Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
GRANTS PASH DAILY OOIKIER Till 1CMDAY, JI NK HO. 11*21 DOYLE’S < I Successor to E. Firth & Company Holeproof Hosiery for Womrw In Milk IJele, Fibre Nllk, and *Wlk. «Iti» fine RII* Top«. Ilia< k und ( 'ordinali REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing, work, steam fitting, boiler pump work and installing. South 4th street. Phooe 306. G. A. Bryan HANKERS LIFE COMPANY Moinas, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. District Agent. NOTICE The Granta Paas Agency of Singer ’ Sewing Machine Co. ba* moved to E. G. Holman s furniture store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. Our new 1921 "Singers** now on the floor. See them. Your terms are ours, Ask about needlee, oil, etc. J. 1 W. Scott, sales manager 37tf Josephine county. HEMSTITCHING - Atoo plaiu sewing and children's clothes Goteher, 801 H St. 9 Classified Advertising KOH HALM 4 iCARNETt-GAYETTY IRON WORKS --General foundry and machine work, mine and mill machinery, chilled mw carriage wheels, live FOR BAI j E Gasoline buzz saw on rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass, wagon, twain harness and wagou. ] Oregon. 91 if See Tate at 302 West Rogue! River Ave 17 SOUTHERN HOTEL 20214 8. Sixth — street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold FOR SALE Four weeks old White | water Phone 14-J Mrs E. D. 1 «shorn cockerels. *1.50 per doz ,1 Yenny. Prop. 10c each In lots of 50 or more. K ; PIANO INHTKKTION llammcrbacher. Rd. 2, phone | 606-F-23. 211 MRS. JAMES M POWERS, Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barn«**' JELLY GLASSES. fruit Jars for sale Jewelry. Phone 265-J. Only used one season. Call 704 WOOD FOR SALE Fir »2 25. pins (2. on ground, 4 miles west on up per river road Posts and building poles Hlvely A Brickoil, General Delivery 68tf FOR BAJJC *7 50 for cord of dry slab wood cut In llinch le-ngths, 664 North Third St C. W. Lam-, brecht. Phone 313-J. 92tf Al BALED HAY (18.50 per ton.* Peerless Ranch, Murphy, Ore. J. K. Danllto. 94lf *7 ACRES -Opposite Homewood Farm, 6 miles south of Grants Paas, 25 acres cleared, good gar den In, plenty of fruit, furnished 5-room house with summer porch, for Mie at a sacrifice Terms Io suit. Address >. C. Morgan, Rd. 4, Grants Pau. 96tf D strset. or phone 303 a 17 MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON S . -------- !■---------- teacher of piano and harmony. MINT Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith's Racket Store. 1XWTT in southwest part of city, driver’s charge slip book Finder will confer favor by leaving It at Courier office, at the Cold Storage L. O. CLEMENT. M D, Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear.noe» or hand to '.Mr Hammond on the and throat. Pbpne 62; Ree. 289-J. ice wagon 17 WANTED 90 ACRE«- 40 acme bottom under paid up water right for sale. *6000 Address No. 302. care of Courier ’ 99tf 8 LOU G BRIDGE, M. U Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones. Rea 369. Office. 182; 6tb and H E. J. BILLICK. M. D. Physician, sur geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; WANTEIk Laborers to work at res. 1004 lsxwnrldge, phone 5 4-L. Savage Rapids dam. apply to Mr. 40-ACRE relinquishment, barn, W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Neilson on the work. Shattuck house, other Improvements. (400. raputics. Office over Barnes' Jew 1 Itf Construction Co. Inquire of H H. McClung, Won elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. ! der. Ore. 20 RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- FOR HALE 14 acres one-half mile al clan and surgeon. X-Ray equip- from Hugo station. 6 acres under ment. O ft Ice in Masonic Temple cultivation, good 5-room house, Bldg.. phone 31-L. WANTED — Young, good milk cow. barn, chicken coop, brooder houae. ^Jïnie tested in service Millions of miles of highwsys and city streets have proved Zvro- lene to be a lubricant of highest quality. This uniform quality la the result of an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubricants created by the combined resources, experience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. You gain an ad vantage in the use of this time-tested lubricant by following the recocnmendationa of our Board of Lubrication Engi neers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubi.cation Chart. Ask for a Chart for your car. 9 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CaUforaw> or each type of engine EltFE« T ROTATION OI.ICY V acation T rips f'wrr» Health Aiddent REL1ANCE LIFE ISSI RANCE CO. Disability OF PITTSBURG THEO. P. CRAMER. Jr. General Agent 204 >j N. «th St. 107-R BUYS fOR CASH New and I’sed Goods Just fresh. E. J. rtmith. Rd 4. W. T. TOMPKIN8, I). 8. T. Nervous Incubators. Kresky brooder, 90 SEE ME Jerome Prairie. 17 hens, good dairy cow. Priced for and chronic diseases. Office, Claus 8chmldt Blàg Phone 304-R. quick Mis at *1850 Part terms If ¡WANTED—Edgerman. Call at 107 desired. Must be seen to be ap-j IO1 G STREET North 6th Street. 16tf DENTISTS predated. Wm. C. Moldt. Hugo, Oro. 27 FOR RENT E. .C MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-clMS THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON dentistry. 109 >4 8. 6th 8t. FOR SAIJ-: Two residences and FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly fur-1 COAST RAILROAD COMPANY 42H acres in Jerome Prairie, VET ERIN till «I RGEON nished cottage, strawberries and Time Card about six miles southwest of large garden. Would oonalder aale DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian Granta Paaa. Alao tine oil paint of furniture. 616 Dimlck St , Residence 838 Washington boule ings at place and at Oxford hotel. Effective Nov. 24, 1919 vard. phone 398-R. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- PIANOS I'll RENT -Have a limited Incubators, etc., tor sale. Call on days and Fridays number of fine planoa for rent. Ap I owner. Mrs. Cora B. Findlay, or REAL ESTATE Leave Grants Pass............... 1 PM ply early at The Mualc A Photo address Route 4, Box 81, Granta ¡Arrive Waters Creek „.2 P.M. Houae. 33 E. T. McKINSTRY, 603 0 8t.. phone I-eave Water* Creek-------- 2:30 PM Pu«. Ore. 31 355-R. real estate. Best of soils for Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 PM 160 ACRES. 50 A. In cultivation, TYPEWRITERS TO RENT—Always fruit, bay or general farming. For information regarding freight on hand. Visible Remington type ditch«« and valuable water rights; and passenger rates call at the office writers. The Muelc A Photo House. ROY HIGGINS-General real estate of the company, Lundburg building, 25 A. alfalfa. 10 A. wheat, 5 A. Office ill South Sixth. Phone 89. or telephone 181 23 barley; fine garden, plenty of E. W. CHILES Í fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. FOR RENT—Alfalfa, Grain and saw pine, frame house. 2 barns. Stock ranches with and without % mile to school, 4 miles‘to IN O., irrigation, or will sell at bargain 24 miles from Granta Pass; good prices on long time easy payments.! outrange. For sale at *80 per Ranches in Jackson and Josephine' acre, crop included. Address No. county. One ranch under ditch i 205 care Courier. 08tf 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. I FV>R SALE—One Dodge car, price Medford. Ore. 06tf! *500, or *550 In payments In quire of II. 11. McClung. Wonder. Hi ll.1*1X0 CONTRACTORS Ore. 20 HARPER * SON—Building contrac Kilt SA 1JC Houaes at 802. 810 and tors. Shop work, furniture crating. . 83 2 North Seventh St . wells and Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 148. Irrigation, barns. Bargains. See 35 Mrs. W. H. Qualf. 832 N. 7th. A. J. GREEN—General contractor. Estimate« and plans made. Noth 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles ing too small or too large. Shop out on level road, house, garage, 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92<fl out buildings, well, several thou K e I sand tiers wood timber. Bargain J. NALASKOW8KI — Contractor,1 for quick sale. Inquire W. H. Qualf, Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R. I call 832 N. 7th. 35 61tf 80-ACRE relinquishment, house, I »RAVAGE AND TRANSFER barn, all fenced, fruit and garden. Several hundred cords of wood. H. THE WORLD MOVE8; so do we I H. McClung, Wonder, Ore. 20 Bunch Transfer Go. Office phone 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. FOR SALE 1918 Ford louring. Just overhauled. *300. J. A. F. G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi Plttenger, end of N. 12th St. 19 anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y FOR SALE- Modern 8-roont house, ono aero of ground, fruit, berries, TAX. fine garden. Call at 1119 East A street. 3 9 SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R tor Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an FOR SALE Furnished 3-room resl- swered anywhere anytime Mfitf dence. Price *600. Call at 212 PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for! 18 Foundry St. Taxi. 79tf roo- FOR SALE Young leghorn AIXXH'NTAMT stors, 15c each, while they last. 18 C. Shaefera. Rd. 2. AUDITING — Systematising. See me 40 ACREE deeded land, houke, barn, about dally or monthly audit ser other buildings, grain, fine garden, vice Ivan Livingston. Incorporat several hundred cords of wood. ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad Sell cheap to pay debts. Inquire dress. Granta Pass. Ore. 70tf of II. II. McClung. Wonder, Ore. 20 NURSERY’ STOCK PINE WOOD *275, large fir, |3.15. Order while it's cheap and dry. Al NURSERY—Everything In up to Teal, Grants Pass. 40 date nursery stock, also directions for planting and soil culture. Call TWO EXTRA FINE Holstein dairy on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. cows for sale. Overlook Ranch, Grants Pass. Oregon. 43tf Merlin, Ore. 21 Now’s the time to plan a visit back east to your old home town or an outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the mountains. BACK EAST NEW EASTHOUND Low Round Trip Tickets Through One-way Fares Through CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA are now on sale at Reduced Fare will be in effect June 10 and daily, thereafter Final return limit round trip tickets, three months from sale date not exceeding October 31st. Stop-overs permitted and choice of routes. On your back east trip, see Crater Lake. Lake Tahoe, Yosem ite, Sequoia National Park. Carriso Gorge—a grand and highly colored canyon seen from the car window—or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam. Week End and Season Excursion Tickets are now on Mie to: Tillamook County Beaches A particularly attractive trip across the Coast Range Moun tains. These beaches include Rockaway and Garibaldi Beach Resorts, Neah-Kan-Nle, Man zanita and Bayocean. Daily train leaves Portland Union Station 8:15 a. m. Special week-end train leaves Portland Union Station Satur- day 12:45 p. m. Electric train leaves Port- land, 4th and Stark Sts., 1:15 p. m., connecting with week end train at Hillsboro. No bag gage handled on electric train. Newport A delightful seashore resort on Yaquina Bay and the Pa cific Ocean. An ideal place for the family. Large natatorium and salt water baths—various forms of amusement. Daily Train Service "Oregon Outdoor«," our new Summer booklet, graphically descries the different resorts in Western Oregon, and includes hotel and camp information. Copy free on request. MOUNTAIN AND OTHER RESORTS J FISK TIRES Josephine County Caves— Ticket« now on Mie. Crater Istke (a lake in the extinct crater of a volcano)—Tick ets on sale July 1st. Colewtin—Ticket« now on «ale. Shasta Mountain ’ Resorts—Tickets on sale, dally, on and after June 10th. Yosemite National Park—Tickets on sale, daily, on and after June 10th. For particulars as,to passenger fares, routes, tsain schedules or sleeping car reservations, Inquire of any ticket agent of SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent by dealers give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history 30 X 3 $15.00 NON-SKID Reduction in all styles and sizes Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Grants Pass- Medford Stage DAILY ANI» SUNDAY PHONE SA OR 1«O We connect with A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product Leave Roseburg I p. m. Leave Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- LEAVE GRANTS PASS 1«:O0 1:04) 4:00 0:1« a. p. tv p. m m. m. m. LEAVE MEDFORD S:00 11:00 1:00 4:90 a- a. p. p. ni. m. m. m. for Ashland and Jacksonville NEW TODAY—lisp supplies, lunch t Imekete, granite cut« and plates, ramp stoves, dairy pails, suit cases and traveling bag«, refrigerators, oil stoves, 1 17-jewel Waltham watch 20-year case, go cart. Phone 71. T. C. Booth. SOLDBYDRtCGtSTSEVERYWttERE