Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
FRIDAY, JI NK J4. INI. G KAM* PAAR DAILY <X>1 1UKK PAGE FOLK 11 I ADVICE FROM 01.1» TO VOI NG t,* ft & • ‘ • X A K c ? CT|o»e whose years have brought them wisdom and plenty invariably advise the young to bring their surplus savings to this bank and earn yearly Interest on them Our savings bank is the best place to keep idle funds, and watch them grow. * U THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF aOlTHKRM ORBGON Saturday Special White China Tea Cups and Saucers 95c For Set of Six Rogue River Hardware Co. The WINCHESTER Store What You Need Now We have in stock at the lowest prices ever made in GRANTS PASS Hickory Porch Furniture. Rockers, < hairs. Tables and Swing». Gold Modal Camp Furniture. Table». < h.tir», I»ouble am! Single Cot.». Cotton Felt MattresOkw a id t ¡unp Pads, I’onh Shade». Re frigerator». Oil Stove» and Oven». Special on Simmon» Cot lied» for the sleeping porch and on all hammocks. Holman’s Furniture Store Shoes for the Family Men’s Work Shoes. Shirts, rants. Gloves and Sox AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S LOCAL PERSONAL Mi»s laVera Brown will leave to- J K. Bartlett, of Medford, was registered last night at the Joee- night for Mammoth, to attend the summer session of the Oregon nor phlqe G. M C track cab. wind shield, mal school Mrs. Thomas Ahern, of Hugo, is a stake body, cord tire», looks like •new Dodge Bros Sales Room 97tf local visitor today The cherries on Mr» Frank Hewitt has returned the Ahern ranch are now being pick to her home at Roseburg after spend ed. according to Mrs them Rolled barley 11 50 per »ack at ing several days visiting in the city. I.. J. Ward, of Smith River, and the Josephine County Flour Mill. 14 Louie Tuthlll left last night for C R. Ward, of Crescent City, were his homo at Sutherliu and will re local visitors yesterday. While china cups and saucers, 95e main there until Monday visiting for set of «. Saturday only. Rogue with his parents. Mr. and .Mrs William Crawford River Hardware Co 13 H E S|>encer. a Rogue River and family, of Manhattan Place, lx» merchant. si>ent the day in the city Angeles, visited Mr and Mrs Joseph Powers yesterday on their way to attending to business matters Miss Lida FUteld returned yeeter-j their summer home at Oceanside day from Portland and Salem where Mrs. INywers and Mr», Crawford were girlhood friends. she spent the past week visiting Regis Starrett, engineer of the Flume lumber al Borland Thomas Lumber Co Phone 187-J. Cttf Sin Joaquin Mght and Power com Mrs. A. Schaeffer left thia morn pany. of California. »¡>eni a short ing tor her home at Camas rratrie. time visiting here with J G. Brom Mr Starrett went on to Med Mont., after visiting here with Mr ley ford yesterday where he will be con and Mrw Martin Riggs J M McFarUnd and M. D. Cleve nected with the Fish Lake irrigation land. of Portland, are registered at project. the Granta Pass hotel for • few lx>wcr Pri ce s days. Buick Six. new top. paint, and On good» in every line for men at 98tf tires Dodge Bros Sales Boom 97tf Peerless Clothing Co Miss Jessie Griswold, county dem onstration agent, has returned from it Klnnv-y A Truax— Corvallis, where she attended the! Cantaloul«es. Apricots and Peaches ■ state convention. She reports a very I direct from the growers of bus fruit interesting session. Mrs. George F. Fry »rill leave to i’crctpltaic« Ire Miipiwsi— night for Salem to meet her daugh Precipitates from the Boswell ‘ ter. Miss Velma, who has been at- mine, amounting to about tending school there. They will re were shipped last night to the Selby! turn together in a few days refinery Bi San Franc.»co. The mills Saturday special. white china cup» at the mine are in operation again! and saucers. 95c for set of 5. Rogue after hartng been closed for a feu ' River Hardware Co 12 days Mrs L. J. Bauer, of Camas Prairie. Mont., and Mrs Martin Riggs, went Grants Pasxs-Creacvnt City stage— to Hugo this morning where they All kinds of heavy frelrht. ex will *:>en<i the next few days visiting press, baggage and pasengers. Phone with relatives. inri Before you build get figures on 85. your lumber, shingles, lath, doors and window* at Borland Thomas *'<*n»atlonal Reduction»— On suits, shoes, hat» and furnish •4tf Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 98lf Mr and Mrs E. W. Ellis were via* ings at Peerless Clothing Co iting the former's nephew. C. K Tucker of Takilma, and are now re Children Have l*rogram Tonight— Thera will be an entertainment tuming to their summer home st tonight at 8 o'clock at the Salvation Great Falls. Mont. Did you see. or read. "The Inside Army hall, the entertainment being of the Cup?” Come and hear it crit- given by the Sunday school of the ieized at the Presbyterian church army An interesting and pleasing Sunday evening. June 25. at S. 13 program has been prepared by the Miss Ruth Hanson arrived this children, and after this refreshments morning from Ix>s Angeles and will »ill be served The public i» in- visit in the Williams creek valley vlted. with Mr and Mrs Frank Bryan Mis» Hanson's home is In Nashville. IttcnOon. U<»> Scout»— Tenn. You are all to be at the place of meeting Saturday ei eninc ■ t 8 o'clock Signed. ScoutniMter Ward 1: Hyde D. M. C. Crochet and Embroidery Thread All Colors IDrs. Dellie Deas Special Summer Suit Offer I,»« and Trousers isllornvl to your mnssure from best quality Iler- mutin <i«Mh for $17.50 It atarÜM« «4 the thrar •ummrr »ulto arrv y«Mir quirk——the li» <!«)» ulll aoon I h * hrrr. ntiieitt I Traveling kgwvt Here— F. G Lewis, traveling agent for the triffic department of the South ern Pacific was in the city yesterday, making arrangements for the Fourth of July special from here to Ash land. Mr Lewis left this morn In- the south, coming yesterday from headquarters at Eugene t Big Reductions1 on All Goods at* Peerless Clothing Co Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, I-'ith. Shingles, !>oors. Windows, Wallboard, et«'. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors. Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc ESTIMATES ON REQUEST HM NHRV IXII WKKT G Git INTN P HIIHIOV Saturday Specials Beef Pot Roast Boiling Beef • Pork Roast Veal Roast - 16c 12 12c 18c 20c Union Market Peni» I p on llonvrMravl— Greatest Clothing Kale— W W Wheeler was In the city Now on at Peerleaa Clothing ffi. If Thursday to prove up on his home stead near Waldo His witnesses W. It. 4'. Mowing— were Walter Kohler and Karl Kress The rvvgular meeting of the Wom 1er en's Relief Cori» will be held Sat urday afternoon Them will be Ini IU mm I Work IndiT Way- tiation and at the cl«»e a social hour County Judge Eclus Pollock re and refreshments. Members of the turned yesterday afternoon from G A R. especially invited and an Vow Can Eat— Holland where be »pent the day over-' Invitation is extended to members of For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real seeing the work being done by the both order» who may be In the city working mans’ place to eat* Try our county on the road which will con hot waffles. 20c All experienced nect with the caves highway A Arme < afe— white help. T. Larsen and E An caterpillar Is at work on the road The home of good cat» la now drew*. Prop» Open day and night tf Much of the work Is hand work, as open day and night, I.anen A An* the government engineer» »aid that draw» O»tf I it would be much easier to get their l ine Flavor— Our Ground Chocolate and Cocoa materials in If the road were not Park 1» Pr»l»e<t— are guaranteed to be the beet Kln-( made standard this year The work The city park and the auto camp ney A Truax. 12 . is being done as far ax Lind's farm grounds came In for a large amount of praise last night, when Dr and « ooked Food Sale — Mrs R W Stearns and Mr. and Mr». Will Hid on Road Work— Given by the Methodist ladies will Edmead», all of Medford, came down M. F. Clark, of the Clark-Henry construction company, of Sacrammo-1 be held Saturday, in the rooms for to visit here with Mr. and Mr» R. to. was in the city yesterday Mr merly occupied by the Grants Paa» W’ Steams They had a picnic din Clark was here investigating the Bank. The sale open* at 9 a. m . ner In the park and the vliltors highway north of town in order that and all donations of food are to be looked over the camp grounds They his company may enter bids on thei there at that time All ladles, mem returned to Medford last night • bers and friends, of the church are work asked to make donations of prepar Office stationery—Courier office. ed food, which will be called for by (¿Tante Pam-4'rrwcrwt City Ma g o phoning 33-J Iff* All klnds of heavy frelght. ex COMING KVKVTN presa. baggage and pasenger». Pitone «.rants Paas-« 'rcecrat City Stage- June 25, Sunday- Scandinavian pic All kinds of heavy freight, ex- nic at Rtverwlde park preea. baggage and pasenger». Phons July 2, Saturday Farm Bureau Candy Sah*SatnrvUy— lltf celebration. Riverside park. The Chioconga Campfire girl» will hare a candy sale at the Banket Grocery Saturday, June 25, begin ning at 2:30 p. m la-avrs for Portland— Mrs. Evelyn Saltmarsh letf middle of the week for Portland, af ter visiting here for several day» at the C E Young home Her sudden arrival alone in Grants Pass caused surprise among her many friends. who were unaware that her hu»- band had been buried on May 21. 1*21. All members of Security Benefit Association recall with pleas ure the pleasant personality of Mr Saltmarsh and the kindly spirit he had for every one Save Howey— Purchaae yonr new suit and niabinga now al Peerlees Clothing Co DON’T SKID into the ruts of extravagance, by slipping Into the haMt of unnetrnsary luxuries. Itegular dvqMvwits with the Granta Paas a Josephine Hank work Io your advantage. Few Per twwt Interest Paid on Saving» IccOMts. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank C ranio P ass .O regon k