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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1921)
Uaivsrsity of Or«, library (Twite JJnss Dailg Outkr r i 4HH(M!ATED I’llEHH HKKVK'K VOI«. XL, No. INA. GRANTS PAHM, JOHEI'HINK CXJUNTY. OREGON WHOLE NUMBER Mia. WILL BE BASED Compromise Draft of ll«-«oliitlon to Be In l’ri-«i<l<-tit's Hand« Be- J>uk Rathie and Elvie D. Kerby Must Hang for Marder of Sheriff Til Taylor for«« W««-k End Washington, June 28.—(A. P.) — NI W REPRESENTATIF EH WILI VICE CHANCELMHC DECLINI» TO Salem, June 28.—(A. P.)—Jack JUDGE MAURICE BERNON SAYS The compromise draft of the Knox- MEET FOR DISCI HHION OF j Rathie and Elvie D. Kerby must REQUEST DEFENSE OF TEX DEFENDANT CAN CAUSE NO Porter resolution to end the state ot sut iTKNt hang for their part in the murder of RICKARD FI RTH ER DELAY war with Germany and Austria was Sheriff Til Taylor of Umatilla coun agreed upon today by the republican ty, according to a decision today by conferees of the senate and house.) I the state supreme court, affirming It is planned to get the vote of the the sentence Imposed by Judge Gil house tomorrow, and ot the senate bert W. Phelps, of Pendleton, later in the week, so as to place the Nell Hart was hanged November 5 bill in the president’s hands before I Tlirollgliolil Twelfth Finirmi Rrwrrv«' S m > Meeting Not in Spirit of lU’voi» Reform lluriviu Official and Uve I of last year for the Taylor murder, Head of Common Pleas Court Be the week end recess. which occurred in a Jail break In Dlitriit, I nrmp|o)mrnt Im rensvo Rut Members Wb-li to Cut <'l«-rgy men Decide to IxMtk Up An lieves Faith in Supreme Being Pendleton July 25 of last year. Duo Io Strike« Red Ta|H’ other N ice Chancellor for Aid Is Only Guide ITALIAN VOIX ANO HURSTS Rathie and Kerby have 20 days in INTO VIOLENT Elit ITION which to file a petition for reappear Rome, June 28.— (A. P.)—The ing. If they fall to do this, they will San Francisco, June 28,—(A P.) volcano Btrombll, on the Island by Washington, June 28.— (A. Jersey City, June 28.— (A. P.)—I be resentenced. By DOROTHY HVSKE — Improvement In retail trade, con the same name, off the northern ! Representative Ansorge, of Vice Chancellor Stevenson today de- I. N. S. Staff Correspondent tinuation of activity In building coast of Italy has bunt Into activity J York, today Issued a statement as-! dined to act on the motion by the OFFICIAL END OF BRITISH Cleveland, Ohio, June 28.— (L X. Operations, and gradual liquidation The eruption began with a violent serting that the new republican mem-i International Reform Bureau for an I ‘ COAL STRIKE IS ANNOUNCED S.)—Here in the dingy little court- of the principal member banka of the explosion heard tar from the Island ,H,r* l*u’ house were dissatisfied, order directing Promoter Tex Rick-) room In the old courthouse on the * district wore outstanding feature» ot The people are fleeing to Sicily. \ wllh the progress made at the pres- ard to show cause, why he should I London. June 28.— (A. P.)—It public square Catherine Eva Kaber— the month of May In the Twelfth I ent speclal session, and disclosing not be restrained from staging the was officially announced that the charged with having hired assassins Federal Reserve District. lobO.Per-l Chicago, June 28— (A P.) -Free that lie and ten Others had Joined Dempsey-Carpentier bout here Satur-: coal strike has ended. Lloyd George to put her husband, Dan Kaber, “out rln, San Francisco Federal Iteaorvo selling by country holders caused a In a call for a conference tomorrow: day. will ask parliament for a £10,000,000 of the way"—will be placed on trial agent, declared in a report made sesere break In wheat, some sales ! night ot approximately 100 new re Stevenson, however, gave the bu subsidy to the mining industry. The before Common Pleas Judge Maurice public here today. , ■» much as nine cents a bushel un- publican members to discuss the sit reau representatives permission to miners will resume work Monday if Bernon. Many retailers, the statement said. d8r yesterday's finish The close was 5 uation. apply to another vice chancellor tor the subsidy is granted. With all the power of the best such an order, and Robert Watson, Ansorge said the meeting wan are reported by wholesalers, to be ff’“» «c I® 8’,c lower. criminal counsel available, the widow in a spirit of revolt, but that the the bureau official, and five clergy-' basing their price« to the consumer will make her fight to escape the members wanted to cut some red « men, who made the application, de upon repla< <-ment <««■<(« al wholesale 11 ft death chair penalty asked by the ¡tape and substitute action for delay. parted to look up another vice chan- I state. At any cost, however, Mrs. .•«hougbca7........... ... ......... cellor. taller« still delaying price readjust Kaber will shield her young daugh Cl»««’ Awarded Herbert Smith— Stevenson explained be was leav-| Bents In the hope of minimizing | ter, Marian McArdle—former Smith The case of Herbert Smith vs. A. ing the city today and could not hear losses on their Inventories bought at) college girl and actress—and try to S. Coutant and George Hamilton, re the argument. higher prices exonerate her from any complicity garding the disposition of the brick j Jersey City. June 28.—(A. P.) — in the crime. Hlrikna Influence launtber and cement now where the sugar It la Improbable that by July 1, Vice Chancellor John Foster later to- In an interview with an Interna “Shipment of lumber remained at Final arrangements have been factory was built, was awarded yes 1 day refused to stop the Dempsey- approximately the April figure, the the date for the opening of the Cra tional News Service correspondent. made for the Farm Bureau picnic terday to Herbert Smith, who will j Carpentier bout. eeasonal Increase normally to be ex-; ter 1-ake lodge, the snow drifts will next Saturday at Riverside park. A Judge Bernon said that he believed •’ tiM J™........‘•'■T'« •-»'ly c|.-,ir..d away not loose possession of the building program has been worked out which the Kaber trial will prove to be the materials I an Com plains of Road — but who will be allowed most strenuous and bitter struggle continuation of the shipping strike for cars to proceed to less than with Indefinite time during which to re- One of the farmers of the Apple will provide plenty of action. At that has been before the Cuyahoga and by high water in the Columbia in a mile of the crater's rim, in the move it. O. S Blanchard was at- gate section called at the Courier < 12:30 the picnic dinner will be serv courts in many years. and Willamette rivers, which caused estimation of H. H. Ixmg, superin ed and the program continued. The Mr. Smith. Office this morning to express his torney for Referring to the oeurt -decision the closing of many mills." the tend «nt. of Crater National Park, opinion of a portion of the road be coffee and lemonade will be served who la visiting Medford, after hav-> overruling defense counsel's motion etateinent said. free by the farm bureau. Mrs. Sam SOUTHERN IRISH PARLIAMENT tween Grants Pass and Murphy The Ing been at the park headquarter« for a continuance of the trial, argu "Six ot the principal copper minee since June 14. <JH X« U I 1 II » I NN Ml Mill RS I comment would not look well in Neas is the latest contributor to ing that it would require 60 days to of the district remain closed and th« I print. He states that the poor con list of prizes. In spite of the warning that has prepare the defense, Judge Bernon Dublin. June 28.— (A. P.)—The dition of about three miles of the I Following is the program ot April output of the other reporting) been Issued, parties are arriving at! Southern Irish parliament establish said: “All the delays in the case thus mines was 20 per cent less than in the lake from both the north and the ed by the home rule act opened here thoroughfare is driving trade from day: far have been due to the defendant. March. 1921, and 30 per cent below the Applegate and Williams districts south to visit the great scenic won today. Comparatively few members 10 a. m.—Community singing led For two years she evaded justice. the April, 1920, production. der. There are no hotel accommoda were present. The proceedings last to Medford, as the people will not| by Dr. D. V Poling. Then, when finally indicted, she vio Gold Ou <|>ut Gain« drive over it unless forced to do so. i 10:30 a. m.—Tug of war-—one tions at the lake at present, and au lated the "peace and dignity” of the Gold output of the reporting mines tomobiles are unable to proceed ed only 15 minutes There has been general complaint team from each community. Prize, state by attempting to dicker with was 50 per cent In excess of that of I more than a mile beyond Anna! about that portion of the road and it Fred Fritz, of the Boswell mine, is tour dezep doughnuts, donated by the courts—thus causing more delay. April last year. Excepting for the 8l,rln){ll ! spending a few days in the city on is hoped repairs may be made with Grants Pass Bakery. If granted this continuance the case out delay. month of March, 1921. gold produc- Manager Tengwald and the large business. 11a. m.—Relay peanut race, open; would get 'cold,' and I believe it tlon of mines and dredge reporting party of elnl,|oyeH wh() were grhed- to men and women. 1st prize. 3-lb.l hinders the administration of justice to this bank since December. 1920. u|pj lo ](Mavo for ¡he lodge yesterday; can of coffee, donated by Josephine! to allow murder cases to get cold.” has each month exceeded the pro- morning, have been unable to effect Since his term as judge of the Grocery; 2nd prize, 2 lbs. taffy, do duction for the corresponding month thvir departure until today, as Su-' common pleas court began in April, nated by Horning's Shack. of the previous *®*r , perlntendent Sparrow and his men! 1920, Judge Brenon has delivered 11:15 a. m. — ‘ Boys ’ pie eating con “Continuing strike conditions in1 were too busy at Important road) test. 1st prize, pair all leather shoes, three death chair sentences. In a re the marine and building trades pro- work to spare the teams to assist In! donated by Golden Rule; 2nd prize, cent case the judge was forced to do duced a slight Increase of unemploy-) transporting the party and their bag-i pocket knife, donated by Valley the work of thirteen men when Carl tnent during May. which la expected gage from Anna Spring Camp to the) Habig, pleading guilty to homicide Hardware Co. to be relieved by the approaching hotel. but charged with murder, unwilling Ix>s Angeles, June 28.— (A. P.) — to plans, a uniform flow of 18,000 harvest demands and the undertak 11:30 a. m.—Girls' cracker race, to trust the deliberation of a jury, The "world's greatest electrical pro second feet would pass through tur girls 12 to 16 years. 1st prize, purse entrusted his fate to Judge Bernon’s ing of extensive public works. BIDS OPENED TODAY FOR bines and thence through a power ject” is the phrase used by some en “Deposits of savings accounts, ORKGON HIGHWAY BONDS gineers in describing the plans of canal for 50 miles, to the mouth of donated by Doyle’s Dry Goods store; decision. Habig was sentenced to which have Increased steadily for the This would 2nd prize. »2 order on hat. donated die in the electric chair. “It was the Southern California Edison com the Little Colorado. district aa a whole since the spring Portland. June 28.—(A. P.)—The pany for Impounding the waters of give a net head of 800 feet and would by Clevenger’s Hat Shop. tremendously hard,” said the judge, of 1919, showed a fraction decrease state highway commission opened the Colorado river and developing generate 1,240,000 horsepower. 11:40 a. m — Ladies' wood saw- "but it was the only thing, consider of .4 per cent during May. blds for »1,500,000 In road bonds, hydro-electric power on a huge scale From the Little Colorado to Ka ing contest. 1st prize, 1 quart Ther- ing the evidence. There’s this—when “The dollar value of sales of 29 and highway and bridge work aggre for distribution over a wide area of nab creek, a net head of 700 feet mos bottle, donated by Rogue Rlver you have considered a thing from all reporting department stores in dif gating about »1,500.000. All sorts could 'be secured in 85 miles, which Hdwe.; 2nd prise, small bed room angles fairly and squarely, then the southwest. ferent cities of the district was but and sizes of Interest was proposed would generate 1,090,000 horse rug, donated by Helmer’s; 3rd prize, I make up your mind and stick to your Edwin O. Edgerton, special coun 4.1 per cent less than the figure re by bidders for bonds. 5 lbs black tea, donated by Gale’s decision. Never regret it for an in power. sel for the corporation and formerly ported for May, 1920, coniimred with In the 145-mile stretch between Groceteria. stant.” president of the California state rail a decrease of 9.1 per cent in April, (HIÑESE MISSION WILL IN- 12:00 noon—Fat men's race. 1st Kanab creek and the Arizona boun Asked what he considered the big stated the project road commission, VEHTIGATE TEA M IKK ETING j 1921, compared with April, 1920. dary line, at Diamond, a net head of prize, brick cheese. donated by City gest element influencing criminal Involve possibly ultimately would “Physical volume of sales is gen — 800 feet could be secured by the use Market; 2nd prize, 5-lb. can coffee. decisions. Judge Bernon said un- erally reported to be equal to or Peking. June 28.— (A. P.)—A »806,000.000, or twice as much as of two high dams. The river would donated by Kinney & Truax. swervlngly: “Belief in a Divine Be- Panama canal. was spent on the greater than that of May, 1920. Var mission has Just left for the United 12:10 -p. m.—String candy con- Ing. Regardless of creed, it is the deliver to switchboards about 1,240,- Applications for permission to im 000 additional horsepower, accord- test, open to all boys. 1st prixe. ious lines of wholesale trades report States in behalf of the Chinese Na final and last ray of hope that can declinos of 10 per cent to 4 2 per cent tional Tea Merchants association, to pound the waters of the river have Ing to Southern California Edison flashlight, donated by Cramer Bros.; always be depended upon. I do not In the dollar values of their sales Investigate methods of manufacture been accepted for tiling from the engineers. 2nd prize, 1 dozen doughnuts, do refer to the narrow, biased thing during May of this year compared and market conditions. The mission company by the federal power com- The fourth development would nated by Grants Pass Bakery. some people call religion, but the mission and the Arizona water com- cover the 120-mile stretch between with May, 1920, and declines rang may extend Its activités to Europe. 12:30 p. m.—'Picnic dinner, muaic broad generous, tolerant feeling that mission. It is expected similar appli Ing tietween 20 and 50 per cent in the Arizona boundary and the Cotton by Neilson's Orchestra. stands the supreme test in momenta the selling prices of the different rowings from the Federal Reserve cations will be filed with correspond wood valley. This would afford a 1:30 p. m.-—Community singing, ot blackest despair.” ing commissions in other southwest 500-foot head and deliver 780,000 led by Dr. Poling. commodities handled bank occurred. "A majority of the 174 wholesale "Bank clearings of the 20 princi ern states. PORTLAND MARKETS 1:45 p. m.—Address by Dr. Paul horsepower. Generations of a peak load of firms reporting state that retailers pal cities were 20 per cent less than It is contended that among the re V. Maris. director of extension. O. are now generally baaing their prices those of May 1920. This percentage 4.350,000 horse power and an an sults of the project, when complet A, C. Choice steers ..............»6.25 »7.00 to the consumer upon replacement Is loss than the percentage of de nual average load of 2,600,000 horse ed. would be: 2:10 p. m.—Address by Geo. A. Hogs, prime light ,8.75 »9 00 costs at wholesale. crease In combined wholesale and power from four developments pro Absolute flood control. Mansfield. president Oregon Farm East mountain lambs..»6.00 »6 50 “Notwithstanding complete cessa retail prices during the period, Indi jects along the rive.« will be possible, Provision for irrigation of 2,250.- Bureau Federation Prime lambs............ .....»6.00 »6.50 tion of building activity in San Fran cating that the volume of business it Is stated, if the stream flow is con 000 acres, of which 1,000,000 acres 2:40 p. m—Men’s swimming race. Eggs, buying price _____ 2( cisco during May on account of dis being done at this time Is even larg trolled by the first of the four—a would be above the canyons. 1st prize, flashlight, donated by Eggs. case counts ........ _24 agreements between employers and er than the volume n year ago. 500-foot dam planned for the head Three hundreds miles of the river Paul's Electric Store; 2nd prize. 3 Eggs. candled —__ 31 laborers, building operations tn the "Standing between the close of of Glen canyon, Arizona. would be made navigable. pairs silk socks, donated by Sample Eggs. fancy selects ............ district during May were but 8.4 per spring planting and the commence At that point, it is stated, the The area which could be served Store. Butter, extra cubes ______ cent less in number than those of the ment of early harvesting operations, main dam would create a lake almost with power includes the entire states 3:10 p. m.—«Boy's swimming race, record month of April, 1921. In the month of May witnessed little 200 miles long, extending backward of Arizona. Nevada and Utah, more 1st prize. bathing suit, donated by Portland. Ore., June 28.— (A. P.) I xir Angeles, Salt laiko City, Ogden change in the agricultural situation from the dam, up the nearly level than one-half of Colorado and New Peerless Clothing Store; 2nd prize, —Cattle, 25c lower; hosts, steady; and Sacramento the increase in value in this district. basin of the Colorado to the mouth Mexico, one-fifth of Idaho and Wyo pocket knife, donated by Valley sheep, weak; eggs and butter, steady. of permits compared with May 1920 "What promises to be the largest of the Fremont river. From this ming and three-quarters of Califor Hardware Co.; 3rd prize, tie. donat- was over 100 per cent. . wheat crop on record la maturing in point, the river descends in 400 miles nia, with possibly large areas in ed by C. H. Woodward. ATTORNEY GENERAL DURING "A decline of »15,265,000 or ap the Pacific northwest. Shearing of from 3300 feet above sea level to northern Mexico. 3:30 p. m.—Girls' swimming race. TERM OF ROOSEVEI/T, DIER proximately 10 per cent in the loans wool has been completed and live 500 feet above sea level, a fall of Power would be used for the elec 1st prize, georgette blouse, donat Baltimore, June 28.—(A. P.)— of banks and Investments of the 68 stock generally I4 moving to summer 2800 feet. To this 2800 feet of the trification of ateam railroads, as well ed by Mrs. Nellie Nena; 2nd prize, 4 Charles J. Bonaparte, attorney gen reporting memtier banks in the dis ranges. Flour milling continues at dam itself, giving a gross head of as for commercial, agricultural, min lbs. taffy, donated by Horning's; eral during the Roosevelt adminis trict during May, accompanied by a approximately 49 per cent of capa 3300 feet for power development. ing and municipal usee, thus saving 3rd prize. 2 lbs taffy, donated by tration, died at his country home decrease of »7,000,000 in their bor- city." At the Glen canyon dam, according 90,000,000 'barrels of fuel oil a year. Horning's. near here today. ft|U I/I0IT OHATrn MANY viol I uKAItK COLORABD BIVER WATERS TO DEVELOP iWORLDSLARGESTELECTRICALPROJECT