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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1921)
GRANT« PASS DAILY COL RI KB PAGB TWO A. E. Voorhies, Pub. and Propr ■Btered at poetofflce. Grants Pass. Ore., as second-class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES ■Meplay space, per Inch................... 16c Ixoeal-personal column, per UBU—lwc Reeders, per Mae——-------------- PRY 16-dNCH PINK wood. »3 per Tourist Recome» Si< k tier. Houser Bros. Phone 326-Y Mr« Guy O. Hhuniate. of Yakima. Mrs. 1» Wash., was taken sick here yueter day and was taken to the hospital FOR SALE -Fine male calf. »3.50. w here It was found necessary to per whore Inquire No. 107 Courier office. 17 form an operation lor appendicitis i OVHRI.A-VD BUG, model 80. fol Mr. and Mr». Shumate were on their sale U Houlet, auto wrecking way »ay to tu 1 la» Aliarlos to the Elka con veution. Mr. Shumate ta atopplng at yard. 18 vention. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, 2nd cut the Josephine Bathing Suits and Caps We also have All-Wool Bathing Suits for little folks DAILY COURIER mall or carrier, per year......»6 00 mall or carrier, per month.. .»0 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, p«r year....__________ .82.00 Till llNDAY, -r KININEY 4THI AX ting. In field; one 8-h. p. gasoline No Mall D«*liv«'r4aw Monday— engine. Geo. A. Hamilton. 23 There will be no mall dollverlee H»R SALE 13 acres of wheat See Monday, the Fourth, the poatofflce Mrs. W. K. Beckwith, 1H mil»« employes being given a day off. The IS registry, stamp and general delivery north of town on Rd. 1. MOTOR TRUCK OWNERS—Would window will be open trout » to 1» 3o like name aud address of owners o'clock that morning, however. The of dump trucks, state age, make banka will close Saturday noon and will remain closed until Tuesday and condition of equipment. Ad dress No. 308 care of Courier of morning. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS THE HOME OF NUMBER IH COFFKM The Associated press Is exclusively AND ALL OTHER QUALITY GO4»DS •atitle<! to ths use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore- or all otherwise credited in this •aper and also the local news pub- • fice 1» ttehed herein. ah rights of republication of spe --------- ----------- 1X.1ST Young gentleman's c«>at. cial dispatches herein are also re KKW TODA T Mrs Knottlove, of Medford, spent brown, somewhere In Grants Pass. served ____________ ___ Wednesday in the city shopping. Finder please leave at Courier of GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose THl BSD AY, JUNE 30, 1021 Don’t forget to see the bargains in fice. 33 phine Lumber Co., at wholesale Aluminum, you will surely be pleas ♦ mill prices. AU kinds of planed ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Dublin, June 30. -(A. P.)—Ar ♦ ed with the prices. Friday and Sat lumber. Our truck delivers any OREGON WEATHER ♦ thur Griffith, the foundor of the Sinn urday only. Holman's Furniture where. Phone 188, 107 North ♦ 18 Sixth street 93tf Fein, and Professor John MacNeil), Fair, except probable rain in ♦ Store. ♦ the president of the Gaelic league, N. J. Drew, state road inspector, ♦ the northwest portion. Friday ♦ FOR SALE—Very nice bungalow at were released from the Mount Joy Salem, on is in the city today from 4 4 fair. 1026 lAwnridge Ave., 10 acre prison today. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 4 work connected with his departemnt. tyact, river front east 2 miles. 16- K. J. Khoerry. mining man of Ta CARD OF I'll INKS acre tract, river front, west one ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ kilma. ia stopping today at the Ox mile 14 acres, cleared and fenc e ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ ford. We dralre to express our sincere ed. Fruitdale. Acreage on Tenth ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ J. J McMillan, of Eureka, is a local thanks and appreciation to our street. If you want r. bargain see Chester Kubli, of Gold Hill, was a visitor today, while attending to Churchill. Phone 268-J. 06tf many friends for their sympathy and business. local visitor yesterday. floral decorations, also to thank Mr Mies A. Horning is spending the FOR SALE—Gas power concrete mix Dick Colwell and Mrs. Tate for ex Henry Egebcrg was in the city yesterday from Medford, stopping at day in the city visiting with friends, er, »50. 40-acre wood lot. 3 tulles tinguishing the fire from our beloved having come over from Medford last from Grants Pass, good road, price daughter and sister. the Grants Pass. 810 per act». 7-room modern res Flume lumber at Borland Thomas night. MR and MRS J. A DeVAI-L Mrs. C. F. Sherwood and daughter. Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf idence for rent or sale. Priced MR. and Mrs J. M . De VA Id Miss R. Sherwood, of Merced, were right, will be vacant about July 1. MISS ROSE DeVALL. Mrs. Frances Young and Miss Mar among the California tourists regis A. L. Edgerton. 665 N. 2nd St. 07tf MARTHA STRVENSI. garet Buck were in the city shopping tering at the Oxford last night. yesterday from Pleasant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gilbert were Chautauqua Man Here— local visitors last night while on Guy G. Emery, field representative their way north from Vallejo. for the Ellison-White Chautauqua George Barton went to Medford system, is in the city today making this morning to spend the day on arrangements for future attractions business. and lecture courses here. Mr. Emery Closing out one pattern of white will probably appear here himself as dinnerware. While they last 10c a the last attraction on the program piece. Holman's Furniture Store. 18 next year. He states that the Ash Wheeler Osborn has moved to land Chautauqua this year is espe- Grants Pass from the Applegate and . dally Interesting. He expects to will make his home In the city. * leave for his headquarters in Port- Joe Pardee returned to Medford ■ land either tonight or in the morning this morning after several days at the home of his parents, haring been, I Ill with bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Martin were guests at the Josephine last night! registering from Crescent City They left this morning for the north. Special for Saturday. 2 34 -quart Our Easy Pay Plan will help you own a Wear ever aluminum sauce pan for Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add Ford—eo and come as you please. A little $1.15. Rogue River Hardware Co. trouble« are most dangerous be- ! A. Letcher and family spent yes cause of their insidious attacks. payment each month that you wont miss terday afternoon and last night at Heed th« first warning they give ■ will soon pay for a Ford. The low up keep Deer Creek, Mr. Letcher trying his that they need attention by taking and small depreciation makes the Ford the Skill on the fish in that stream. He reports that fishing there is extreme ideal car to own. ly poor at present. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hoard have ar rived from Oakland, Cal., and will S I S visit here with Mrs. M. A. W’ertx, at The world’s standard remedy for these 207 West C street during the sum disorders, will often ward off these dis mer Mr. Hoard intends to put his eases and strengthen the body against AUTHORIZED FORD SALES time to the best advantage this sum further attacks. Three sixes, ail druggists. Geld Medal ea «Tarr Ua AND SERVICE mer by landing a number of steel heads. RIDE Ä FORD The 4th VICTIMS RESCUED Be Independent COLDMEDAL National Guard Return The Medford company of the Ore- gon National Guard, which haa bean in training at Camp la>wls tor the past few week», passed through here thia noon, a special train of three coaches carrying them home With the Medford company woa George M. liavls. of Mur'pby. who returned He alate« that the home today work thia year waa mostly range work and was not as hard as year. Will Wear Khaki Garments quired to meet with universal approval. Coate, Breeches, Skirt». Middies, Shirts, Hate. Caps and Leggins. Dependable merchandise at moderate price». You Contribute to liie oevelopment of the community wh«-n you bank with the Granta I’aaa. tk Josephine Bank. It is a home bank which taken an eanvwt internet in the welfare of home people. Che«-king Account» are invited. A ) The first GullH-snaen Player Iniilt I I yetara ago. la «till In active m W, Ice In n Chicago lumie. anil no vital part of It has w«»m out «»r proven <l«T«-<- llv IXJOK AT Ol li IXILF of bread and compare It with others Taate It and compare with others. Notice Its light* neea and wbiteneea and pur ity. Its freshneaa of flavor. Is it any wonder that our bread alone bolda our" customers and makes many new ones? Aak your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS White House Model. $700 Country Seat Model, 600 Surburtun Model, 495 <>ull>ran»m Players hohl se curely to réputation of being musically artistic, durable, easy to play and always ready to Play. LET I M SHOW YOU The Musk & Photo House Niant on Howell, Prop. BAKERY BOS G AtmM Snecial Train J WILL OPERATE Grants Pass to Ashland AND RETURN C. A. Winetrout Khaki Outing Garments that combine all the qualities re I July 4th A Going Read Down 7: Oft a. tn. 7:22 a. ni. 7:40 a. m. f. 7: Aft a. m. N:O7 a. nt. 8:80 a. nt. 8:3ft a. m. 14:441 a. m. 0:0ft n. m. Returning Beivi Ip 12:20 a. nt. 12:00 M.’n. 11:41 1». in. f. 11 : Al p. nt. 11:22 p. nt. 11:14 p. nt. 11:01 p. tn. IO:,Ml p. in. 10:40 p. m. Schedule Lv- GRANTS PASH Ai Rogue River field llill Ray «.old Tolo Central Point MEDFORD Phoenix Talent Ar. ASHLAND Lv. Go iuk I enjoy 1 o«l«'pen<letve Day Celebrations Baneball WrcMtling Match, Dancing. Illg |mrn«l«' anti I»rl/.«v» i - Baivi anti Firework». • game. mush' J For further particulars inquire of Agent«. Golden Rule 5tore Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass .O regon Special Sale of Aluminum Friday and Saturday Only 251 Reduction on ALUMINUM WARE Our lines are complete—do not wait until they are picked over but setect what you want early. See some of them in my window Holman’s Furniture Store Southern Pacific Lines J ohn .M. hoott General Ptumenger Agent McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. Shoes for the Family For Your 4th of July Outing You will need «»me new Khaki tlothe»—Imdien and Mens’ Breeches, ( oats, Shirts and IxsUdn». FORD ONE TON TRI < K. CHEVY, (KMill REPAIR. BEO HEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL AT A BARGAIN. FORI» DELIVERY JUST OVERHAULED. WE HUY. HELL AND TRADE. AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S C L HOBART COMPANY <