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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
FRIDAY, JULY I. HWI. GRANTS r.Urfi DAILY OOU1UKH PAGH TWO NEW TODAY Pub. and Propr. ■ntared at poet office. Grants Pass. Ore., as second-class mail matter. A. E. Voorhies. ADVERTISING RATES ■Maplay space, per inch----- ---------25« Local-personal column, per line.... 10« Readers, per line—........ -........ 5c DAILY COURIER *y mall or «urlar, per year...... 34.Ù0 Bv mall or carrier, par month.. .50 M ITI! A WXH» REPUTATION SARATOGA ( HU'S PRLTZKU8 NIPPY CHEESE CRACKERS sWDWlt IIOI.I SANDWICH SPREAD UNDERWOOD’S DEVILED HAM Tll.l.WIOOK AND HI.I HILL CHEESE AND A COMPLETE LINK OF HIGH GRADE VANNED MEATS AND FISH STORE CLOSND ALL DAY MONDAY, JULY FOURTH MEMBF1R OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated preM is exclusively, «■titled to the use for republication •f all news dispatches credited to It •r all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub* Hehed herein. All rights of republication of spe- Mal dispatches herein are also re practiced. Whenever it has been served. shown that a man did not play square he has fallen into disapproval In the FRIDAY. JULY I. 1021. public eye. Few men, with a title in ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ view, will take a chance of having ♦ OREGON WEATHKR ♦ ♦ the public turn against them. A ♦ Tonight and Saturday, gener- ♦ champion is a favorite only as long ♦ 4 ally fair. as he plays the game squarely, To ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ morrow when the representatives of two of the most powerful nations on THE CHAMPION OF THE KING When Jack Dempsey and Georges earth answer the gong, it is to be Carpentier face each other in the hoped that they give all they have ring tomorrow, the people of two and more. One or the other will be continents will await with interest bailed as the premier fighter of the the outcome of the encounter. It is world, They should earn the right France pitted against the I United to bear the title by their own prow- States, not in a hostile manner, but ess and not by the fixing of a con- in a friendly way. in which the lovers test. of the sport in each country are ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ strong behind the representative of ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL their nation. In each case, the fight ♦ ♦ ♦ er represents the best in brawn and Merlin Services— Services will be conducted at Mer the science of the ring that has been produced in his respective country. lin by the Rev. C. M. Cline, who will preach at 3:30 Sunday afternoon. The interest exhibited of late years in boxing is not an interest that has Funeral Today— sprung up suddenly, but is one that The funeral of Conception Duerta, has been created by the love of clean a 19-year-old Mexican girl from the sportsmanship. Years ago the first road camp near Glendale, who died at boxing matches were of a brutal type, the Good Samaritan hospital June which could not possibly appeal to 29, only a few minutes after having arrived there, will be held in Hall's the sporting instinct. Years of care- chapel today, with interment in the ful supervision and regulation have Granite Hill cemetery. Services will made the sport as clean as is con- be conducted by Rev. C. M Cline. ceivable. Yet there are a few, as in any sport, who would prostitute their Coon to Direct Singing— Leland A. Coon, of the school of sport for a few dollars. It is true music of the University of Oregon, that the fixing of contests has been baa been engaged to direct the sing- “Will Wear Khaki Garments Khaki Gating Garment* that combine all the qualities re quired to meet with universal approval. Coats, Breeches, Skirts. Middies, Shirts, Hats, Caps and Ix*ggin->. Golden Rule Store NO RED HANDS NO BROKEN BUTTONS NO DAMAGED FASTENERS NO WRINGER. The Laun-dry-ette Swiftly whirls the clothes dry—the entire tubfull in one minute. Thi« wonderful washer is now on our display floor— come see it now—no obliga tion on your part. Grants Pass Electric Company 1AUN-DRY-ETTE Two Bargains “On the Counter” • 1 New Dort $1,000 1 New Dort $950 fl. N. PARSONS Make Friends with The Victrola Once in your home, the Victrola becomes the musical member of your family. Judged by the most exacting standards, it successfully fulfils its mission by bringing to you the world's best music exactly as in terpreted by the world’s greatest artists. Musicians recognize the Victrola’s pre-eminence and give it the final Stamp of their approval. No sub stitute can ever equal the Victrola and Victor Records. DRY 18-INCH PINE wood. 3-1 P«r tier. Houser Bros. Phone 326-Y. 19 FOR s U.K r - male calt 33.50. Inquire No. 307 Courier office 17 l.\l>Y 1>I'SI UK'S WORK by hour at 35c. Call at 7«9 South Sixth St. 19 ing tomorrow at the annual Farm Bureau picnic. Mr. Coon was engag DOLLED IT FORD for sale ISM model, self starter, demountable ed after an accident had happened to rims, bumper, large steering wheel, Dr. Poling which prevents his appear dash light, clock, shock absorbers ance here. He is at present engaged and in fine condition Inquire 405 in Chautauqua work in Ashland A K street. I' O Box ti 43 33 large crowd is expected to be present at the picnic, more having stated their intention of attending thia year Will*' \ I' 1MD 1 BTOS HAY for sale, 313 per ton In field at the IHm- than last, when over 500 were in at mlck ranch. • 33 tendance. The picnic will start at 10 in the morning and continue through FOR SALE A dairy ranch, one of the best in Rogue river valley. All out the day. The picnic dinner at stock and Implements go with noon will be the big event of the day. place. Address owner. J. B Noble. Hot OS l st I Heads Guilty to Assault— D. M. laingworthy came In town this morning from Murphy and plead NEW TODAY—Cmp supplica, lunch granite cup« and platea, ed guilty to assault and battery of John lawless He was assessed 35 camp »toten, dairy itali*, »ult cnara by Justice of the Peace Holman « ho and traveling lutgs. refrigerator», heard the case. The trouble is ■aid oil Move», I 17-Jewel Waltham walcli to have started over a dispute over ■JO-yeor case, go cart. Phone 71. T. irrigation water. C. Booth. Save Money— How Eskimos Trap Wolves. Purchase your new suit and fur- Wolves make deadly ravages among nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. the dogs and reindeer of Hie Eskimo. But the Eaklmo now captures wolves in lurge numbers by means of big hut Judge's Office Closed— The office of the county Judge will like traps made of ice. The front of be closed tomorrow and will not be the hut. which la of Ice. slides up and reopened until July 5. Judge and dowu. Inside the liut Is a Joint of raw meat. sus|>eiided by a piece of Mrs. Pollock leave tomorrow morn roi>e to the sliding front, and when a ing for Crescent City where they will wolf tears down the meat the front celebrate the Fourth. They will be drops Into place and he is caught. accompanied by Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. Charley Haynie, of Uni Park, Alexander Johnston Dies — Nebraska. Mrs. Haynie arrived here Alexander Johnston died thia Thursday for a visit with her sisters, morning at the Good Samaritan hos Mrs. Pollock and Mrs. Fry. pital at the age of 6«i years. He has been In the assay business in Grants Will Attend Meeting— Pass for the past 13 years and had C.A. Hoxie, district fire warden, been In the west a much longer tint« and Supervisor E. H. Maclianiels. of He Is survived by a sister, Mrs. So the Siskiyou forest, will leave tomor phia Bromley, of New York City, and row for Roseburg to attend a meet a brother, I> L. Johnston of this city, ing of the district wardens and forest with whom he had been tn partner supervisors of the western part of ship during his residence here. Ar the state. Fire prevention and meth rangements have not yet been made ods of cooperation between the state for the funeral services and federal officials for fire control will be discussed. BORN NEELY To Mr and Mrs. Frank G. Neely, June 29, at the 4lood Sa Lower Prices— maritan hospital, a 9-pound son On goods in every line for men at Peerless Clothing Co. 98tf ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMUSEMENTS Many Bids Will Be Made— ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ It is expected that a large number "Godleaa Men" Dependable inert handise at moderate prices. 208 North 6th Street GET YOUR LUMBER from the Joae- phlna Lumbar Co, at wholesale mill prices. All kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188, 10? North Sixth street. 03tt FOR SALE- Gas power concrete mix er, |50. 40-acre wood lot, 3 miles from Grants Pass, good road, price 310 per acre 7-room modern res idence for rent or sale Priced right, will be vacant about July 1. A. L. Edgerton, «85 N. 2nd St. 07tf of bids will be made for the contract for the construction of the caves .highway. A message this morning I from Portland states that 15 firms , have signified their intention of en- , tering bids, while there are still oth ers here who will seek the work. The bids will be opened next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in Portland. You may have read the powerful deep sea story. "Black Pawl,” by Ben Ames Wiliams which was published in the "Red Book" Magazine. If you did you know what to expect of "Godless Men." which will be shown at the Rivoli theater today and to morrow, because "Godless Men" is the film version of that story. If you didn't read it you'll have the pleas ure of seeing a soul-stirring story, the plot of which will be new to you. Set your expectations as high as pos sible. "Godless Men” will be sure to exceed them. Road Widening Progresses— The work of widening the Pacific > highway from the Jackson county line to the city limits is progressing j in good shape, says C. J. Seymour, i of the firm of Grieves and Seymour. , which has the contract for the work. Mr. Seymour states that they expect , to have the work done by July 15. I They will also enter a bld for the ; work on the highway to the caves. STANTON ROWELL, Propr. Grants Pass, Ore. Special Train WILL OPERATE Grants Pass to Ashland AND RETI RN July 4tl h Going Read Down 7: OA a. in. 7:89 a. m. : lo a. in. f. 7:88 a. m H:O7 a. m. H:9O a. m. N:8S a. m. H:40 a. tn. 0:OA a. tn. K< hedule l.v* GRANTS PASH Ai Rogue River Gold Hill Ray Gold Tolo Central Point MEDFORD Phoenix Talent Ar. ASHLAND 1. V. Returning Itemi 1 p 18:90 a. m. 19:00 M.’n. 11:34 i», tn. t. 11:81 11:99 11:14 11:01 IO:M 10:40 |>. nt. p. tn. p. tn. p. m. p. nt. i», tn. 1 tax-twill Go nn<l enjoy 1 ndependenro Day 1'elr Wrentllng Match. Dent ing. Big parade anti priMv,—Itami an<l It rework«. game. munie For further partlrnlara inquire of Agent«. Southern Pacific Lines J ohn m . hoott General l*a»»enger Agent FLOWER OF CLEMATIS is a Fine Family Flour-made from select Bluestem wheat grown in your county and milled in your town. You realize the advantages of keeping your dollars at home, hence we are sure that you will buy a local product in preference to any other if the quality and price are satisfactory. Regarding quality: Use as much of the sack as you want to give it a fair trial, then if you are not satis fied we will refund the full price. Price is $2.25 per sack delivered Call Phone 123 JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Steelheads Take Fly— The steelheads are beginning to j take a little interest now in the of ferings of the fishermen, according I to Bob Moser, who managed to catch one and hooked two others last night. I The one he caught weighed about 214 pounds. He was fishing at the mouth of the Applegate, using a Gov- lornor fly. Fishermen who plan spending the Fourth on the river can .probably catch some cutthroats in j the deeper holes on crawfish, pro vided the big fellows do not fall for the lure of the fly. lune Cloudy .Month— Eleven clear days, 10 partly cloudy i and nine cloudy, is the report of the weather conditions for Josephine county during June. The report was ; compiled at the county agent’s office, where daily readings are taken. Al though there were nine cloudy days, there was but .37 inch of rainfall, this coming from the 14th to 18th The greatest amount fell on the 15th when .24 Inch fell. The highest temperature was 94 degrees on June 23. the day previous having regfster- i ed 93 degrees. The lowest tempera ture for the month was recorded on I the night of June 11. when the tner- t cury fell to 43 degrees. The Music and Photo House 9 Pó? .HUR ft A. I I V FOURTH Of JUVfJ J T h RELCHFCRS FOKTUEj ” 9ÊST MÏW HOHiTCAH BOY] Mr. Happy Party has a cele- > brated appetite. He celebrates it from one Fourth of July till the next Independence Day. He purchases all of his meats here and the longer he deals with us the better satis fied lie is. Watch for Mr. Happy Party McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. USED CARS FORD ONE TON TRUCK. CHEVY, GOOD REPAIR. HWl HEYEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL AT A BARGAIN. It lllli DELIVERY JUST OVERHAULED. WE BUY, HELL AND TRADE. C L. HOBART COMPANY I