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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1921)
GRANTS PASS DAILY COI KIER PAGE FOR RENT DOYLES Successor to E. Firth & Company ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Pretty Blouses FOR RENT Small cottage, June let. inquire at Peer leas Clothing atore. FOR LEASE OH RENT -Tartly niched cottage, strawberries large garden Would «insider sale of furniture. 616 Dimlck St. PIANOS TO KENT Have a limited number of fine pianos for rent. Ap KEEP PUREBRED LIVE STOCK ply earjy at The Muele A Photo North Dakota Farmer Eliminates House. 23 Runts by Liberal Feeding Proper Management. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT—Always on hand Visible Remington type <Fr«p»r«d by th« United State« !>» part writers. The Music A Photo House. mant of Agrk-ultur«.» 31 To obtain the most rapid growth am] beat development of live stock VETERINARY SURGEON keep good »lock, and see that noth I DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian ing check« It« growth from the tiros Residence 638 Washington boule It is boni. Thia la the method by which a North Dakota farmer pre vard, phone 398-R. venta runt» among hl» animals. lu a letter on this subject to the ACCOUNTANT United State» Dejmrtment of Agricul AUDITING — Systematizing. See me ture, which ba» been studying the about dally or monthly audit ser < uuscN and prevention of undersized vice. Ivan IJvIngaton, Incorporat MbM'KljIaANKOV* FOR HAIJi ed Accountant. Phone -------------------------------------------------------- I dreaa. Granta Paas, Ore. SHOP—Plumbing, WOOD FOR SALK Fir 32.25, pine REPAIR pipe 32, un ground, 4 mljea west un up work, steam fitting, boiler and HEAL ESTATE 60S per river rond. Posta aod building pump work and Installing. pole« Hlvely A Brickell, General South • th strset. Phone 306. G. K. T. M c K instry , «03 g st., phone Delivery. 68tf »11» A. Bryan 365-R, real eatate Beat of aolla for about your crankcase IN aiODIMiETTK <<3308*304 AND l*<»NGEE $3.45 and $5.95 Classified Advertising FOR 2AL*—Culet running White BANKERS LIFE CO MJ* AN Y De* Moines, lows. Myron C. Gaston, sewing machine, good order, but District Agent. old model, 312, call at 208 A St. 3733 CANDYMAKING buslnaas. Start at home. Everything furnished. Man FOR S.UJC |7 50 for cord of dry and woman 330 weekly Bon-Bon slab wood cut In 12lnch le ngths, Co., Philadelphia, 1**. 103 214 North Third St. C. W. Um bracht. 92tf NOTICE—The Granta l’aea Agency FOR BAIX- First class balod wheat of Singer Sewing Machine Co. has hay. 335-00 per ton. Second cut-i moved to E. G. Holman's furniture ting alfalfa bay, 330.00 per ton store, at 605 G ntreet. Phone 50. Rolled Barley, 336.00 per tou. Our new 1931 "Singers" now on Cwntrsl Polut Feed Store, Jeeee L. the floor, See them. Your terms Richardson, Phons 41. 106 i are ours, Ask about needlea. oil, etc. J. < W. Scott, sales manager Al BAILED HAY 313-50 per ton 87lf Joaephlne county. Peerless Ranch. Murphy, Ore J.' E. Daniils 94tf CAHNER-GAYETTY IRON WORK8 - -General foundry and machine FOR HAl-E—On account of bereave work, mine and mill machinery, ment will aacrlflc« my pretty, chilled Saw carriage wheels, live highly Improved place Juat outside rolls, pipe fitting«. Granta Paa«, city limits, 10 acres finest aotl In' Oregon. 91tf alfalfa and clover, Irrigation, heav ily bearing orchard, modern bun-; HEMSTITCHING Alao plain sewing galo«, electric lights, dairy barn.' and children's clothes Mrs woodshed, apple, chicken and bog , Golcher, 801 11 St. 18 hous««, etc. It K. Roes. 93tf SOUTHERN HOTEL 202W 8 Sixth 77 ACRES--Opposite Homewood street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold Farm. 6 miles south of Grants water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D. Paae, 25 acres cleared, good gar Yenny, Prop. 28 den In, plenty of trull, furnished DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER 5-room house with summer porch, for sale at a sacrifice. Terms to THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. suit. Address J. C. Morgan. Rd. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 4, Granta Paas. 96tf 34»; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. 30 ACRES- 40 acres bottom under F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi paid up water right for sale. anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship 36000. Address No. 202. care of ped. packed, stored. Phon# 124.Y. Courier. ®9tf NURSERY STOCK WILL SELL 250 acre« in Sec. 32. Jo sephine county, for 330O0, ’■» cash NURSERY—Everything In up to and balance 6 per cent. Write H. date nursery stock, also directions H. Page, 628 N. 10th St., Sioux tor planting and soil culture. Call Falls, 3. D., tor particulars 05 on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street, Granta Paas. Oregon. 43tf FOR SALE—The furnishings of my house at 507 A St., are for sale. F. E. Booth. 07 PIANI» INSTRUCTION MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc FOR 8A1X-14 acros one-half mile tor on plano; studio over Barnes’ from Hugo station. 6 acres under Jewelry. Phone 265-J. cultivation, good 5-room house, barn, chicken coop, brooder house, MRS CLARA TUTTLE FENTON Incubators. Kresky brooder. »0 teacher of piano and harmony, hens, good dairy cow. Priced for Tuesday p. m Studio over Smith's quick sale at 31860. Part terms if Racket Store. M'.tf desired. Must be seen to be ap TAX. preciated Wm. C. Moldt, Hugo, ore 27 1UONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an FOR SALE OR TRADE for »mailer swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf car, on account of going oast will sacrifice my WIllls-Knlght 7-paa- PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for senger car. 4 new tires and tubes, Taxi. 79tf and extra tire. Car In Al running BUILDING CONTRACTORS order. If Interested call at once at 503 J street. 07 HARPER A SON —Building contrac tor«. Shop work, furniture crating. FOR SALE- One mare, weight 1500 Shop 510 II St. Rea. phone 142. lb«., will work «ingle of double; one 314 wagon; one mower and A. J. GREEN—General contractor. rake; one sprlngtooth cultivator; Estimates and plans made. Noth- one spike tooth harrow; two one- Ing too small or too large. Shop ‘ » >rsc cultivator«; one 12-inch 92tf 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. plow; one set of heavy harness. A. NALA8KOWSK1 — Contractor, L. Bocock, 826 N. 7th St. 08 J. Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R, FOR SALE- One dozen white Wyan 61tf dotte hens. Inquire nt 111 South PHYSICIAN ANI» SI lip EON Sixth ntreet. Roy Higgins. OR 3600.00 Biggest iiargaln In South L O. CLEMENT, M. D., Practice limited to diseases of eys, ear.nose ern Oregon. 1918 6-cyllnder car and throat. Phone 62; Ree. 239-J. In first class condition, new top. Jost painted. Smith’s garage. 07 A BEAUTIFUL HUNGAMIW for leas than the lumber would coat today. Am leaving your town. To ano mean« to buy. Call nt the laiy- ton. 05 fruit, hay or general farming. ROY HIGGINS— -General real estate Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 6» G. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law Prsctlcae In all State and Federal Courts Flrat National Bank Bldg W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. K 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices In all courts First National Bank Building O 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. C. A. b'DLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma cesie :-mpie. Granta Paas. Ore ><BO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law referee in bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. JAMES T OH INNOCK. Lawyer First National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffa Bldg Practice In all courts. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In stats and federal courts. Office ovar National Drug Store. NOTICE OF HILE OF IRRI GATION DISTRICT BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals will be received un til the 24th day of June. A. D. 1921, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the after noon for the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation District of Klamath County. Oregon. Said bonds are to draw Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable semi-an nually upon the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of said Irri gation District, and should be direct ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District care of Fred D. Fletcher, Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids of- fared. G. J. HILLYARD. Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill SQUEEZED TO DEATH When ths body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that ths kidneys are oct of ord«r. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL Th« world's standard i«n>«dy for kidney, Uv«r, bladder and uric acid trouble«. Fsniooe tinea 1696. Taka ragularty and Leap in good health. In three sizea, alt druggists. Guaranteed as represented. MoJol «■ avery bar 3. LOUGHRIDGE, M D. Physician Uek for >b. m and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phom«, Stone Deaf Res 38»; Office. 182, 6th and H. Money may talk, but have you ever E. J. IIILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur noticed how bard ef hearing it is geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 64-J; when you call Iti—Cincinnati Bln- res. 1004 I-awnridge. phone 54-L qulrer. baby carriage, . . »It SALE- Reed electric sewing machine. Phone W F RUTH Eli FORD Manual the- 05 raputlcs. Office dver Barnes' Jew 149-J. elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1*30-4. WA NTEI» RALPH W. STEARNS, M D. Phy WANTED To buy close In 3 or 4- sician and surgeon. X-Ray equ lp- at 210 room bungalow. Call ment. Office in Masonic Temple 07 South Fifth street. Bldg., phone Ï1-L. MEN WANTED for construction W T. TOMTKINS, D. 8. T Nervous work on irrigation project near and chronic diseases. Office, Claus Medfbrd, Oregon. Laborer»' wages Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. 33 for eight hours, less 31 for DENTIN H4 board. Other wages In proportion Rogue River Valley Canal Co., E. .0 MACY, D. M. D. First-class dentistry. 109 <4 8. 6th St. Medford, Ore. 09 THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON <X»AST RAILROAD COMPANY Time ('aril Automobile manufacturer* recognize thia d*L- ger, and in their Instruction Books, carefully ad vise regular draining and flushing of the crankcase. These important instructions are often disre garded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally disliked. To meet this need. Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages and other dealers, co-operating with th* Stand ard Oil Company. These garage* and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil, — the scientific agent that deans out old oü, dirt, grit and other împarities, and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oil used. Thar« I« No E icum for Runty Pig« animal», lie says, “In the 40 years of iny farming and breeding and raising lhe »lock of all kind» I do not remem ber » runt In any • lax* or breed. I have alwuy» been a liberal feeder and a good caretaker, Beside», all stock hull nccetui to good. fresh water at all time-. With this. In addition to good shelter and ventilation. It seems tbat my young stock would not stop grow- ng from the time they were born. -e good judgment In feeding, and don’t neglect the details." A farmer In Vermont writes. "A .veil-bred animal well cared for will not produce runts There Is absolute ly no excuse for one in live stock or imultry. By well-bred Uve stock I mean strong, healthy stock, well taken care of for several generations, and bred for constitution. This has been my experience from boyhood, first, with rabbits and game fowls, and la ter with sheep, hogs, horses and cat tle. An accident to a well-bred and healthy animal will. If the accident occurs before It reaches maturity, af fect It» size but not Its pnpductlve capacity. That 1». It will not Influ ence Its ability to produce such young as It would have had If no accident had occurred. Eliminate all females that are not good mothers, and you will soon «tamp th« whole herd with constitution. Then with care, which means attention and feed, your runts will fail to materialize." STANDARD OIL COMPANY Some Breeders Insist That Every Ani mal They Buy or Sell Must Psss Standard. So strongly has the purpose of the lietter-siivs campaign, now being eon- 1 ducted by the United States Depart- | merit of Agriculture, appealed to some | breeders that they are not content with purebred» only, but every ani mal they buy or sell In addition to being a purebred must pass a standard I of excellence. The methods of one breeder In Upshur county, West Vir ginia, according to a report received by the department. Illustrate this tendency. Thia breeder has a fine t herd of Angus cattle. All calves which fall below the standard of excellence ‘ that he haa set are not registered, but are either castrated or sold on the open market as common cattle. GIVE EWES NUTRITIOUS FEED Animals Entitlsd to Liberal Treatment While Carrying Young and Growing Wool. After the owes are bred they are growing their young, growing a crop of wool, maintaining their own body and should be fed accordingly. Give the ewes enough good, nutritious feed to keep them In a good healthy, thrifty condition. Where pasture Is abund ant, they will need no other feed, as green feed Is the natural and best feed for sheep. BROOD SOWS NEED EXERCISE Good Plan to Compel Animal to Como Out of Sleeping Quarter« for Her Dally Feed. Brood sows need exercise to avoid becoming too fiit nt farrowing tltue. Exercise can he forced on the sow by forcing her to come out for feed in stead of feeding close to the sleeping quarters. Carrots Are Particularly Refreshing to Hunter Or Work Animal— Usually Fed Raw. Carrots are not excelled as n food for the horses. They are particular ly refreshing given to a hunter after « hard day over rough country, or to a work horse. They are usually fed raw or sliced. MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE * firr better operation (y and longer engine rj.-snD<; oa ZEROLENE calol CUTTING AND FITTING That shows in the finished re sult a job best described as ••tailored-to-order." Style« that combine service ability with looks, facility in quick putting up of the top and easy handling together with best durable materials and reas onable prices. Get our estimate. G. B. BERRY ONLY BEST PUREBREOS SOLD EXCELLENT FEED FOR HORSES Effective Nov. 24, 1919 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays I .eave Grants Pass..............1 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek......... P.M. 1-eave Waters Creek.......... 3-80 PM Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 P.M For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131 The gritty oil circulate* through your engin*, impairing ha performance, and ultimately lead* to rapid depreciation and repair*. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with th* prop er grade of Zerolene. ATTORNEYS H. Road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other impunti*» accumulate in your crankcase oil from engine operation. Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ixsive (.rants Pass 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Grants Pass- Stage DAILY ANI» SUNDAY PHONE «5 OR 1BO LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 *. tn. 11:00 a. 1:00 p- m. 4:30 p. m. LEAVE GRANTS PASS 10:00 1:00 P- 4:00 P- ni. 0:15 P. m. We connect with «Lagew tor Ashland and Jacksonville Think of a five-|>*ssenger, quality automobile, completely equipped and having a powerful valve-<n-hea<l motor, for $809 Grants Pass CHEVROLET Model ••Four-Ninety" at the new price is the greatest value of this or any other year. automobile W. S. Maxwell & Co. PHONE 520 McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Orante Pass, Ore. USED CARS FORI» ONE TON TRI CK. CHEVY, GOOD REPAIR. RFX» SEVEN PAMKNGER. MAXWELL AT A B.UUMIN. FORD DELIVERY JI ST OVERHAULED. WE RUY, SELL ANI» TRADE. C L HOBART COMPANY