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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1921)
Ullvsrnlty of Ore Library i ♦ grants jJnss r k Courier AMHO41ATED 1‘KKHH HEKVICK GRANTN I’AhM, JOHEI'IIIMC VOL. XL, Xo. iso. IF API IF PIVFQ L l A u U l ulVtû < m > unty , O regon - T Congress Increases Naval Ikll/rOTIp ATiniU Appropriation $18,OOO.QOO 111 u u i i VL II AI UI ♦ I* ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Washington, June 24. (A. ♦ I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ P. I -A total of *414.067.440 Is carried by the naval bill which Is finally completed by the congress conferee«, an In- crease of *18,000,000 over the original house appropriations. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OXE Ul’ II 1*01 XTH IM TIIICOWX OVERBOARD HY IIAII OF NATIONS HUBAY, JI 'NE S4, 1921 EMPI IQU TOBAD LI i ULI u II I nuur OF RIOTS IS LABOR CXJNVENTION < "ALIAI II*- TWO SOLDIERS AND OXE GUARD KILLED BY BOMB WHICH ON FRMHDI CT To i i\ ¡III INJURED .MANY REAPONMIBfLITY WHO EE XI ACKER S311. Rr‘ D<*»r»ys 4,000 Acres ( In Santa Barbara Forest t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ San Francisco, June 24.— (A. P.)—Four thousand acre« of forest In the Santa Barbara reserve have been destroyed by a fire started by lightening two ♦ days ago, which was reported ♦ today to be under control. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ BÏ SEC. DENBY CALUCD DOWN FOR ADDREM BBFORB ENGLISH SPEAK ING UNION Island» of Anland Which Nought Parle, June 24.— (A P.) -Gladys Mugg,-->ilon for Abolition of Overtime Soldier« H.wl Participated in ltece|<- While playing with "harmless” Department Expresses Strong,.. Un I nion With Sweden Awarded l»> tion to King and Queen qualified Disapproval of Conduct Marie Deacon, of Boston, became the; By Beatile I entrul Laabur < oun- Fourth of July sparklers, Dorothy * < 'onuidssioii to I'inlanit <11 I» Dt»carde<l Held Monday in Foreign Country Dutch««« of Marlborough, the second Derail, the eight-year old daughter A (norican girl to assume that title, of Mr. and Mrs. John Devall, of Le when she was married to the Duke land, who are visitin; In this city, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ of Marlborough, who gave his age Denver, June 24.—(A. P.)—The Belfast, June 24.— (A. P.)—AI received injuries which caused her Washington, June 24.—(A. P.) — ♦ Geneva, Jun« 24. I A. P.) * as 4 9 The bride did not give her American Federation of l<abor con-1 troop train conveying soldiers from death this morning. Rear Admiral William S. Sims was ♦ The council of the league of ♦ age vention today called upon President; Belfast to Dublin was wrecked today1 The child was playing with publicly reprimanded by Secretary ♦ nations today awarded th« ♦ Harding to Investigate the strike at Abervoyle by the explosion of a: fire works it) the hallway of of the Navy Denby for his speech be ♦ Aalend Islands. In the Haiti« ♦ riots in Hammond in September,: Sinn Fein land mine. Two soldiers; apartment at 401% G street, about fore the English Speaking Union tn 1919, and to fix the responsibility' and one train guard were killed and 8 o'clock last night. In some man London on June 8, in which he dis ♦ sen, to Finland ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ for '"Ihsulng gpn«" and the death of many were injured. ner the glowing point of the "spark cussed the Irish sympathizers in the Two troop trains with soldiers ler” caught in the child': clothing, United States. four «teel car workers. The resolu By El HL ('. IIKF.VKH tion charged the workmen were shot who had participated in the recep-j igniting it at once, and wrapping the "This department expressed down with guns furnished by the tion to the Ung and queen on Wed-; girl's body in flames. 1. N, 8. Staff Corraapondsnt strong, unqualified disapproval of nesday had passed over the spot in London. Juno 24 (A. P> The government. A call brought the chemical truck your conduct in having delivered a first case brought before the bar of The convention unanimously re-( safety. The third train was wrecked of the fire department, a half block highly improper speech in a foreign at a steep embankment when the away, and chemical from one of the country," the reprimand says. the league of nations by a nation not Exhibit« of farm crops of Jose jected the proposal of the central, a member of the league has been phine county are to be prepared and labor council of Seattle for a nation-’ mine exploded. emergency tanks extinguished the hoard, fl's "trial" completed, and the sent to Portland by the local Cham wide campaign to establish a six- •1 ■ j blaze. . The mother was only a short I Cork. June 24.—(A. P)--Police distance -•«----- "verdict" rendered. away, but due to the tena-' Mill Total Ixvss— ber of Commerce, just as soon as hour day and to alxdlsh overtime barracks were bombed and street; city of the fire in the liyht clothing ■ The first "verdict" of the league the exhibits can lie gathered in. Mrs fighting was general here last night. she was unable to smother the ; The fire which destroyed the Wel- of nations la against the principle of Winnie Braden, state exhibit agent, One woman was killed and six per flames, and the garments were prac-I i ter sawmill at Waters Creek yester sol f-de termination was In the city yesterday and the day was put out before it had a sons wounded. tically burned off the child’s body * The most widely-discussed of the day before making arrangements j chance to reach the lumber piles or before help arrived. Wilsonian 14 points has thus been with Secretary Allyn of ths chamber any of the houses. There was no in Movies Well Attended— A blanket was wrapped around thrown overboard In th« first great to get together some representative The moving pictures of the Stude the girl and she was taken immedi surance on the mill, but until It Is international teat of the league, son- collections of the agricultural pro baker automobile plant, showing the ately to the Good Samaritan hospital known how much of the machinery celled and built upon those 14 ducts of the surrounding country. different phases of manufacturing where her wounds were discovered can be salvaged, the actual loss will points. These will be put on exhibit In the were well attended by local car own-! to be so serious that no hope for her not be known. It is thought that the The case Is that of the Aaland Oregon building In Portland boiler and the engine can be salv- ers last night. The films were shown1 recovery was held. Portland, Ore., June 24.—(A. P.) j Secretary Allyn requests that any Islands, which sought freedom from aged, and the loss may be reduced in the Chamber of Commerce rooms, i —Track stars of the Pacific north Finland and reunion, after a hun one baling extra good specimens of to about ,3500. E. L. Smith who has charge of the ■ .my Josephine product, bring them west will clash with the pick of New pictures states that he may be able dred years' absence, to Sweden York's cinder men when the Mult Finland contended that the case to the Chamber of Commerce rooms to exhibit them tonight in the city was purely domcatle. but a commis anil he will send them to Portland nomah Amateur AtbletlauCLib meets ¡•ark for the benefit of the auto tour New York Athletic club tomorrow. If sion decided that "In view of Fin nt once. Small sheaves of grains, ists, but will not be able to show land's rather uncertain International grass, alfalfa and corn can be used world and American records are not them unless the breeze goes down. broken In the contests, promoters of statue and "the undoubted wishes of as well as the fruits The fruits will the Aaland Islanders the dispute be preserved in Portland so must be I he event will be disappointed The Bose I sail Game Tonight— • — ■ . < ping over for several hours. This could not he considered wholly with In good shape to ship. Berries are New York Athletic club's team will endurance run was held under the The Presbyterians and Christians be here en route to the National It Is probable that the local post | jolnt auapiceB ot the Cnlted 3utes in Finland's domestic Jurisdiction." also wanted. will mix tonight on the high school Data concerning the Irrigation Amateur Athletic Union meet at diamond. The Presbyterians think it of the American Legion will be rep- marine corp9 and the Seattle C*ham- Having admitted the "undoubt ed wishes of the Islanders" for junc project has been forwarded to Port Pasadena. July 2. 4, 5. is about time they were taking an- reseuted at the annual convention, ber of commerce and Commercial The Multnomah club’s list of en-| other game, The Christians, how- of the Legion at Eugene July 1-3 club ]agt year tion with Sweden, the league com land and will be on file for the In He says. "In run mission proceeded to Investigate, formation of anyone desiring to tries includes many well known ever, stand at the head of the column with a delegation of from eight to ning across tht continent I run five 10 members. The trip is to be made! or ten miles and rest. The car fol- and found that of the 22,000 Inhabi know almut the valley. People wish track Stars. The list follows: undefeated in automobiles and it is expected; lows me with my assistants and Vic Hurley. University of Wash-. tants 98 per cent were Swedish ing to locate In Oregon write to the tl^at two cars at least will make the j judges. I am a great eater, but «(leaking Tile commission's report state office to get data on the dif Ington sprinter, with record of 9:4 Return« From Ro-eburg— In 100-yards and 21:3 in 220. showy that the Islands petitioned for ferent sections of the state John Hampshire returned this journey. Extensive preparations are | have to use care in eating a big meal reunion with Sweden In 1917, again Gus Poi>e, University of Washing morning from Roseburg where he being made ,by the I^ane county post ; at the proper time. The biggest les- In 1918, und since have made sev lleve that the principle of self-deter ton shot put and discus man who has been looking over the work be- j to show some real entertainment to! . son that running has taught me is _________ streets _________ were being _ j that no matter what line we follow eral (tetltlons to the president of mination should apply in this case, represented America at the Olympic ing done on the road contract he the visitors. ’ The the I'nlted States, to the president of for the reasons that the Swedish pop games. Besides being considered holds on the Coos Bay-Roseburg! decorated as early as two weeks ago. | we must train our mind.” Mr. Wil- France, the government of Great ulation of the Islands Is but a small one of the best discus men in the highway, The job includes about 14 and plans for a big barbecue up the son has his wife and two children Britain, by a plebiscite In June. 1915». part of the Swedish population of United States, he ranks high as a miles of extra heavy work, and will MacKenzie river had been formu traveling with him In a Studebaker and bv an appeal to the league of na Finland as a whole; that the posi shot putter. car, and is en route to Los An cost in the neighborhood of *450,- lated. Those wishing to make the trip tion of the majority of Swedes In tions In 1920. Art Tuck, University of Oregon, 000. It will probably be completed may leave their names with Secre geles. where he may contract with Against these tacts the committee Finland would be adversely Influ Javelin thrower, will make an effort by August 15. some of the movie studios. tary Pittenger before Saturday af enced by the separation of the rules: to break the American record. ternoon and when It Is known how "The committee believes, however, Islands from Finland," and finally Reginald Pratt, University of Skull Is Fractured— summer, unless some important bus thnt Flnlands' right of sovereignty Is the report suggests that the Islands' H. Dayton was brought to the lo- many are going, facilities will be quarter miler who iness comes up. when a special meet provided. Delegates from the local incontestable and that to deprive difficulties can be met -by certain Washington. cal hospital this morning suffering Finland of the islands 'would be de guarantees, among which Is compul holds the northwest quarter mile re from a fractured skull, which he re post are James Lium and J. L. Pit ing will be called. The work will start the second Thursday in Sep priving it of a part of what rightly sory exclusion of Finnish from the cord. ceived while working in the lima tenger. Last night’s meeting of the "Chuck" Frankland, University of plant at Rock Point, schools and compulsory teaching of belongs to it. He was post was the last to be held this tember. Washington, high Jumper and high greasing a pulley and he became; "At the same time It does not be- Swedish hurdler. caught in the machinery, which : Ralph Spearow, University of I threw him. The wound is not re-1 Oregon, known as the "vaulting par-; garded as dangerous. son" because he Is an ordained min-i later, is good for 13 feet in the pole; Guests at Cooley Home— vault. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marls and Eldon Jenne, Washington State daughter. Miss Mabel of Smith river, College, is another pole vaulter good are visiting In the city at the home for 13 feet. of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cooley. They Milwaukee, Wis., June 24.— (A. ing public health agencies is not only Chicago, June 24.— (A. P.) — fessional coach for two years. He Mose Payne, declared the greatest will spend several days here before P.)—Public health work, in the aid the aim. but also the achievement of When Coach Toblta of the Waseda was a star at Waseda. which is lo five miler ever developed in the leaving for Portland, They will re- and coordination of existing public the New York county chapter of the turn here for an extended visit and health agencies, is the major peace American Red Cross since It entered cated at Tokio, and captain of the northwest. university baseball team runs over, expect to visit most of the surround- time activity of the American Red the field of public health 18 months team In 1909-1910. His early dia "Gap" Powell, Oregon Agricul to the third base coaching lines as mond training was under Herbert H. t tural College, weight man. will try Ing country, They are making the Cross. George R. Bedinger. of New ago. his Nipponese ball players come to1 Hunter, a former New York Giant, to beat Pope in the shot put. trip by auto. Clifford Lucas, of Ag- York, director, health service de "One of our cooperative enter ness. Is also visiting at the Cooley partment, American Red Cross, told prises is a health speakers bureau. bat, he doesn't lot loose a flow of who had a large part in the develop Max Snook, Oregon Agricultural Japanese (but yells .instructions In j ment of baseball at Waseda. * Base College, sprinter, who won the 220 home, while on his way to Portland the delegates to the national confer designed to act as a clearing house to be present at the convention of ence of social workers here today. through which all public health the native language of the great bail, however, has been played in Pacific coast record. the Artisans lodge. Leo Ward and J__ find opportunities for "The program of the Red Cross agencies can American game. All of his players, Japan for 40 years. Coach Toblta Glenn Walkeley. University of Roy Ward are also visiting Mr. and health secvice ¡consists mainly of a their lecturers to speak, and through who are now touring the country, said. "The Japanese have two seasons Oregon, coast conference champion, Mrs. Cooley. broad statesmanlike plan of public which local groups of any kind de speak English in some degree and of ball." Coach Tobita said, in ex mile. health education and information, siring to arrange public health lec all of them use American basebnll Sims, Oregon Agricultural College, PORTLAND MARKETS plaining their enthusiasm for the under which the Red Cross is per- tures, can secure qualified lecturers, parlance on the diamond. "Evon the foungaters In Japan game. "We have a spring and au one half miler. Pacific coast cham Choice Steers .............. ,7.00 © ’ ,7.50 forming certain Joint services for the or a series of lectures, if desired. "The entire health program of tha call "Out' and 'Strike' In English." tumn schedule, each lasting about pion. Stan Collins. University of Hogs, prime light ......,8.75 O ,9.00 public health agencies of the city of Coach Toblta said hei;e recently, two months. In Tokio we have a Oregon, quarter miler and 'Hollin East mountain lambs. ,6.25 © ,6.75 New York, which it would be diffi New York county chapter. American when his nino played the University league of four universities and play ger, O. A. C., quarter miler are Prime lambs................. ,6.00 © ,6.50 cult for any one agency to do so well Red Cross is one of cooperation; no other stars assured on the Multno Eggs. buying price of Chicago a three game series. "Of a regular schedule 22c for itself alone.' Mr. Bedinger added health activities are undertaken ...20c Waseda 'has about 10,000 stu mah side. Jess Wells, Stanford Uni O mb , case counts “Among these common services, .vlone; no health service is provided course all students In high schools 24c Iff ( 25c and universities In Japan are taught dents but comparatively few of them versity high and low hurdler may Eggs. candled ........ 26c © 27c offered without charge by the health without securing the cooperation of English, but out In the fields where take part In athletics. Coach Toblta also be entered by Multnomah. .............. 29c service of the Red Cross is a bureau some other organization, much of Eggs. fancy selects the small boys play ball, they use said. These stars will be supported by Butter, extra cubes ................ ,1 of public health information through this service being undertaken at the Members of the team expressed other track men of merit, including the English terms. Baseball is the which any interested person can go- ' special request ot other health agen great admiration for the American Carpenter, former Toronto sprinter, Japanese national game, too.” Portland, June 24.—(A. P.)— cure up-to-date information in re cies. To supplement and not sup Coach Tobita, who is 35 years universities, especially the large Olson, former Wisconsin sprinter, livestock, steady and unchanged: gard to all phases of public health plant the publi© and private health , Activities of the city Is the motto of old, has been playing ball for more gymnasiums which Japanese univer and Harry Floeter, M. A A. C. five eggs, unsettled; butter, steady and activity. thah 15 years and has been a pro sities do not yet have. miler. "To strengthen and support exlst- this new Red Cross service.'* unchanged CHAMBER Î0 EXHIBII LOCAL FARM PRODUCTS PACIFIC TRACK MEN WILL DEFEND HONORS ATTEND CONVENTION ,=——1 JAPANESE BASEBALL 3 NOW TOURING AMERICA USE ENGLISH BALL PARLANCE