4 Uiüvsrsity of Ors. Library ^^^g^^Cujtrraity Quants ]Jass Dmln Courier AHIMM'tATED FREMH HKRV'ICE VOI.. XI., No. ima . GKANTH I'AHH, JOMKFHINB COUNTY, OREGON- «I.<HH> in «Mouriltc* Rond llouae for * I I I», IOO i U S M Per (ml ■■ I I | I I Illi I I «•■■■■■ I Wl I I — THURMDAY, JI NK SO. 1921 I II II II II III l| II I Illi J Wl VI IVlWfeVl IV ■ Only few Predict Champien Will Take Count, Internation al Reform Bureau Continues Attempt To Stop Bost Through Grand Jury And Governor STAND FEDERAL TRIAL I ENDWARSTATE Portland. Juns 30.-—(A P.) The Washington, June 30.—(A. P.)— TERMINATION OF WAR AGAINST highway commission today awarded! Tbs appointment of. former President GERMANY NOW LEFT TO 81.500,000 In highway bonds to A j William Howard Taft as chief justice THE RENATE M. Wright and Associates, who will of the United States was announced pay 81.506,100 for them and will re at the White House today, He «rill ceive 5 per cent Interest succeed the late Edward Douglas New York, June 30.—(A. P.) — tool ring which was installed in me White, whom he aa president ap- Owing to ths condition of the uoud market, the commission will dispose Dempsey ruled a favorite among 165 Jersey City arena today. pointed to the office. of no more bonds for some time ex-i sportsmen out of 225 Interviewed to- cept where necessary to fulfill prom-! day Fifty-eight predicted that the New York. June 36.—(A. P> — KERRY'S FATHER WILL FILE The <'«mxiilnr I'orim, W hit II lias lin n Permanent Tariff BUI Introduced la lea to counties from which the com-!challenger would don the heavy- Five men were indicted today charg- PETITION FOR RITI EARI NG Busy Hinting I •«’flirtai Nomina House Will CoUert From I.H to ™ weight belt, while a scattering few, mission cannot be released ed with counterfeiting the Dempsey- tions, ila* W ork (or Naught 20 Per cent Wright declured that the outlook including a noted college track Carpentier fight tickets. Promoter Yakima, June 30.—(A. P.l—Elvle is poor for the 6 per cent bonds re trainer, said they expected that the Rickard made the complaint. Kerby's father, a Wapato rancher. ■ bout would be about even cently voted by several counties will have an attorney file a petition Ily FRANK E. MAHON. Washington. June 30.—(A. P.)— Mon declaring for Carpentier gen Jersey City, June 30.— (A. P.)— for a rehearing of the Kerby case > II N. H Staff Correspondent) erally declined to state out and out Prosecutor Garmen said today that with the Oregon supreme court, in, The house today adopted the confer (I. N. S » Berlin. June 30 IUM NT1AIIY U.lliJ MiAT that the Frenchman Is their favorite unless more facts could be presented an effort to avert the execution for! ence report on the reeolutlon termi American citizens will be Invited to nating the war with Germany and Their general opinion is that it the by the International Reform Bureau, the murder of Sheriff Taylor. honorary appoln tinenta as accept (A. P.)--The bout goes five rounds, Carpentier he would not recommend that the Tokio, June 30 Austria-Hungary. The resolution consuls In the smaller A merles n Japanese government Is about to en- will outbox the champion now goes to the senate. for the re grand jury block the championship cities If the big Industrial interest* negotlatlona with the Chi- malnder of the contest. ANGLO-JAPAN HBE TREATY' bout. don't sabotage this new uffsprlag 01 1er upon RENEWAL SAID UNLIKELY' nose government, says the Hochl. to Washington, June 30.—(A. P.)— The great majority professed to the g<>v<«rnm»ntal thrift movement concluds sn agreement (or the main lielleve that Dempsey's hitting power The president signed the army ap Trenton. June 30.— (A. P.) — -In a Word has gone out from the Wirth- London, June 30.—(A. P.)—The] propriation bill directing a reduction tenance of order In the boundary will bring the battle to a sudden close last effort to stop the fight Saturday, Erzberger government that govern districts of Korea and Manchuria if he can land Only a few predict Dr. Wilburn W Crafts, superinten foreign office stated that it was un of the regular army to 150.000 men mental expenaea must be cut to lb« The draft of the agreement has al ed that Carpentier would knock out dent of the International Reform likely that the cabinet would decide ’ by October 1. The president ad barest minimum Instead of satlafy- ready been handed to the Peking the champion, and these demanded Bureau, today wrote to Governor upon a renewal of the Anglo-Japan- j vised congress that legislation jnight ing the flock of off Ice-seekers who government and negotiations will be: long odds. Edwards demanding that he prevent ese treaty, as a newspaper reported! be necessary to relieve the govern were washed In on the Erzberger today. ment of the embarrassment of vio The fighters wtll meet opened soon. in an 18- the bout wave. Wllhelmstras«« plana Io put lating obligations to enlisted men The principal points ot the new lop- the political guillotine to work ngreeuient will be as follows: (1) i whose discharge will be necessary. ping off useless head« <>. A. <J. SEN IM CAVALRY UNIT Chinese authorities will be responsi New York and Chicago will In any 8TUDENTH TO THE PRESIDIO Washington. June 30.—(A. P.) — ble for controlling malcontent Ko case have regular consuls when the The average rate of duty in the ad But. reans In «’hlnese territory; (3) Jap-1 peace details are concluded Monterey. Cal.. June 30. — (A. P.) anese authorities are responsible ministration's permanent tariff bill with th» low value of the mark. Ger —Cavalry training is being given at introduced yesterday in the house for guarding against any disorder of; many will not bs able to appropriate the Presidio of Monterey here for will range between 18 and 20 per bandits In Korea; (3) the necessary millions to maintain Chinese six weeks this summer to 173 col cent, compared with the 18.55 per of smuggling arms and Portland, June 30. — tSpecial) — th» consulates In the smaller Inter hlbition The work most Important to this lege men from the Oregon Agricul supplies The route to be traveled through the part of the state, which was taken tural College, University of Arizona, cent in the Payne-Aldridge bill, ior cut«« to the extMUl that consular state of Oregon by the first trafnload up at Farmers Week at O A. C. this Texas State College of Agriculture Chairman Fordney declared today. service was developed before the wsr The Underwood average was 6 Hiato» Io OrKuiiiw— Pythian of settlers who are schedule«} to ar year, was the formation of the co and Mechanical Arts and the New- The group which proposes the K P.'a" rive from the Middle West on July per cent and the Dingley average Six carloads of “ Lady honorary consular posts believes that operative market council, according 26 H per cent. spent the day in the city stirring up 21st for an Inspection of the state's * to County Agent Roy Miller, who I Mexico military institute. a number of reliable Americans of Interest among the wives and moth agricultural resource«, was announc- German race may be found who sill with hie family returned last night » «mtnu tov in City— accept the posts an a matter of pres ers of members of the local lodge of ed by the Oregon Slate Chamber of from Corvallis. This council is com-, I >|tening Road to Mt. Reuben— Carl Pease, representing the Cas- the Knights of Pythias for the forma Commerce today. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey are in the posed of the master of the state tige The consular corps—which Thu visit cade Investment company, is spend tion of an auxiliary here city today from the Mt. Reuben coun for months has been busy making up The task of arranging an itinerary I grange, the president of the state ing the day here looking over the or the unofficial slates as to who will get 1ng ladles are members which would Include the represen ta farm bureau, the president of the try. where Mr. Bailey is interested in possibility of securing a contract for of the Pythian sisters' auxiliary mining. He is building a road into state farmers' union and the th» choice American posts, which are man- A meet- five districts of the state in the Urn- i hauling materials for the roadwork now much sought after— will fight Talisman lodge of .Medford, agers of the various cooperative the mine, a distance of three and a thia af- lte<l time allowed under the home- < north of town. The bids were to be ing wan called for 2 o'clock half miles. Two miles of the road marketing associattpns in the state. any movement which wtll cut down Pythias seekers' ticket, 21 days. was an ex-1 opened yesterday in Portland. At ternoon at the Knights of have been completed. The work is the number of appointments ceedtngiy difficult one. according to When any new cooperative selling present the Cascade company is haul The big Industrials are exerting rooms, all the ladle* Interested hav Secreturv Quayle, The matter has association wishes to organize, the | rather heavy being through rock in ing materials for the 15 miles of ing been Invited | many places, and entails the moving pressure to send business men to been under advisement since the land backers must first secure the highway work between Wolf Creek *p 'of much dirt. America Instead of professional dip- i settlement conference held in Port ; provai of the council. This will pre and Canyonville. loniats and consular officers Herr ' land June 7th. and every effort has vent any fly by night organizations Hugo Stlnnes has b«M»n working be-1 been made to route the party over from securing the confidence of the PORTLAND MARKETS hind the scenes to send Geheiniral: the s^tte in the most effective way. farmers, said Mr. Miller. It is ex Choice steers .......... 86.25 © <7.0» August Wledenfeld. an authority on according to Mr. Quayle. pected that the council will do much Hogs, prime light___ 88.75 © >».0» coul, finance and national economy, While the itinerary in general will toward the furthering of the market East mountain lambs..86.00 © 86.50 to Washington, The Industrials ex- be followed aa outlined, it was an- ing conditions in the state. Prime lambs________ 86.00 © 86-50 plain that, with the whole world Crops in the north of the state are nounced that it was subject to change Eggs, buying price ... ..—22«! © 24c German commerce, fighting against tn some instances, inasmuch aa the looking good. Mr. Miller stated. Eggs, case counts _ ...,24c © 25c Washington. June 30. — (A P.) — it Is more than ever necessary to routing of the party through a few. There will be a bumper apple crop. Washington. June 30. -A. P.)— Eggs, candled ______ —..26c © 27e Attorney General Daugherty an •end their l>est business brains, even dlatricta would be governed by the The berry market is low. however, A favorable report on the Norris Eggs, fancy selects .. __________ 29« that civil proceedings If the Industries themselves have to nounced number of settlers who make up the The Willamette valley is retting a bill to create a gov Butter, extra cubes _ __________ 81 charging a violation of the anti bear the expense. large amount of rain, the rain still party. ernment corporation to promote the trust law would be instituted today falling when he left. The itinerary follows: Portland. June 30.—(A. P.) — exportation of agricultural products, James Chinnock spent Wednesday at New York, against the Cement July 20. leave Omaha. 21—On was ordered today by the senate com Livestock steady: eggs and butter, attending to legal matters In .Med Manufacturers Protective Associa tario and Warm Springs Irrigation firm. Tim«« is Extended— mittee. tion. ford. returning here last night. Project. 22-Baker 24 34 —La Grande. Because of a number of unexpect - 25—Pendleton, 26-Rend. 27—-Ma- ed delays in the completion and fur draa 28--The Dalles, 29—Port- nishing of the new Carnegie build land, including ^storia. Tillamook ing. the term for closing the public and Salem library has extended from the one July 31-—Eugene, also Coos Bay week originally announced to tour for those desiring. August 1 •Rose weeks The library board, however, burg. 2—Medford and Ashland, ar now feels safe in setting Wednes riving there for dinner and the even day, July 6. for the formal opening. ing. 3—'Klamath Falls. 4—Crater In the afternoon of this date a re Reval. Esthonia. June 30.—(A. unrecognized Napoleon, but Is 'evolu- New York. June 30. — (A. P.) — a French youth named Gloria goes l*ake. 5—Bend, then to Omaha and ception will be given for children, p.) — According to recently inter«5ept- Uoniaing’ also." the credit of being the only opponent Kansas City. Veterans of numerous gory ring bat and in the evening one tor adults. ed correspondence from communist In connection with the sending who has stood over the challenger tles.. will face each other In the ring and listened to the toll of the ref No books will be issued until the fol officials in Moscow to communist abroad of the families of the "Octo Will Submit Bid*— lowing day. Many inquiries have agents abroad, advising them of the brists.” this latter goes on: "Will when Jack Dempsey defends hie eree. J. F. Britt, representative for the heavyweight title against the chal- Carpentier’s record, before the Warren Construction company of been made in regard to returning "inside situation" in Russia. South you klndlj; keep a detailed account of war, Is one of the most active credit Portland, left this morning for the books that have become due during America is looked upon as * final their arrivals and of their means? lenge of Georges Carpentier In the the time the library has been closed Jersey City ring. July 2. Through ed to a leading boxer. Service In north after 'a thorough investigation If these books are returned before haven of refuge by many of the lees Further, by a decision of the military hopeful bolshevik leaders in event department of the party. I vant you lite French army curtailed his box of the route ’ to be taken by the caves aevoral campaigns, both have won Saturday, July 9, no charges will be Russia becomes too hot for them. to vrlthdraw from the banks all the and lost contests In nearly every pos ing for tour years but since the ar highway. Mr. Britt states that his made. One of these letters, recently pub deposits at your disposal and put Both have won by mistice, with a heavyweight title company will submit bids for the sible manner lished in a Reval newspaper, the them in safe hands. Bring to Swit knockouts, on points and by fouls; bout his main consideration, George« work, the bids to be opened in Port Poslednle Novostl. advises one of the zerland one-third of the 'iron fund* both have lost on points and by has engaged in fewer glove contests land on July 5. He Is very enthusias Noli«-«' Is Require«!— Upon transfer of the ownership official’s friends, who now is appar and hand it to B............. The rest Jack Dempsey has fought 64 bat tic over the country around the caves knockouts, although Dempsey never has lost a decision on a foul aa did tles and 55 resulted in victories for and states that the highway will be by sale or otherwise of motor ve- ently in Germany, to "convert your 1 can be left in Germany for any event- ! ualities." Carpentier to Frank Klaus, when him. The champion has knocked one of the scenic attractions of the hide« the person in whose name the valuables into dollars as frequently The writer constantly refers to Manager Deacamps climbed Into the out 45 or almost three-fourths of west* The road is to be eight feet motor vehicle is registered and 11- as you can. or better still, into South the .ruling councils of the «bolsheviki I censed and the persbn to whom his opponents in six years American currency." « wide and will be about 10 miles in ring to save the Frenchman from fur of boxing, a remarkable record. Nine length. There will be 9.5,000 yards ¡ownership or possession passe« are, "The Octobrists," the letter adds. as "the Olympians." and remarks ther punishment. required by the state law to join in meaning by them those communists that "our Okympua is going the pace Carpentier, fighting since 1907, Is times he has won on point decisions of excavation work to be done. a notice of such transfer to the sec- who participated in the October, too fast.” the more grizzled veteran of the two. and his only victory on a foul was "From January,” he says, “the rotary of state, according to Attor- 1917. revolution, "are frequently Courier to Get Return«— In winning his way up from the han- over the ponderous Carl Morris. The champion has fought four The Courier has ordered returns ney General Van Winkle. In the sending their families abroad, Soon, situation in the council of the party .tamwelght ranks to the heavyweight class, Carpentier, who started boxing draw decisions, has lost on points by rounds on the 'Dempsey-Carpen case of a transfer through foreclosure It may be. I shall send my wife and In the Central committee has at 14, has engaged in 85 battles. In twice and has hit the canvas only tier fight Saturday and these will be of mortgage and the consent of the across to you, in which case try to coms to a point to the last degree. The result of these conflicts was the —• her •*— up ------- as """ beat ’’ you can 71 of these he emerged from the ring once to stay there for 10 seconds. posted in the window as they are mortgagor cannot be Obtained, the1 put Referring to the political situa- expulsion of Comrades Krylenko, the victor. Thirty-four times he won "Fireman'' Jim Flynn, In 1917, received. Much interest in the big ! attorney general hokls. the secre by knockouts, 33 times on point do achieved that startling feat but later bout Is being manifested in the city, tary of state may accept a certified tloa, this communist wrote: "Illiteh Boutch-Bourovletch, Du boy. Blumen cisIons and four times on fouls by the '’Pueblo Fireman" was knocked although there la very little betting, copy of the court proc«»edtngs by (meaning I«enine, that being, his thal and many others. Thl« was the out In iless than a minute by I>emp- owing to the odds required by Car which such transfer was effected as middle name by which he is popu last gesture of the gay party gods. opponents. The Frenchman has fought only sey when the latter was on his way pentier backers. It is expected that evidence in place of the written con larly known In -Russia) is weaken 'For a word sold against Illiteh, Kres five draws; has lost once on a foul to the championship. Dempsey also the returns will commence coming in sent of the person transferring own ing. Zinovieff has grown too fat. tinsky or Zinovieff. even not in pub Trotzky alone remains as of old the lic. ostracism la imminent.” I shortly after noon. and has been knocked out once To has fought two no-decislon bouts. I ership. WILL TRIM OFfltt-SfflS > Receive» Powition He Himself Gave Edward iMHigla» White, Whom He Succeeds * WHOLE NIMBJCR MIS.