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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
rt inday , ji \ e u*. unii. GltANTN I'ANi DAILY «XHR1EB PAGE TWO A. E. Voorhies, Pub and Propr. ■Stared at poatoffico, Granta Pass. Ore as second-class mail matter OBITUARY Paul Jones Middies Just what you need for outings and picnics ADVERTISING RATES Btaplay space, per inch....... .............25c Local-pergonal column, per Bne....l0e Readers, per line—.................. — Sr I Prices Right The fir-t GuIbnuiM* Play er built I I year* nit», 1» still in iw'tive service in a t Mcagu home, and no vital |Hirt of It has worn out or proven defec tive. DAILY COURIER Ry mail or carrier, per year...... *6.00 ■y mall or carrier, per month 50 r & WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year.......................... ,2.00 * Whitt House Model, 1700 Country Scat Model, 600 Surburban Model. 495 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press Is exclusively eatiUed to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It ! Gulbram>cn Player- hold se or all otherwise credited tn thia gaper and also the local news pub- - curely to reputation of being i their intention of working the claims NEW TODAY llahed herein. inu-luUly rtrtl-th , durable, <-.«»> All rights of republication of ape- Otherwise the claims will be thrown Io play and alway- ready to ■al dispatches herein are also re [ open to others who will develop GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose play. phine Lumber Co . at wholesale served = them. The new investor will not j mill prices. All kinds of planed LET VS SHOW VOI TUESDAY', JUNE 2N. 1921 take hold of a property upon which lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188, 107 North! he cannot secure a clear title, aa' The Musk i Photo House Sixth street. 92tf ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ claims which antedate his may be Stanton Rowell, Prop, ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ I brought up with probable lawsuits. FOR SALE—Vary nice bungalow at ♦ ♦ 1026 Iziwnrldgo Ave., 10 acre The only point not clear is the | Tonight and Wednesday, fair* ♦ tract, river front, east 2 miles, lo ♦ ♦ ♦ question as to the date wheu the acre tract, river front, west one i assessment work must be completed mile. 14 acres, cleared and fenc- THE I NWORKED MINING CLAIMS Some hold that it must be done by ed, Fruitdale Acreage on Tenth New and I mx ! UOuds A bill which may mean much to; August. Another contention is that street. If you want .- bargain see SI I Ml the mining industry of Southern more time is given. This phase is be- 1 Churchill. Phone 268-J. 06tf Oregon has been passed by the sen- ¡ns taken Up witH Washington in the FOR SALE—Gas power concrete mlx- ■401 <i HTltKKT ate. The bill provides that the re- hope of clearing the situation, a er, «50. 40-acre wood lot, 3 miles «uirement for assessment work on when the bUl becomes effective, from Grants Pass, good road, price *10 per acre 7-room modern res mining claims during the calendar as it undoubtedly will, the old claims Placer location blanks at the idence for rent or sale. Priced Courier office. year 1920 and up to July 1921 shall in the county, which have been left right, will I k / vacant about July 1. be suspended with a proviso that I idle for years, will either be de- A. L. Edgerton, 665 N. 2nd St. 07tf claimants of this benefit shall file veloped by the present holders, or notice of their desire to hold their will be open to investors who will de DRY 16-ANCH PINE wood. «3 per tier. Houser Bros. Phone 326-Y elaims under it, not later than Au velop them. 1» gust 1, and that hereafter the yearly RENO ROAD RACE W ILL CUVER FOR SALE—Male calf. *5 Address period for doing such work shall EA’ERY KIND OF HIGHWAY' P. O. Box 690. 15 date from July instead of January. This bill is interpreted by local housekeeping Reno, Nev., June 28.—(A. P.) — NICE OOOL light rooms for rent. No children. No. mining men as meaning that the Practically every kind of road found 656 North Sixth St. 16 government intends to clear the in the west will be covered by auto mobiles entered In the Thousand elate of all the mining claims which 40-ACRE relinquishment, barn, Mile Road Race which starts from house, other improvements. *400. have been held for years and no as- Reno tomorrow. About twenty cars Inquire of H. H. McClung. -Won aessent work done on them. In thia are expected to enter. der, Ore. 20 planning to Scores of people are county there are hundreds of claims, both placer and quartz, that are held attend the finish of the race which 49 ACRES deed«! laud, house, barn, other buildings, grain, fine garden, is scheduled for Reno July 1. A by people who never intend to de several hundred cords of wood. prixe of *1,000 goes to the winner. velop them. Under the new bill, the *750 to the second driver and *500 Sell cheap to pay debts. Inquire holders of such properties must state to the third. of H. H. McClung. Wonder, Ore. 20 J. M. Mutiny J M MeClay. of 225 Waal I street, died at 1 o'clock thia morning, the cause of death being typhoid fever. Mr. MeClay has been a resident of Grants Pass throughout most of his life. Hu was born In 189«. the son UMII, of Mr .1 u .1 III'» M X Mei 1 ’ I«.», la' . both of whom survive him. I lie — lease «' also a sister. Catherine MeClay and a brother, Charles MeClay, all ot this city. itev. O. J. lain will conduct the services tomorrow in the llall chapel at 2:30, itud Interment will take place in the Granite llill cemetery t'ommltuw Will vi<t't— The building committee, having In charge the planning of the auditor him, which Is to be built In connec tion with the county fair grounds, will meet at 7:30 tonight nt the Chamber of Commerce rooms. Hume Important matters are to be dis cussed. ERI I t T ItOTEt TION A’ ( nwer* BUYS FOR CASH Health \< < l.lrtll Ufe Disability RELIANCE LIFE INNI RANCE <X>, OF PITTUll RG E. W. CHILES STRIKE 1 Cigarette To »o a I In the doliolou* Burley tobaooo flavor. It’s Toasted PALACE HOTEL CAEE O|H-n under new nuuingmirnt. Meal- nt all hour* Lun« li t'uantrr In comic« <l<»n Tint). I» (RAMER In • General Agent 204 »» N. Hili Nt. LUC •• 107-R MULLIN & BISSIN6ER Proprietors Goodrichlire Price Reduction £ Ï Sweaters! Sweaters! Sweaters! More Sweaters, nearly $2900.00 worth, almost 300 gar ments, all the ifamous Bradley make. For Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Button an 1 Slip-over styles, all sizes anil colors, wonderful value»-, new fall stork just received in time for your vacation ti p. Sweater- GIRL WANTS PLACE to assist in house work or care $>r children Phone 282-R. 16 Bradley Golden Rule »Store REMEMBER to ask your grocer for Cal umet Baking Powder and be sure that you get it—the In dian head on theorange labeL Then forget about bake day failures. For you will never have any. Calumet always produces the sweet est and most palatable foods. And now remember, you always use less tlian of most other brands because it pos Each tire is specially designed for the ser vice it must deliver. Goodrich Fabrics, in the {vopular sizes, have established them selves as unusual values from the stand point of rt>ii economy. Silvertown Cords in their class have always held first place in the esteem of motorists, not only be cause of their symmetrical perfection of finish, but furthermore, by reason of their long life, complete dependability and sat isfactory performance. Your dealer will supply you at these fair prices: LOST—Fountain pen last Saturday, between G and N. 9th Streets. Finder please leave at Courier of fice or 1022 N. 9th. 16 SILVERTOWN CORDS PINE WOOD »2.75, large fir, ,3 15. Order while it’s cheap and dry Teal, Grants Pass. WANTED— or 2-horse power gas engine. Phone 33-J. A. J. Green. NEW TODAY—< nip -tippli«-., lunch ba-kcle. granite ru|>» and piatevi, camp «fovea, tlalry pali-, -uit cn-i-a and traveling l>ags. refrigeratora, oil «Imm, 1 17-jewel Waltluim natili UO-yenr cn.-e, go cari. Pitone 71. Booth. sesses greater leavening strength. Merchant Printing—Courier office. Calumet Columbia Muffin Recipe —4 cups sifted flow, «levellea- spoona Calumet Bakr g P wd> r, 1 tablespoon su gar, 1 teaspoon salt. 2 eggs, 2 cups of sweet milk. Then mix in the regular way. UX»K AT OI R LOAF of bread and compare It with others. Taste it and compare with others. Notice its light ness and whiteness and pur ity, its freshness of flavor. Is it any wonder that our bread alone holds our customers and makes many new ones? Ask your Grocer for Brésil baked by the SIZE An’i-Sfcid 30x3$ 32x31 32x4 33x4 32x4$ 33x4$ 34x4$ 33x5 35x5 $24-50 32.90 41-85 43-10 47.30 48.40 49.65 58.90 61.90 The anli-thid ¡afety tread Silvertown Cord Smooth 20% Lower Prices Safety Safety 30x3 312.00 30x3 13.45 30x3$ 16.00 BAKERY 508 G Street $2.55 2.90 J.55 3.70 4.50 4.65 4.75 5.55 5.80 Safety Safety Safety 32x3$ $20.25 32x4 26.90 J }x4 28.30 THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY adiro», Ohio Olding s Garage Distributors For Goodrich Tires t GRANTS PASS TUBES FABRIC TIRES The Goodrich price reduction which took effect May 2nd was without reservation. It included Silvertowns together with Good rich f abric tires and Goodrich Red and Grav inner tubes. Now Remember Always Use approved by U. S. Food Authorities, is the product of the largest, most modern and sanitary Baking Pow der Factories in ex-stence. Pn und can of Calumet contains full 16 os. Some baking powders come in ¡2 ox. instead of 16 ox. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it The name of Goodrich on a tire means just .one thing—quality. And that quality is always the highest that can be produced. NOTICE—-The undersigned will not be responsible for any bills con tracted for the Palace' hotel after this date. Mrs. M. A. Wood. June 28, 1921. 15 h'JI There is no waste. If a recipe calls for one egg—two cups of flour—half a cup of milk — that’s all you use. You never have to re-bake. Contains only such ingre dients as have been officially without reservation 80-ACRE relinquishment, hoitgo, barn, all fenced, fruit and garden. Several hundred cords of wood. 11. H. McClung. Wonder. Ore. 20 EOR SALE—One Dodge car, price *500, or *550 in payments. In quire of H. 11. McClung, Wonder, Ore. 20 WANTED—Young, good milk cow, just fresh. E. J. Smith, Rd. Jerome Prairie. Exclusive agent- in Grant* Pare, for applies to all sizes— *