Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
I GRANTS PAKS DAILY COCKIER FllIDAY, JI NE -JI. iwi. PAG ft THR WINTER DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company WANTED We want chickens Burkhalter’* feed store. Heavy hens, 21c, light liens market price. Can use good block hogs and come and butcher them, 26c cash for your egg*. Phone 286-R 363. VERY cent you spend over the price of Calumet E might as well be thrown away. You don’t get a thing for it You can’t get greater leavening strength or greater purity than are offered in Calumet EXPRESS SHIPMENT of Japanese Crepes WANTED lai borers to work Savage Rapids dam, apply to Shattuck Neilson on the work Construid Ion Co « It is made in the world’s largest, best equipped and most sanitary Baking Powder Factories. All the new shades, including white just received Contains only such ingredi ents as have been officially endorsed by the U. S. Food Authorities. MIST MIST Saturday night between Mer lin and Gallce, a lady’s blue wool sweater, trimmed hi tan. Finder please return to Courier or Mrs F. L. Coon, at 821 Washington Blvd , and receive reward. roil HAIJC A PORTLAND bus!nose man owns three PLACER MINING LEASES TAX. WOOD FOR SALK Fir »3.36. pine (platinum and gold» of about one- »2. on ground, 4 mH«* west on up- half miles each end having over 4OO.NEH TAXI PUuoe Z62-K * pur river road. Pus is and building fifteen years to run. on the Tu- Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls *u polos. Hlvely A Brickell, General laineen River between Bear and swered anywhere, anytime. Delivery. CStf Eagle (’reeks, Blmllkumeen Dto- trlct. B. C The Canadian De- PHONE 160 TÌ.e Bonbonniere for sale 17.5V fur cord of dry Taxi. purtmont of Mine* Meiaolr No. 26, cut in IZinch lo-ngths, ■ lab wood says of this locality: ’ These placer 314 North Third St C W. lauu- K’COI NT.ANT deposits contain platinum in rela ----------- » 91tf - —- brecht. tively greater quantity than those AUDITING — Systematizing. See me Al BALED HAY »18.00 per tun of any other purl of North Amer about daily or monthly audit ser Poorloan Ranch, Murphy, Ore. J. ica." The owner will sell these vice. Ivan Livingston, incorporat K. Daniils 94tf three leases which have never ed Accountant. Phone 389, FOR SALK -On account of beroavo- linen worked, fur »45(10.00 and 10 dress. Grants Poss, Ore. mont will aacrltlc» my pretty, per cent royalty. Addrens Owner, PHYSICIAN AND KI KGEON highly Improved place Just outside 700 Knott Street, Portland. Ore city HmlU, 10 acres finest soil In gon. 1C L. O. CLEMENT. M D. Practice alfalfa and clover, Irrigation, heav limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose FX>!< HALB Little half ton Ford ily bearing orchard, modern bun and throat Phone 62; Res. 239-J. galow, electric lights, dairy barn, ' truck in extra good condition, with good tires. If taken at once. woodshed, apple, chicken and hog Physician H LOUGHR1DGE, M D »210. Call nt 609 South Fourth houses, etc. R. K Ross 93tt aud surgeon. City or country call* St . <>r phone 242-R 16 attended day or night Phon“« 17 ACRES -Opposite Homewood Rea 369. Office. 183; 6th and H Farm, 6 miles south, of Grants DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER v Pass, 25 acres cleared, good gar E J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. den In, plenty of fruit, furnished geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 5 4-J; Buuch Transfer Co. Office phone 6-room houso with summer porch, res. 1004 luiwnrtdge. phone 54-L. 349; res phones 265-R, 316-L. for sale at a Mcrlfloe Terms to ■ ult. Addreas J. C. Morgan, Rd. F. G. ISHAM, drayage. transfer; pi W F. RUTHERFORD—Man iai the- 4, Granta Paa*. 96tf raputics. Off'ce over Barnes’ jew anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4 90 ACRES- 4 0 acre* liottom under ped, packed, stored. Phone 124 Y Classified Advertising paid up water right for sale. j »6000. Address No 202, care of Courier. 99tf i No matter what you pay you can’t secure as much in sound bak ing powder quality. On the other hand—you can buy a cheaper baking powder — a little lower in price than Calumet —and much lower in merit That’s the worst kind of false economy. Calumet never fails. Every baking is perfectly raised—sweet, even and tasty. Used by millions of housewives and is the largest selling brand in the world. A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- ■ician and surgeon. X-Ray equlp- tuent. Offlce in Masonic Temple FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly fur- Bldg., phone 21-L. FOR SAI-E It ucres one-half mile, nlshed cottage, strawberries and from Hugo station 6 acre* under; large garden Would consider sale W. T. TOMPKINS. D S J Nervous cultivation, good 6-room house, of furniture. 616 Dlmlck St.. and chronic diseases. Office. Claus barn, chicken coop, brooder house, Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. PIANOS TO RENT Have a limited Incubators. Kresky brooder, 90 number of fine pianos for rent. Ap NIILSERY STOCK hens, good dairy cow. Priced forj ply early at The Music & Photo quick sale at »1850. Part terms if House. 33 NURSERY—Everything In desired. Must bo seen to be ap date nursery stock, also directions DENTIS fS preciated. Wm. C. Moldt. llugq, TYPEWRITERS TO RENT -Always for planting and soil culture Cal! Ore. 27 on hand Visible Remington type First-class on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. E. ,C MACY, D. M. D. writers. The Music & Photo House dentistry. 1091* S. 6th St. FOR SALE Two residences and Grants Pass. Oregon. 43tf 23 4 3 Mi acres in Jerome Prairie, Iti Al. ESTATE miles southwest of I abqut six NO! I » <>l SALE OF IRRI Grain and Also fine oil paint-, FOR RENT Alfalfa. Grants Pass GATION DISTRICT It NHS E. T McKINSTRY. iOS g St., phone Stock ranches with and without lags ut place and at Oxford hotel. 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for Irrigation, or will sell at bargain NOTICE IS HEREBY’ GIVEN, that Incubators, etc., for sale. Cull on fruit, hay or general farmin«. prices on long time easy payments. sealed proposals will be received un owner. Mrs. Cora B. Findlay, or Ranches in Jackson and Josephine address Route 4, Box SI, Grunts ROY HIGGINS—General real estate til the 24th day of June, A. D. 1921. county. One ranch under ditch ■31 Pass, Ore. Office 111 South Sixth. Phone «9 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after 3 miles from Grants Poss, on river. noon tor the purchase of Fifteen WOOD Pine or fir, I «-Inch, »3 tier; Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners, Bl I LIU NG <<IXTKA<TOKS Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of spill fine. 83.50; oak or laurel, Medford. '>re 06tf the Enterprise Irrigation District of Walter H ARPER * SON- Building contrac 13.50; split tine, 84. Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds 12 WANT TO RENT 5 or «-room mo tors. Shop work, furniture crating Davidson, Box 91. Rd. 2. are to draw interest at the rate of 6 dern house Clone in. Call at Acme Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 14 2. TOR SALE OR RENT 9-rooin per cent per annum payable semi-an Cato. 14 ho.ise, reasonable, furniture and A. J. GREEN—General contractor. nually upon the 1st day of July and garden and fruit. Owner going MISCELI .AÑEDI S Estimates and plans made. Noth- the 1st day of January of each year east. Cull forenoons at 212 West Ing too small or too large. Shop until the maturity of said bonds. — Plumbing, . pl pe . REPAIR SHOP 12 C street. Said proposals will be received by 92tf 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. work, steam fitting, boiler and 1 the Board of Directors of said Irri 160 ACRES; 50 A. in cultivation. 505 pump work nn d installing NALASKOWSKI — Contractor. gation District, and should be direct <11 tclios and valuable water rights: South fith street Phone 30« . G. Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise 25 A. alfalfa, 10 A. wheat. 5 A. 51t< 1 A. Bryan 61tf Irrigation District care of Fred D. barley; fine garden, plenty of Fletcher. Ixtomls Building, Klamath fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. HANKERS LIFE CO MB AN Y - De* rliool < lowed YcMerday—- Falls. Oregon. Moines, Iowa. Myron C, Guatón. saw pine, frame house, 2 barns, The Wolf Creek school was closed The Board of Directors reserve the District Agent. 14 mile to school, 4 miles to P. <)., rlg^t to reject any or all bld* of — »terday with a picnic, baseball 24 miles from Grants Pass; good NOTICE The Grant» Pass Agency game and in the evening a program. fered. G. J. HILLYARD, outrange. For sale at ,80 per of Singer Sewing Machine Co has A large number of .people from Secretary of the Board of Directors acre, crop Included. Address No. moved to E. G Holman’s furniture Grants Pass and Canyonville were of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill Oktf J 05 care Courier. X r store, nt 605 G street. Phone 50. present at the exercises, besides the FOR 8AlzE Indian pony f> yearB Our new 1921 ’•Singers’’ now on people of Wolf Creek. The picnic •lohn Apple Is in the city for a tew old, weight about 900. Saddle and the floor, See them. Your terms dinner, according to County Super dajfs from his Althouse mine, attend bridle and pack saddle. Price |6C.. are our*. Ask about needles, oil, intendent Bacon, was especially ing to business. / Will trade for cow. Rd. 3, Box 63, < etc. J. W. Scott, sales manager elaborate, consisting of friend chick- - <>u Jones ('reek. t4| Josephine county. 87tf en. strawberries and many other ERFECT delicacies thill more than did cred ONE BRIGGS A STIIATI'ON motor ^« a RNER-G AYETTY’ IRON WORKS ROT E< TION wheel for Hale cheap. Inquire or> —Genoral foundry and machine it to the women of tho district. At the exercises in the evei^ng, eighth I write C. E. Billings, caro F. Els- work, mine and mill machinery, grade diplomas were awarded to Lil OI.KT 1 I maun. Rd. 2. Hogue River. ('over* chilled saw carriage wheels, live lie Welder Kelir, Maurice Lee. Bil Health Life rolls, plpo fittings. Grants Pass.1 CAR FOR HALE Overland Model ly Steward and Fred Espy. Next year Accident Disability Oregon. » 91tf «0, »200. A bargain. Phone | the district will reopen their two RELIANCE LIFE 267-L or call nt 731 South «th, which HEMSTITCHING— Also plain sewing year standard high school, 1 4 IN St RANCE CO. street Grunts Pass. Ore. will draw a large number of stu-l and children’s clothes Mrs OF PITTSBURG Gotchor. sol H St. Is dents from the adjacent country. At. FOR SALE House* at 802, 8 16 nn <1 the recent election, Mrs. Edward THEO. P. ( RAMER. Jr S32 North Seventh St., wells anil SOUTHERN HOTEL 202 14 S. Sixth Jordan was reelected director and, General Agent Irrigation, barns. Bargains. See ■tract. Hotel lobby, hot und cold T. immotid school clerk. BO I 1 • N. <lth St. 35 Mrs. W. II. Qualf, S32 N. 7th. water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D.1 FOIt ItEXT Foil svi.r. ibis Ford touring, just overhauled, demountable rims, | new rubber, liargafn If sold at , once. Cash or terms. 202 V4 8. | Sixth. II Placer location Courier office. butter. Then mix to tbs regutar wag. RED HANDS BROKEN HITTONS DAMAGED FASTENERS XII WRING EH. The Laun-dry-ette Swiftly whirls the clothes dry-J-tho entire tubfull in one minute. This wonderful washer is now oa our display floor— cofne see it now—no obliga tion on your part. Grants Pass Electric Company LAUN-DRY-ETTE Al TO TRIM ,IMI TOP YVORK It handled quickest and best in our completely equipped shop. Our being specialized you get results that show the top, cur tains or upholstery work was to order—a tailored Job. Charges are reasonable. Complete lino of best materials. P Kill SALE At a bargain, very de Yenny, Prop. 28 sirable residence, corner of Lawn- PIANO INSTBI(TION ridge and Manganila Avenue For particulars Inquire 715 North 4th MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc St. or phone 379-Y. 16 tor on piano; studio over Barn*'*’ 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale. 6 miles Jewelry. Phone 265-J. out on level road, house, garage, | --------------- »— a -------- l .. ------- out bulldlngH. well, several thou-' MRS. CLARA TITTLE FENTON teacher of piano and harmony. sand tiers wood timber. Bargain Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith’s for quick sale. Inquire W. II. Qnslf. Racket Store. 86tf call S32 N 7th. 35 1 cap of white floag, 1 cup Graham flo«^ 1 tablespoon MftH^ 3 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder, 1 teaspooa of milk jeaten, 1 G.B. BERRY blanks THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON < OAST It til.ROAD COMPANY Time Card Effective Nov. 24, 1919 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays - ■ - i ■ .eave Grants Pass. p M Arrive W’aters Creek........... 2 P.M Leave Waters Creek........... 3:30 P.M VETERINARY SURGEON Arrive Grants Pass..............4 P M For information regarding freight OR. R. J. BESTl'L, Veterinarian Residence S3« Washington boule and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundburg building, vard, phone 398-R. or telephone 131 PÄLÄCE HOTEL CAFE Open under new management. Meati» at all hour« i Lunch Counter in connect km MULLEN & BISSINGER Proprietors Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Leave Grants Pase 1:00 p. m- Grants Pass- Stage DAILY AND SI NDAY PHONE KB OR KM) LEAVE GRANT* PASS 1 10:00 a. 1 :OO P. 4:00 P- «: IB P- We connect with stage« for Ashland and r