Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
(Ill AN TH PASH DAILY COURIER Till HHDAY, JI AE 23, 11*21. - — DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company IJ)8T- Saturday night between Mer lin and Galice, a lady's blue wool . sweater, trimmed In tan Finder , pleas« return to Courier or Mrs. F. L. Coon, at 821 Washington Blvd , and receive reward 13 j TAA. EXPRESS SHIPMENT of Japanese Crepes All the new shades, including white, just received nOONEIl TAXI 1’boue 262-R for J Huey Luke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere. anytime. 86tf I'HONE HS» Taxi. Tii« Bonbonniere for 79tf At < <>l NT ANT AUDITING Systoftiatizlng. Hee me about dally or monthly audit ser vice. Ivan Livingston. Incorporat ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad dress. Grants I’aas, Ore. 70tf DKNTIHfH Classified Advertising FOR HAIJC Foil HALE At a bargain, very de • . sirable residence, corner ot lawn- WOOD FOR SALK Fir »2 25. pine ridge anil Manzanita Avenue For 32, on ground. 4 miles wost on up- particulars Inquire 715 North 4th por river road. Posts und building St. or phone 379-Y. 15 poles, lllvuly 41 Brlckell, Guuoral Delivery 68tf IGO ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles out on level road, bouse, garage, FOR SALE—Quiet running White out buildings, well, several thou sewing machine, good order, but sand tiers wood timber. Bargain old model. 31-'. call at 2(18 A St for quick sale. Inquire W. II. Qualf. 87tf call 83 2 N 7th. - 35 FOR BALE 37.50 tor cord ot dry WANTKI» slab wood cut In 12luch Io-n* ths. 314 North Third St. C. W. latm- WANTED We want chickens at ' brecht. 92tf Burkhalter's feed store. Heavy Al BALED HAY 318.50 per ton. Peerless Rauch, Murphy, Ore. J. E. Daniils 94tf hens, 21c, light hens market price. Cun use good block hogs and will come and butcher them, 26c cash for your eggs. Phone 286-R or 363. 15 K .C MACY„ D. M. D. First-class dentistry« 109A4 8. 6th St. ITIYHK IAN ANI» HI ICGEON L O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear,nose and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. 8. LOUGHJUDGE, M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or Hight. Phones. Ras. 369. Uffbe. 182; 6th and H E. J. BIIJ.ICK. M. D. Physician, sur geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 5 4-J; rea 1004 l-awnrldge, phone 54-L. F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputics. Off'ce over Barnes' jew elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. ...... .. RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- slclan and surgeon, X-Ray equip- ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple Bldg . phone 21-L. W FOR SALE—On account of bereave ment will sacrifice my pretty, W. T. TOMPKINS. D. S T Nervous highly improved place Just outside WANTED Al milk cow. Box 27. and chronic diseases. Office. Claus city limits, 10 acres finest soil in Routa 1. 11 Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. alfalfa and clover, irrigation, heav Nt ILS EK Y STOCK DRAYAGE INII TRANSFER ily bearing orchard, modern bun-' galow, electric lights, dairy barn, up to THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. NURSERY—Everything in woodshed, apple, chicken and hog date nursery stock, also directions Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone houses, sic. R K. Hoss 93tf tor planting and soil culture Call 349; rea. phones 265-R, 31G-L. on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street. 77 ACRES- -Opposite Homewood Grants Pass. Oregon. 4 3tf Farm, 6 miles south ot Grants F. O. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi anos, sates, furniture, moved, ship Paas, 25 acres cleared, good gar REAL ESTATE ped. packed, stored. Phone 124 Y. den in, plenty of fruit, furnished £. T. McKINSTRY, 60S G St . phone 6-room housu with summer porch, EOli KENT 355-R. real estate. Best of soils tor for sale at a sacrifice. Terms to fruit, hay or general farming. suit. Addrees J. C. Morgan. Rd. FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly fur- 4. Granta Pass 9«tf nlahed cottage, strawberries and ROY HIGGINS-—Alenerai real estate. large garden Would consider sale Office 111 South Sixth. Phone «9 *0 ACRES 4 0 acres bottom under of furniture. 616 Dlmlck 8t.. paid up water right for sale. III II.UING CONTRACTORS 36000. Address No. 202. care of PIANOS TO RENT Havo a limited Courier. 99tt number of fine pianos for rent. Ap HARPER A SON Building contrac- tore. Shop work, furniture crating. Ft)fl SALE -14 acres one-halt mile ply early at The Music A Photo Shop 510 H St. Ree. phone 142. from Hugo station 6 acres under House. 23: cultivation, good 5-roont house, A, J. GREEN —Genera 1 contractor. barn, chicken coop, brooder house. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT—Always Estimates and (flans made. Noth- on hand. Visible Remington type-! Incubators'. Kroaky brooder, 90 Ing too small or too large. Shop writers Tho Music A Photo House. hens, good dairy cow. Priced for 92tf 211 Sixth St Phone 33-J. 23 quick sale at 31850. Part terms If desired. Must be seen to be ap FOR RENT--Alfalfa. NALASKOWSKI — Contractor, Grain and J. preciated Wm. C. Moldt. Hugo, Builder and Jobber. Phone 24 6-R Stock ranches with and without Ore. 27 61tf irrigation, or will sell at bargain prices on long time easy payments. FOR HALE $40U. Two unpatonted ATTORNEYS Ranches in Jackson and Josephine placer mining claims, 30 acres in county. One ranch under ditch H. D all, 1 *4 acres cleared, shack, old NORTON. Attorney at-law 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. apple trees on place. Young or Practices In all State and Federal Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. chard set out this spring to best Courts First National Bank Bldg Medford, Ore. OGtf varieties of fruit. Pocket and pla- G. W. COLVIG. attorney-at-law. cer district, 6 miles to rallroad, WANT TO RENT 5 or 6-room mo Grants Pass Ranking Co. Bldg. 1 8» miles to store. P. <). and dern house. Close in. Call at Acme E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices 4 aerea school. On good road, Cafe. 14 In all courts First National Rank slashed. Inquire at 111 South 6th Building 1 I St. FOR HALE Two residences and REPAIR pipe O S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law SHOP—Plumbing, 42 H acres in Jerome Prairie, Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. work, steam fitting, boiler and about six tn I log southwest of 505 pu mp work and Installing. C. A. .-UDLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma Grants Pass. Also fine oil paint South 6th street. Phone 306. G. ings at place and at Oxford hotel. sonic I >.n He. Grants Pass. Ore A. Bryan. 511» Incubators, etc., for stile Call on owner, Mrs. Cora B. Findlay, or BANKERS LIFE COMPANY- Des GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law referee in bankruptcy. Masonic address Route 4, Box 81, Grants Meines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. Temple. Phone 135-J. Pass, Oro. 31 District Agent. JAMES T OHINNOCK. Lawyer WOOD Pine or fir, 16-lnch, 33 tier; NOTICE Tho Grants Pass Agency First National Bank Rulldlng split fine. 33.50; oak or laurel, ot Singer Sewing Machine Co. has Walter 33 50; split fine, 34. moved to E. Q. Holman's furniture A. C. HOUGH -Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg 12 Davidson. Box 91. Rd. 2. store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. Practice tn all courta. Our new 1921 "Singers” now on FOR SALE OR RENT 9-room the floor, See them. Your terms V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In house, reasonable, furniture and state sad federal courts. Office Ask about needles, oil, going ours are garden and fruit Owner over National Drug Htore etc. J. W. Scott, sales manager east. Call forenoons nt 212 West 87tf Josephine county. 12 C street. 160 ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS ditches and valuable water rights; —General foundry and machine 25 A. alfalfa, 10 A. wheat. 5 A. work, mine and mill machinery, barley; fine garden, plenty of chilled saw carriage wheels, live fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass., saw pine, frame house. 2 barns. Oregon. 91 if % mile to school, 4 miles to P. O.,l 24 miles from Grants Pass; good HEMSTITCHING- Also plain sowing and children's clothes Mrs. outrange. For sale at 3-80 per Gotcher, 801 II St. 18 acre, crop included Address No. t>8tf SOUTHERN HOTEL 202'4 S. Sixth 205 cure Courier. FOR SALE Indian pony 6 years old, weight about 900. Saddle and bridle and puck saddle Price 360. Will trade for cow Rd. 3. Box 63, on Jones Creek 14 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMUSEMENTS ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ At the Rivoli Every patron of the screen who has smiled at the antics of "Fatty” Arbuckle in bls inimitable comedies, will find full measure of mirth and laughter in bls next picture, "Brews ter's Millions," from the novel George Barr McCutcheon, which be shown at the Ilivoll theater two days beginning tomorrow. There is more laughter ano clean fun packed Into the five reels of this Intensely funny screen story than you would imagine ft would be pos sible to compass into such a space, it la a picture you will enjoy and we recommend It to you In the high est terms ♦ IJ»HT Pound of Air Quite a Big Thing. Textbooks toll us that a pound of pure carbon (the preponderating ele ment In coni) requires the oxygen contained In 11.11 pounds of air to complete the combustion. Few of us have any Idea what 11.11 pounds of air means. The Popular Science Monthly brings it home to us as follows: “Imagine a column of nlr one Inch square extending forty miles into the sky and you will have a good idea ot street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold the amount of air required to burn a water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D. | single pound of null. A pound of coal Yenny. Prop. 28 | would occupy a column one inch ■■quare ami only three feet high? PIANO INSTRUCTION ONE BRIGGS A STRATTON motor I MRS. JAMES M POWERS, Instruc THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPAN Y tor on plano; studio over Barne« wheel for sale cheap. Inquire or write ('. E. Billings, efre F. Els- Time Card Jewelry. Phone 265-J. mann. Rd. 2, Rogue River. 14 MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON Effective Nov. 24. 1919 CAR WR SALE Overland Model teacher of piano and harmony, Trains will run Mondays, Wednee 80, 3200. A bargain. Phone Tuesday p. m Studio over Smith's days and Fridavs 1 267-L or call at 731 South Sth, PM Racket Store. 86tf Ideavo Grants Pass. PM street. Granta Pass, Ore 14 ------------- -------- ------------------------------ >---- Arrive Waters Creek.......... 3 Leave Waters Creek .......... 2:30 P M VETERINARY HI RGKON Arrive Grants Pass ............. 4 P M FOR SALE Houses at 802, 816 and For Information regarding freight DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian .' and , wells 832 North Seventh St Residence 838 Washington boule-! and passenger rates call at the office Irrigation, barns. Bargains. See of the company. Lundburg building, vard, phone 398-R. 35 Mrs. W. H. Qualf. 832 N. 7th. or telephone 131 ■ by dealers give tire mileage at the lowest eost in history OPPORTI NITI IS EOI NO AT I Nil EltKITY SI MMEIt SCHOOL 1'nlverslty of Oregon, Eugene June 23. (Special)—The six weeks i summed term of the University of Orc_on started here yesterday with I many students in attendance from all over the state. Superintendents, principals, high school teachers and other« who find distinct opportunity In summer study are registered for their courses. As commencement was held only three days ago on June 20, the faculty no more than finished grading the multitude of examination papers before beginning summer classes, but In spite of the brief Interim everything was ready for students yesterday and class be gan on time. The university sum mer term in Portland began Monday. Among the well-known eastern in structors Ibis summer are Dr. S. O. Hartwell, superintendent of schools at St Paul, Minnesota, and Dr. Hor ace A. Eaton, professor of English literature in Syracuse University, New York. A large number of courses are be ing given in art, botany and bac teriology, chemistry, economics, edu cation. English, geology, history, library methods. mathematics, music, physical education, physics, psychology, public speaking, French, Spanish and sociology. 30 X 31 NON-SKID RED-TOP CORD $15.00 $22.00 $27.50 Reduction on all styles and sizes A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product REALLY Ml PROBLEM AT ALL Ca ;c Pr. ected to the Oreat Sheerluck Lv< cs Hardly Worthy of Hie Wonderful Brain. It was the office of the famous teethe. Mr. Sl.eerluck Bones. The visitor, u muu <>t rather small ; height but liberal width, sal dowu. “Married!" snapped Bones. “How du you know I'm marriedl" gasped tlie visitor. "By tbe rumples of silk to be matched iu yuur vest-pocket, und your bunted. Iiuunted. expression. replied Sheer luck. Toe mun gasped. "It is luurvelous how you know things!” exv'luimed the man. “Bui il is about my wife 1 came to see you. She ucts so queerly lately. She talks to herself all the time, stands before her mirror and talks to herself. It's awful! And she does the most ter rible things. Shell put a cuke of soup in the soup und scrub the pana with tlie soup lioiie, talking to Iter- seif nil the time.'* Ami the poor man w Ijieil li!« brow nervously. "Ilow long has this state of affnirs l» >*n going on?" asked the great de- tec live. "Oh. for about a week now. And. .Mr. Bones. I can’t stand It any longer. It's driving me crazy. I'm afraid she'll sell the l>aby for a bundle of rags, or something." "H'm! Ilr. Isn't It Just possible that your wife is merely practicing and rehearsing her speech for the next meeting of tlie National Women's Rulers of Home league? I see Its meeting takes place tomorrow night.” “Ry Jove! You're right. She Is third assistant chairman league. 1 forgot It I” With a relieved cry. the little man rushed home, and even forgot. In.his glad relief, to pay the great detec tive's fee.—London Answers. pnD/fpr REPAIR SERVICE^ Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY l-enve Grants Pass 1:00 p. ni Manure contains humus In plenty and all the necessary plant materiale, as well ns bacteria which put these material* Into the most usable slmiw for crops. To get the full benefit of «table mnimre. however. It should be balanced with acid phosphate, which >« comparatively Inexpensive. H.OO nt. 11:00 a. in. l:OO P- tn. 4:90 P- m. * Car of No. 2 Eastern Corn Now on Track Neglect Results In Injury That Lessens Dursbility—Sew With Stiong Linen Thread. You Will Save 25c Per 100 Pounds Neglect Of« results In Injury (hat greatly les«ens It« durability I'he sewing, which should luive been done with strong waxed linen thread, All most I m * kept in good condition buckle« should remain solidly In place. It I* advisable to wash and oil harness frequently. at Ml a a ■ MEDFORD We connect with staxes for Ashland and Jackson vIUe KEEPING HARNESS IN REPAIR blanks Leave Koseburg I p. m. LEAVE GRANTS PASS I 10:00 a. 1:0O P- 4:<M> I». fl: 15 P- Should Be Balanced Wit Phosphate. Which Is Cor para’.'vely Inexpensive. Placer location Courier office. It-handled quickest and best in our completely equipped shop. Our being specialized you get results that show the top, cur tains or upholstery work was to order—a tailored job. Charges are reasonable. Complete line of best materials. G. B. BERRY BENEFIT OF STABLE MANURE it Al TO TRIM AND TOP WORK if you buy this week while we are unloading JOSEPHINE OOTTNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 vor. 3rd and Q Sts. the I