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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1921)
University of Oro. Library (T h a ids JJnss Dinin Courier ♦ IHM4M IATKI> 1’REMH MEH VICE GRANTS PAMM, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, VOL. XI.. No. IT«- FRIDAY. JUNE 17, 1ÍTJI WHOLE NUMBER 33M. I ill Floyd Hart of Medford, and Leo. G. DeVaney, of Roseburg. Given State Body Peats 4 Ï0 SETTLEMENT Salem, Ore., June 17.—(A. P.)— AISTEN CH AM BEH LAIN, LENDER Tacoma, June 17.—(A. P.)—-Roy I1OI2SIIEVIHM MAY MAKE <N»N- WRIT TO ENJOIN ENFORCEMENT MtJolt «.INI li \l WOOD tMKM i Governor Olcott today announced the! Gardner, captured at Centralia yes ill ’ LAW IS PA RPOSE OF NEW ’ OF HOI SE DECLARES ON t'ESSION'K TO HOLD SELF ACTION ON INDEBTEDNESS 1 appointment of the following mem- terday, entered McNeil's prison last I PETITION JAP TREATY' IN POWER BILL ! bers of the new aeronautic board: night under heavy guard. Archie F. Roth, of Portland, five-! Just before entering, he received| : year term; Walter K. Ijees, Le- a wire from hla wife, which said IGrande, four-year; L. B. Hlckmao, "Dear daddy, be good boy now, I ■ Portland, three-year; Leo. G. DeVa love you still and hope to see you I ney, Roseburg, two-year; Floyd Hart, soon Have bepn accused of giving ■ Medford, one year. you a gun Clear that up. Lovej Amrriian ladior Acieration Consider Action of Imperial Conference No« Form, ti ldi li Win In Russia Will W< 1 I nn<l t.oKwnor General A'ortww Doi lie." ing Petition Asking Drastic Jap Pre-judged But Statement of FILED BT KING E0UNTUAH0L0RÖ Say Island National Bank Is Now Practically Bankrupt THREATENINGALUANCESCOUTED Win I .a nd and laüwr Questions anese Exclusion la»w Good Will Made In Central Europe Portland. June 17.—< A. P.)—Roy I Gardner told officers today that he! got hla gun In the San Francisco jall.j Olympia, Wash., June 17.— (A. P.) London, June 17.—(A. P.)—Aus By IM»IM>TIIY THOMPSON Washington. June f' I A. Pl — where the prisoners put up *1,000 ten Chamberlain, the government ¡ (Written Expressly for the I. N. S.) —Attorney General Thompson has The Philippine government Is farina for two guns. he getting one , leader in the house of comomns, de Budapest. Hungary, June 17.' (I. been served with a copy of a petition bankruptcy, Major General Wood leader in the house of commons, de- i N. S. I—It becomes more and more Bled in the United States court at and former Governor General Forbes Portland. June 1«.—(A. P.)—The ' renewal of the Anglo-Japanese trea- evident that there la no settlement Tacoma, for a writ enjoining him declared In a telegram transmitted to ! possible In Central Europe while Rus- from enforcing the antl-ajlen laud . paving of 9.8 miles of highway !mme- I ty, "Although I do not In any way congress by Secretary of War Weeks, ,nately north of the C|ty lllnitg ot wish to prejudice the .action of the ' ala remains an unknown qijantlty. law passed by the 1921 legislature. who asked for Immediate action on a Frank Terrace, a King county land- Orantg Pass will be considered, and Imperial conference, it la right to Hide King Ksrl has departed from Hun- bill authorizing the Island govern ment to Increase Its Indebtedness IUI1U iry. ■ it the question of the rectora lord, and N. Nakatruki, a tenant, bids for the work will be opened at say at once, that we shall be no par limit from tl&.OOO.OOO to *30.000,- tlon of the Hapsburgs la not aettled asked the writ, alleging that the law a meeting of the state highway com ty to any alliance directed agalnet mission to be held in Portias* June America, or under which we can be 000. and In the few weeks since hla depar- violated the federal constitution. I called upon to act against America.** 28 and 29. Wood and Forbes, who aro invea- Five grade students successfully ture the Hungarian government has Denver. June 17.— (A. P.I—De ligating Island conditions, said the , pa It is possible that the commission .„seed the second set of eighth grade resigned, reconsidered, and reigned PORTLAND MARKETS national hank, the depository of the state examinations, given June 9 and Recriminations of the bitterest kind mand for a drastic Japanese exclusion will, , in awarding the contract, insist Island government funds, la "prac- 10. One of the five receiving di •ven going so far as to lead In one law was made In a resolution submit that the work be completed within ted to the American Federation of *7.50 (Choice Steers_______ |7.00 tlcally Insolvent." ; year. plomas, Cleora Howell, Is tn the , case to a personal duel— have hurt 1-abor convention, with the backing the present *9.00 'Hogs, prime light ----- *8.75 led through the Gothic arches of the Grants Pass district. Others are: of various coast organizations. *6.75 East mountain lambs..*6.25 No most beautiful |>arllament building in AA’Illlam Humhy, from district BRITISH GOVERNMENT MAKES *6.50 j Prime lambs________ *6.00 Europe, and the royalist question has 20; James McElligott. Diet. No. 2«; ] “ FEE ON ADVERTISING SPACE Eggs, buying price ----------- BOI SE PACKER REGULATION _23e thrown together the strangest and William Brletmayer, Dist. No. 28. BILL PASSED BY THE SENATE ....25« Eggs, case count________ and Nellie Woodbury. Dist. No. 42. I most artificial alliances and has post .... 28« 1 _ London, June 17.— (A. P.)—A Eggs, selling selects-------- Names of several students success-! poned much of the splendid work of __ *1 ' Butter, extra cubes ---------- Washington. June 17. (A. P. ) new departure in government trans- economic reconstruction which was fully passing the first set of state The senate late today, passed 1115 actions is the disposal, for a cash examinations, which were not Includ-! under way when his majesty appear Portland. June 17.—(A. P.) — house packer regulation bill with consideration, of advertising space ml In the published lists, are Charles ed upon the scene. Sheep, slow; eggs, unsettled; other but minor amendments. The measure. on census papers; a proceeding which Buffalo. N Y . Juno 17. (A. P. I Daniel Gustin,*, Antone Spinas. Otto Austria appears to be no nearer a the official mind would formerly ' markets, inchanged. Salvatore Caln, aged 31, who has Clifford Herman, Walter Herman,| settlement of her difficulties; indeed nowyoes to conference. been arrested at Eden, 13 miles from Charles A'. Campbell, of Dist. No. 1; there Is a growing conviction that have looked upon with horror. i Washington. June 17.— (A. P.) — Buffalo, admitted he had u hand In and Hose Weeks, of Dist. No. 50. Even now, a proposal of an enter they are insoluble. Pan-Germanism The senate rejected, 33 to 31, the prising advertising agency to pay the the killing of Daniel F. Kabvr. of competes half-heartedly with Danube Sterling bill for federal trade com government 11,000 pounds for the Cleveland, two years ago, said the A'ederatlonlsm, and the partition of mission regulation of the packing in use of the backs of 11,000,000 forms district attorney Austria between neighboring states. dustry. to be used in the forthcoming na In Bavaria the royalist movement is I PEKING GON ERNMENT WHINS tional census, was at first summarily gathering Its forces together. Jugo GRAND JI RY VISITS HOME AGAINST FA4TION OF si N ' rejected by Dr. Christopher Addison, Washington, June 17. — (A. P.) slavia’s unity Is threatened by Rad- WHERE AGEE MET DEATH Peking. June 17.—(A. P l—The Dr. Sun Yal Sen. the president of the Itch in Croatia. In Rumania the land the health minister. foreign office has recently went a for Southern Chinese republic, has aP- reform comes too late; the country- Baxton Springs, Kan., June 17.— Sir Alfred Mond. first commission Portland. June 17. — (A. P.) — The mal notification to nil legal Ions In pealed to President Harding for a side is dissatisfied and turbulent, and er of works, and a keen business (A. P.)—Four bandits held up Guy grand jury today visited the home Peking advising them to warn their recognition of hla government. ' In spite of its tine equipment the where Harry Agee was stabbed to man, saw the advantage of drawing Shields, aged 26. an armed mail mes nationals against entering into any revenue from this source and per senger early today, taking him a half ’Whether democracy triumphs °f army is not dependable. The nego- contracts with the Canton govern - fails, much de|>ends upon the deci-' Hations, so happily begun at Bruck death last Saturday morning. suaded the minister to consent to the mile west of town. They put him menl headed 'Dr. Sun Yat-Sen slon of America." said the appeal. innovation. out of his motor car. and escaped between Czecho-Slavakla and Hun- SINN FEINERS < HARGED WITH which entail hypothecation of any with five mail pouches. gary, have split on the rock of the DESTROYING SIGNAL SYSTEM properties which rightfully belong to Haiisburg question, and the hoped tor , , , ------------ . „ V „ . ALLEGED WOMAN BLl BEARD the Chinese government. Ix>ndon, (A. and desperately essential economic .ondon. June June 17. 1. — (A. > — Cut C it- held AFTER EXAMINATION ENGLISH COAL MINERS VOTE _ ’’It developH." ways the note of ting ot railway signal wires and the! cooperation has come to nothing. CONTINUATION OF STRIKE ; -------- ,usri ------------------------------------- K.‘ around Lon- , D . Twin warning, "that Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Gen of Signal rsu cabins .. pa" , ’- .. id*h o °. .. June . k . _ ' (A. There are. to be sure, certain more I burning P.) — Mrs. Lydia Southard, charged Chen Chiung-mln and others In Poughkeepsie. N. Y., June 17.—-(A. or less measurable movements, ten don,%has been charged to the Sinn: with the murder of her fourth hus London. June 17.—(A. P.)—A coal Kwangtung Intend to force the pro P.) The nurse In the Stillman dl-, dencies and policies. But the fate of. Fetners. band. was held for trial at the conclu- miner’s ballot favors a continuation vincial bank of Kwangtung to Issue vorce case hearing testified today! every one of them depends upon whati . lation. Russia remains as always,: i51011 ... °t the second day 7 preliminary ’ of the present strike, it is officially a series .of note« aggregating *10,- that Mrs. Stillman, when Guy Still-■ Russia is going to do. 000,000 and to put them In circula man was born, wired to Fred Beau-1 the land of myatery. A Belfast linen _ ________________________________ announced. Russia May Be Split Up tion. one half to be pledged to for vale In Montreal, that the “Little! The other day I was talking with merchant remarked the other day eign banks for a cash advance. brown bear has arrived." Vladimir Malama, head of the Rus-1 that when Russia was furnishing 90 I slan committee in Budapest, which is per cent of the raw linen of the world rapidly becoming the largest center no firm ever knew at any time what' of Russian emigres in Europe. “What the crop had been. lamin Makes Concow, ions do you think is going to happen in Today one can find support for any! Russia ’’ I asked. He replied by quoting Lenin. (It is I theory one may choose to advance in • - - - . remarkable that Innins' arch enemies! regard to Russia. There are those! New York, June 17.— (A. P.)— ing for the Americans. The "Big constantly quote him as their final who say that Lenin has held Russia — authority.) "Only two things are through the most critical time; that America and England wjll clash for Four' arrived In 1909. The famous New York, June 17.— (A. P.) — the moat grilling of his career. In possible for Russia-—bolshevism or there are evidences that he is willing the eighth time in •play for the fa- quartet, composed of Lawrence Wa to make concessions to private capi mous International Polo cup in the terbury, Monte Waterbury. Harry Georges Carpentier, challenger ot victory or defeat throughout hla ring crarism.” tal and to affect other readjustments series which opens at Hurlingham. Payne and Devereux Milburn, “polo's Malania continued: "Of course, campaign. Carpentier haw been guid Jack Dempsey. Is one of the moat greatest back," went to Hurlingham ed by Francois Descamps toward the I^enin was speaking of a united Rus in order to make his socialist state' England, tomorrow. unusual boxers who ever eompned that year and regained the cup, over heavyweight championship goal sia—-of Great Russia. There is an-l workable in a capitalist world; that International polo cup play dates fo the heavyweight championship. which he will endeavor to reach at other possibility, that Russia may j the trade agreements recently signed whelming the Englishmen in two back to 1886 when the W’estchester In temperament and Intelligence, Boyles Thirty Acres In Jersey City on split to pieces, into several states; will help him to restore health and: Polo Club, not now In existence, of games. 9 to 5 and 8 to 2. Of that team, Devereux Milburn la there has been none like him among July 2. The list of opponents Car- some monarchies, some republics, order in Russia. There are others, fered a trophy for competition be the only player now actively in the equally well informed, who say that aspirnnta for hoavyweight honors. He pentler has met Is more impressive soma communist entities." tween the nations. The Hurlingham will be outweighed by Dempsey when than that of Jack Dempsey’s rivals. Now the point of this article is the trade agreements will only help team, captained by the famous Irish game. He will be the backbone of hint to get supplies for the Red army; the American defense in the Hurling they clash. Other physical measure In ring experience, Carpentier Is by this: That the rellzation of any one sportsmen, John Watson, was Invit ments may also appear to he to the tar the older. of these possibilities, that bolshe that he cannot restore order in Rus ed to the United States to ompete ham contests this month. The same Invulnerable combina disadvantage of Vie Frenchman but The first battle with Bombardier vism might make readjustments and sia, or health, and that since he has ' for the trophy. The English team the essential Item ot courage will not Wells at Ghent Is declared to have concessions to 'permit it to hold its fed the people something he will feed, ' promptly took possession of the cup. tion repelled the Hurlingham team be included In these shortcomings. been one of the most impressive ex own, that the communist regime them victories, and will make a drive: winning the first two matches. 10 to which challenged in 1911. Captain Carpentier, horn In the coal min hibitions of courage by the young should be followed by a monarchical simultaneously through Poland and 4. and 14 to 2. Foxhall P. Keene. T. L. St. George Cheape and Captain J. ing district of Lena, France, fought' Frenchman, who was outweighed reaction, that Russia should split in Rumania at no distant date. That Hitchcock Sr., father of the present Hardress Lloyd were the most fa mous of the Englishmen who became as •youngster of 12 years and pro-1 many pounds. He took the count of to several states—will determine the thus at some frontier he will suffer American No. 2; R. Belmont and W. grossed steadily through the various I nine In the first round, to come back fate of Central Europe. Should the and overwhelming military defeat, A. Thorpe, composed the badly de internationalists in that series. The games were furiously fought buj the weight classes, meeting the best box and knock out his opponent In the monarchy be restored in Russia a with the simultaneous and complete feated American outfit. leadership of Harry Pajne Whitney ers of France, England and America fourth Before they met the second powerful impetus would be given for collapse ot bolshevism. And there; until ho now stands near the pin time, he predicted Wells might last the return of the Hohenzollerns and are others who affirm that the disin- j There was no further international and the hitting ability of Devereux play until 1900 when a team of Am Milburn turned back the invaders, nacle In pugilistic sport. one round but the Engllshmnn was the Hapsburgs. Should Russia split tegration of the soviet regime is al-1 A survey of the opponents Carpen knocked out In leas than one minute. Into pieces the triumph would be for, reBlly far advanced, and that at any ericans who happened to be in Eng 414 to 3 and 4 % to 3 A4. The English allowed only two years time parts of the country are like-1 land. challenged and were unsuccess tier has met In the ring and sketches Harry Ix'wls, in the fourth round the "Green” International of the I ful England won the only match to elapse before they challenged • 1 ly to break away. of several bnttles In which he reviv of a bout, broke two bones In hla peasants, whose rise is the most sig Whatever forces win in Russia will | played, 8 to 2. Two years rater, the again. The Americans started the ed from a count of nine tn outpoint! right hand, hitting Carpentier on the nificant single phenomena, perhaps, or knockout hla rivals In subsequent cheek hone with a smash that cut a on the horizon. 'But the continuance win in Central Europe. Russia will I American Polo Association eent over same men as In two previous series rounds convinces one of hla ring deep gash under the eye Carpentier of a more or less Red and united ! settle the Hapsburg question, the ■ an official team but again tailed to but Monte Waterbury was injured In courage. He has fought among oth came back to outpoint lx»wls In 20 Russia would make any permanent Hand question and the labor question! reKain the CUP- . That series saw the the first contest and was replaced by aBtrv of Ijawrence Waterbury into in Louis E. Stoddard, chosen as the No. ers Joe Jeannette, Frank Klaus, Bil rounds. When he lost a 15-round de restoration of Hohenzollerns and In the meanwhile one can only con-1 entry ly Beckett and Gunboat Smith. Some cision to Joe Jeannette, Carpentier Hapsburgs Impossible and world also aider how events are shaping them ternational play.. The American line 1 of the present team. More than of them he met when a youth In hla was sent to the mat two or three put a check upon the accumulating selves and how tendencies are crys- up was R. L. Agassis, J. E. Cowdin, 30,000 persons saw the defender* talizing, bearing in mind that when Foxall P. Keene and I-awrcnce Wa again win at Westbury, L I., in late 'teens. His fights with Frank, times but refused to stay and drop power of the peasants. terbury. straight games, 5H to 3 and 4H to Klaus and 'Billy Papke when he was' ped the negro twice for a count of To prophesy which of these courses Russia moves the rest of this part of However, better years were com- <*. the world moves also. only 18 are declared to have been' nine. events will take la the mereet specu- I HURLINGHAM POLO PLAY DATES 80 TO 1886 III CONTESTS WITH AMERICA I