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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1921)
Vslverslty of Ore. Library AKM4M IATKD I'ltEMH HKKV'ICB U RAN TH PANH, JOHKPHINK (XHNTY, OREGON- VOL. XI., No. INI. HAT II ID AY, JUNE ¡W, IVil. DIVORCE SOIF I Th lex <w Altanupt Get-away With Ar ili lea Taken From Homo of Geo. Hnbln In t'nr of Ham linker 4 4 OF A. F. OF L. i Jock Hutchison, Western Champion and Ijaat Year's Runner-up Takes British < haiupiocshio St Andrews, June 25.—4 A. P.)— OPINION IH HANDED DOWN TO SENDS IJCTTEIIS TO DE VALERA Heard: Is being continued today |>EI EATS JollN L. LEW IS, Jack Hutchinson, of Chicago, won DAY BY JUDGE FRANK P. AND SIR JAMES CRAIG. I’L. for the person or persons who last the British open golf championship, LANGAN STER PREMIER night robbed the home of George , defeating Roger Wethered in the Sabin, on Lawnrldge avenue, and playoff of their tie. 150 to 159 attempted to make a getaway with' points for 36 holes. the stolen articles In the ear belong Jock Hutchison, western open golf Ing to Bam Baker. champion and runner-up with three Tb« car was left before the resl- other professionals to Edward Ray I donee of James TJum. with whom! last year In the National O?en at To Mr Baker vlaltcd last night. On KaJIroud Organizations, < 'laiined Declares Goternatret Ik-cjily An ledo, has been termed the Chick” Trial Was Held Marc h 20, 1020, for Eeal' V Money llal<w \dxl-ol 1» Help leaving the house to return home.1 Separation From Owen Moore ile xlou- That Appeal for I nion |x-»l« Sup|>«rtcr», Split« in to Donicetic ISnclopmcnt Work Evans of professionals, because his Mr Baker found that hla machine' Charging Desertion Not Made in Vain Goni|>cr's Favor Requiring New < »pil«I chances of success In national tour had been driven away. Seeing lights naments have been blighted so many on the cross street running from thej times despite the unanimous opinion I end of lotwnrldge to Sixth, ho made! Minden, Nevada, June 25.—(A. lxmdoti, June 25.—(A. P.)—Pre Of experts that he is a fine golfer. By W. II. ATKINS an Investigation, discovering the! Denver, Colo.. June 25.—(A. P. : J*,) —The Mary Pickford divorce, ob Samuel Gompers was today elected | mier Lloyd George has sent a letter Uany ' tlme8> Hutchison has set th« 1 N. S. Staff Correspondent machine to be hla own. without drlv-' president of the American Feders-1 to both Kamonn de Valera, the Irish ;allerleH agOg with wonderful tained from Owen Moore March 20, Washington, June 25 (1. N. S.)' er, but with the motor running — A boom to business will be Hasten Evidently the thelf had been in lion of labor, defeating John L. republican leader and to Sir James rOunds, only to run Into a slump in 1920, was sustained in an opinion ed by u decision of tho Federal Re tho car at the time It was first seen. Ixswls. the president of the United Craig, the premier of Ulster, de- one or two others and loae mj . | ead . handed down here today by District serve banks to cut rediscount rates. tar the light! were turned out before Mine Workers, 25,02 2 to 13.324. daring 'that the British government When he <rM)ted the Western Open Judge Frank P. Langan. The state Officials are firm in this opinion., Mr. Bakers arrival. In the back The miners' delegation Split their Is deeply anxious that George’s ap-,tlUe from Jameg Barnee last sum- attacked the divorce decree alleging Money will l>e mo: ■ readily available sent wore found two guns, two re- ' vote, giving Gompers 1,596 and peal for reconciliation in Ireland meri he barely squeezed through, polluslon. The divorce was attacked by At to borrowers at easier rates. vohers, two suitcases, some clothes.! Izewls 2,132. Lewis declined to vote shall not have been made in vain, getting Into trouble on the last three the 533 votes he held. * the letter appeals for a conference. | holes and taking 80, including 8 on torney General Leonard B. Fowler a basket of eggs, butter and fruit, a | Tho Federal lieservo Board has, Gompers' name was submitted Mary Pickford was the 16th and 6 on the home hole. of Nevada. reports from all districts showing ur-! camera, some quilts and a few smaB-i first and was greeted by a great ELEVEM DEFENDANTS granted her decree here March 20, Hutchison was born at the shrine or articles gent demand for new funds A great CONVICTED FOR BOBBERY of golf and learned the game on the 1920, by District Judge Frank P. At about the time the car was' demonstration. Lewis' name was amount of domestic development. also given an ovation. The railroad famous St Andrews links, Scotland, I^angan and. in a short time, mar work, requiring new capital Is re-; found. 10:30, Mr and Mrs Sabin ' organizations, w;hich had been claim Toledo. June 25.—(A. p.)— , : Ie',’i near his home. He came to Amer- ried Douglas Fairbanks in Los An returned to their home to discover ported to Governor llurdlng. ed by l^ewls supporters, split, the en of the 13 defendants in Toledo'sj ' lea 17 years ago. He attracted the geles. Cal. Moore. Fairbanks and With easier money market condi that the house had been thoroughly electrical workers and the railway 21,000,000 postotfice robbery were attention of William Carnegie, a Miss Pickford, who gave her name tions government fiscal authorities ransacked An opened refrigerator, carmen voting for Gompers. The I convicted by a Jury here today. nephew of the late financier. Carne- in the action as Gladys M. Moore, with tho contents strewn around, In communications to bankers have voted machinists and carpenters , gie placed the youthful Scot on a are motion picture stars. first attracted attention. A small alre*sod (he necessity of giving prior WOODROW WILSON APPEARS ; course at Cumberland Island, and room In which a number of guns solidly tor I/ewls. Testifying at the divorce trial, BEFORE CHIEF' JI STICK ity to American enterprise». Tho Fed later Jock, having displayed good Miss Pickford said she came to Ne- were kept, had been entered, and era! Reserve Board has acented dan lienver. June 25.— (A. P.) The golf was employed as professional for the Washington, June 25.—(A. P.) — j at the Allegheny Country Club, Pitts vada February 15, 1920, ger In the tendency of some bank two rifle» and a revolver taken. Fur announcement of Gompers* i reelec- benefit of her health. She charged ther Investigation revealed that en Woodrow Wilson appeared in per ing quarters to give heed to the de- trance to the house had been gained lion was greeted with chers from son in the chambers of Chief Justice1 burgh. After winning the Western Moore with desertion and cruelty. fliands of foreign enterprises the delegates, lasting several mln- Pennsylvania Open title five times Moore was not present at the hear by removing the glass from a base McCoy. of the District of Columbia and also the Pennsylvania Open From reports to tho board, offl- ment window Marks on other win- u tes. ing and did not contest, although on supreme court to be admitted to once, Hutchison went to Chicago as clals learn that many foreign con dows showed where a Jimmy had the day before he was served with practice. earns have shaped their affairs vitti been used In an effort to effect an Billh k« on Trip— professional at the Glen View Golf the summons in Douglas county, in a view to obtaining their financial entrance. A skeleton koy was found Club, where he still bolds forth. Dr. E J. Ullllck and family will EGAN LEADS VON ELM IN which Minden is located. Miss Pick- I 4uppont bon AutujJf^ bankers. leave In th« morning by automdbti«- ford testified she .did not know i la one of the doors. PORTLAND GOLF MEET FINALS Member ’banks of the Federal lie- Chief of Police Mclx»an was call-! for Portland and Seattle to be gone Moore was in Nevada at the time. lt iBE KITH LINES Ol T 2ÖTH Portland. June 25.—(A. ?.)-— h J servo system have been cautioned o<l at once and given the details of tor three or four days on a combined HOME RUN WITH WASHINGTON Following the divorce both left the that this foreign demand creates a the robbery. Many of the articles pleasure and business trip, They re- Chandler Egan, of the Waverly Club; state. situation which may be fraught with found In the Baker car were Identi t u med recentlv from an extended of Portland, was leading George Von Nearly one month later, on April >i’ew York. June 25.—(A. P.)— danger to Amorlcan Industrial and fied ns having been taken from the tour of California, the trip also in Elm. of Salt Lake City. 2 up at the^ 16, 1920, after Miss Pickford and I Babe Ruth’s 26th home run went! agricultural Interests unless bankers Sabin home Two shirts, slxe 1414,! eluding stops In Old Mexico. Yosem- conclusion of the first IS holes of; sailing away in the fifth inning of Fairbanks were married. Fowler fil sotnc of the larger southern carefully conserve surplus resources• bore laundry marks which could not. He and play in the finals of the North Pa- ! . the Yankee's game with Washington ed an action here asking that the for the benefit of American con- be Identified by the local steam laun California cities. decree be set aside "in the interests ciflc golf championship. | today with one man on a base. corns. dry. The name "Adrian Fisher"! of the state of Nevada." He charg- __________________________ ed Moore and Miss Pickford with The attitude of government fis- was marked inside each shirt. Two 23 KILLED WHEN LILLE-PARIS fraud and collusion,” declared cal officers, made plain in latest bui pair of breeches, of a size to fit a boy EM'IU SS TR.YIN DERAIL' Judge Langan had no Jurisdiction letlns to bankers, reflects a purpose! or small man were taken from the in the case, as both principals resid- to look out for "America first,” and machine and have not been claimed. Lille, France. June 23.—(A P.l'ed in Los Angeles, said the decree to avoid highly speculative ventures, A camera, a revolver, two quilts and ' —The Lille Paris express train was was “colorable," said the principals involving the tleing'up of American an auto robe are being held by the derailed this afternoon near Albert, held the Nevada court in "utter con- credit that should tie employed in police It 1s thought the robbers were with 23 reported kiled and 43 in- , tempt” and charged that the mar ■o-callod eeaentla'l Industries at riage of Miss Pickford and Fair- frightened Just as they were about! Next Sunday and Monday are im Bellingham. June 25.—(A. P.)—Hured home. portant days In celestial circles. Ac Jack Klelt, a halt breed Indian, stag- to make off with the machine. The, ------------------- banks was part of a "fraudulent plan Greater financial strength of the cording to Information given out by concocted by the defendants.” Moore, reserve banking system. officials food, quilts and stolen tire pump! various observatories throughout the ed a gun battle with deputy sheriffs MEXICAN Oil, CONCESSION LAW IN FOR READJUSTMENT he alleged, came to Douglas county said, reflects to a notable degree the would Indicate a trip was content-j country, on or »bout Monday. June in the Columbia valley near the Oa-| nadian border late yesterday Justj ■-----------------------solely to submit to service of the manner In which liquidation has plated. 27. the tail of the Pans-Winnecke after crossing the boundary line! Mexico City, June 25.—(A. p.)— summons. The attorney general's proceeded since inflation was at Its comet will come In contact with the with a sack of whiskey. A bystand The draft of a new law regulating action was predicated, he declared, Reports from Roseburg this after peak less than a year ago. Officials earth, and a meteoric display, such article 27 of the constitution rela- on the principle that the state re believe liquidation has reached near noon state that the shirts bearing as has seldom been witnessed en this er was wounded. Kielt escaped. live to oil concessions, was submitted ,0rves »ntereet in all divorce cases, tho namd "Adrian Fisher ” had been the normal point In many lines of earth may result from this contact. BRITISH MINERS AND OWNERS by the social democratic deputies. Atcorneys for Miss Pickford an- business. (Continued on Page Right) But according tevthe leading astrono WILL TRY FOR SETTLEMENT who assert it contains elements ne- swered the attorney general’s mers of the country, the exact time cessary for a complete readjustment charges and asked that the salt be of this meeting of the earth with the Ixondon, June 25.—(A. P.)— of that article. (Continued on Page Eight) tall of the comet cannot be ascertain Striking coal miners and mine own ed. ers have accepted the Invitation of According to Professor J. W. Dan Lloyd George to confer with him on! iels of the Hill Military academy ob Monday. They will try to reach a! servatory, there is a possibility of settlement of the strike which has the disturbance taking place Sunday been In progress during the last! night and it may take place Monday three months. New York, June 25.—(A. P.) — lard at Havana, was a 3 to 1 favor or Monday night, but a close watch Wagering on the Denumey-Carpen- ite but theee figures shitted as the will be kept for it both days. It Is •JtHl GI’ESTH PRESENT DURING MARRIAGE WITH NOBILITY’ tler bout for the worlds' heavyweight day of the bout approached and the not possible to tell exactly, according Los Angeles, Cal., June 25.—(A. dern mechanical appliance tending negro climbed Into the ring with the to Professor Daniels, and It Is Im championship at Jersey City, July 2, odds only 6 to 5 in his favor. Jim Paris, June 25.—(A. P.)—The re possible to see the comet, especially P.)—David IR. Davis, a wealth young to insure the success of the trip will la extremely light despite Interest on Corbett was approximately a 2 to 1 since the earth is In the wake of the ligious ceremony uniting in marilage and Eric be installed. Every detail of ft will Gladys Marie Deacon, of Boston, and California sportsman. be of American design gnd manu two continent! that promisee to shot over Rob Fitzsimmons when tall. Springer, a veteran pilot of Europe facture. Designed by Donald W. eclipse that evidenced In any pre they met at Carson City. The celestial visitor has been visi the Duke of Marlborough was per vious title battle. Both men have The total amount of money wag ble with the use of telescopes from formed today in the presence of 200 and America, whe will attempt the Douglas it has been christened the numerous admirers who, as yet, have ered on the coming battle to date Is the observatories in different parts guests, including Ambassador and non-stop coast to coast flight, hope “Cloudster.” It will not be partle- to bring to America and to an Amer ularly large, the wing spread being failed to back their opinions with estimated by a New York sporting of the country, Including Cambridge, Mrs. Hugh Wallace. ican machine, two of three most cov 56 feet, the length 35 feet and the much money. Stimulated wagering man not to exceed 275.000. A large Mass., and Berkeley, Cal., observa eted aerial records—marks now held height 13 feet. Manv war planes 1s expected on tho eve of the bout part of this amount has been placed tories. since June 12, and Its nearest AMERICAN POLO TRAM DEFEATS BRITISH FOUR by foreign flyers. were larger. with a probable Inflow of currency In so-called "freak" bets. Odds of 9 approach to the earth was on June In completing the coast to coast The tanks will carry 650 gallons to 5 have been quoted that Dempsey from France. 7. when It was 12,000,000 miles London, June 25.— (A. P.)—-The Persons away. It will remain visible to the 'American polo team defeated the flight, a distance by lit« of approxi of gasoline for the 400 horse power According to figures at which will win by a knockout. some money has been wagered In who back Carpentier to drop Demp- earth by means of telescopes for I Hurlingham four In an exhibition mately 2500 miles, the flyers would Liberty engine. An instrument of break the non-stop distance record special construction will enable the Wall street. Jack Dempsey seems sey for the count demand odds of about a month, although It will at no tiame with 13 goals to five. of 1940 miles, made by Alcock and J pilot to tell whether the plane Is fly- likely to go Into the ring on odds In 20 to 1. Odds of 10 to 1 have been time be visible to the naked eye. Brown In crossing the Atlantic short-! Ing level, even though he Is in a fog PORTLAND MARKETS his favor at 3 to 1. Although In past asked by persons who would wager According to Prof. A. O. Leuach- bouts for the title the champion, al that Carpentier will not answer the ner, of the University of California, Choice Steers .............. 27.00 © 17.50 ly after the war. Indications are which makes the earth invisible. Other Instruments will register most in variably has been the favor boll for the third round. 28.75 © 19.00 that a successful trip also would ee- the meteor shower may lake place Hogs, prime light Paris, almost hysterical in Its en on June 29, but this Is providing the East mountain lambs..26.25 © »«75 tablish a new record for continuous the gasoline consumption per hour, ite, not since the Sullivan-Corbett battle has the title holder been so thusiasm for the French war hero, comet has meteoric material In its Prime lambs................ 28 00 o 28.50 flying, the present mars being 24 the oil consumption, the direction strongly favored In a bout of major nevertheless Is dubious when money wake. The earth and the comet are Eggs, buying price .... .20c © 22c hours. 19 minutes, 7 seconds, held and speed of the wind, the air speed worth. Sullivan was a 4 to 1 choice Is mentioned. Word received here now In a celestial speed race. The Kggs. case counts .... 24c © 25c In France, The third of the most and ground speed of the machine over "Gentleman Jim.” Willard states that Dempsey rules as 8 to 5 comet has a start of about 12,600,- Eggs. candled ......... .. 26c © 27c coveted achievements of flyers—the and all other data useful* to an avia was a 2 to 1 favorite over Jack favorite on the boulevards, with lit 000 miles, and about now is the time Eggs. fancy selects ... ............... 29c record for straightaway speed— tor in attempting such a record- Dempsey when the challenger won tle money placed. when the comet Is due to swipe the Butter, extra cubes ... .................21 probably would not be affected in a breaking flight. The plane has been completed for Betting men believe that the lack earth with Its tall, causing the mete coast to coast flight. — - at Toledo. Jim Jefferies enterd the The plane in which the attempt nearly two montha Its speed has Portland. June 25.—(A. P.) — ring favored at 2’4 to 1 to beat of wagering is due largely to the oric shower. The shower, if It oc Jack Johnson at Reno. Johnson, fact that Carpentier's supporters curs, will be a harmless and Inspir Livestock, steady; eggs, weak; but will be made is an especially con been found to be close to 110 miles structed machine In which every mo- an hour as a maximum. ing spectacle. ter, weak. three weeks before he met Jess Wtl- desire unreasonable odds. OANGER SEEN IN FOREIGN MARKET « WHOLE NUMBER Mil NOTE APPEALS FOR CONFERENCE