Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
Tl I SUM. JI NK J". IWJI. GRANT* I’U* DAILY (M»l ill Kit PAGE FOL K PER52N/1L wo V fi LOCAL Mrs. Q. Soule has returned home' la.wer I Mews from a visit at Roseburg with her| On goods In every line tor men at Peerless Clothing Co. 98tf daughter. Mrs C. Coulter Flume lumber at Borland Thomas Lumber Co Phone 187-J. G4tf Buys Dodge ll<M»«lw<<T— It II Green Is the latest owner of Mrs E C. Phillipa and Miss Doro a LVodge Brothers roadster, having thy De Nike, of Foots Creek, were purchased the machine Saturday in the city yesterday and today. from V \ Llnch Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Irvona aud Charles Johnson are registered at Grants Pa»»-l rtweeut Cliy Stage— the Oxford from Takilma. AH kinds of heavy freight, ex J M Price of Holland. Is spend press. baggage and pasengsrs. Phone ing a short time in the city, stopping 85. lltf at the Oxford J R. Blumenauer, of Fort Steels, Baseball (.an«' Tonight— The Methodists will attempt to B. C., was a Grants Pass visitor yes terday and today night to stop the winning streak of 20 per cent discount on Wearever the Christian baseball team’. The Aluminum this week. Rogue River | Christians so far this season have Hardware Co. IT not lost a single game. E. E. Romig left today for Glen dale where he has mining properties. ill You Can Eat— For 35c at the Acme Caf« A reel Mr Romig has been at the Boswell working mans' place to eat. Try our during the past winter. hot wafflee, JOc All experienced A. G. Knapp and son are In the white help. T. Larsen and E An- Aluminum at city for a week. having come in from drew». Props Open day and night, tf Happy Camp last night. They hiked I a large part of the dtatanve. wlmtiing Is Burned—- Mr. and Mrs. James Brown are in Fire Warden C. A lloxle has just the city from Portland and will visit completed the burning off of 115 here for several weeks with rela acres of slashings south of town The tives. land Is that owned by Amos Smith. This Week N. E. label left today with John Mr. Hoxie states that no trouble was Apple for the Althouse country where encountered We have a limited number of 2 12 Quart he expects to lure some of the trout' Grants l*nas.< reaeent City Stag Lipped Sauce Pans, regular price $1.90. from the streams. Office stationery—Courier office. AU kinds of heavy freight, which will be sold for Among the Portland people regis- press. baggage and paaengers Phone t tered at the Josephine are H. C 85. .Jones. S. K. Robinson. W E. WIL W title • <<n Polite futre— kinson and M Stevens. C. . A. Wlble is again displaying a Mies Dorothy Fitchard. who has been visiting here for the past week star, which shows him to be a mem with Miss Dora Herman, left this ber of the Granta Pass police force Mr. Wlble returned the lust of the morning for her home at Salem _ The WINCHESTER Store tlHXt Before you build get figures on week from Merlin and for the your lumber, shingles, lath, doors few weeks will be connected and windows at Borland Thomas the police department. Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. S4tf Mrs. James Miller has arrived from Marrusl In Ian. Ingel Mrs. Ann Coamey of Granta P ääm . Honolulu and will spend the summer and J. W. Jury, of Loa Angeles, *ere at her orchard several miles down We have in stock at the lowest price« ever made in GRANTS PASS the river Mrs Miller has 12 acres married at lets Angeles, Saturday, June IS. and will make their home in Hickory Porvh Furniture, Rockers, Chairs Tattles and Swing«. j of bearing fruit. Mrs Jury spent the Gold Medal Camp Furniture. Tables, Chairs, Double and Single Merchant Printing—Courier office. ix>s Angeles Cota, Cotton Felt Mattresses and Camp Pa<U, Porch Shades, Re Willet Murray returned last night past year and a half In this city with her sister. Mrs. Louisa O'Neill frigerators. Oil Stoves and Oven«. Special on Simmons Cot Beds from Corvallis where he attended for the sleeping [torch and on all hammocks. college during the past winter Mr Save Money- Murray will rislt at his home here Purchase your new,suit and fur for several weeks. nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. Special for Saturday, 2 H-quart Wearever aluminum sauce pan for Will Start Canning Cltil 81.15. Rogue River Hardware Co Miss Ruth Griswold, home demon Misses Mildred Forest and Hazel stration agent. Is spending the day Strain are in the city for a short I time. Miss Forest is from I m » An at Winona starting a canning club i geles and Miss Strain is from Santa Iaist week she spent several days at Holland on dress form work Miss Cruz. Grisworld stales that a large number R. W. Clarke spent Sunday at Ga- of ladies were present at the meet lice visiting with Mrs. Clarke, who ings. has been spending the past two months there visiting with her You skill need »omc new Khaki Clothes—laidies anti Men»' Grants I’aae-t rewcent City Stage- daughter. Mrs Carman Page. Breeches, ( oats. Shirt» and Ijeggins. All kinds of heavy freight, ex Mrs. Louisa O’Neill returned last press. baggage and paaengers. Phone AT night from Portland w-here she spent 85. lltf a couple of weeks with her daugh ter. Mrs Bush, and her sister. Mrs California People Register— Harris. Many California people were reg Mr and Mrs C. A. Swope returned istered last night at the Josephine. Sunday from an automobile trip They were. Mr. and Mrs A A. COMING EVENTS through the northern part of the Schmidt of iLos Angeles, D. Sensational Redactions— M Hur July 2, Saturday—Farm Bureau On suits, shoes, hats and furnish state, stopping at Portland and Eu don of San Francisco, D. T Rentour celebration, Riverside park. They also spent some time of San Francisco. Mrs H ings at Peerless Clothing Co. 98tf gene Foley of on the MacKenzie river. Piedmont. Miss Vernon Padgett of Merchant Printers—Conner. Typewriting paper—Courier office Oakland. Mr and .Mrs R. T. Dodge Engraved cards—Courier office. Organdie Dresses Tony Togs for Tiny Tots rnrs. nellie Deas We du Hcu»Ul<hlng Special Summer Suit Offer Coat and Trousers tailored to ><mr measure from beat quality Ber muda <l<><li for $17.50 At Starting of the sraaWo those •iiniiiier suits were tUA.OO. your order quick—the hvt <lays will soon be here. wOO. < stri irr \ Big Reductions 20% Discount on All Goods at Peerless Clothing Co. $1.15 on Saturday Rogue River Hardware Co. What You Need Now Holman’s Furniture Store Shoes for the Family For Your 4th of July Outing 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S and daughter of Alameda and J. N. Koblke of San Francisco. DANCE! First Open-Air Dance of the Season Given by the W. O. W. Team and RIVOLI GOING TONIGHT A story oiagnifi<<-ntly alive and staged with linltellevable splendor. (( Paying the Piper” COMING TOMORROW On the Old Sugar Beet Factory Floor one-half mile east of Riverside Park near Pacific Highway. The floor will be especially prepared for the occasion, electric lighted and proper ly decorated. WHATS WORTH WHILE A Mr! king nt/rry of infatuo« 000*11 cifra vacant ¡ mum ion Music by W. 0. W. Jazz Orchestra WRITTEN BY A WOMAN, PLAYED IIY A WOMAN DIRECTED BY A WOMAN, AND PRODUCED BY A WOMAN. Dancing From 9:00 to 12:00 Tickets $1, war tax included (XIOIl PlfTt'REH GOOD MI STO THE RIVOLI POLICY ALWAYH Greatmt t lothing S*Jr— Now on at Peerless Clothing Ob Air Banc« to Be titven— The first open air dance of the season will be given Saturday night on the old beet sugar factory floor, one and a half miles east of River side park. The dance Is to be given by the Woodmen of the World team and band. The floor Is to be pre pared especially for the dance and will be electrically lighted and deco rated. The music will be furnished by the W. O. W. Jazz orchestra, The dance will begin at 9 and last until midnight. O jm ’ ii Acme Cafe— The home of good eats is now open day and night, lairsen & An drewg. diti Hith (ho financial with« <»f hiodurws, finii Mill I m < plesuMNl to have )<vu ron*ull in* fr«*rl) regarding r<>n<|i( iotLt. <’The (¿reataPaMM and J«»«o|»lthir llank U pru dent « h<dcv a** )<mr «|e|NMÌtary. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass .O regon Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupbonrd Doors, etc. ESTIMATES OX REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WEST G USED CARS FORD ONE TON TBl CK. CHEVY, GOOD REPAIR. RED SEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL AT 4 BARGAIN. FORD DELIVERY JI'HT OVEItHAI LED. WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE. C L. HOBART COMPANY McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Special Tomorrow Afternoon— Grants Pass Lodge No. 84, A. F. The people living along Lawnridge A A. M. will meet Tuesday afternoon avenue held what might be termed at 4:80. Work In the M. M Degree a "community burning bee" last In the evening. 19 night. A grass fire which had been started became a little too hot and Typewriting paper—Courier office the fire department was called out. After all the people were out, they I kept the dry grass burning to reduce I the fire menace and also get rid of the grasshoppers which had become a nuisance. The blaz.e appeared so bright at one time that it looked as I if the.whole north end of town might be in flames. Gram Is Burned— New York Life T. M. STOTT Eastern Star Tomorrow— A called meeting of Easte<n Star, Josephine chapter No. 28, will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock to hear the worthy matron's report from the grand chapter. GRANTS PAM, OREGON . Agent Grants Pass, Ore. Do You Know Sell Kellogg Ant I'antc El Vamiriro 'I'r Insect 2.V I’ow- R*‘<l Wing Insect Pou dor 1Oc CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Grants Pass, Oregon io ,. XU