Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
JULY 1st Please present your Savings Book to have accrued interest entered MFMWFW HDCWX.I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SY OF NOVTHKHN OREGON wrintvtn Aluminum at 20% Discount This Week We have a limited number of 2 12 Quart Lipped Sauce Pans, regular price $1.90. which will be sold for $1.15 on Saturday Rogue River Hardware Co. » The WINCHESTER Store Shoes for the Family For Your 4th of July Outing You will need some new Khaki Clothe-*——I-adiew and Men> Breeches. Coat*, Shirt* and Ijeggin*. AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S I Special Sale of Aluminum Friday and Saturday Only 25* Reduction on ALUMINUM WARE Our lines are complete—do not wait until they are picked over but setect what you want early. . See some of them in my window Holman’s Furniture Store PERSONAL LOCAL July Vocation Red Recordsit Hel B. Jones w(ja registered at the Ox mer's. 18 ford last night from Brookings. John Randle. Hal Milner. Al Frost B. F Skillman return«*d yesterday from Portland and Ovoa county and and Earl York came over from Dor will spend a few days In the city. ris yesterday to spend the Fourth. Saturday, July 2nd, you can save Juel llestul ¿«»turned this morn 75 cents on a 33 00 aluminum pur Ing from Portland where he has chase at Cramer Bros. 18 been attending liualntMis college for W. J* Montgomery and M. H the i>ast year. Mr Beet u I will spend Buck, of Takilma, spent Thursday the summer at his home In the city. In the city on basinets. Aluminum sale Friday and Satur \V. <». W. < «meert anti I Vane«»— day only. Holman's Furniture Store Saturday night. July 3, on olii Fred Collins spent yesterday and beet sugar factory floor one-half mile Concert at today attending to business In Wolf east of Riverside park It 8, dance front 9 till IS. Creek ami Glendale get ________ aluminum A good chance _____ __ to „__ I war«» with the tree sauce pan at Cra- ItaM-tmll Game Tonight— The Presbyterians are planning to I uier Bros on Saturday only. 18 Before you build get figures on awing a heavy stick tonight when . your lumber, shingles, lath, doors they come up against the Baptista In I and windows at Borland Thomas the evenings’ baseball game So tar Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf the Presbyterians have taken only Harry Cook went to Roseburg this one game and th«» member» of the I morning, having been transferred to team have been heard to say among ' a run out of there on the Southern themselves that it was about time to take anoi|^*r contest Pacific. j Special sale of aluminum and j enameled ware with sauce pan free Grcatiwl Clothing Sale- Now on at Peerleaa Clothing Ct. tf with $3 Ot) purchase at Cramer Bros 1 Mr. and Mrs H. J. Praoger and son »¡¡long were am —_ the — California people In Acme <*fo— The home of good ests Is the city yesterday, coming from Sun open dsy «tul night lairsen ft An- j Jose. O»tt Bran. 81.35 per Huck at Josephine draws. 1» County Flour Mill. Mrs. J Ireland, Miss Franc«»» Ire- No Mi-eting Monda) — There will be no meeting of th» land and »Robert MacWhorter. of 1» Raymond. Wash . were register«»! last tv O W Monday night. July 4. light al the Josephine The latest dance music In Vocallon Sensational Reductions— On suits, shoes, hats and furnish , records at Helmer’s. 19 »str MI m June Miller returned to her ings at Peerless Clothing Co. home at Portland this morning after > a visit of a week here with her aunt. Pythian Sisters Here- Fourteen ladles were signed up Mrs. George Seebach. Thursday by the visiting Pythian Sis Another shipment of good Idno- , letini arrived this week Holman’s ters from .Medford for the formation Furniture Store. 18 of an auxiliary of the Knights of Cecil Horrocks returned yesterday Pythias lodge here About 35 came from Eugene wh«»r«» he spent several down from the neighboring city and | weeks. He expects to remain at home held a meeting with the local ladles at the lodge rooms, It Is probable I for some time. , The same as 35 i>er cent discount If that the local lodge will be organ- ! you buy Lifetime aluminum with the ixed soon.' , free sauce pan at Cramer Bros 18 Mr anil Mr- 0 F .Miller, of Sac- All You Can Kat— For 35e at the Acme Cafe A real | ramento, spent last night visiting In working mans’ place to eat. Try our the city. being registered at the Jo- hot waffles. 30c. All experienced ■ sephine white help. T. Larsen and B. An . _ Flume ____ lumber at Borland Thomas and night tf Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. C4tf drews. Props. Open day Clayton L. Long, of the depart- I rnent of horticulture of O. A. C. was Concert amt I hun t»— Given by the W. O. W. team and ' in the city today giving a demonstra- band. Saturday night. Plenty of I tion of thinning of fruits. Special for Saturday, 2 H-quart room for everybody and good music by a six-piece orchestra ■ Wearever aluminum sauce pan for 81.15. Rogue River Hardware Co Office flowed For Few Itay Mr. and Mrs F. R. Lundin and Dr. Flanagan’s office family, of Salt latke, are .stopping in the city for a few days. They are closed for several days, while he Is in Portland attending a medical registered at the Oxford. 1 Buy 83.00 worth of kitchen ware convention ' and receive an aluminum sauce pan S«*w Exhibit— j free at Cramer Bros. 18 Will Fry, George (Riddle and Geo The finest records on the market, Cramer accompanied Ixiula Fai ken the Vocalion, made by the Aeolian company for sale only at Helmer’s, hagen, of the Marshall-Wells Hard ware company, to Medford Wednes "The Home of Good Furniture." 19 day for the showing of the com Don't forget to see the bargains In Aluminum, you will surely be pleas-' pany’s "road show,” an exhibit of ed with the prices. Friday and Sat stock samples, which Is being held In urday only. Holman's Furniture the Hotel Medford throughout the week. Store. 18 Mrs. L. IW. Turnbull and Mrs. Clara Turnbull arrived yesterday i from Tillamook and are visiting here with Mrs O. W Murray Mr. Turn bull is expected to arrive tomorrow and will continue with Mrs. Turnbull on a trip to California. Mrs. Clara Turnbull will remain here with Mrs. | Murray. T. M. STOTT Closing out one pattern ot white dinnerware While they last 10c a Agent piece. Holman'a Furniture Store. 18 Free—Saturday only. No. 30 Life time aluminum sauce pan. with 33 Grants Pass, Oregon purchase of aluminum ware at Cra mer Bros. New York Life Here’s a Man who can aim at two different marks and make a bnlls-eyc in lM»th fa»«*. He is BILL If A HT. “O'MALLY OF THE MOISTED STAIITS HINDAY MATINEE RIVOLI Organdie Dresses Tony Togs for Tiny Tots rnrs. nenie Peas W« do IlNnaUtchlng * Special Summer Suit Offer Coat iuv«l Trtmaers tailored to your imwaure from I h —I quality Iler- muda «Unh for $17.50 At starting of the seaaoii these summer suits were ft’JA.tMI. your order <|ulck—the h«»i days will »<»>« bo Itere. Place Ciilhoiin m OO. oo;> O h TKKHT \ Big Reductions \ on All Goods 111 at Peerless Clothing Co. T Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all. grade», Lath, Shingles, boors. Windows, Walllxmrd, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FIX’ND RY AND WIST G GRANTS PANS. OREGON You Contribute to the ne.e|oj>iio-nt of the < onimunll) wlt<-n you bank with the Grants l*a»s A Josephine llank. It is a home tank 1 which »takes an cwrntwl lni«-re»t In the welfare of home |M»>ple. < liecklng termini* are Invited. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank C hants P ass . O regon Many Prw»|M*< for» In llill There are mor» prospector» in the hills this year than for a number of years past, according to 1. F. Peck who came In from the Chelco coun try in Curry county last night. Mr Peck stat«»« that there Is a great re newal of mining activity throughout the southern part of the state He returned thia morning to the Cbetco. U. <>. U. < ‘«mewl itn<1 Itati« Saturdav night. July 3, slick floor, electrically lighted and properly decorated Concert at 8. and dance at » 18 (MIMING KVKNTH July 3, Saturday—Farm Bureau celebration. Riverside psrk. This Saturday and all week until next Saturday, one full size cake of the new Klenzo Toilet Soap FREE with each purchase of a new, large, family size, 50 cent tube of Klenzo Dental Creme. KLENZO TOILET SOAP is pure, cleansing and soothing to the skin. Gives a thick, creamy lather and leaves the aromatic, deep woods scent of pines. KLENZO DENTAL CREME makes the teeth white and shining, the mouth clean, and leaves that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling. Giant, new, 50 cent tube contains enough Klenzo to brush your teeth‘twice a day for nearly four months. Most families use dental creme and soap fast. Why not save by getting several tubes and cakes now? You’ll have to get them soon enough. Remember the date. SATURDAY, JULY 2nd up to and including Saturday, July 9th. It’s a very big economy and people buy schrewdly these days. Better make sure ot yours. CLEMENS Sells Drugs The REXALL Store 9