Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
GltA.XTM PANS DAIM KM HIER Tl EMD A Y, .11 SE M, IM-JI. PAGE THREE AI < (H.XTAXT DOYLE’S Successor to E. Eirth & Company AUDITING HvaU-tiiatIzing. See me about dully or montbljr audit ser vice Ivan Livingston, Incorporat ed Accountant. Phone dress, (irania Paas, Ora.* I’llYSK IOi AND NI It« EOX Silk Underwear < 'niiil«>liH>, rorx'i cover», gowns, blooim-r«, <coiiMnalions anil |«»ttl< <>nu in crepe dr cliinr and wiwdv sallo». 1 <-ry largo u»»ort 1111-111 nt 98c to $7.95 L. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice limited to diseases of eye.«» and throat I'hone 62; Rea. 239-J. 8 LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night I'hon*-» Res 369. Office. 1(3; Sth and H. E. J. BILUCE. M. D. Physician, sur geon. Schallhorn lllk Phone R4-J; rea. 1004 l^wnridge. phone 54-L. W F. RUTHERFORD Manual th«- raputlcs Office over Barnes’ Jew- ■ elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. Classified Advertising FOR HAlAt ft J LITI W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- alelan and surgeon, X-Ray eq u Ip- ment. Off ice In Masonic Temple Bldg . phone 21-L. TOH SALE Modern 8-room house, one acre of ground, fruit, berries, W. T. TOMPKINS, D 8. T Nervous and chronic disease«. Office, Claus WOOD FOR BALE Hr »2.25. pine fine garden Gali attilli* East A Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. *2. on ground. 4 miles west on up street. 39 per river road. Posts and building DENTIN T8 poles. Hlvely A Bricked, General FOR SALE 75 O. A. C. While Leg- horn hens, 14 months old, Delivery. ««tf E, .C MACY. D. M. D. First-class gets them. Mrs. C. F. Estes. dentistry. 109'4 8- 6th St. 19 phone I’rovolt central. FOR 9A1-E *7 50 tor cord of dry VETERINARY HIllGEOX slab wood cut In 12lnch lu-ngthz. HMA1J. HOUSE, electric raiyt«. ««4 North Third St C. W. Lam- lights, water and large sleeping DR. It J. BESTUL, Veterinarian | brocht. Phone 313-J. 92tf porches, woodshed, chicken house You can’t beat a Camel, because you can’t beat the Residence 83 8 Washington boule and runway. Smail garden In. vard, phone 398-R. tobacco that goes into Camels. Al BALED HAY *18.50 per ton Ground 80^190, *825 cash Near Peerless Ranch, Murphy, Ore. J. NT ItSEItY HTOCK high school. Harry 8. Clapp. That’s why Camels ar# the choice of men who E. Daniils 94tf 15 Granta B um Electric Co. NURSERY—Everything In know and love fine tobacco. They know what makes 17 ACRES -Opposite Homewood F'xnt SAIzE Furnished 3-room resi date nursery stock, also directions Farm, 6 miles south of Grants Camels so smooth, so fragrant and mellow-mild. for planting and soil culture (lull dence. Price *600. Call at 212 Paas, 25 sores cleared, good gar on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street. 18 Foundry St. den In, plenty of trull, furnished They’ll tell you that the expert Camel blend of Granta Pass. Oregon. 5-room house with sumtnec porch, ’ H)R SA1J-! Young Leghorn roo- choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos makes a ciga MIM ELLA N KOIH for sale st a sacrifice. Terms to i stern, 15c each, while they last. rette smoke you can’t equal—no matter what you pay. 18 C. Shaefers, Rd 2. suit. Address J. C. Morgan, ltd REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing, 4, Grants Pass. 96tf work, steam fitting, boiler WANTED But it doesn’t take an expert to tell Camel quality pump work and installing. 90 ACRES 40 acres bottom under You ’ll spot it the very first puff. Try Camels yourself chickenz WANTED We want South 6th street. Phone 306. G •5 paid up water right for sale. Burkhalter's feed store. Heavy 51t A. Bryan. *6000. Address No 202, care of hens, 21c, light hens market price. Courier. »»tf Can use good block hogs and will BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—De» FOR SALE 14 acres one-half mile Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. come and butcher them, 26c cash District Agent. from Hugo station 6 acres under or for your eggs cultivation, good 5-room house, i NOTICE—The Grants Pass Ageftcy R. J REYNOLDS Tobacco C* 363. WiMtoa.Salaa». N. C. barn, chicken coop, brooder house., Sewing Machine Co. has of Singer Incubators. Kresky brooder, 90 moved to E. G. Holman'« furniture bens, good dairy cow. Priced for store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. quick sate at fl850 Part terms If' X Our new 1921 "Slngera" now on desired Must bo aeon to be ap the floor. See them. Your terms preciated Wm C. Moldt. Hugo. WANTED -da» borers lo work at are oura. Ask about needles, oil, | Savage Rapida dam, apply lo Mr. Ore. 27 etc. J. W. Scott, sales manager Neilson on the work. Shattuck FOR BALL Two residences and 87tf Josephine county. 11 tf Construction Co. 4 2*4 acres In Jerome Prairie, CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS about six miles southwest of I —General foundry and machine Grants Pass. Also fine oil paint-1 work, mine and mill machinery, Ings at place and at Oxford hotel. I chilled saw carriage wheels, live tn New York City alone from kid- Incubators, etc., for sale. Call on rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass. ney trouble last year. Don't allow owner, Mrs Cora B. Findlay, or roll HEXT Oregon. 91tf j yourself to become a victim by address Route 4. Box 81. Grants FOR LEASE OR RENT — Partly fur neglecting paina and aches. Guard Paas. Ore. 31 nished cottage, strawberries and! HEMSTITCHING—Also plain sewing against this trouble by talcing and children's clothes. Mrs. 160 ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, large garden Would consider sale 18 ditches and valuable water rights; of furniture 616 Dlmlck St.. | Gotcher, 801 H St. GOLD MEDAL 25 A. alfalfa. 10 A. wheat. 5 A. SOUTHERN HOTEL 202 W S. Sixth barley; flno garden, plenty of PIANOS TO RENT Have a limited street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold number of flno pianos for rent. Ap fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D. sj - xi ’ hs ply early at The Music & Photo| saw pine, frame bouse, 2 barns. 28 The world's standard remedy for kidney, Yonny, Prop. House. 23 V« mile to school, 4 miles to P. O., liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. PIANO IX.MTtt tTIO.X 24 miles from Grants Pass; good TYPEWRITERS TO RENT Always Holland’s national remedy since 1696. at *80 outrange. For sale on hand Visible Remington type-'MRS J AMES M POWERS. Instr.ic All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Gold Medal oa «»or? boa acre, crop Included Adores* writers. The Music A Photo House. | tor on plano; studio over Baric«' Look for Ike •nd n»mo occoet no imitation 205 care Courier. •Jewelry Phone 265-J. 33 Office stationery, all weights and FOR SALE Houses nt 802. 816 nnd FOR RENT Alfalfa. Grain and MRS. CLARA TITTLE FENTON 832 North Seventh St. yells and teacher of piano and harmony. grades of paper—Courier office Stock ranches with and without Irrigation, barns. Bargains See Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith's Irrigation, or will sell at bargain Mrs W. H Quali, 832 N. 7th. 35 86tf THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON prices on long time easy payments. | llacke^ Store. COAST RAILROAD COMPANY Ranches in Jackson and Josephine A PORTLAND business man owns A rrORNEYS Time Card county. One ranch under ditch three PLACER MINING LEASES 3 miles from Granta Pass, on river. H. D. NORTON, Attorueyat-la» (platinum and gold) of about one- Gold RaV Really Co., Owners. Effective Nov. 24, 1919 Prictlce» in al! State and Federai hair miles each and having over Medford, Ore. 06tf Ceurts First National Bank B.da Trains will run Mondays, Wed.ies- fifteen years to run. on the Tu- days and Fridays lameen llivor between Bear and WANTED- Two small show cases, q . W. COLV1G. Attorney-at-law. Leave Grants Pass.............. 1 P M Eagle Creeks. Slmilkaineon Dis- P.M state size and price. Address Box : Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Arrive Waters Creek..........2 trlct, B. C. The Canadian De- 27. Rd. 1. 15 E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Pra. tlces [Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M. P.M. Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 part ment of Minos Memoir No. 26, (H R WORK In all courts. First National Bank For information regarding freight says of this locality; These placer Is s|HH-lalige<l to our trade. It • . ,<>ST and passenger rates call at the office Building deposits contain platinum In rela as-ursw ex|>ert results in the of the company. Lundburg building, lx MT Boy's Coat. Finder please tively greater quantity than those cutting, correct fitting, best return fo Courier office. Reward. ¡ O 8. BLANCH ARq. Attorney-at-law. or telephone 131. of any other part of North Amer of materials and finally in Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. 15 ica.’’ Tho owner will sell these prices tuailc lowest because of __ 3.--------------------------------- NOTH E TO CONTRACTORS C. A. .»"DI.ER. Attorney-at-law. Ma- throe leases which have never ni il. ding < ox n: v toils proper facilities reducing la amie l -mple. GranL« Pass, Ore. been worked, for *4500.00 and 10 bor costs. proposals for constructing per cent royalty. Address Owner, HARPER * SON Building contrac- GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law the Sealed Get our figures on your new Oregon Caves National Forest tors Shop work, furniture crating. 700 Knott Street, Portland, Ore referee in bankruptcy. Masonic road project located within the Sis lop or the repairs. Shop 510 II St. Rea. phone 14 2. kiyou National Forest. State of Ore Temple. Phone 135-J. gon. 16 gon, County of Josephine, will bo re 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles( A. J. GREEN—General contractor. JAMES T CHINNOCK. Lawyer ceived by the District Engineer. Bu reau of Public Roads. U. S. Depart Estimates and plans made. Noth- out on level road, house, garage,; First National Bank Building of Agriculture, at 204 Postoffice out buildings, well, several thou-, Ing too small or too large. Shop A. C. HOUGH 1-awyer, Tuffs Bldg ment Building. Portland. Oregon, until 10 ■.t ,'tf sand tiers wood timber. Bargain 1 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. o'clock a. m. July 5, 1921. at* which Practice In all courts time and place they will be publicly for quick sale. Inquire W. H. Qualf, J. NALASKOWSKI Contractor. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In opened and road. The right Is re call 832 N. 7th. , 35 Builder and Jobber. Phone 2 46-R. state and federal courts, Office served to reject a>v end all bld- and none will Ise considered exco t those THOMPSON PLAYER piano, two «lit over National Drug Store. from contractors ascertained to be ex years old, cost $885 with i some perienced and responsible. Th» DRAYAGE IND TRANSFER RE XL EST ITE 125 of tho latest roles, 88-note, length of the project to be construct for a quick sale, *325 cash, in- THE WORLD MOVES; SO do we. E. T. mckinstry , üo 3 g st., phone ed or Improved is approximately 8.5 miles, and the principal Items of eludes piano set. lst class condl- Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 355-R. real estate. Best of soils for work are approximately as follows: tlon. Harry 8. Clapp, Grants 349; res. phones 285-R, 316-L. 30 acres of clearing. 95.000 cubic fruit, hay or general farming. 15 Pass Electric Co. . yards of excavation. 135 feet of tim F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi ROY HIGGINS -Goncral real estate. ber trestle. 2400 feet of culverts. 1 FOR SALE At u bargain, very de anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. 40-foot timber truss on concrete abut sirable residence, corner of l<awn- ments. The work embraced in this ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y rldge and Manzanita Avenue For contract shall be completed within 180 weather working days, following particulars Inquire 715 North 4th TA X. the execution of the contract by the St. or phone 379-Y. 15 Secretary of Agriculture. The Bureau SOONER TAXI —Phone 282-R of 1‘ublic Roads will furnish the suc Jitney Luke or Cutler ('alls FOR SALE— Little half ton Ford Belfast, June 28. -(A. P.)—(Mr cessful bidder for use in constructing 27, and may be examined after that ed upon return of plans and specifi • w»r»d anywhere, anytime truck in extra good condition, with James Craig. Ulster premier, an or improving this road available date It 204 Postoffice Building, Port cations. All proposals must be made good tires If taken at once. PHONE 180 The Botfbonniere for nounced that the Ulster cabinet had equipment at the prices and on the land. Oregon, and at the office of the on forms, and in accordance with in terms set forth in the proposal form Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass. Ore structions forming a part of the spe 1210. Call at 609 South Fourth Taxi. 79tf accepted Lloyd George's Invitation The contract form and the maps, gon. Plans and specifications will be cifications above referred to, and St., or phone 24241. 16 for a proposed conference between plans, specifications and estimate of furnished contractors who contem must be accompanied by a proposal bidding, upon deposit of a cer- ■_ guarantee 1n an amount at least representatives of Northern and quantities may be examined by re plate FOR SALE- 1918 Ford touring. equal to five (Jj (5) per cent cei of the to iu live sponsible contractors at the engi tiffed check for ten dollars, payable’ unjuat FOUND — Gold Ring. Owner call and Southern Ireland, and the British Just overhauled *300. J. A. neer’s camp on the project. Plans to the Secretary of Agriculture of the tal amount of the proposal. C. H. Identify Courier office. 15 cabinet. Plttenger, end of N. 12th St. 19 will be ready for distrlbutulon June United States. Check will be return- Purcell, District Engineer. oudht to know O T ___ I 0row tobacco 16799 DIED » G. B. BERRY i