Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
Till PERSONAL *55 LOCAL -" ■ ■■ James A. I-alhrop, tax ami right of way agent for the Southern P« ctfle. is In the city today on bualneaa for th«« railroad Did you see. or read. "The limiti«« of the Cup?" Count and h««ar It crlt Idled gt the Praabyterian church Sunday evening, June 36, at 8. 13 Mrs Claude l„ I‘ails and small daughter, of River Banks Farms, are visiting Mrs J. U Plttenger for a week. Dr. and Mrs C F tpplcgate and Mr. and Mrs. Trigg Garnet, of Loa Angeles, were registered last night at the Oxford A. E Miller of Fort Worth, Te» . and Misses Alta Miller and Lola Smith, of Tulso. Okla., were local visitors yesterday. J. V. Flaherty anil family stopped in Grants Pass last night while on their way south front Seattle. They were registered at the Oxford. H H White, of Kerby, was a Grants Pas« visitor yeaterday, hav ing Just arrived from I«ebanon, where ho has been an instructor In agriculture for the |>ast year. White will return to !<ebanon week to remain there until the mid* die of July, at which time he will go to McMinnville, where he has a sim ilar position with an Increase In sal- Saturday Special White China Tea Cups and Saucers Rogue River Hardware Co The WINCHESTER Store What You Need Now We have lutve in stock at the lowest prices ever made in GRANTS I‘Ass Hickory' Porch Furniture. Rockers. Chair««, Hickory Furniture, Rocker«. Chair«. Tabi««« Tables and ami Swing«. Swings. Gold Medal Camp Furniture, Tables, Mesial Clamp Tables. Chairs, Double and Single Sin git* Cots, Cot«, Cbtton Felt Mattresses and anti Camp Pads, Pails, Porch Shades, Shade*. Be- Re frigerator«, frigerators, Oil Stoves and Oven«. Ovens. Special on Simmons CoC Cot Beds for the slee]«ing «li-ejang porch and on all hammocks. Holman ’ s Furniture Store " ■ Shoes for the Family Men’s Work Shoes. Shirts, Pants, Gloves and Sox AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Mr and Mm. L. 1« Perry, of Ain Francisco, were in the city today. G. M. C truck cab, wind shield, slake body, cord tires, looks like new. Dodge Bros Sales Room. 97tf Miss Lavita Hough left this morn- Ing for Portland where she will spend the summer. Ralph Keenan and Philip Hart were local visitors today while on their way south from Portland. White china cups and saucers, 95e for set of 6. Saturday ouly. Rogue River Hardware Co. 12 Mrs. L. Trask left this morning for Salem after visiting for a short time In the city. Flume lumber at Borland Thomas Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. G4tf E. E. Romig and N. E. Isbell are in the city, having come in last night from the Boswell min««. They ar«« registered at the Josephine. J. W. Kelley arrived yesterday from San Francisco and will be em ployed with the Shattuck Construe*' tion company on the irrigation dam at Savage aRpida. Buick Six. new top, paint, amt tire« Dodge Bros Sales Room, 97tf Mrs Winnie Braden, state exhibit ; agent, is spending the day In the city arranging exhibits of the various crops of the county. Mrs. Baden Is from Portland Miss Dorothy Fitchard. of Salem, T««iii|H-raitin« lion I | is spending the week visiting here Yesterday was the warmest day ; with Miss Dora Herman Miss of the year according to the thermo Pilchard and Miss Herman are so meter at the weather station at the rority sisters at the University of courthouse The mercury took a Oregon. sudden ascent and touched 93 de- Saturday special white china cups grees before the day wits finished. and saucers. 95c for set of 6. Rogue »River Hardware Co. 12 First Fire lta'>|><>rl<«d— W. T. Edge of Williston. North The first forest fire of the season Dakota, is visiting here for several was reported yesterday near Galice weeks with 3. S. Schell. Mr Edge by the Sexton mountain lookout The is an ardent fisherman, but so far fire covered about 30 acres b««fore has had no luck, although he has It was put under control tried practically every stream in Ill You t an Eat— Southern Oregon. For 35c at the Acme Cafe Before you build get figures on your lumber, shingles, lath. doors working mans' place to eat Try our All experienced and windows at Borland Thomas hot waffl.s, 20c An Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf white help T. I .arsen and E Mrs. A. B Cornell will return this drews. Props Open day and night tf evening from Portland, where she («rants l'a««-t rescent Stag« went several weeks ago to alterni the Grant« Pa«»-< rescenl City Stagi All kinds of heavy freight. «X- grand lodge of the Order of the Eastern Star She has been visiting press, biggage and pasengers. I ’hone 85. utr j at Corvallis and McMinnville also Water Getting Warmer— The temperature of th« Hogue went up to 61 degrees last night. Begins Tomorrow this being three degrees higher than the day before. The water is becom ing warm enough for comfortable .-wimming and the number at the bathhouse is increasing dally. The river is still rather high and swift COMING EVENTS Sturgron on Sale— June 25, Sunday—Scandinavian ple Rogue River sturgeon at 15c per nic at Riverside park. pound tomorrow. Get your order July 2, Saturday—Farm Bureau in early. City Market. 11 celebration, Riverside park. Creamery Butter— Now 35c at the Groceteria. 111 Do You Know K«-Uogg Ant Paste El Vampiro Insect der ...................... 2.V Pow lOc Red Wing Insect Powder....10c CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Paving Is Progressing— The paving of the highway be- tween Grants Pass and Medford is progressing in good shape, only about % of a mile being left before the paved parts are connected up.. The unpaved portions are about •2400 feet near the lime plant and about 2000 feet at Gold Hill, the hot stuff being poured in the town: now The work will be completed in! a few weeks. RIVOLI ROSCOE (fatty) ARBUCKLE Out-Arbuckies Himself P Covers Life Health Disability Accident RELLANCE LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG Ix»w<T Prices— On goods in every line for men at Peerless Clothing Co. THEO. P. CRAMER, Jr. General Agent 804 « M. »th St. 167*It PALACE HOTEL CAFE Meals at all hour« Lunch Counter in connection MULLEN & BISSINGER Proprietors Acme Cafe— The home of good eats is now open day and night. I-arsen & Ad draws. onti Wensationai Itoductlons— On suits, shoes, hats and furnish ings at Peerless Clothiqg Co. School Will Close— The Wolf Creek school will close' today with a picnic, baseball game' and entertainment. Mrs. Alice Ba-1 con, county school superintendent, will be present at the exercises, hav-! Ing left this afternoon Legionnaires, Attention— Regular meeting Thursday ing, courthouse, at 8 p. m members requested to attend. Grange Meeting Postponed— The Josephine County Pomona Grange meeting has been postponed. K NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE MO. 50 Thermopylae MEKTH TONIGHT Visiting Mem- bars Invited Singh Will .W rr«tl«— Basanta Singh, tha Hindu wrest ler, who was thrown by Ralph Hand at Geld Hill last Friday night, has] completed arrangements to wrestle' Joe Dade at Sacramento, Jun — 30 Dado is a wrestler of the same weight as Slngb. who is said to be very popular with wrestling fans in the Sacramento valley. Greatoat < lothlng Sale— Now on at Peerless Clothing Co if - / Blit-. Will Be Opened— Bids will be opened on June for the contract to pave the !• miles of highway Just north of the city Alternate bids, either for con crete or bituminous pavement will be received. The same bidder will be allowed to bid on both types The section to be paved is the 10 miles to Sexton mountain and is known as the Grants Pass-Sexton mountain section. Granta Pass-Crescent City Stag All kinds of heavy freight, press, baggage and pasengers. Phone 85. ntfi ERFECT ItOTECTION OLICÏ Save Money- Purchase your new suit and fur nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. Brewster’s Millions” (reorge Barr McCutcheon's world famous novel coined into a picture jingling with fun. LEAVING TONIGHT Titos. H. Ince Paramount Sfieclal “BEAV REVEL" With Florence Vidor, Lewis Stone and Lloyd Hughe«. The adventure« of a maat«-r love- maker—who had a way with the »omni. Ixvuis Jinepli Vance, famous novelist, wrote the story. College Students Picnic— About 20 of the returned college students last night gathered at the city park for a picnic. A number of the party went swimming and later games were played and dancmg en joyed. This is the first of a series of affairs to be given during summer by the students home the vacation. Cooked Food Hale — Given by the Methodist ladies be held Saturday, in the rooms merly occupied by the Grants Pass Bank. The sale opens at 9 a. m., and all dotations of food are to be there at that time. All ladles, mem bers and friends, of the church are asked to make donations of prepar- i ed food. which will be called for if Mrs. E. W. Sheller Is telephoned. 12 Grants Pass-Crescent City Htage— All kinds of heavy freight, ex press, baggage and pasengers. Phone 85. lllf J« 'K •«••• D. M. C Crochet and Embroidery Thread All Colors ( Mrs. nellie Reas W« du llrlu»Ut«hlna Special Summer Suit Offer Coat nini Trouser« tallonsl to your meaaure from < h - i quality Hur- limila d<H li for $17.50 At «tartina of the «•••<>« thrwc summer »ulto were SSB.UU. )imr order quick—the h. ■ liny» will ««««n be here. lince C'iillioti 11 i STBI rr Big Reductions on All Goods Peerless Clothing Co. McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth > Grants Pass, Ore. FREE!! t Thursday Night Eight O’clock p. m. Chamber of Commerce Rooms If you arc interested in knowing how a Motor Car is manufactured, from the raw material to the finished product, as it is done in the great factory at South Bend, Ind., you are cordially invited to ac company us on a personally conducted two hours' trip on the above date and place. We promise you a most interesting evening- There will be no charge, every one welcome. J. F. Burke I I Dealer in Studebaker Cars DON’T SKID into tile ruts of cxtrniagancc, by «lipping Into the haliit «»f unne»<-««ary luxuries. Begnhir dnwMlt-i with tlic Grant« Pass ,V Josephine Bank work tq ytHtr advantage. Four Per ('em Interest Paid on Sating« Account«. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass ,O regon 1