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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
123639 PAG* THRI ITUDAY. JULY I, iiwi. M DM TILL A N EOI'M SELMA REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing, work, steam fitting, boiler The farmers In our vicinity pump work and Installing, very busy cutting hay. South «th street. Phon» 30«. G Mr. and Mrs. R. Frost and 511» spent Thursday at Gallee. A. Bryan Successor to E. Firth & Company BANKERS LIFE COMPANY- Des Mr». Ebb Hogue and Mrs. Berl Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. Hogue »pent Friday in Granta Pass District Agent. shopping, Ixruls Krauss, l-ester Parker and NOTICE The Grants Paas Agency of Singer ' Hewing Machin» Co. baa Earl Clayton left last week for Cres fur Women moved to K. G. Holman's furnltur» cent City where they will be em store, at 60S G street. Phone 50. ployed In Milk U»lc, Filme Hilfe, anil Milk, with fine Hite Tups. Our new 1921 "Singers” now on Mrs. John Herman and daughter. Him k and < 'onlovan the floor. Seo them. Your terms Kate, spent Monday in Grants Pass are oura. Ask about needles, oil. on business. 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.85 a Pair •tc. J. ' W. Scott, »ales manager Floyd Fick, who has been employ 87tf ed at Gallee for the past three A SPECIAL SHOWING O F MILK I'NDKHWKAR Josephine county. Ml*» I ALLY PRICED HEMSTITCHING -Also plain sewing months, arrived in our burg Friday, and children’s clothes Mrs where he will be engaged In driving Gotcber, 801 H St. 18 a lumber truck. Claire Mahan, of Waters Creek. OARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. - General foundry and machine Henry Sargent. work, mine and mill machinery, Harold Christy, of Klamath Falls chilled saw carriage wheels, live was a visitor in our vicinity last rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Paaa, week. He reports that the lumber Oregon. 91tf KOH MAL* R)H SALE Alfalfa hay, 2nd cut business of eastern Oregon is im ting. in field; one 8-h. p. gasoline SOUTHERN HOTEL— 2028. Sixth proving. WOOD FOB SALE Fir 12.25, pine ungine. Geo. A. Hamilton. 22 street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold A. V. Schmitt, who has been visit 12, on ground. 4 mile» west on up water. Phone 14-Jr Mr». E. D. ing his sister in Portland for the past See wheat FOR SALE- 12 acres of per river road. Posts and building Yenny, Prop. 28 week, returned home Friday. Mrs W E Beckwith, IK miles pole» Hively A Brlckell. General Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle and daughter. 1. 18 north of town on Rd. Delivery. <8tf I’HYHKTAN AND SURGEON ( : *-."*■»■7^ Jf| "A' Edna Goode, were in Grants Pass on WANTED L. O. CLEMENT. M. D.. Practice business Friday. FOR SAL»- >7 50 for cord of dry Frank York, of the Illi^pls valley, limited to diseases ot eye. ear.noee ■lab wood cut In 12lnch Js-ngtha, •nd throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. was a visitor of our burg Sunday and $44 North Third St. C. W. laim- Monday brecht. Phone 313-J. 92tf 8 laOUGHRIDGE. M. D Physician Frank Sargent was in Grants Pass and surgeon. City or country calls Monday on business. Al BALED HAY $18 50 per ton WANTED laborers to work at attended day or night Phonee. I*wb DeGenault, of Grants Paas. Peerless Ranch, Murphy, Or». J. Ree 26»; Office, 182; «th and H. Savage Rapids dam, apply to Mr. is visiting with A. V. Schmitt thia ». Daniils. 94tf Neilson on the work. Shattuck E. J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur week. 1 Itf. Construction Co. »0 AC1U0H—íOjacre» bottom under geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle and ton, Joe paid up water right for sale. rea. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. Goode, were Sunday visitors at the $6000. Address No. 202, care of W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Welter, Courier 9»tt ! raputlcs Office over Barnes' jew of Waters Creek. Elsie Herman called on Mrs. Ro 40-ACTLE relinquishment, barn. | elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:20-4. bert Frost Tuesday. house, other improvements, $400.' MOTOR TRUCK OWNERS -Would Mr and Mrs. Cooper and son. Al Inquire of H. H McClung. Won-1 like name and addrea» ot owner» | RALPH W. iTTOARNS. M. D. Phy- of dump truck», state age. make' alelan and surgeon, X-Ray equip- lie, of Kerby, visited Mrs Cooper's der. Ors. , 20 ment. Offlce In Masonic Temple imrents, Mr. and Mrs. Biggerstaff I and condition of equipment Ad-! Bldg . phone 21-L. FOR 8A1X 14 acre» oue-half mile Sunday. dress No. 208 care of Courier of-1 from Hugo «tatlon. 6 acre» under Mrs. Ebb Hogue and family called 19 W. T. TOMPKINS, D 8 T. Nervous cultivation, good 5-room bouse, i on Mrs. Hogue’s sister. Mrs. Mans- and chronic diseases. Office, Claus barn, chicken coop, brooder house. I FOIl HEXT field. Tuesday 8chmldt Bldg. Pbone 304-R. Incubators. Kreaky brooder, 90 Our auto camp Is a most inviting ben», good dairy cow. Prlred for FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly fur DKNTlSfM spot to the many tourists who travel nished cottage, strawberries and quick aale at $1850. Port terma if F1rst-c!a»s through our vicinity and it is very large garden. Would consider sale E. .C MACY, D. M. D. desired. Must ba aven to be ap surprising when one sees it without dentistry. 10» K S. 6th St. preciated Wm C. Moldt, Hugo, i of furniture. 616 Dimick St..' a camper. VETERINARY SURGEON Ore_______________ 2? PIANOS TO RUNT— Have a limited FOR SA IX Two residences and j number ot tine pianos tor rent. Ap DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian FERRYDALE Residence 83 8 Washington boule 4 2 *4 acres In Jerome Prairie, j ply early at Th» Mualc A Photo Hou»». 23 vard. phone 398-R. about six miles southwest of lister Briggs killed a coyote in Also fine oil paint- TYPEWRITERS TO RENT--Aiwaye Granta Paaa REAL ESTATE his barnyard one day the past week. Inga at place and at Oxford hotel. on hand Visible Remington type Mrs. E. Jones returned from Incubators, etc . for sale Call on writers. The Music A Photo House. E T, MCKINSTRY, 603 G St., phone Rogue River Sunday evening where 355-lt, real estate. Best of soils tor owner. Mr». Cora B. Findlay, or 22 she has been visiting a few days. fruit, bay or general farming. addresa Route 4, Box 81, Granta FOR RENT -Alfalfa. Grain and Mr. and Mrs. Kornbrodt were vis Pass. Ore. *21 Stock ranches with and without ROY HIGGINS—General real estate iting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dora Sun Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. day. IrrlgaUon, or will sell at bargain 160 ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, prices on long time easy payments. Mr. and Mrs. lister Briggs were ditches and valuable water rights; ATTORNEYS Ranches In Jackson and Josephine visiting Mrs. Briggs’ parents, Mr. aad 25 A. alfalfa, 10 A. wheat. 5 A. county. One ranch under ditch H. D. NORTON. Attorney-st-law Mrs. George Meek at Murphy Wed barley; fine garden, plenty of 3 mil«.» from Grants Pass, on river. Practices in all State and Federal nesday. fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. Courts First National Rank Bldg Gold Ray Realty Co., Owner». Mr and Mrs Elder, their son and saw pine, frame house. 2 barns. Medford, Ore. 06tf G. W. COLVIO. Xttorney-at-law daughter. Alvin and Katherine, of 14 mile to school, 4 miles to P. O, 24 miles from Grants Pass; good Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Brookings. Dama McKinstry. Velma LOST outrange. For sale at $80 per E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices Everton and Henry Coal, of Grants gentleman’s coat.j acre, crop Included Address No. IXiST Young In all courts. First National Bank Pass, were visiting at the Ford home brown, somewhere in Grants Pass. Wednesday evening. 205 care Courier. 08tf Building Finder please leave at Courier of Mrs. Alice Robertson returned FOR HA1X One Dodge car, price fice. 22' O 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law from Portland Friday where she had 8500, or $550 In payments In Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. been visiting for some time. Her quire of H. II MoCTung, Wonder. C. A. .-COLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma- grandaughter, Mrs. XV. J. Frie<L and Or<> 20 MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc •«ale '».mie. Grants Pass. Ore little daughter. Virginia, returned tor on piano; studio over Barne»' with her to make a visit here with F or saix Houses at 802, 816 and GIDO H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Jewelry. Phone 265-J. 832 North Seventh St , wells and referee in bankruptcy. Masonic friends and relatives. irrigation, barns. Bargains See MRS CLARA TUTTLE FENTON Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neely are Temple Phone 135-J 35 teacher of piano and harmony.! Mrs. W. H. Quaif. 832 N. 7th pleased with the arrival of a little son lawyer Tuesday p m. Studio over Smith's . JAMES T CHINNOCK. at their home, on June 29th. and E. 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles First National Rank Building Racket Store. 86tf C. and Mrs. Neely have the honor out on level road, house, garage, A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg of being grandparents now. out buildings, well, several thou IIUILDING CONTRACTORS Practice In all oourta. Mr. and Mrs. lister Briggs expect sand tiers wood timber. Bargain V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn to leave for Eugene Saturday morn- for quick sale. Inquire W. H. Quaif, HARPER A SON—Building contrac •tate aad federal courts. Office ing to spend the Fourth and visit call 83 2 N. 7th. 35 tor». Shop work, furniture crating. relatives. over National Drug Store. Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 142. 80- AC RE relinquishment, house, Miss Gladys Griffin and Colman barn, all fenced, fruit and garden. Cruse, with Eldon and Velma Ever A. J. GREEN — General contractor. Several hundred cords of wood. H. KRRBCT ton. Henry Coal and Audry Griffin, Estimates and plans made. Noth- H. McClung, Wonder, Ore. 20 ROTECTION of Grants Pass, visited the Josephine Ing too small or too large. Shop caves Sunday, they report having a FOR SALE- 1918 Ford touring. 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92tf very pleasant trip. omci Just overhauled. $250. J. A. i Covers Plttenger. end of N. 12th St. 19 J. NA LASKOWSKI — Contractor, Health Ufe Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R. MISSOURI FLAT Accident Disability FOR SAIX- Modern 8-rootn house, litt K. J. Kubll and son. Evan, motor RELIANCE LIFE one nere of ground, fruit, berries, ed to Grants Pass Tuesday. INSURANCE CO. fine garden. Call at 1119 East A DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER XV. 8.' Bailey, who has been visit OF PITTSBURG street. 39 Ing over in the Illinois valley, THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. THEO. P. ( RAMER. Jr. rived home Monday evening. FOR SALE Furnished 3-room resi Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone General Agent Ike Vincent anil family spent Sun- dence. Price 1600. Call at 212 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. 20It» N. nth St. IflT-R day at the Jim Cook home. Foundry St. 18 F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi Tom Roberts and family visited FOR SAIX Young Ixighorn roo anos, sates, furniture, moved, ship Mrs. V. A. Bailey Sunday. sters, 15c each, while Wiey last. ped, packed, stored. Phone 124 Y. Mr. and Mrs Eugene A. Carls af <’. Shaefers, Rd. 2. 18 ter spending their honeymoon trip TAX. north, returned last Monday. Mrs. --------a 40 ACRES deeded land, house, barn, New and Used Goods Paris going to Ashland to attend nor other buildings, grain, fine garden, «OONER TAXI — «ione 262-R for SEE ME mal and Mr. Caris to his work Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an several hundred cords of wood. Grants Pass. swered anywhere anytime 8htf . Sell cheap to pay debts, Inquire Homer York and Vernon Bailey of II. H. McClung. Wonder, Ore. 20 PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for 101 G STREBT are helping Bill York in the hay field. Taxi. 79tf PINE WOOD 12.75, large Hr, $3.15. Mrs. V. A. Bailey and son. Gail, ■ Order while it’s cheap and dry. Al who have been visiting Mrs. Bailey’s ACOOVNTANT THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON Teal, Granta Pass. 40 sister. Mrs. Fred Brockley, of Grants <X»A8T RAILROAD COMPANY Paes, returned home Friday. TWO EXTRA FINE Holstein dairy AUDITING — Svstematlzlng. See me Time Card about dally or monthly audit ser-. Cecil Roberts, who is attending cows for sale. Overlook Ranch. vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporât-1 normal school'at Ashland, spent the Merlin, Ore. 21 ■ ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad-1 Effective Nov. 24, 1919. week end at his home here. FOR SALE—Four weeks old White dreas. Cranta Pas», Ore. 70tf 1 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- Ethel Davidson visited Mrs. Bill leghorn cockerels, $1.50 per do«., days and Fridays I.eave Granta Pass 1 P.M York Sunday. NURSERY STOCK 10c each In lots of 50 or more. K. Bob Lindsay visited Ivan York P.M. Hammerbacher, Rd. 2, phone NURSERY—Everything In up to I Arrive Waters Creek...... „..2 I-eave Waters Creek ......... 2:30 Sunday. P M 606-F-23. 21 I date nursery stock, also directions Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 P.M. Ike Vincent and son. Buster, were For Information regarding freight Grants Pass visitors Saturday. 1 OVERLAND BUG, model 80, fpr for planting and soil culture. Call and paaaenger rates call at the office •ale. la Houiet, auto wrecking on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. of Mrs. Gladys Williams Is visiting the company, Lundhurg building, I her mother, Mrs. W. B. York. Grants Paaa, Oregon. 43tf or telephone 181 yard. 18 DOYLE’S Holeproof Hosiery Classified Advertising P Sjxonloiil Suit Look for the most Stylish. Snuggest Fining Bathing Suits on the Beach and you II find that they are "Saxonkni! Suits every time. Finest grade of Worsteds, real tailonng by skilled workers. Elastic Rib Stitch and pat ented Gusset fea tures make "Saxonknit" Bathing Suits in comparably super ior from every point of view. U tfr ’Saxonknit Elastic Bib Stitch BatAing Suit •TPiU The and many other xnpng* s'« (hown in Man's. Woman') and CMdran’s Safes Q If you're a real swimmer you 'll appreciate their extra comfort and wonderful wearing qualities, or if your first demand is for Stylish Distinction you'll be equally surprised with a ’Saxonknit The Dealers in your town are ready to show all the very latest creations'* at moderate price» Women's Suits U50 to $7 JO ,*ia i Suiti $3.50 to $5.50 Children’s Suits $2.50 to $4.50 If your Dealer cannot supply you. write us direct axon y Knitting Company, Statile.Wash. MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE c The Sign of I a Service I At First-class Garaged lEROLtNE and other Dealers We use CALOL FLUSHING OIL AND * 7EROLENE 1 1 BUYS FOR CASH OUR WORK Is specialized to our trade. It assures expert results in the cutting, correct fitting, beet of materials and finally in prices made lowest because of projHT facilities reducing la bor costs. Get our figures on your new top or the repairs. G. B. BERRY E. W. CHILES Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ixwve Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- Ijeave Roseburg 1 p. m. Grants Pass- Medford Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE HA OH OKI LEAVE GRANTS PASS IO:OO a . m. 1 :OO p. m. 4:IM> p. m. 0:15 p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD H:0O a- m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. We connect with stage» for Ashland and Jacksonville