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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1921)
GRANTS FARM DAILY COI HIER PAGE TWO GRANTS PISS DAILÏ COURIER Apricots Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhies, Pub. and Propr. ■stared at postoffice, Grants rase. Ora., as second-class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Local-personal column, per line.... 10c Headers, per line—....................... 5e DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..... 8« 00 ■y mall or carrier, per month.. .50 Curuiiktx'r* ;uul Gnx'u Pepper« Now. KINNIÏY _______ r &TRU >2.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS THE HOME OF NUMBER IM COFFE K The Associated pre*s Is exclusively AND .ALL OTHER QUALITY GOODS entitled to the use for republication ot all new» dispatches credited to It 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore- or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of sp«*- •lal dispatches herein are also re The irrigation project i» a pernia He Accomplishes Thisjs served. It Is usually the fellow who doesn't nent asset, and some day. when final FRIDAY. JUNE 17. IMI Snow any better‘who does the thin:: payment has been made upon the .'bat can't be done. — You see, the — I cost, acre there will belong to every poor fellow doesn't know It can's be ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦FF ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ of land under the canals a right more lore and so he goes ahead and do».- OREGON WKATHBR ♦ It.— Exchange. ♦ valuable than the land itself. So ♦ ♦ Tonight and Saturday, fair ♦ ! long as farming is carried on, the Placer location blanks at the Automatic pre»» feeding at th» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦FF ♦ ♦ ♦ . water will flow without cost to the Courier office Courier office. user other than a maintainance SUCCESS CREATING SI UX ESS The highway commission now gives charge that will be a pittance as com- notice that it will award the contract pared with its worth. It will bring next month for the paving of the 9.S thousands of people here and will in miles of the Pacific highway north of, crease the homes by many fold. And Grants Pass, thus closing the last j so with the highways; once construct Now's the time to plan a visit back east to your old home town or an gap in this district, and completing, ed. they also become a permanent as- outing to your favorite resort by the seashore or in the mountain« the paving throughout southern Ore- set to the community, aiding in de- job will employ gon. ’ Thia ___ ___ . . a large velopment ot the lands, tn marketing! HACK EAST NEW EASTIKHND force of men during the season, in the timber and in exploiting and de- ! Ia>w Round Trip Ticket» One-way Fares Through Through creasing the local payroll and add veloping the mines. ing another factor to the advance ot 4 CALI Foil NT \ CALIFORNIA The merchants of a western Ore- prosperity. This announcement ar»» now on sale at will be in effect Kethlced Fare June IO and daily, thermfow brings to mind that old truth which gon town developed a plan ot offering t certain of their wares at a saving to •ays that success creates success. Final return limit round trip tickets. three months from sale Grants Pass is the center of a revival the purchaser that attracts many date not exceeding October Slat, Stop-overs permitted and choice of routes. of industrial activity not excelled by, people to the city, Forty-one ot the any community in Oregon. The var-l merchants selected some one or more On your back east trip, see Crater lake, latke Tahoe. Yosem ite. Sequoia National Park. Carrlso Gorge a grand and highly lous activities that will be under way articles from their stock» and placed , colored canyon seen from the car window—or the Apache Trail and Roosevelt Dam. during the summer represent work of them on sale on a definite date at a more than a million dollars of value. most attractive savins to the buying 1 The completion of the irrigation pro- public. Thus all the merchants were Week End and Season Excursion Tickets are now on sale to: pect will employ an average of nearly offering inducements to trade upon: 15 men, while the two big road the day and the shopper could inspect: Tillamook County Beadiea Newport A particularly attractive trip building jobs, the paving north of 41 different lines of trade and find | A delightful seashore resort across the Coast Range Moun on Yaqulna Bay and the Pa town and the construction of the bargains in each. They would also j tains. These beaches Include cific Ocean. An Ideal place for Rockaway and Garibaldi Beach highway to the caves, will put scores find other bargains, for it is not al- i Resorts. N'eah-Kan-Nie, Man the family. large natatortuni of men on the payroll. It is payroll ways necessary that prices be cut to i zanita and Bayocean. and salt water baths—various that counts, and while each of the produce a bargain. But the cooper Daily train leaves Portland forms of amusement. Union Station 8:15 a m. three items noted will come to com ation of 41 houses produced a bargain ’ Daily Train Service Special w «-ok-end train leaves pletion during the year, each will day that caught public attention It! Portland Union Station Satur- “Oregon Outdoors,” our now day 12:45 p. m. leave behind development that will is a plan that any community might Summer booklet, graphically Electric train leaves Port- descries the different resorts In yield returns for all time to come. well adopt with profit. land. 4th and Stark Sts.. 1:15 Western Oregon, nnd includes p. m., connecting with week hotel and camp Information. end train at Hillsboro. No bag gage handled on electric train Copy free on request —■» i « “I had the pleasure of witnessing Winston Churchill's gr««at story “The Inside ot the Cup" which will be shown al the Rivoli for three da.'» be ginning Sunday matinee, al a pre-re view yesterday morning and only wish that 1 were able to purchase a ticket for every man und woman in Grants Pass so that they might see It. “Th«« doctrine ot the helping hand which 'The Insld«* ot the Cup* splen didly expounds. Is one that has great appeal and such a story chnnot fail to inspire belief In the heart ot the Brotherhood ot Man as one ot the great salutary forces tor goo«l In our modern civilization “The story tells th«« absolute truth and the power ot truth. In book or screen, cannot lie denied. Th«« theme is developing In a strong dramatic story which lends itself admirably to the screen, the strength of the theme I is that of practical Christianity." |C. II. Demaray. W<> an* Ivuying the beM pack of fancy Aiu-ie"«« dim« troni tin* grower ami we advise canning beton* «he «««««on I« over. Our price Í» alway « right. We have some very fancy Hotliouxo Tomai new at a very fancy price and «mio California Tomato«*« at alHuit half of the Hotlum««* prie«'. Display space, per Inch.................. 25c WEEKLY COURIER ■y mall, per year MAYOR DI MMt 11 INDOR-Sls “THE INSIDE « OF ITIE Cl I'" I 1(11» I » . JI NI. 17. IMI Make Friends with < The Victrola A Once in your home, the Victrola becomes the musical member of your family. Judged by the most exacting standards, it successfully fulfils its mission by bringing to you the world's best music exactly as in terpreted by the world's greatest artists. Musicians recognize the Victrola’s pre-eminence and give it the final stamp of their approval. No sub stitute cun ever eouul the Victrola and Victor Records. The Music diid Photo House h STANTON ROWELL. Propr. Grants Pass, Ore. Vacation Trips New Oxfords and Strap Pumps Si« »EXT \1N AND OTHER RESORTS Jo««*l>hine County i'au»—Tickets now on sale. Crater lak<*(a lake In the extinct crater of a volcano) Tick ets on sale July 1st. Coleetin—Tickets now on sale. Shasta Mountain Resorts- Tickets on sale, daily, on and after June 10th. Yosemite National Park—Tickets on sale, dally, on and after June 10th. For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, train schedule» or sleeping car reservations, inquire ot any ticket agent of The most complete showing this season of the latest styles in Ladies’ Oxfords and Pumps. Several of the numbers we have just received have been delayed for several weeks on account of the unusally heavy demand for this particular style of footwear. The new color combinations we are showing are sure to please you. New numbers in plain brown, grey and black. UTZ & DUNN Quality is appreciated by the people of this community. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES ' . BROKEN BUTTONS DAMAGED LISTENERS Grants Pas Electric Company It o nly costs $2.00 l*W sack. Sold at the JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 vur. 3rd and G Sts. 1AUN-DRYET7E Think of a fi«e-pa«»cnger. quality automobile. <ompl<-«< ly «*q«dppn! anti having a powerful ialve-in-h«*ad motor, for Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage $809 Grants Pass DAILY AND SI NDAY I xmivc firant» l*a«» 1:00 p. Bl- I«eave Roaebiirg 1 p. m. CHEVROLET PHONE 520 ) ) $2.50 to $4.50 for Children $3.50 to $5.50 for Men $4.50 to $7.50 for Women 7»/ iUuitr.itin ihni j "Sam hnit’Notrlty Sun m fun Worn.J hruy Wtan. uuh Duleh Collar Uitj a ftm‘> AtMtrit Stylr in nr Llattit Kib Tlii. wonderful washer now «'ii our display floor— . on... it now—no obliga tion 0:1 your fuirt. Mcrmilk” LE IVE M EDFORIi M:0O a. ni. 1 1 :OO a. in. DAILY AND MUNDAY 1:00 p. in. PHONE H.A OR ItlO 1:30 p. in. We connect with stage« for Ashland and Jackson« tile Grants Pass- automobile W. S. Maxwell & Co. The Dealers in your town are ready to show you a splendid selection of the lat est "Saxonknit “ Styles at < Swiftly whirl« the cloth«*« dry—tin* entire tubfull one minute. will your cow follow suit? She won't if you fe«*«l her Model “Four-N in«*ty" at the new price is the greatest value of this or any oth«*r year. Our Patent Gus set fenture und E'Ls- tic Rib stitch ensure absolute comfort and perfect fit, both in the water and out. and the extra qual ity of our Worsteds means long wear even under the most strenuous circum stances. The Laun-dry-ette Vv hen the Grass Dries Up -» You can do just that by petting a "Saxonknil* Bathing Suit for each mem ber now. WHINGER. Golden Rule Store V j JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. Learn to swim this year, teach the youngsters — all of you get in the spark ling sunlit water and make Summer one long healthful, happy holiduy- Stage fl I'l I: i LE H E GRANTS PASS 10:00 ». m- 1 :OO p. in. 4:00 p. in. 0:15 p. ni. If your Dealer cannot supply you write us direct Saxony Knitting Co., z,Atth. Washington d