides the building and improve- Hood River, July 7—(A PI out in all the telegrams Judge Pol T J Miller and daughter. Pearl, are lock wired to District Forester Cecil the house beginning a'consideration Mary J. Wade, spiritualist medium, are rapidly becoming Americanized ments of the public library, wljlch recovering from a state of nervous at Portland, Informing him that of the general tariff bill today, a testified in the trial of Mrs. Eva I through seeing nothing bat Ameri- the Carnegie building fund has giv collapse, suffered as the result of .Josephine county had boon follow I republican majority fixed July 21 Catherine Kaber for the murder of can moving pictures, is the conten- en to the city of Grants Pass, extras being kidnapped by Luther Fagan, ing out the terms of the agreement for the final vole on the measure, Daniel F. Kaber. that Mrs. Kaber, tlon of A. G. Granger, manager of and improvements have been Ins tai - the ox- ’wlcl who was shot to death •ud bus been at work ca the county! The general discussion will end July on her last visit said. “I want you an educational picture series, who led and paid for with money gained Part, of this death by a civilian poaaeman after road leading to tho farMt boundary1 14th and the debate thereafter will to try to get rid of I>an Kaber for holds that film education ought to from other sources. be part of every school curriculum. money was raised from the rummage me”. taking them and a boy captive In where it will conMOt With the new be under a five minute limitation. "Millions of children go to the pic-: sale for the library fund, and the Democratic members of the Ways Miller's automobile to a grove near (highway. The Judge expressed bls •How?" Mrs. Wade said she tn res regularly," he said to an inter-1 rest has been taken from the savings and Means committee, in a minority here asked. ( gratification ut seeing that the guv- viewer. “In American films no op-| made by the library board, which has report filed in the house today, de carried them off after shoot Fagan “I want you to kill him. any i ernment wan now to keep up their portunity is lost to introduce the! been looking forward to such a need. nounced the administration tariff to get rid of him. The man I Ing and wounding T. J. Miller at the part of the bargain ' American flag; American motors ! bill as a “ conspiracy to benefit a latter’s ranch yesterday, after Miller ( The Oregon law makers were has no money, only brains, and Ka are shown and popularized; Amer-! These improvements include wa refused to divulge the where asked to cooperate in keeping the) few favorites at the expense of all ber has 350.000 life insurance”. Mrs ican ideals in dress, furniture, habits I ter-proofing the basement walls, abouta of I jou I so Watkins, the' work going smoothly. Reports had humanity. Kaber was alleged to have replied. and customs are being continually' which may effect a substantial sav ing. Three extra windows have been daughter of Mrs Miller, for an at-| reached tbe ears of local men that Mrs. Wade bad told of Mrs. Kaber Washington. July 7.— (A P) — saying she met a professor at an I put before the children, with the re-' added to the basement, and the baso- tack upon whom Fagan was sent to there might be some hitch In getting : suit that they know more about Lln-| ment floor has been hard-surfaced« Secretary of the Treasury Mellon an the penetentlary In 1912 the contract confirmed this summer nounced that the railroads would Eastern college which her daughter. i coin and the North and South wars ■ To make the work of keeping the Herman Pregge, u rancher, shot and that the construction might a- receive approximately 95U0.000.000 Marian McAydle, attended, and that than about Oliver Cromwell and Nel-' library clean, easier, a vacuum Fagan after the convict held the galn be held up for a year The state additional advances from the gov- she loved him. ! son. cleaner pipe from the court house Mrs. Wade offered, in reply to a| posse st bay for two hours by threat chamber »«• Informed and they ernment within six months. "I was run into the new building, and question, to communicate with “ thej ening the captives If any attempts started action at once as did the The government will receive 6 spirits In the court room, but the| CHICAGO HEAT WAVE CAUSES the cost of installation paid for by were made to capture him Fagan local body Little doubt Is now held per cent security from railroads DEATH OF FIVE YESTERDAY the board. Two fire plates have been court sustained an objection by the I was lured to approach the posse, that tbe highway will be built. John receiving advances prosecutor. Chicago. July 7.—}A P)—The built, a porch made over the base covered by the girl, to receive 360 Hampshire who was the successful sweltering heat wave which covered ment entrance, the walls tinted, a which he was offered if he released bidder, will be able to start work at Washington. July 7.—(A Pi- The I the middle states, caused five deaths lavatory and sink installed, sewer, the boy As Fagan was about to i once, when he receives word that senate agriculture committee favor IXMS ANGELES OFFERS CUP light and water connections made, j here yesterday. take the money. Pregge fired. blow- Ithe contract has been authorised. ably reported the Capi>er-Tlncher bill FOR REtX»RD AIRPLANE TRIP new linoleum purchased, old linola- Ing oft the top of Fagan's head to regulate future grain exchange um re-finished, the basement win Fagan was recently paroled dealings. dows frosted and curtaining placed Ix>s Angeles. Cal. July 7.—A 31.- in windows on the upper floor. 000 silver trophy has been offered Except for the drinking fountain, I*ORTLANI> MlltK UTS here by the Los Angeles Speedway I N DERG Itot NO PAHKAGEN TO ( which was given by A. J. Green, all management to the first aviatori REUKVE CONGESTED TRAFFH these extras were paid for by the Choice steers ............. 36.25 6 37.00 making a non-stop flight from board, which spent Kl.COO on the im- Hogs, prime light 39.25 «1 39 7i*> Angeles to the Atlantic coast provements. This money also paid Mexico City, July 7... Underground East mountain lambs 36.00 © 36.50 passages are to be located at 20 of Prime lambs ............... 36.00 @ 36.50 A great improvement on the part tor new shelving, magazine racks. the principal street crossings In this Eggs, buying price .......... 25c & 26c of the driving public and the officers newspaper files and a work desk. Medford Washington. July 7 -(A PI—The The building, on which a 312,- city to relieve the traffic situation naval blimp C-3 exploded at the Eggs, case counts ..„..........24c & 25c A party of four well known Med- in helping out in the enforcement of which bus become serious. It Is plan Hampton roads naval air station to Eggs, candled ................... 26c t® 27c ford people met with an unfortunate road and traffic laws, is noted by T. 500 Carnegie library fund was spent, ned to have the coal of digging the day. burning and Injuring the tour Eggs, fancy selects ....................... 31c accident Sunday night when the A. Raffety. the new chief deputy for was opened yesterday. Hours dur tunnels covered by rentals from var persons aboard Butter, extra cubes *2c it 33« Chevrolet c>- of Miss Eleaor McQuis- ’he state department, who is spend- ing which the library is open for ious concessions which are to be ton, bookkeeper of the Gates Auto ing the day in the city. Mr. Raffety business, are: week days, from 2:00 located underground Work of ex- FRENI H WARNED AGAINST Portland. July 7. I A PI—Cattle company’, and sister of Mrs Robert 1» making a trip of inspection through to 5:30 and from 7:00 to 9:00. On cavatlng Is to begin soon ItolSH EV I k PR< >P AGA N DA steady, hogs 50c higher, sheep stea- Boyle, was driven off the highway the state, comparing the conditions Saturday mornings, the building will be opened from 10:00 to 12:00. On dy. Eggs 'firm, butter firm. In the Siskiyous and turned turtle with last season. , Paris. July 7. Thu French govern Miss McQuiston and her mother,, 'The best evidence of the value of Sundays the hours will be from 2:00 ment has taken the offensive against JAPAN PREPARED GROUND Mrs Josephine McQuiston. are at the I traffic law enforcement was seen in to 6:00. . Besides children’s books and fic FOR FORMAL NEGOTIATIONS Sacred Heart hospital, the former Ashland on the Fourth”, said Mr. ' Bolshevist propaganda In education al Institutions Leon Bearard. Min .At that time there were tion for hot summer days, there are Raffety. with a badly cut hand and her moth Tokio, July 7.—(A P)—Ground many useful works, such as Import ister of Public Instruction, has Is is being prepared tor formal negoti- er with a dislocated right shoulder at least 3500 automobiles there and ant Federal Laws, Qualitative Anal sued a circular in which college pro- yet not an accident was reported”. and numerous cuts and bruises. Miss atlons later, with the United States I feasors and public school teachers The reason for this is laid to the ysis. Home Manufacture of Furs and and Great Britain, according to In Mamie Hamm who also was in the. are warned against the promulgation | auto when it went off the highway |t*ct that the people are becoming Skins, Hydraulic Placer Mining, Daf formation obtained here. Tokio, July 7.—The indifference of extremist Ideas 1n their war and overturned was badly shaken up, educated to the traffic laws. The pre- fodils. Narcissus and how to grow “Republican «France”, he says.I of Japanese atíldenla above ths mid and the fourth member of the party, sent tendency is to educate the peo- them. Chrysanthemums and how to PORTLAND ATTORNEYS COMI grow them. Every Woman's Flower dle school to ancestor worship is “cannot look with Indifference upon TO BIX» WS IN Ell.EKS TRIAL A. P. Walker, the choir leader and PIe and not to force them into an causing the government considera a propaganda that recommends vio vocal teacher, happened to be outside unwilling compliance with the laws, Garden, Cyclopedia of Fraternities, ble concern, according to K. Yama lence and suppression of universal ' Portland. July 7.—(A P>—Attor the car and thus escaped injury. The **id Mr. Raffety. He ekplalned that Fundamentals of Salesmanship, Sign da, chief of the Shinto affairs bureau suffrage, with the consequent anni neys Thomas Manix and Arthur Mur car which was owned by Miss Me- much more can be done with the Painting, Craft of the Crochet Hook, Making a Fireplace, and 10 volume In the home department, who ad hilation of national representation' phy came to blows during the trial Quiston, is a total wreck.—Medford people trying to do their share. dressed the general conference of the and liberty." Mall Tribune. Another good evidence is the fact set of Practical Photography. of t|e Ellers case, here todav. ------ -------------------------------------- 1____ Some interesting books for gener that on July 1, there were more 11- Shinto priests of Japan. Ancestor | cense fees taken out than for all of al reading are: Photography for the worship la the fundamental religious custom In thia country and Is closely Woo&aued m > Page D--------- related to national veneration for the Imperial family and the iinper- lai ancestors “It is regrettable that the higher the education students receive In this country, the more Indifferent is their faith In ancestral spirits.” said Mr. Yamada. “Judging from the number of vis itors to the shrines and the amount Peking, July 7.—The Chinese This in turn has given way to in of contributions such pilgrims make, newspapers are flroely and openly ternai dissensions between Chang there la every reason to conclude discussing prospects of a far-reach and other leaders, Cabinet changes that despite the growing predomin ing change in -Chinese affairs which ance of 'foreign objectionable ideas they have declared Is possible and have ensued and there has been talk of suppressing the Independent In this country since the late war, | even probable this summer. the spirit of worshipping ancestral Ono of the dominant figures to movement at Canton. While the newspapers discuss the shrines still remains Intact. whom all experienced observers look whole subject quite freely yet there for an initial movement in bringing 'A serious fact, however, la that abcftit the predicated change is Gen is nothing authoritative and little whereas the elementary school child Chang Tsl-lln, military governor of opportunity to substantiate the re ren are always sincere and earnest Manchuria, whose Influence in the ports so freely circulated. In their faith, students studying In • -»ft capital is now paramount. Many observers attribute these schools higher than middle schools ihm te' * The prevailing belief is that Gen movements and countermovements show Indifference towards such a a»*> > Chang Is favorable to the restoration to the well-known shortage of funds matter.” The worshipping of an ? ’ F to the Chinese throne of the boy Em from which the military leaders in ir* cestral shrines Is so closely associat peror who has long been a prisoner China are sufferfng. The fate of the ed with the national character of the government in China hangs to a larg- In the Forbidden City. empire that the above tendency can There was widespread expectation ' er extent than Westerners would not In the least be ignored as any that Chang would inaugurate in the suppose upon the attitude of the thing hut serious It Is the authori I'rllice t’nslmlr Lubotnlrskl, Poilsli envoy, decorates ('apt. Hnrinon Roriaon. Wilmington, N. C., and Lieut. Kenneth I spring or early summer a movement three military governors of the ties’ decision tKat some proper steps be taken for the correction of the Shrewsbury, New York, with “Vlrtutf Mllltarl" for service* Against the Reds. Paderewski (left) Rorlson, Lubomlr- to put the boy Emperor back on the northern provinces who virtually throne-but it has not thus far ma | control everything north of the above undesirable state of affairs, skl. Shrewsbury, Pershing. Insert. Piesldent Pilsudski of Poland. 1 Yang-tee River. terialized. assisted by the Shinto priests.” NEW Poland Honors Two American Aviators for Valor 1 1 J ; 1 -r 1