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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1921)
TUI IMIkAY. JUNE 10. IMI. URAXn PA AH DAILY IXM'KIKR riüK RHU PER5SNÍ1LÎÏ5LOCAL | Pongee Night Gowns HERRICK REFRIGERATORS Let us show you why they are the BEST Rogue River Hardware Co The WINCHESTER Store Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WEST G G. M C. truck cab. wind shield, Great«** Clothing Hale- stake body, eord tires. looks like Now on at Peerles* Clothing Co if new. Dodge Bros Sales Room. 97tf W. B. Lyon, of Takilma, was In No <■«»>«*— Granta Pass yesterday The Twilight league game which Buick Six. new top, paint, and was to have been played last even- tires Dodge Bro*. Sales Room. 97tf Ing was called off. due to the sudden D. A. MoDoBald. of Holland, was rain. in thl* city yesterday. Merchant Printing—Courier office. You Will Like I nlon Gaeoliuc— Give it a trial. Adams Electric & Dr. Flanagan will be out of town I I I tor a few days attending grand lodge Battery Shop. and his office will be closed until Monday 03 All You Can Kat— For 35c at the Acme Caf«. A real IsHtnard F. Falrey, of Drain. Ore., working man’s place to eat Try our ■spent yesterday in Grants Pi 'ass. All experienced Salo* hot waffles. 30c. One Utiie. Dodge Bros. 87tf white help. T I .arson and E ' Room. Flume lumber al Borland ' Thomas drew*. Prop«. C4tf I Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. J. P. Smith and wife, of Canyon < last Auxiliary Meeting— I ville. Ore . stopped last night in The ladle* of the Auxiliary With them were Mr, hold the last meeting of the club Grants Pass and Mrs. C. L. Phllbrook. Mr. Smith year In the Chamber of Commerce is stopping in this city over today. rooms on Tuesday, June 21. A lunch One Dodge Brothers touring car. eon will be served at 1 o'olock, fol cords,* repainted, good buy. Dodge lowed by a business meeting and the Brothers Sales Room. 87tf election of officers Members will Mr. and Mrs Charles Mu*hruas.| make reservation* for the luncheon Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goodwin. Mr. and by applying to the secretary, Mr*. F. W. Evans and Floyd Mush- Mary A. Browne russ. all of Pasadena. Cal., spent yes- : terday afternoon and evening in KenaaUonal Reduction Grants Pass On suits, shoes, hat* and furnish Before you build get figure* on ings at Peerless Clothing Co. 9Stf your lumber, shingles, lath, door* and windows at Borland Thomas Ih.n’t Forget— 6 4tf Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. The Chamber of Commerce smok- Have you seen the Kauffman Au er. Friday evening tomatic Cut-off Can be attached to 'a Fordson tractor. Absolutely pre- Mv>lfor<l Mun Wounded— ! vent* rearing bank wards Ixx-al agent I Joe E. Crane. 25. is recovering at Reginald Robinson. Phono Wilder- the Sacred Heart hospital at Med | ville. Demonstrations free. 05 ford. from an accidental gunshot Smoker Tomorrow Night— The Chamber of Commerce amok er. which will feature stunts, music. games and a lunch, will be held in the chamber rooms tomorrow night. EXPERT CATCHING OF TURTLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON Cuban Ktativs* Rely Upon Instinct of Specie* to Bring Them a Profitable Haul. New Prices on Bedroom Furniture HEE THE WINDOW MONDAY DRESSERS AS LOW AS $13.00 ri.tix I’liii is Holmans Furniture Store INTERNATIONAL MEMORIAL DAY' Mr. Ward refers to the resolution TO COMMEMORATE SACRIFICES adopted by the Inter-Allied Veterans St. Paul, Minn., June 1«.—(A. P.) that the organization's members —An international Memorial day, to "should do all in their power to se commemorate the sacrifices of the cure that our nations adopt May 30 World war, has just received the en as Memorial day for those who gave dorsement of Cabot Ward, vice com , their lives for their country in the mander of the Inter-Allied Federa , late war.” tion of Veterans. Mr. Hamilton also has letters from ■ ___ __________ _ the1 In a letter to J. W. Hamilton of St., prominent Europeans _________ approving brought forth a Fetter Paul, who is urging that May 30 be idea, which i made a day of international observ-, from Stephane Luzanne, editor of the ance. Mr. Ward said he was sure his Matin. Paris, with an editorial fav endorsement would be iterated by oring the proposal. Senator Edward Colonel Crosfield, head of the Brit-' Wavrin*ky. of Stockholm, a member ish Legion and Charles Bertrand.' of the interparliamentary Union, said president of the Inter-Allied Veter-1 "Swedish papers will support the ans. movement.” The General Federation of Women’s Clubs of America Endorses “THE INSIDE OF THE CUP” A virile, pulsating picture, dealing with modern social conditions—thrilling, intense, human, regenerating. NO RIME IN PRIOEH RIVOLI BEGINNING MHOM1 MATINEE In the neighborhood of Cuba a pe- cullar method of securing turtle* 1* pursued. The people train, or at least take advantage of the instincts of a certain species of fish, cailed by the Spanish reve (meaning reversed), be cause Its back is usually taken for its stomach. It has an oval plate attached to its bead, the surface of which Is traversed by parallel ridges. By this plate it can firmly adhere to any solid body It may clioose. The boats which go tn quest of the turtles each carry a tub containing a number of these reves. WheD the sleeping turtle* are seen they are approached, and a* soon as they are Judged near enough a reve I* thrown Into the sea. Upon jiercelving the turtle Its instinct teaches It to swing right toward the turtle and fix Itself firmly upon the creature by mean: of its disk, Sooner would the reve allow itself to be pulled to pieces than give up Its grip. A ring which Is attached to the tail the fish. In which a string Is fastened, allows the fisherman to pull In Id* prize. By a peculiar manipulation the reve Is pulled off and returned to the tub. to be ready for use the next time a turtle I* sighted. "Mtasurs Up." The habit of measuring up now will save you time and trouble later on. Life's load* are not going to get any easier to carry as population In- c rease*. There will be keener compe tition and more people to compete. The only hope for you will be such developed skill that you will naturally lead In the things you attempt, That means you will make trial of every talent and so tralu what you bave that no effort Is spent in vain, Thia develops the most determined effort and fitness in the fellow who Is will ing to do hl* t>e»t. Then as the bigger problems come with the years you will be trained In doing your best un- tier every circumstance and success I* Imund to hover over your efforts. There Is no better time than the present to i>egfn. Keep going and make every new Idea contribute to your growth and you are bound to succeed. KLENZO Liquid Antiseptic A Wonderful Antiseptic for Combatting Germa Treating Pyorrhea Throat Gargle CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 3DU Bloomers and Underskirts I rnr$. Hellie Reas We do lleinaUt« king for Every Occasion Quality Value Tailoring Al the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO. S CALHOUN Over Sixteen V'eari Local Dealer NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Prices at a Peerless Clothing Co. wound which he received at hl* home In North Medford last Sunday. Mr Crane was trying to unload an old fashioned rex olver when a shell ex ploded and the bullet plowed through beneath the skin of the abdomen and took a diagonal course through the thigh, entering the right leg four Inches above the knee and coming out above the knee cap Save Money— Purchase your new suit and fur nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co Try I nlon liaaollne— For more power Adams Electric & Battery Shop. Fined by Medford Court- Fay Canon pleaded guilty In Jus tice Taylor's court Tuesday afternoon to driving a vehicle at night without ¡a light and was fined 350 and cost*.' the court taking Into consideration the extenuating circumstance* that the hay rake, which he was hauling in the rear of hl* wagon had broken down several times, thus delaying him from reaching home a* he had intended before dark. It was this hay rake into which Harry Griffith, the state speed cop, ran. while pur suing an auto speeder Cannon agreed to reimburse Griffith for the expense* of the accident, including [a |5 hospital bill. 310 clothing dam ages and the doctor's fee. Something Doing— Every minute, at the Chamber of Commerce smoker, Friday evening Ixvwer I’ll«*— On goods in every line for men at 98tf Peerleaa Clothing Co. Cloaca S«-aa«>n— The Indies Progressive Literary Circle closed the seasons' work by giving a patriotic program on Flag Day, at the home of Mrs. Everett Lewman. 417 West O street Many different organizations of the city were represented, but all were thor oughly united on the subject of pa triotism. Question* and answer* on the American flag were of profit and Interest to the assembled company. The program was as follow*: Song, I The Star Spangled (Banner, by. all I present; History of the Writing of 1 Our National Anthem, Miss E. Lo , ma*; poem, What the Flag Said, the , Mrs iWlllmarth; History of j Flag, Mrs. Ray; recitation, Freda Tuttle; poem, Home Is Where Our Flag Is, Mrs. Haviland; instrumen tal solo, Catherine Carrell; poem. The American Flag, Mr*. E. Lew man; reading, Old Glory, Mrs. C. 8 Manning; vocal solo. Goldie Lew man; reading of rules for proi>er placing of stars and stripes, Mrs. 8. Loughrldge; vocal solo, Freedom's Banner, Mrs J. D. Wurtsbaugh. AU } Joined in singing My Country ’TIs of Thee. Others present who took part were Mesdames Perkey, Champlin, ! Tuttle, Beagle, Johnson, Overman i and Abbott. The rooms were deco- I rated with flags and patriotic bou- quels. At the call of the president ' the Circle ladies will resume work : again in the fall. At the Baptist Church— There will be midweek services at the Utaptlat church tonight. The sub ject will be "Praying and Canting Out Devi la.’’ « I —" Giv<vt Show <■*•» On Wednesday afternoon a shower was given in honor of Miss Nora An derson, by the Woman’s .Association of the Presbyterian church, at the home of Mr*. L. O. Clement. The committee In charge had decorated the dining room In purple and gold, colors of the high school class of 1*15, of which a number were pres ent to wish happiness to their class mate. Rosea and sweetpeas were everywhere through the other room* The 60 guests showered the bride-to- be with many gift*, from the huge "orange blossoms” sent by T. P. Cra mer to the gifts preseated by the Presbyterian Sunday school. After the refreshments, the bride's cake was cut and paused te the guest*, one of whom received the lucky ring. Marchant Printers- Courier HORN PHI’ITT -To Pruitt, of daughter. BROWN To Brown, of son. Mr and Mr* Ben H. Merlin, Jun* 12, a Mr and Mr». Emmet New Hope. June 15, a The longer the run the cheaper the rate at the Courier merchant print ing department. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MIDGE NO. SO TI mthopj I»« MKKTS TONIGHT