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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1921)
GRANTS l’ABM DAILY COURIER FRIDAY, JI NM 17, lUJI. I DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company ANOTHER Ml I I'M ENT Ol Pretty Blouses IN GEORGETTE fit El’EK INI» PONGEE $3.45 and $5.95 * Poll RENT FOR HUNT Smail cottage. June 1st inquire at I'eerloaa Clothing «tore 1 H 4tf J FOR IJiAHK OR RENT- -Partly ulahed cottage, atrawberrle» large garden Would consider of furniture. 616 Dlmlck fur- and »ale St.. all important thing is purity. Cost taste—everything else is of minor consideration. PIANOS TO RENT Have a limited number of fine pianos for rent. Ap ply esrly at The Music A Photo House. 23 Foods should be nourishing. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT Always on band Visible Remington type writers. The Music & Photo House. 23 Calumet Baking Powder is That’s what they are for—to build up strong, sturdy bodies. pure in the can. It is made in the ¡argest, cleanest, most modem Baking Powder Factories on earth —only of such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. W l NTKI» WANTED To buy close in 8 or 4 room bungalow. Call at 210 South Fifth street. 07 MEN WANTED for construction work on Irrigation project near Medford. Oregon. Laborers* wages 93 for eight hours, Jess |i for board. Other wages in proportion. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., SHOP—Plumbing, REPAIR Pipe Medford, Ore. 09 work, steam fitting, boiler and GIRL WANTS PLACE to assist with 5Ui> pump work and Installing. housework or to take cars ot chil South 6tb street. Phone 306. G. dren. Phone 282-R. 06 51t» A. Bryan Classified Advertising FOR HAIJC WOOD FOR BALK Fir 82.35, plue 32, on ground, 4 miles west on up per river road. Posts and building poles. Hlvsly A Brlckoll, General Delivery. 68lf Foil gt.Al.E Quiet running While BANKERS LIFE COMPANY Des Moines, Iowa. .Myron C. Guston, sewing machine, good order, but District Agent. old model, 112, cal) at 208 A St. 87tf CANDYMAKING business. Start at home. Everything furnished. Men FOR BALE |7.¡>0 for curd of dry und women 1'30 weekly Bon-Bon elab wood cut In IJiuch le ngths. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 108 214 North Third St. C. W. Ulu liti brecht. NOTICE—The Granta Paas Agency FOR SAIJC--First class baled wheat of Singer Sewing Machine Co. has hay, I 25.00 per ton. Second cut moved to E. G. Holman's furniture ting alfalfa hay. 320.00 per ton. store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. Rolled Barley, 136.00 per* ton. Our new 1921 "Singers" now on Central Point Feed Store, Jesse L. the floor. Seo them. Your terms Richardson, Phono 41. 106 are oura. Ask about needles, oil, etc. J. ' W. Scott, »ales manager Al BALED HAY 318.50 per tun 87tf Josephine county. Peerless Ranch, Murphy, Oro. J. E. Daniils 94tf CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS —General foundry and machine FOR SALE- -tin accouul of bereave work, mlno and mill machinery, ment will sacrifice my pretty, chilled saw carriage wheels, live highly luiprovod place Just outside rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass, city limits, 10 acres finest soil In Oregon. 9 Ilf alfalfa and clover, irrigation, heav ily bearing orchard, modern bun HEMSTITCHING— Also plain sewing galow, electric lights, dairy barn, and children's* clothes. Mrs woodshod. apple, chicken and bog Gotcber, 801 H St. 18 houses, etc. R. K. Roas. 93tf SOI THE KN HOTEL 202 8 Sixth 77 ACRES Opposite Homewood street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold Farm, 6 miles south of Grants water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D. Paas, 25 acres cleared, good gar Yenny, Prop. 28 den In. plenty of fruit, furnished 5-room house «Ith summer porch, IIRAYAGE IND TRANSFER for sale at a sacrifice. Terms to suit. Address J. C. Morgan, Rd. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 4. Granta Paas. 96tf 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. 90 ACRES 40 acres bottom under paid up water right for sale. F. G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pl >6000. Address No. 202. care of ano». »ate», furniture, moved, ship Courier. 99tf ped. packed stored. Phone 134.Y. WANTED To rent a tent first two weeks of July. 516-R during Phone 07 V ET ERI NA RY HP RG EO N DR. R. J. BESTL’L, Veterinarian Re»ldenre 838 Washington boule vard. phone 398-R. AtCOI NTANT AUDITING — Systematizing See me about daily or monthly audit ser vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad dress. Grants Paas. Ore. 70tf It’s pure in the baking. Cal umet never fails to produce the sweetest and most palatable of nourishing foods. REAL ESTATE e . t . M c K instry , 603 It has more than the ordinary g st., phone leavening strength. You use less of it That’s one reason it is the most economical of all leaveners. 355-R. real eatate. Bear of aoila tor fruit, bay or general farming. ROA" HIGGINS—General real eitate Office ill South Sixth, Phone 69. Another reason is—it is sold ATTORNEYS H. D NORTON. Attorney-al-la* Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg G. W. COLVIG. \f.orney-al-!a * Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg at a moderate price — you save when you buy it A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. E. S VAN DYKE, Attorney. Pra tlce» In all courts. First National Bank Building C. A. •■’r>LEll. Attorney-at-law. Ma •«etc t ».u de. Grants Pass. Ore NI USER Y STUCK swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf FOR SALE One mare, weight 1500 lbs., will work single of double; PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere tor one 3 >,« wagon; one mower and Taxi 79tf rake; one nprlngtooth cultivator; IH II.DING CONTRACTORS one spike tooth harrow; two one- horae cultivators; one 1 2-lnch HARPER A SON Building contrac plow; one set of heavy harness. A. tor«. Shop work, furniture crating. L. Bocock, 836 N. 7th St. 08 Shop 510 il St. Rea. phone 14 2. FOR SALE Ono dozen white Wyan A. J. GREEN—-General contractor dotte hens. Inquire at 111 South Estimates and plans made. Noth- Sixth street. Roy Higgins. 08 Ing too small or too large. Shop 211 Sixth St. Phono 33-J. 92tf 8600.00 lllggest bargain in South era Oregon. 1918 6-cyllnder car J. NALASKOWSKI - Contractor. in first class condition, new top, Builder and Jobber. Phono 246-R. Just painted. Smith's garage. 07 61tf FOR SALE 314 acres on Park St.. at a bargain. Will take auto as! part of deal J. F. Byers. Rest-' I., O. CLEMENT, M. I), Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear,nose dence directly opposite south gate and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. of park. 10 SELFXT CD NO 1 PEAS for can a MM'GHRIDGE, M. D. Physlciau and surgeon. City or country calls ning anti cooking, 8c a pound. A. attended duy or ulght Phone«. Alberto on North Sixth street, 200 ( Res 369, off; e. is.: 6ih and H feet beyond city limits. 06 HORSE for sale, weight about 9001 E J. BILL1CK, M D. Physician, sur geon, Schallhorn lilk. Phono 54-J; ibs, gentle, ride or drive. L. D.. res. 1004 latwnridge, phono 54-L. Low, Rd. 4 at Frank I«oon ranch. CHOICE MEAT IS <s- HElCOHEt) BV T he MAN WHO’S LINING BY A P ure pood plan .’ Gn you living bz the pure food plan? Choice meats help to build a man. Have you tried the meats we sell? Eat them if you'd live quite well. Keep our number in your mind. This shop's not so hard to find. NOTICE OF SALE OF lltlll- GATION DISTRICT BONDS Watch for Mr. Happy Party NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals will be received un til the 24th day of June. A. D. 1921. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon for the purchase of Fifteen | Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of | the Enterprise Irrigation District of , Klamath County. Oregon. Said bonds are to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable seml-an- nually upon the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by , the Board ot Directors of said Irrl-i gallon District, and should be direct ed to tho Secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District care of Fred D Fletcher, Ixtoini» Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the I right to reject any or all bids of-| fered. G. J. HILLYARD. Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill 2 Vi cupesifted pact- ry flour, 3 level tea spoons Calumet Baking Powder, teaspoon salt, lUj. cups milk. 1 table spoon sugar, 2 table spoons melted but ter, 2 eggs beaten separately. Then mix in tne regular way. WHY d«Mw one Rancher SUCCEED and another fait, .both having equally good ranches? * U HY' dote one secure credit for his enterprise« and the other not ? WHY doesone get wlutl lie wants anil the other take what he can get? It you think these questions arc not KEILHiOT apply them to your self. The more you think the more you will discern. WK answer between the lines. Y'OV can road the answers now or wait till next year anil see the answers by observing who has MORA Pl MI’S. WE challenge the World to show the equal of the MORA Pl'MP IN EFEIt IENCY. E( :»Nt»MYAND DUKABILITY'. Fully Guaranteed Pacific Mora Pump Sales Co. «11 G St., Grants Pass, Oregon PROMINI N I* 1’01.0 1’I.IYI Alt is KILLED IN IRISH AMBI SH BUYS FOR CASH New and l'«ed Goods SEE ME E. W. CHILES 101 G STREFTT I Would Edison’s College Gradu ates “Flunk” on These Questions ? Call or write the London, June 17.— (A. P. 1 — Lieutenant R. B. McCreery who was recently killed In an ambush at Ballyturln, Ireland, was the son of Walter MeCreery, a very well known polo player. The latter, with his brother the late Lawrence MeCreery. ,'laved tor America in the 1900 In ternational polo cup match at Hur- lingham. Lieutenant MeCreery I TIIE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON himself was a promising polo player.; < OAST It MI.ROAD COMP IN V Time Card Merchant sales books at Courier »fflce. F Hi TH ER FORD Manual Hu- raputics. Office over Barnes* jew elry. Hours 9:30-13; 1:30-4. IzOST In or near Grants Pass, on ,l( VI.I'll A S I E \ It NS, M D Phy- Crescent City road, lady's gold slclan and surgeon, X-R«y eqnip- nugget necklace. Finder please re ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple Effective Nov. 24, 1919. turn to Mrs. Fred Moore, 210 8. Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- Bldg . phone 21-1.. days and Fridays Fifth St , Grants Puss, end receive W. T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T Nervous Leave Granta Paas...... ......... 1 P M reward. • 06 and chronic dlaoases. Office. Claus Arrive Water« Creek. ......... 2 P.M. I.eave Waters Creek. ......... 2 :30 P M. Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. LOOT Man'a gold watch, swiss P M Arrive Grants Pas».... ........ 4 movement. Name. W. H. I«eonard For information regarding freight engraved on back. Finder return and pausen ««w rates call at the office First-class of the company, Lundburg building, to Courier office. Liberal reward. E. ,C MACY. D. M. D. dentistry. 10914 S. 6th St. 07 or telephone 131 07 W Calumet Waffto Recipe O. 8. BLANCHARD. Altorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg Phone 37u GEO H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-la« referee in bankruptcy, Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. NURSERY—Everything in up to F or SALE 14 ncres one-half mile; date nursery stock, also directions JAMES T OHINNOCK. Lawyer for planting and soil culture Call from Hugo station. 6 acres under I First National Bank Building on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. cultivation, good 5-room house, Grants Paas, Oregon. 43tf A. C. HOUGH —Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg barn, chicken coop, brooder house. Practice in all courts Incubators. Kresky brooder. 90 ¡•I INO INSTICI CTION hens, good dairy cow. Priced for V A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn quick sale at >1850. Part terms If MRS. JAMES M POWERS. Instruc state federal courts Office tor on piano; studio over Barn’'»' desired. Must be seen to bo ap over Nations! Drug Store Jewelry. Phone 265-J. preciated. Wm. C. Moldt. Hugo, <>r«> tt MRS. CLARA TITTLE FENTON Making for Merriment. FOR SALE OR TRADE for smaller teacher of piano and harmony, Ilonesi good hutiu.r Is ’he oil and car, on account of going east will Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith's wine of a inerty meeting, and there sacrifice my Willis-Knight 7-paa- Racket Store. Self is no Jovin' companionship equal to senger car, 4 new tires and tubes, that where ihe Jokos b ’ s rather small TAX. and extra tire. Car in Al running ■>nd the laughter uliunduul.—Wash order. If interested call at once wJUN’ER TAXI — Phone 262-R tor ington li vlug. at 503 J street. 07 Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calle an FOR SALE—The furnishings of my house at 507 A St., are for sale F. K Booth. 07 PAG« THR McINl YRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. USED CARS FOIID ONE TON TRUCK. CHEW, GOOD REFADL R»> SEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL IT A BARGAIN- FORD DELIVERY JUST OVERHAULED. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE. C L HOBART COMPANY