Ì 9 FICI IH Y. JV%K IT. IWt GRANTS PARS DAILY COURIER I PER52NdL LOCAL Pongee Night Gowns 1A Ein t HECK IS V receipt as well as a voucher tor money paid. As a matter of business you should pay by check on this bank, whose resources are a guarantee of its reliability. mfmri w M Di U V. UKRV NI NUM For Every Occasion OF ROVTHKRN OREGON HERRICK REFRIGERATORS Let us show you why they are the BEST NEW SPRING GOODS Rogue River Hardware Í The WINCHESTER Store - Three Cs Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST GRANTS PASS, OREGON Rockers Upholstered Rockers in Mahogany, Reed and Oak. Craftsman and Genuine Leather Reckers. We Do Picture Framing. I 1 mrs. Hellie Iftas FIRST NATIONAL BANK FOUNDRY AND WEST G T. S. Vengele*. and tamily. of Port- Greetiv.1 Clothing Sale- Bloomers and Underskirts Now on at I’eerlees Clothing Co tf land. stoppe«! in thl» City Inst nlght .Mrs. Fred Dtngler. of Rogne River, You Will Like I nion G<u>olln< la in Grants Paas for the day. Qtv* it a trial Adam» Electric Ä A. W. Knapp and wife, of Holland, Battery Shop. were in Grants Pa»» yesterday. We <ki lionistllihlna C L. Goff, of Medford, «peut ye» stretch Your Neck— terday in this city. And yer imagination and you’ll One Dodge Brothers touring car, cords, repainted, good buy. Dodge break ’em both trying to see all the on ,97tf tun ut Murphy June the 25. Brothers Sales Room. W, B. Miksche and 8. W. Dutart, of Medford, stopped yesterday in this s<*n»atl<aial Reduction Ou suits, shoes, hats and furnish city. Mrs. J. F. Schwenk and Mrs. Don ings at Peerless Clothing Co. Calvert left yesterday for a visit to San Francisco. AppesWw Plaintiff Kgalnst Self— Mrs. I.. M. Kane arrived last night Ray Briggs yesterday plead guilty Quality Value Tailoring from San Francisco and will visit her to assault on William Trevor, a min At the sign of sister, Miss Minnie Tuffs. ing man from Seattle, and was fined Ye Jolly G. M. C. truck cab. wind shield, $5 In the Justice court, the tine be GEO 8 CALHOUN Utile Tailor stake body, cord tires, looks like ing paid ’at once. No charge had Over Sixteen V’cttn L kû I Dtalcr new Dodge Bro» Sales Room. 97tf been entered • Mr. and Mrs. E. J Lind and little niece. Evelyn Grimmett, were Grants Fonie or Send io Cent»— Pass visitors Wednesday. To the B Y. P. V. party tonight, Buick Six. new- top. paint, and benefit of young people's home tiros Dodge Bros. Sales Room. 97tf Columbia City Mrs Stidham and daughter. Doro thy, are visiting in Medford over the You'll Have the Moat Etti»— day Saturday night at the Riverside Mr». Ed. By water, of Tucson. Arlz . club dance Tickets Community At Rock Bottom is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clevenger, $1.10. extra ladle« and also her many friends here. Prices at Dr. Flanagan will be out of town Save Money- tor a few days attending grand lodge Purchase your new suit and bis office will be closed until ntshlugs now at Peerless Clothing Co. 06 Monday. John Manning returned a- few days Try I nioii (.«‘•oline-— ago from Kegg, Vai., where he spent For more power. Adams Electric several months. Battery Shop. Salos One Lizzie. Dodge Bros 97tf Room. Warrant Out Mrs. w K. Parkinson, of Gletylnle. j A warrant has been obtained for Cal., Miss B. Rattagon. of San Fptn- the arrest of Earl Campbell, an Ad cisco, and S ~ !. Callri . ’f Glendale, ventist minister formerly of Grants Cal., were in this city last night. Pass. who. at last accounts. was Geo. W. Smith. Henry Young and working in Salem. Authority for the G. K. Crandall, of Etna Mills, spent arrest was telegraphed to the sheriff yesterday and the day before in at that city, on grounds of non-sup- Grants Pass. port of wife and child, who have Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Miller and been living in this city. AT daughter. Ldrdlska. of Idahotne. Ida., are visiting Mrs Miller's niece. Mrs. A. J. Green They visited the Port < >ly tuple— Specials on Corn Meal, Rolled Oats land Rose show. and Pancake Flour, and 98-»b sacks Merchant sales books at Courier Kinney of Hard Wheat Flour office. Truax. Mrs. Catharine Cole left this after noon. returning to her home in San Wluit You’ve Been M ailing For Francisco, after spending several Another of those popular dances at weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. the Riverside Community club house. M. Clemens. Dance tickets $11". extra lutile» Misses Augusta Parker and Italsy 25». June 18. Cole, teachers in the Klamath Falls schools, returned to Grants Pass lutwcr Price«— to save when they have an account with Wednesday night to spend their va- On goods in every line for men at Urania l*a»« anti Josephine Bank—it rm otiruK«** cation at home. They were acconi- Peerless Clothing Co. \<»u H a k « mm | them to make weekly de|H>sRs. panied by Thelma Grizzle, niece of time to start an account with un for your »on or Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Pollock. Sneak Thieves Operating— daughter. Four |«*r rent interest paid on sating Flume lumber at Borland Thomas Thursday evening Wm. Fiddler, account». Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. C4tf living on the Dollar Farm, picked W. C. VJason and L. M. William cherries and bad his wheelbarrow son. of Berkeley, Cal., owners of the loaded with fruit to be taken to mar Mason & Williamson tract between ket. This morning when he started D street and the railroad east of the for town he discovered that some city, have been in the city for sev one had appropriated the greater G rants » P ass .O regon eral days looking after their proper portion of his load und he was oblig tv interests. • * ed to make another picking before Before you build, get figures on he could make the trip to market. your lumber, shingles, lath, doors Thievery is becoming too common and windows at Borland Thomas srw TOMAI Alfalfa. Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf Acme Cafe, Horne of Good Eat»— Stock ranches with and without Floyd Finch, of Shelton. Wash., We serve a special chicken dinner EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE Irrigation, or will sell at ivargaln visited his father, J. M. Finch, and Saturday and Sunday, Dependable companies and reas Fried spring prices on long time easy payments. left last night for San Francisco. Mr. onable rates. See T. M Stott. chicken to order at any time. Try our Ranchos in Jackson and Josephine Finch was In the navy during the salads Buick Salesrooms. 102tf and steaks. All experienced county. One ranch under ditch war and made 10 round trips across white help. For quick service try 3 mile« from Grants Pass, on river. the Atlantic on the Martha Washing- us. T. I^arsen and E. Andrews, Pro GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. phine Lumber Co., at wholesale prietors. 07 Medford, Ore. 06tf mill prices. All kinds of planed lumber. Our truck delivers any-1 FOR SALE Two residence« and Smoker Tonight— where Phone 188, 107 North 42 Vi acres In Jerome Prairie, If you want to see a good dog and [ Sixth street 92tr about six mile« «ou th west of badger fight, come to the smoker to-1 Granta Pasa Also fine oil palnt- night at the Chamber of Commerce LABORERS WANTED on Savage Inga at place and at Oxford hotel. Rapids dam. The Shattuck Con You will miss a good thing If you Inculuttors, etc., for sale. Call on struction Co. will resume work up miss this. 06 owner, Mrs. Cora B. Findlay, or on the Savage Rapids dam. seven address Route 4, Box 81, Granta miles from Grants Pass, on Mon Attending lire Convention— Paas. Ore. 31 day morning, June 20th, 1921. A. K. Cass, fire chief, and N. W. Preference will be given local men. Cole, assistant chief, left yesterday and members of the American le NEW TODAY—One Imitation leather for Corvallis to attend the fire gion, it they are qualified to do the uphold»tered coach. Kitchen (rcw«ure chief's convention there. work required. All employed will with gin«« door cupboard- Several be required to live In camp. For K< hm I 2nd MattrssuHw, S|>rlng» and Stock Certificates— position, apply in person to Mr. Bcd»toada. Dnqt-head Sowing Ma The Courier merchant printing de Neilson, on the Job Shattuck Con chine, good condition. Phone 71. T. partment is In position to print stock struction Company. 07 <’. Booth. certificates for any kind of business. Several designs of certificates are WOMAN, GOOD ALL AROl’ND cook carried In stock and others may be wants position. Call at 209 West Ftared Effect on Stork secured on short notice. H street. 07 Wlllnr'l was In quarantine for chick Mipox. The family was at table when FOR 8ALE |100. Two unpatented th'- officer mmr to placard the hon«« placer mining claims, 30 acres in When he saw the sign he aald. "Gee all, 1 % acres cleared, shack, old ' hope the stork doesn't see that, ft apple trees on place. Young or will scare him sway for aura."— Bt- , chard set out this spring to best change varieties of fruit. Pocket and pin-1 cer district, 6 miles to railroad, I Office stationery—Courier office. 1 % miles to store, P. O. and For fought« and t'o4ds ,...'M)c school. On good road, 4 acres slashed. Inquire at 111 South 6th lassative Aspirin Fold Tablet«, 11 St for Folds and Grippe ..,215c FOR SALE-—Very nice bungalow at liront hkal Salve for the Throat 1026 iatwnridge Ave., 10 aers and Cheat ............................ .K< tract, river front, east 2 miles. 16-| acre tract, river front, west one mile. 14 acres, cleared and fenc- ed. Fruitdale. Acreage on Tenth street. If you want a bargain see SELLS DRUGS Ch 11 rchlll Phone 268-J. 06tf DINING ROOM of Western Hotel to rent on good terms Call at hotel. 07 Holman’s Furniture Store The bill applies to persons resi MOTHERHOOD ENDOWMENT IS dent in New South Wales two years APPROVED IN N. SOUTH WALES or more. The scheme is estimated to cost Sydney. N. 3. W, June 17.— (A. 1.600.000 pounds annually. P.)—The parliamentary labor party Question for Astronomers here has approved a draft of a bill One bright moonlight night my ut- providing endowment for mother- tie four-yearold sister tvas playing hood. on the front lawn. Presently the lit Provision is made in the tle one gazed at the sky intently for pension of about $2.50 a a few minutes and theD queried, “Oh, widowed mothers up to an age pro sis, when the sun sets does It hatch vided for by the commonwealth. Par the moon?"—Chicago American. ents in receipt of an income of $45.50 will receive an endowment of $1.50 The longer the run the cheaper the for each child under 14 years of age rate at the Courier merchant print after the first two. ing department. Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family WOODWARD’S 103 North 6th Children Soon Learn Grants Pass and Josephine Bank i Riker’s Expectorant CLEMENS I A