* ,* PAGE TWO t X * W PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhlea. Pub. and Propr. ■Btered at poatoffice. Grant* Paas. Ora , as second-class mail matter. GRANTS I'lbs DAILY COURIKR IMvorcc Case Hasird— The divorce case of Hester Isabel Dimmick versus Dr. V. L. DiminlcW was heard yesterday lu the circuit court. The case has been taken Uli der advisement hv Judge Calkin*, who will render hl* decision Inter. Holeproof Hosiery ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch............... —.25c _*»cal-personal column, per lina...10c Baader*, per line—... New Shipment DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..... 36.00 Wv mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER .... «... .13.00 By mail, per year. THE HOME OF NUMBER IH COFFEN MEMBBR OF ASSOCIATED PRESS AND AI.L OTHER QU ALITY GOODS The Associated press is exclusively •atltled to the use for republication 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore. of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub­ lished herein. All rights of republication of spe­ cial dispatches herein are also re­ will be completed this year and the laf.ictory to the highway department balance next year. but the matter must now be made served. Ì "What we desire now definitely to definite that it can be properly cov­ FRIDAY. JUNE 24. 102». ! know is what are the wishes of your ered by the contract!*' , county and city as to the entrance To the Courier. Mayor Demaray ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ . of the highway into the town from made the following comment follow­ the north. It the present graded OREGON WEATHBR ing receipt of the letter from Chair­ road, is to be followed, what provi­ ♦ man Booth of the commission: sion if any has been made for pav- Tonight and Saturday, gen­ ♦ I ing within the city limits from the ♦ erally cloudy, probably thunder "The county court does not feel corporate limits to the pavement on 1 that there is justlfcation for three 4 storms in the mountains in the Sixth street? If your people — both 4 east portion. Moderate south­ ' paralell roads within one half mile city and county—desire the entrance ¡From present indications the Pa- ♦ westerly winds. to be made on the ridge connecting •*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ [ciflc highway will come into the city with the present paving in the cor­ J straight from the north over the new porate limits, have you made the ne­ graded road. How the city will con- THE HIGHWAY NORTH cessary provision for rights of way j nect up the half mile stretch to the The paving of the ten-mlle stretch and grading? ' present pavement I do not know. All of the Pacific highway north of the "We have had frequent communi- J road improvements under our pree- city of Grants Pass, contract for cations from the Chamber of Com- I ent charter fall upon the abutting which will be let within the next few­ merce and other organizations and , property. In the present Instance days by the state highway commis­ individuals relative to the routing of ' they do not seem lntersted. The only the highway and we have frequently ! legal way the city can grade and sion calls up for immediate atten­ suggested that the county and city f pave it at the city's exi»ense would tion the part of the city the paving officials should settle this matter, as be by a special election authorizing of the half mile connecting road either route would probably be sat- 4 tax levy for that purpose." within the corporate limits. The highway commission calls upon the community to care for the highway within the city limits, and here we have also the question of conflicting routes. The following letter has been received by the county and city officials from the highway commis- Mowers,Rakes, Binders aion bearing upon the point: McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds "We are advertising, as you are doubtless aware, the pavement from Grants Pass north to Sexton Moun­ tain. expecting that that part be­ tween Grants Pass and Louse Creek ' CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402-4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. TODAY GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose­ phine Luatber Co., at wholesale mill prices All kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivers any­ where Phone 188, 107 North Sixth street 92tf FOR SALE Alas power concrete mix­ er, 150. 40-acre wood lot. 3 mile* from Grants Pass, good road, price 310 per acre. 7-room modern res­ idence for rent or sale. Priced right, will be vacant about July 1. A. L. Edgerton. 665 N. 2nd St. 07tf ROYAL ANN CHERRIES are ripe nt Waveland orchard*. 10c per pound if you want to pick them your­ self. Phone 50J-F-14. OStf FDR RENT Furnished house, «61 North Third St. Apply morning* 13 FOR SAIJi—Child'* go-cart. Phone 291-R or call at 311 A St. 13 SECOND CUTTING ALFALFA HAY at *15 ¡»er ton in the field. Phone 149-1.. i.l IS QUITE ASS UREO- ¿JUSTTRYTHIS HAM­ IT'S SUGAR-CURED It just make* you feel better to repeat the words, let alone oatlng some of the article it­ self,—sugar cured ham. Doesn't It make you hungry just to think about It? STANTON ROWELL, Propr. V acation T rips Now'* the time to plan a visit back east to your old homo tow n or an outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or In the mountains. B\< k I M' XhW I ISTIUH XI» Ix»w Round Trip Ticket* Through One-way Fare» Through UII.IFORNK will be In effect 4'ALIFOllNTA sale at Far«, June lo iiik I dally, thereafter Final return limit round trip ticket*, three month* from naie date not exceeding October 31»t Stop-over* permitted and choice of route*. • On your back east trip, see Crater latke, latke Tahoe, Yosem­ ite. Sequoia National Park. Carrlso Gorge a grand and highly colored canyon seen from the car window or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam Week End and Season Excursion Tickets are now on ■ale to; Tillamook County Beat lu-e Newport A particularly attractive trip A delightful seashore resort across the Coast Range .Moun­ on Yaqulna Itav and the Pa­ tain T'i" ■ cific Ocean. An Ideal place for Rockaway and Garibaldi Beach Resort*, Neah-Kan-Nle, Man­ the family, lairg«* natatorlum zanita am! Bayocean. and «alt water bath* various Dally train leave* Portland forms of anniHetnent Union Station 8:15 a. tn. Dally Train Service Special week-end train leave* Portland Union Station Sntur- •‘Oregon Outdoors," our !: -w day 12:45 p. m. Summer booklet, grairfilcally Electric train leave* Port- descries the different resort* In land. 4th and Stark St*., 1:15 Western Oregon, and Include* p. m . connecting with week­ hotel and camp Information end train at Hillsboro. No bag­ gage handled on electric train Copy free on request. JOHN M. STOTT, Generili Passenger Agent. —- CITY T Would Edison’s College Grado ates “Flunk” on These Questions ? Win New York Life |I«M—. one Itmi.li.-r SI < < t l.D »nil another fail, I mi II i equally good riinili*-*? U II Y do«-» Olio si l uri- crisllt for III* no! ? entcr|>rl-es und WHY does one gel what lie want* anil the oilier lake gel? T. M. STOTT Agent The Golden Rule Store The Music and Photo House Haliti for .Mr. Happy Party Reduced Prices Buy Your Fourth of July Outfit Here and Save Money! I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Following is a Partial List of the Now $30.00 Now 25.00 Now 18.50 Now 18.50 Now 18.50 Now 15.00 Now 12.50 Musicians recognize the Victrola’s pre-eminence .and give it the final stamp of their approval. No sul>- stitute can ever equal the Victrola and Victor Records. Mot N'T YIN AND OTHER RESORTS Josephine County Uavea— •Tickets ' now on sale. Crater latke (a lake in the I extinct crater of a volcano) Tfck- ets on sale July 1st. f'olestin—Ticket* now on sale. Shasta Mountain Resort» Tickets on sale, daily, on and after June 10th. VoMcmlte National Park—Ticket* on sale, dally, on and nfter June 10th. For particulars as to passenger fare*, routes, train schedule* or sleeping car reservations, inquire of any ticket agent of Y our mìavìime joy Coats Coats Co its Coats Coats Coats Coats Judged by the most exacting stundard», it successfully fulfils its mission by bringing to you the world's best music exactly as in­ terpreted by the world's greatest artists. FOR SALK Very nice bungalow at Grants Pass, Ore. 1026 Lawtiridgo Ave., 10 acre tract, river front, east 2 miles, lo­ acre tract, river front, west one mile 14 acres, cleared and tene- ed. Fruitdale. Acreage on Tenth Man 1« Held— Lo* Xngele*. whom ho located yes­ street. It you want r bargain see Tho man wanted in Canroriiia terday In a Medford garage where Churchill. Phone 268-J. 06tf towns for working the cheap Jewelry ho was having hls«car repaired Ils WANT TO SELL? Courier Classi­ selling fake 1* under arrest In .Mod- I* wanted nt Dunsmuir where a war­ fied ads have sold several places. ford. Chief of Police Timothy claims rant is out for hl* arrest, and I* be­ ing held for the officer* from that For *1 5o your 3-llne adv I* de­ In tho person of J B l»ouuldson. of city to come and get him livered to 1100 home* every night for a month. 14 Yes, there is to be a Great Big Genuine Bargain Sale to be held here of Coats until they are all sold $47.50 37.50 29.00 28.50 27.00 23.00 19.85 Once in your home, the Victrola becomes the musical member of your family. Merchant sales books at Courier »trice MR-HAPPY PARTY The very cream of the stock—all the Choicest Coats in our possession go on Sale at Sweeping Reductions and it is Vour Opportunity to Save. Many of these garments are desirable for early Fall wean We have priced these garrfients to move out quickly, and it will be first come, first saved. The Victrola Auxiliary Eh*!.« Ik'hxiiU Tho Women's Auxiliary to the Am­ erican Legion last night elected Mr* R J. Best u I and Mr*. J. L. Pittenger as delegates to the auxiliary conven­ tion at Eugene July 1-3, which Is being held In conjunction with the convention of the American latglpn. Mrs. Bestul is 'president of the or­ ganisation and Mrs. Pittenger is sec­ retary. Others may also be present from here. NEW TOD3Y—One Imitation leather iipholilsti-risl touch. Kitchen treasure with glass door cupboard. Several giMMl 2nd Mattresses, Springs Ibsl-teails. Drop-head Sewing i chine, giwiil condition. Phone llooth. Commencing Tomorrow Make Friends with Grants Pass, Oregon I (lie what having oilier ho ran If you think theee question» are not RED-HOT apply then» Io your­ self. The more you think llie more you will discern. WE answer between Hie lines. YOU can rend the answer* now or wail till next year and see the answer« by observing who ha* MORA IM MI’S. I WE challenge the World to *how llie equal of the MORA I’l'.MI* IN EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY AND I »Ult 11ll LIT Y. Fully tiiiarantiMMl BUYS FOR CASH Call or write the E. W. CHI LES Pacific Mora Pump Sales Co. New and Used Goo«!» 401 G STREET till G St,, Granta Pa«», Oregon ■J