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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1921)
GRAHTS PASS Dilli COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voorhioa, Pub. and Propr. Bntared at pcatofftco, Granta Pasa. Oro , aa second-claas mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Dtaplay space, per inch................ —25« Local-personal column, per line.... 10c Beaders, per line—........... -........... •_»« DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year...... *6.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 ------------------------------ —--------------------- r. WEEKLY COURIER ■y mall, per year........... . ..** 00' SAYS « KEEPS FLAME TOOK OATH BY THE PEACOCK’ Salad Time Wh«n Philip of Burgundy «nd Hie Knights Vowed to Sngags to War for Holy Land. WB WANT N> <UVB TOI 4 MAYONNAISE MIXER THAT IS t,l ARANTEKD TO MIX, WITH \ Gll.lx»N CAN OF SAI.IH Oils COME un> ruis IT OVI it. SKK no IT LOOKS 1.IKK A BARGAIN. Bl Y. mim i ; and II Olli CRAB, IX4BSTEK, SHRIMP, TINA, INI» PIMI N- lo» \i;r. ill <.i m ;\ nii i h . PAI KI D Bl rm NB1 VANNERS IN IIIK MORIA». KIN? MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated proas is exclusively «■titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub a . lished herein. All rights of republication of spe- classed by any state in the Union. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ «Jal dispatches herein are alao ra ADDITIONAL LOCAL Of the *100,000,000 he mentioned, » rer» ed ♦ ♦ he estimated that the government THURSDAY, JUNE 23, l»2t would furnish 25 per cent, the state Medford Agent Visits— M. Montgomery, local agent for 45 per cent and the counties the ♦ ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦ 4* ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ the Southern Pacific at Medford, W11» rest. OREGON WEATHKR ♦ a visitor in the city this morning He ♦ went back to Medford taking with Tonight and Friday, fair in Strive to Excel. ♦ him G. W. Luce and H. A. Hinshaw, You are not true to yourself when of the Southern Pacific lines, who ♦ the west, unsettled in the east you are satisfied with doing what oth spent part of the day In the upper Probably thunder ♦ portion. ers have doue. You may by nature valley. ♦ storms in the mountains. Gen be fitted for very much greater work *♦ tle westerly winds. Gian your neighbors. You may also Wellers’ .Mill Burns— ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*■♦ ♦ ♦ be short on some points wherein they A report reached Grants Paas late are strong. In either case It would HIGHWAY EXPENDITURES not be fair to measure yourself by this afternoon that the sawmill near In an address recently at Eu them. There are certain things you Waters Creek, belonging to Welter gene, R. A. Booth, chairman of the can surpass lu. In those you should & Son. was totally destroyed by fire today. No particulars as to the ori state highway commission, said that greatly excel if you attain your pos sibilitles. So measure yourself In th«’ gin of the fire, aa to the loss or the state ot Oregon had already ex light of your ability and the oppor other details could be ascertained at pended the sum of *28,000,000 on tunities offercl by the problem. Then the time of going to press. highway construction. Outstanding put yourself to th«* task of bitting off 100 per cent efficiency in every at commitments amount to *13,000,- tempt. Of course you w ill fiml It hard. Games Do Not Count— The games last night do not count 000, bringing the total to *41,000,- If It were not. every lad In the com- in the horseshoe contest staged by 000, that has been put into the roads munity would be doing what you are a number of business men of the trying to do. So look for results auu in this state. An estimat by Mr. city, according to A. K. Cass. Mr, see that >ou get them.—Exchange. Booth . placed the Jigure which will Cass contends that the games last night were wholly without hts know have been expended in another 10 Tractors in Arctic. ledge or consent. Dr. W W. Walk the at >100,000,000. years Tractors are crawllug over er an«! C. H. Woodward, who form snowfields of northern Greenland with At I first glance these figures seem supplies of the Lange Koch polar ex ed the winning team, are strong for huge and out of proportion to the pedition. At last the dog team of the counting last night’s matches which benefits to be secured from the Eskimo has a partial substitute. With they won 10-7 from the Jensen- however, their adaptable caterpillar tread, the Baker team. Some agreement may highways. It a person, tractors, like the army tanks, are able possibly be reached will glance back and try to remem to negotiate sharp grades and even ber what the roads were even 10 wallow over obstacles, along tbeir laaal People Warned— years ago, he will see that the trackless course. Not that the pic Local people are warned to be on turesque dog Is to be altogether dis money was wisely spent, Farmers placed. For heavy transportation the the lookout for a man disposing of need market roads to get their pro-J tractor Is useful, but when It <x>mes to fake jewelry who has been working duce to the markets in time to get tlie mails the dog teams will still be Dunsmuir and Yreka, and who is serv- thought to be headed this way. His the benefit of prices quoted them. an essential of the rural delivery ice in the land of the Igloo. method of fleecing victims is to ap A farmer with improved highways, proach them with a cheap but fine is able to get his produce to town Novel "Touring Cars.’ looking and supposedly valuable Tours of the battlefields of France watch, which he offers to sell ridic in a few hours, where it had pre viously taken several days. The sav ■re now uiade by means of “road pull ulously cheap, as he claims to be mans” which are very commodious broke and away from home and de- ing in wear and tear on motor ve trailers hitche«! onto the rear of a hicles is but a small part of the powerful touring car, and in this the sires to raise money to get to the bedside of a sick wife. amount saved but it alone would al traveler eats and sleeps. A party of six persons can be accommodated eas most Justify the expenditure. ily on one of these cars, anti If they Sturgeon 1» <’aught— The tourist travel is another ele are willing to crowd in. a few [non The first sturgeon to be caught in the upper Rogue for a number of ment to be considered. Before the may be taken along. years was brought to town this highways were put into their pres Training Mine Rescuers. morning by Frank McFarland, who ent condition, the auto tourists were The Unite«) States government caught the big fellow in his net. little known. Now the highways are maintains nine railroad cars traveling The sturgeon, which is five feet long lined with people spending a week or among the miners of the country, weighs 4 8 pounds, was caught near teaching them first aid, mine rescue two weeks on a vacation trip. All the mouth of Jump-off-Joe creek. a.ul other things which are likely to these people leave some money in be of special interest to them. In They are protected by law until they the state, at the hotels, the restau addition to this there are trains main attain a length of four feet. The rush to the aid of miners fish may be seen at the City Market. rants and the groceries and, tn fact, tained to was j who may be Injured or trapped In The salmon catch last night nearly every business is benefitted. light, under 1000 pounds being mines. taken. The time may arrive when the Sound Reason, state is a network of paved high Herbert, aged four, was irritated by INTI-BEER BILL WITH MISOIC ways. When that time arrives, the AMENDMENTS BEFORE HOUSE the crying of sister Harriet, aged two. farmer will be assured of cheap “Why don’t you stop crying?” bo transportation. It the sum mention asked his sister with great serious Washington. June 23. (A. P.)—i ed by Mr. Booth is correct, the state ness. “You must be sick. You don’t The Willis Campbell anti-beer bill I look well, and you don't sound well F with minor amendments was report-1 in the next decade will be provided ed to the house today. The rules ; with a system of highways, not out-I Office stationery—Courier office. I committee is exi>ecte<l to give It right of way. ; ----------------------------- Enjoy Summer to the Utmost Prepare now for the Summer’s activities by being you have a ntimlter of sure House Dresses and Aprons A very complete stock is ready for your inspection most attractive All sisea from 1« to 51. at Golden Rule Store USED CARS FORD ONE TON TRUCK. < HEVY, GOi>D REPAIR. RMl SEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL AT A BARGAIN. FORD DELIVERY JI ST OVERHAULED. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE. C. L. HOBART COMPANY z » Tilt IWDAV. JI NK 23, IIMli. G1L1NTN I'.UiN DAILY vXH HIER PAG K TWO In 14-Vi Philip the Go«»l. duke of Burgundy, vowed “by the peacock” tu g«> to the dellverunce uf Cvii»tantluu- pie, which bad rreeuily Callen lulu the hands of the Tyrk«. At th«’ eonclusl«» of the tournament alid banquet held by the duke at Mlle. Holy Mother Church, In the guise of a ia<l> In mourning seated on an elephant mid e»corte«l by a giant, approached the duke ami tie llver«-«l a long versified eutnplaluu claiming the ahi uud succor ot th« Knights ot the Golden Fleece. The herald adxauretl. bearing on Ills fist it live peacock or pheasant, which, according to the rites ot chivalry, lie presented to the duke. At this extraor dinary suiutuoti» I'hlllp, a wise und ag«*«l prince. engaged his person ami powers in Rte holy war against the Turks. Ills example was Imitated by the barons anti ktilgiits ot the as.-eiu bly; they swore to God, the Virgin, the ladies, and tin* peacock. In this connection will be recalled Fraed's brilliant charade, “Th«* I'cti cock and th«* Ladles.'* As the Lawmakers Slang It. ■’A woman on tte industrial board' was killed." annouucc«l Mrs. Stella S. King, acting secretary. at a recent meeting of the Legislative Council of Indiana Women. As she read th«* Inst word, »be reullsed what she had salt! and start«*«! to laugh. It was in the text of the minute» of th«* preceding meetlug, ut which Mrs. King had not act«»l as secretary, und came lu the account of legislative council bills which had been pussed. advanced, or "killed.'’ As It happened. It was a tulstuke after all. for It was another bill per taining t<> the Industrial board which had been killed, not that creutlng a woman member of the l)oard. But for a moment the legislative council for got Its dignity and giggled.—Indian apolis News. t (Continued from Paga On«) I und Engllah troop* of occupation re garded themselves us neutrals, even aa friends of tho Uermau population, while the French troops remained «oldtors In u hostile country. ■'Fourthly, the French occuiwitloti of Frankfort and Diiseeltlorf "Fifthly, the affair of to.l.i« Up per Slleeiit where It is known that tho English and Italians view the matter objective, whereas tho French have Joined hands with the Poles Sixthly, France's bitter opposition to the union of Austria with Ger many. •'I admit that German) owe« Franco reparation» Rhe should pay France by reconstructing the dam age don«« by the German nrinl«<* In the north of Franco That Is the program of the socialist party, and that is why the majority of tny com patriots call m«> a 'pacifist hllot.' ■’Wo are carrying on a very dif ficult struggle against the reaction ary movement In jtlermuny. Thu ar gument of our ad»er»ari««a Is this: 'Th«> French will always find a pre text for occupying the Ruhr and placing their frontier on tho Rhine, consequently every pacific move we make Is detrimental to tho Interests of Germany.’ Ia>t nte emit onel hope That is that it fur sumo un known reason there is a delay in I tho fulfillment of ono of Germany's obllgutious France shall not turn 1 I immo at onco her bugbear Marshal Foch. “France cun have confidence In Chan<?ellor Wirth." ONE ELEVEN Cigar« tt«» To save 25’. on your i cigarette» 1 is important But - to: please your taste is more important. Just buy a package and . find out. \_____—____ 1 / 1 Tin* first Gull»r«ns«m I’lajer built 1 I yesr« ng<>. Is still in nctlvc service in a ’ l»l< ago home, an«l no vital part of It Im« w<»rn out or proven d«’fec- live. Womaa Aged Over 100 Active. Gictiwocal City. Wls.—JIr«. S lied- ■ nark. Town«hl|i of I'nn -e. celebrated White House Model, 1700 her «»tie tiumlrcd and first birthday. France’s Oak Tress Threatened. Country Seat Model, (>oo While eiideavorlng to recover from She was born lu Norway In 1820. an ' the ravages of «Hr the forests of came to this country In 1870. She Surbiirhtin Model, 495 France are also struggling from the • till active anti takes care nf Iwr Gulbran»rn I’layrrw hold se ravages of parasitic growths which room in the home of her «•'• curely Io reputation of lo-init seem to b«* «•specially disastrous to the Mr». A G Anders,«* niusltall) ortislh , durable, easy oaks. These are the country's most Merchant sales books st Courier to play and always ready to valuable tree, constituting nearly 3t> |H-r cent of th«- forest area. This tree iff Ice play. aaenis to suffer «•specially from the fun ---------------------------------------------- E---------- I.I T I M Mltfil YOU gus Oldlum. which appeared In the NEW 1NIDA9 province of Chamipigtic about 1007. The & Photo and Is doing such damage that the ex GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose termination of th« oak In France Is phine Lumber Co . at wholeaal«* Stnnfon Rowell, I’rop. foreseen. Young trees—particularly mill prices. All kinds of planed 1 «toppice shoots of the current year— lumber. Our truck delivers any-1 are most susceptible to attack, though where Phono 188. 107 North seedlings up to ten years of age have Sixth streeL »7tf hn« yet been destroyed. No remedy beeu discover«*«!. Foil SALE Very nice bungalow at 1026 l-awnrldgo Ave.. 10 acre Carrots for Lunch. tract, river front, cast 2 miles. 1 fi As 1 lived far from school, I had to acre tract, river front, west ono carry my lunch. One morning my step- mile 1 4 acres, cleared and fenc mother asked me to go to the grocery ed, Fruitdale. Acreage on Tenth store for some carrots. i< we hud some street. If yon want r bargain see |H-t rabbits. When I returned I set the Churchill. Phone 26S-J. OCtf sack on the table anti hurried to finish getting myself ready for school. When WANT TO SELL? Courier Classi I had finished she had my lunch retidy fied ads have sold several places mid told me It was on the table That For *150 your 3-line udv Is de ' day at noon I opened my sack and to llvered to 1100 homes every night my amazement I had the sack of car for a month. 11 rot». Of course the girls nil laughed and had a good time over It. but 1 am IXMtK AT Ot It IX> IF FOR SYI.E Gas power concrete mix sure It was the most embarrassing er. *50. 40-aere wood lot, 3 miles moment of my life.—Chicago Tribune. of bread and compare It with from Granta Pass, good road, price others. Taste It and compare ,10 per acre 7-room modern res Compensation. with others. Notice Its light “Are you going to take any summer idence for rent or sale. Priced ness And whiteness nnd pur boarders?” right, will be vucant about July 1. ity, Its freshness of flavor. Is “Filin' up the rates now," replied A. L. Edgerton. 665 N. 2nd St. 07tf It any wonder that our bread I armer Cortitos«el. “Remembering, of course, that food A HUITLAND business man owns alone holds our customers cost has been going down.” three PLATER MINING LEASES and makes many new ones? "Yes. But rememberin' also that (platinum and gold I ot about one- Ask y«mr Grocer for Bread rents hu\«- been going up.” half miles each and having over l>ak>-«l by (he fifteen years to run, on the Ttt- lameen River between Boar and NOTE E OF SALE OF IRRI GRANTS PASS BAKFRY Eagle Creeks, Similkameen Dis GATION DISTItK T BON 505 G 8tree« trict, B. C. Tlte Canadian De partment of Mines Memoir No 26, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that says of this locality: 'These placer sealed proposals will be received un deposits contain platinum In rela til the 24th day of June, A. D. 1921, tively greater quantity than those at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after of any other part of North Amer noon for the purchase ot Fifteen ica." The owner will sell th*-se Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of three leases which have never the Enterprise Irrigation District of been worked, for ,4 500.00 und 10 Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds per cent royalty. Address Owner, are to draw interest at the rate ot 6 700 Knott Street, Portland, Ore- Stomach- Kidney a- J-fcart- Liver per cent per annum payable semi-an tton. 16 Keep the vital organs healthy by nually upon the 1st day of July and PORTLAND WHOLESALE SUGAR PRICES TAKES ANOTHER DROP — Portland. June 23. (A. P.)—A ten cent cut in the price of sugar wholesale today brought cane sugar to |6.¡5, the lowest price since 1916. The change marks the second the 1st day of January of each year drop this week. until the maturity of said bonds Said proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of said Irri gation District, and should be direct WANTED laborers to work at Savage Rapids dam. apply to Mr. ed to the Secretary ot the Enterprise New York, June 23.—(A. P.)— irrigation District care of Fred D Neilaon on the work. Shattuck Babe Ruth knocked his 25th home Fletcher, Loomis Building, Klamath Construction Co. 11 tf run today In the game with Boston, Falls, Oregon. with one man on a base. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all blds of- PRESIDENT H HIDING APPOINTS fered. G. J. HILLYARD, DE VRIES «ISOMS JISTK’E Ford Secretary of the Board of Directors FOIl 3ALE—Little half ton truck in extra good condition, with of Enterprise Irrigation District. 1 11 Washington, June 23.— (A. P.)— good tires. if taken at onco. Associate Justice Marion Do Vries, ,210. Call at 609 South Fourth of the court of customs appeals, was St., or phono 24 2-R. 16 nominated today by President Hard ¡•X>R SALE 191s Ford touring, Just ing to be the presiding judge of that overhauled. demountable rima, court. new rubber, bargain if sold at once. Cash or tnrms. 202% 8. Main Object With Pig. Sixth. 13 The main object In the first few 1 month« of a pig's life 1» to product- NEW TODAY—One imitaUon leather hone, muscle and growth Sort of get ! iiph<>l<lst<*r<xl couch. Kit« hen treasure him In »liape to carry a big load o» i Agent w it It gin»« door cupl»>ard. Several c«>ro to market. giHHl 2nd Mattress«*«, Springs and lle«lstca«ls. Dnqehead Hewing Ma The longer the run the cheaper the Grants Pass, Oregon chine, go>»l condition. Phone 71. T. rat« at the Courier merchant print O. Booth. ing department. WATCH THE BIG 4 regularly taking the world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— COLD MEDAL . Th« National R«tn»<ly of Holland for centuri«« and «ndorsad by Qu»«n Wilhal- min«. At «II druggists, ihrs« aiz««. Lx.k tor th- nsms GoM Mxlal on «v«rr bns •ad «ccop, no imwalio« New York Life T. M. STOTT X