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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
♦ iMitrsity ut Ore Library 0 rants jJnss Oailn (Louricr r/ AHH4MÌATED PllENH MKRVICE GRANTS* FAMI, JOSEPHINE (X)UNTY, OREGON VOL XI., NO. IN« WHOLE NUMBER »»>"■ FRIDAY, JULY I, 1021. » AS CHIEF OF J AMWM-iated l’ree* DIapaU-lir». iloand by Round. Will Be Posted at the Courier Office <'Insili Jinlg,' Tell« Chun h Trustee« I Io "Go Tliou and l<mrn CliriMiaiiity” Sixty thousand fight fans are ex ro TEIJI in JERSEY CITY' ARK Portland. July 1.—(A. P.l—Clr- IXMXHNG <ONTHA<TOI< BEATEN <XJMMA\DEK EX BRENNEN HOPE pected to be In attendance when the CROWDED, WITH 20,000 EX* Icult Judge Gatons decided In favor of THAT DEMPSEY l-OKEN THE Bl THREE MEN WHO BOLI» gong In the big arena at Jersey City PF/TED .TODAY 1 l>r. A, A Morrison, rector of Trinity < "HAM PION SHIP UP MACHINE •alls the principals from their eor-i i Episcopal church In th* suit «gainst ners, the one to fight tor a cham-1 Jilm by the board of school truitees pionship, the other to defend one. of the Episcopal church for an sc-1 counting In the connection with th«] To this 60,000 will be added the sal« of land Io the board In 1908 ] hundreds of thousands who will de The laud was sold for 825,000 and] pend upon the telegraph and the dally i was to be used as th« site for a] IXiuip, Mop Machin,' Near TillaniiwA Theodore Roo*evrlt .Yaked to Present papers for their knowledge of the Dempsey Will Be Secluded in Private Uniform Change« Expected by Offi I school championship bout. The echo of the House Until Time to .Meet in the Wire From Oregon to Carpentier and Make Way With Man Tliouglit cers Who Became Used to Nani The crowd applauded when the gong at "Boyle's Thirty Arre»" ring Squared Circle Come* at Klngalde Munirmi, After ItoWwry Brown Helt» At hl le Ovi-rsisi» I Jud -o told the plaintiffs to "Go thou ing at 3 p. m. eastern daylight sav and learn Christianity.” ing time, will be heard on the Pa ■ clflc coast at ll a. m. through the' Eugene. July I.—-(A. P.)—After New York. July 1.—(A. P )— Ad Hy HARRY L. IKMIEHN Portland, July I.—(A. P.)—A agency of the transcontinental tele- l^'Kloll Ih-lcgMtaw I^MVe- ths Rev. Fr. William 8. Gilbert, a vance sale of seats for the fight have 1. N N Staff Correspondent. ! logging contractor named Renault. graph lines. J. James l.lum and J. J,. Plttenger already yielded 81,250,000, 1 Promo- WasliliiKton. July 1 I I N. S I . left last night tor Eugene where they ' said to be a Portlander, was badly Presbyterian minister and a former The Associated Press is furnishing ter Rickard announced today. The army chaplain, now commander of as ! beaten, and a man who was with him General John J Pershing today will represent the Grants Pass post to newspapers a special service on the I ’ total is expected to pass 81.500,000. sumed hl« new duties as head of all i of the American legion at the annual may be dead, as the result of a rob- the American Legion of Oregon, had! the military force« of th« United ] bery on the highway between Port- expressed the hope that Dempsey] fight, which will Include a 6C-word , The hotels are crowded with 5,000 convention Mrs. R. J. Bestul and | land and Tillamook before midnight. would get a "blamed good mauling round-by-round description of the I visitors registered, while 20,000 are Blate*. Mrs. J. L. Plttenger left at the same Renault Is in ■ hospital ten miles tomorrow." the state convention of battle. The Daily Courier has sub expected Jto arrive today. Aa chief of staff, succeeding Major ¡time for the auxiliary convention. scribed to this service and is expect-I General Peyton <’ March, whose ap ¡The ncnalon» started today and will ¡from Tillamook unable to tell his the Legion, meeting here, wired Car ing telegraphic dispatches beginning pentier, expressing its beat wishes for Manhasset, N. Y., July 1.—(A. P.) | companions' "name or fate. ” proaching retirement has been an ¡continue over Sunday. Officials believe the companion was his success in behalf of the 34,000 at about noon tomorrow. Returns' '—Only light exercise was prescribed nounced. General Pershing la lu will be posted as soon after receipt; for Carpentier today. Trainer Wil ¡murdered by three men In an auto-| Oregon service men command of the general staff, thei latke Will Be Filmed— as possible. A second wire was sent to Theo son ordered phonograph music, a mobile who held up Renault, steal war department peace-time organiza- j Two automobile« loaded with mov Facts of the big fight are as fol-! walk in the woods, and a long auto ing 82500 of payroll money which dore Iloosevelt Jr., the assistant «ec- lion, and a» head of the general ■ ing picture machine« and other equip-, Renault was taking to pay his men ! retary of the navy, who will be at lows: mobile ride. headquarter« organisation, author-! Principals—Jack Dempsey, of Salt | ment passed through here today. ■ The sheriffs are searching for the , the ringside, asking him to see that Is«<l by Secretary of War Weeks, he I Lake City, champion of the world, de- headed for Crater Ixike. where pic-j Atlantic City, July 1.—(A. P.)— will have charge of the work of re- ( turns of th« attraction will be taken ! missing man. Renault hit one high ¡Carpentier receive« the message. | fender. Georges Carpentier, of Lens,: Before sundown Dempsey will be se The contest for the next convention wayman and was clubbed over the eruitlng the reserve strength of th«- Francs. European heavyweight cham-1 cluded in a private residence in Jer The cars were from the Kiser studio army «nd building up the war mi- , In Portland and were being piloted i head and knocked out. Dr. Boals ] ta already alive. The Dalles, Baker, pion, challenger. have Klamath Falls and Marshfild sey City to remain until he faces and of Tillamook, found Renault chine which he will command If the Pl^ce—Rickard's Arena, Jersey] . Carpentier tomorrow. Every precau by Mr. Kiser and his son. In the I gave first aid. • been mentioned. United Stale« again gets Into war. City, N. J. party were Mr. and Mrs. Perkin Eat-] tion for rest and keeping the cham General Pershing la thus put tn a | on of Boston Mr. Eaton 1« a writer! Promoter—George L. "Tex” Rlck- pion from the eyes of the curious position of more authority than haa of much note and will probably getj I ard. thousands is being taken. •ver before been bestowed upon an «otne Inslpratlons from the lake. Mr | Time—3 p. m. Eastern daylight army officer In time of peace. While Kiser Intends to erect a studio at saving time. Saturday, July 2, 1921. Jersey City. July 1.—(A. P.)— nominally chief of staff, he will actu Crater !*akg and will capitalize the Arena opens—10 a. m The county grand jury refused to re ally be I he executive officer of the scenery of this part of the state, both Scheduled number of rounds—12. turn an indictment sought by the In secretary of war. Time of rounds-—Three minutes ternational Reform Bureau to stop In scenic films and In photoplays Major General James G. Harbord. • with one minute intermissions. i the championship bout tomorrow. aa asslHtant to General Pershing, Big Chinook <’«ngt»t—• Weight of gloves—-Eight ounces The contract for the paving of the The long heralded and anxiously will have charge of the routine work With the catching of a monster Atlantic City. July 1.—(A. P.)— | Grants Pass-Sexton mountain section ! each. of the General Staff and in reality Royal Chinook salmon, weighing 42 awaited offiolal opening of the ('ra ¡of the Pacific highway has been let Decision—None permitted under Battling .Kelson said he would not be ter lxike season took place today will fill the position which General pounds and a steelhead weighing 6*4 to A. D. Kerns, of Portland. The the New Jersey state ucxing law. the surprised If Dempsey wins in the March haa occupied for more than pounds, both In the Hogue river Wed with more snow in that region and world's heavyweight championship first roun(t the latest climatic opening for years. section to be paved lies immediately three year* _____________ nesday afternoon, the fishing season It will be a disappointment to many, north of the city, beginning at the can be won by Carpentier or retained • PORTLAND MARKETS It la the Intention of Secretary may be said to have begun, says the who contemplated going to the lake • city limits and extending north for by Dempsey by knockout of oppon] ent, or by foul of opponent. In case Cholce 9teers .......... |6 25 & 17.0» Weeks that General Parahlng shall Medford .Mall-Tribune. Ixical ang- . on the opening day, or shortly there 9.8 miles. Work must be started devote the greater |tart of hla lime lera are much interested in the two after. to learn that now autos can within 15 days after the signing of both boxers are on their feet at the Hogs prlme Hght __ |8 16 & 89.66 mounUJn iamb« 86.00 @ 86 50 and attention to the problem of pre catches, The «almon, which la the only travel within two miles of the the contract, which will take about close of the 12th round, unofficial lamba 86 00 @ Hit paring the ¡'tilled Slate« in time of largest i caught in the river in this lake and the remainder of the jour- a week. The first work to be under and personal decisions only can be pear« for war. section of Southern Oregon, was ner must be made by walking over; taken will be on the granite about a | made by newspaper critics and spec- Eggs buying price ™24c ta tors. Peter Toskln below the the snow. However this rather win-1 mile and a half out of town I HI« first task will be that of or- landed by Eggs, case counts ..24c ® 25c Probable gate receipts—>1.300,- Eggs, candled____ gsnlzJng the general headquarters, bridge at Bay Gold, with a spinner. try novelty will appeal to many tour-l Nearly 41 miles of roadwork ag ...26c @ 27c 000. x which, under present plane, will be It took him an hour and a half to ists and sight seers. Eggs, fancy selects ............. SO gregating 84 86,757 was awarded at Prices of tickets—From «5 to 850 eItra cubeg built u|> on the general lines of those land the big fish, which attracted _________ »1 The stages began their dally runs the meeting of the commission. Near Probable attendance*—60,000. ____ followed by Marshal Foch in the much attention in the city. Gaston I to the lake this morning, both from ly a fourth of this was in Josephine Boxers' purse — Approximately Portland, July 1.—(A. P.l—Live French army prior to the outbreak Domergue. the life insurance man ¡Medford and Klamath Falls, and at county. No further work is to be 3500,000. of hoatliltle« In 1914. On this sub and expert angler, has the distinction ¡stock, steady: eggs, lc higher; but advertised this year until the money I the hotels are a number of tourists Division of purse—Three-fifths of1 ject General Pershing has very defi of landing the 6%-pound steelbead waiting to go up in their own cars market is improved and better blds boxers' purse to Dempsey and two-] ter, firm. nite Idea« He saw. In 1917, how which beauty 1« said to be the larg The lodge hotel and the Anna Springs can be received on the state highway fifths to Carpentier regardless of GOLD FEAER RREAKN OUT the war department general staff was est and first of any considerable size camp are now open for the season bonds. The highway department has outcome of bout. IN MANATDBA OIL FIELDS disrupted when It became necessary ( caught so far this season in this sec ready to care for all comers. The the largest building program this The Pas, Man., July 1.—(A. P.)— statistics Physical of boxers: to take the cream of officer talent tion. The beauty was taken on a No. remainder of the hotel help to aid year that it has yet attempted, sev Gold fevef has temporarily displaced Dempsey Carpentier from that organisation in order to] 8 Governor fly in the river above the those who went up earlier tn the eral hundred miles having been plac Age excitement here incident to the rush 23 27 form a staff for overseas duty. He Bybee bridge. ed under contract. The state high Weight week, was taken up Thursday. to the oil fields, and prospectors are 198 172 i« determined that such a situation Manager Tengwald of the Crater way engineer has some 30 miles of height 6 ft. 1 in. 5 tt. 11*» in. leaving dally for the scene of the re shall not be brought about again if BETHWC1IK.M STEEL ANNOUNCES l.ake company with a corp« of assist proposed construction under advise reach ported rich mineral strike. 73 74 he can prevent it. WA j GK <n’T FOB EMPLOY»« ants has spent the week at the lodge ment. Reports of ore bodies rich in gold chest (N.) 42 41 The general believes the present getting things there In shape for the content having been uncovered come Chest (E.) 46 43%. system of training national guard Harrisburg, Pa., July 1.—(A. P.) opening. FIELDER IN ROWBOAT IS | Waist from several sections, but the richest 33 31 units is ail wrong. Under the pres —A wage reduction of 15 per cent Transportation Manager Hall be NEEDED IN FlUNIX» GAME Neck is reported at Elbow Lake in the 16% 16% ent «cheme regular army officers who by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation L « gan Wednesday to keep two auto Athapapuskow Lake mineral area Wrist 7% 7% do not "tit" in other Jobs are sent to become effective July 16. has trucks busy day and night, with a Han Francisco, July 1.—(A. P.) Bicepts and east of the famous Gordon Dyke, 14% 13% out as Instructor« to national guard been announced at the Steelton corp« of five drivers, hauling sup —Uncle Sam has paid more than Calf discovered last summer. Elbow 15% 16% organizations. They are given no plant. plies up to the lake, and will keep 3100 during the last three months ankle I*ake is about 200 miles northeast 9 8% particular instructions m to how this work up until all of the big for baseballs batted Into the waters second—Jack of The Pas. Dempseys' chief their work shall be carried on. and SEATTLE NCANDINAVIAN- amount of supplies which will be of ¿an Francisco bay by soldiers and Kearns. Mining men who have visited the AMKRK1AN HANK IN Cl X MEI» each man la free to do about aa he sea- prisoners playing at the United kept in reserve there during the second — Fran- spot havfc returned here with an ac Carpentier's chief pleas ph son hsve been hauled. States army disciplinary barracks on cols Descamps. count of a vein 60 feet wide wherein Seattle, July 1.—(A. P.)—The But the Pershing Innovation, which Alcatraz Island, near here, accord-1 free gold Is freely seen. Until it la is awaited with greatest expectancy, Scandinavian American Bank of Se ing to Colonel Osmun IjaUrobe. edu 10.000,000-1*01 ND GRANT TO MANA ’ LKl ’ RGHY PATIENTS strippd, they declare, however, It is •specially by officers who served attle was closed today following thei BRITISH MINERS IS PASSED possible only to approximate the THOUGHT CURED IN HAWAII cation and recreation chief for thq overseas, la the suggested modifica action of the board of directors. I ninth corps area of the army. value and tonnage. tion of the uniform regulations to Shrinkage of value« and an abnor To prevent loss of baseballs in the London, July 1.—(A. P.)—The Honolulu, T. H., July 1.—(A. include the Sam Brown belt. The mal decrease In deposits was given as P.)—Some of the patients released future, the colonel recently ordered house of commons today approved BRITAIN WASHES TO SEW, question of the Sam Brown belt first the cause. ARMY DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIPS on parole from the leprosy investiga the soldiers to erect a big wire mesh the Lloyd George plan for a grant of came up when the American forces barricade around the Alcatraz dia £10,000,000 to the coal miners in London. July 1.— (A. P.)—Dir tion station and hospital at Kallhi, wont overseas and the "harness" was pursuance of the strike settlement igible airships appear to be in little Honolulu, have failed to report at mond. authorized for use In the A. E. F. At The only section of the little program, to help to tide the men over demand here. A number of them regular Intervals, as they are re that time It was recommended by a rocky island on which baseball can during the process of wage reduction. that cost the British government a quired to do by the terms of their board of general officers for use In mint of money to build are now prac i parole, and the board of health of be played is so close to the water the United States, but the proposal tically going begging. the territory has issued an ultima that a good hit, ft is said, can bel was defeated hy the opposition, it 1« The air ministry announced tum that If this continues they will caught only by a fielder in a boat. ; said, of General March For a time recently the average of some time ago that it was prepared be brought back to the station and Being a full general, General Per to give up airships if they were not Washington. July 1.— (A. P.) — their permits to live at home cancel lost balls wts seven to a game. shing has the right to prescribe his taken over by private persons for own uniform, and It is alwnys notice The senate Investigation of the rail led. commercial purposes. It now states AA’hlle not a single patient out of I »unco Floor Decorated— able that since his retunr to America way situation has been suspended by that It has been decided that unless The dance floor for the open air he has always worn the Sam Brown Chairman Cummins of the Interstate the scores paroled from Kalihi has an offer that amounts to something belt, regardless of the fact that other commerce committee until August. been returned owing to recurrence dance tomorrow night at the old officers may not wear It In the Unit This was taken to Indicate that there of the disease, the authorities insist sugar factory site is being ptft in the • ¿Chicago. July 1.— (A. P.)—Nine is received before August 1, all its ed States. It Is expected that Just as would be no railway relief legisla on keeping a strict check on those best condition and decorations are ty-five per cent of the membership of airship activties will be discontinued. The airships, stations and material soon as he convenlenly can the gen tion during the present extra session. released. Board of health officers being put In place. Fir trees are be- the international brotherhood of will then be handed over to the dis firemen and oilers has voted against point out that, while the chaulmoo- ing placed all around the tennis eral will recommend to Secretary Weeks that the Sam Brown belt he seas officers who, despite two or gra oil traoatment, as administered court and seats are being provided. acceptance of the wage cut ordered posal« board to get rid of, a* the air adopted as part of the .American uni three years of practice, hare never here, has proved that leprosy can be Booths are also to be erected. Fourth by the United States railroad labor ministry, it is stated In the official form. General Harbord, too, is un quite got over the feeling that with checked, time alone can establish of July decorations will prevail. The board, on all roads today. Over 1500 report, "doee not feel Justified in out the Ham Brown they are "half whether a definite cur« has been W. O. W. jazz orchestra is all tuned union leaders are gatherd here to continuing expenditure on this ser der stood to favor the belt. vice.” evolved. up and some real music is promised, pass on the order Hence the joy among former over- undressed " PERNII I NG TAKEN UP HEAD OF MILITARY OF I*. H. DECENTRAUZATION CARPENTÌERDOlNG'LieHT1 WORK $2,500 PAÏBOLL M0HEÌ STOLEN VOIE AGAINST CUE