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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1921)
University ut Ore. Librar; tôrûulo .jJïiGû Stolto Courier AHMOCIATED inUCHH HKItVICE VOL. XL, No. 17». ORANT» PAM», JOKKFHINE COUNTY, OREGON. THI 1U4DAY, JUNK IH, IMI. WHOIJi NUMBER A:«O». MOVING FORTS FEDERATION ASKS OFFICER TAKES POSSE TRAILS SWIMMING SEASON WILL DEFEND *ID ® CONGRESS ROY GARDNER ALLEGED ADDY III ROGJJE OPENS AT CENTRALIA DANK ROBBERS THE EAST COAST Official O|M-nlng <>t th« Riverwld« Park Bathhouse Marku First of Kummer Swimming Dmlrr« H| km lai IU m I jt <»f Kite tn In« m|Mx*t I nctn|d<»yii»«*nt «tul <’<»n- irrta**l<*cuil Helfet The swimming season In the Rogue EASTBOUn» Denver. June J» —(A. PI—A PATROLMAN IXitlS BONNY. ON PHMK MEN CROSH COLOMBIA CHICAGO AND ARMORED TRAINS <AIIRY1N<< at Grants Pass opened officially to NORTHWESTERN DROPS ONTO special committee of five to Inspect ' LONG < MANIE, ARREHTH man FOLIXIWED RY OFFK ERH SIXTEEN INCH GUNH I» PART day, with the opening of the munici unemployment and possible congres THIS MORNING CREEK BANK OF MMILMt BUILD OF THE PLAN pal bathhouse, which will remain in sional relief was authorised today by use afternoons during the remainder the American Federation of Labor of the summer. Mrs. Alice Myers, Convention. A resolution declared the bathouse superintendent, will be that "congress should appropriate on duty while the house is open. money in i>eace times for necessary _______ Due to the unusually high water public works, and when panic de velops there would be work tor the Remained Within Mile of Castle IlniKlite Who Ijoot Ad<l> State Bank and the resultant swift current, the Baggag<*rnan and i”ur Pa-M-ngers ItiUlwajr trilllerj Being IU|>i<U> Het two diving rafts will not be anchor unemployed.'* Die When Smoker and Forward of giMMMi Believed in Douglas or Rock Until He Caught a Freight 4,»»> War lieiwriiiKml to Compt«»« ed in the river as yet, but will be Cars Ix-ave Rails Grant Count!«*, Wash. Into Centralia Tuesday Night Ixaig <'otitetuplatcd H)»tcm kept moored to the bank until dan Denver, Jnne Id.—(A. P.)—The ger of losing them in the swift water American Federation of labor con is past. vention adopted a resolution calling Chicago, June 16.—(A. P.)— Centralia, Wash., June 16.— (A. Spokane, June 16.— (A. P.)— By T. N. SANDIFER Although the water stands at only for an Investigation of conditions In P.)—Roy Gardner, the fugitive ban ’ Crossing the Spokane river at Lln- Five dead, eight seriously injured, 55 degrees temperature, there are (I. N. H Staff Cor r ea po nden t) the cotton mills of the south. Every \ Washington. June IK (I N If • assistance was pledged by the federa dit was captured hare shortly before I coin, three men believed to be the many who have already begun u, go and 26 slightly hurt, was the toll — •Moving fortmono. camouflage- tion to the I’nlted Textile Workers noon today by Patrolman Louis Addy bank robbers, traveled through Into the river regularly, and for the i when an eastbound Chicago and Peach and Creston last night. They convenience of these, and 'he others Northwestern train was wrecked by •treaked. and ttelchlng 16-lnch pro now conducting a strike of over 15,- Bonny. At the city Jail Gardner admitted are believed to be somewhere ini who will begin their summer's sport a cloudburst two miles east of Whit jectiles. may tom« day keep an nno workers In these mills. his Identity and told officers be ar Douglas or Grant counties. Washing-, within the next few weeks, the bath ney, Nebraska, last night, the rail enemy fleet at bay off a vital spot on rived al Centralia Tuesday night on i ton. road announced. house will be allowed their u»c America's shores. Denver. June id.—(A. P.)—The, a freight train from Castle Rock, lie The bridge over Big Cottonwood They eluded a posse awaiting* them Swimmens are warned against Then« "fortreswes" »III be furmld- American Federation of labor today registered at the Dale hotel under at River Homes, following a gun bat creek sagged just as the engine left careless swimming especially before •bln groups of the "42-cenlitnelre' by resolution, called upon the United the name of J. Patten and has since tle with a posse at Inchelium, in, the river has fallen to its normal it and three cars, the mail car, bag type of gun. mounted ou railway States senate to adopt the laFollette been roaming the streets. which one man, said to have been level and swiftness. The house will gage car and smoker piled up on the carriages, which will be used for the bill providing for a federal invest!-1 lavst night he attended the home with them, was captured. Two sher creek bank. open regularly at 1 p. m. first lime as coast defenses. gation of the nation-wide "lockout”! products educational exhibit here and iffs were ferried across the Columbia Realising from European war ex of seamen said until he left Castle Rock, the and are watching today in an effort' Omaha, June 16.—(A. P.)—The periences that the powerful long- scene of his escape Saturday, he was to head off the bandits. dead in the Whitney wreck are re- REBIRTH GRANTED HELPLESS range guns now carried by battle not over one mile from there. The three men looted the Addy j INVALID BY OPERATION ' ported to be Robert Scott, a baggage ships make permanent fortifications lltIMI 1*1 IILK* miMtrt FA1IJ4 Gardner's face was bandaged to State bank of »3900 Saturday. They, man. F. M. Stewart, of Gordon, Neb.; Of questionable value in defending TO EN HOltNE CECIL IDEA make it appear he had been in an ac crossed the Columbia river at Ger-: ; Frank Bosner, of Lander, Wyo.; C. our coasts from an attack at sea, the cident. Sonny, noting that the ome early this morning, with a posse; Denver. Colo., June 16.— (A. P.) M. Buck, of Grand Island, Neb., and war department Is rapidly building —Deaf, dumb, blind and paralyzed , B. iF. Skiller, of Chandron, Neb. Dublin. June 16—(A. P.)—No man's general build was similar to about three hours in the rear. up the long-contemplated system of section of Irish public opinion has that of Gardner, took a long chance tn every limb, so helpless that it was railway artillery with which It Is endorsed Lord Hugh Cecil's latest and arrested him necessary to feed him by means of SOVIET COMMISSION OFFERS •ventually hoped to girdle our coasts. suggestion of a settlement of the a tube through his nostrils, unable to Gardner admitted he was at the PRIZES FOR RUSLAN STORIES feel, smell or taste or even to think, Our coast defenses are as strong Irish question. The Cecil plan In-' Royal restaurant in Castle Rock on — to all intents and purposes uncon as It la possible tor such works to be. eluded the establishment of two Tuesday and that he had been hiding London, June 16.— (A. P.)—All scious, Luther Dionne was carried | religious of mythological subjects but the fact tbat they are in fixed small parliaments, one at Belfast and near that town. He lost his gun Just into the county hospital here nearly ire banned from a competition for positions, and the fact that It is pos the other at Dublin, with an addi after escaping In Jumping a ditch. eight years ago Today be can hear, the best short story written for Rus sible to locate them, make other de tional "House of Estates" of 100; ua, When asked what be would do see, smell, taste, feel and, in a limit sia children which has been organ fenses desirable. If not actually es members. Ireland was to have "com- j next, he said. "Fifty years at Mc sential. The capture by Japanese plete fiscal autonomy" and an army Neils, I'm through with this escape The government air service rorest ed fashion he can talk. His right ized by the Moscow soviet commis •nd British storming parties of the of Its own, but no navy. stuff." sariat for education, says a dispatch patrol of Oregon was begun Thursday side remains partially paralyzed Thd nearest approach to approval' At the city Jail, Gardner talked when planes left the Eugene and j Never was a man nearer to being to the Morning Post. powerful sunken turrets comprising the defenses of Tslng Tau. German comes from the Freeman's Journal freely and ate his dinner In the cell. Medford bases on the daily flight pa-| dead though alive than Luther Dion Additional apnditions for competi China, early In the war. following which says that lx>rd Hugh "has got. He had his picture taken In company ttol guarding the forests of the state ne eight years ago. say the doctors-at tors as published by the soviet news- the hospital. Dionne's brain was ( papers are that the children's tales bombardment from the sea, has dem the root of the Irish problem In his with Sonny. from tire. operated on. Then, literally he be ( must be devoid of all elements of su Gardner said he was lying in the onstrated that this character of fort grasp, but he is afraid to go boldly This patrol between Medford and hi not as secure as bad been former for the solution without hedging brush close to the engine as the ICugene will be as follows: The Med gan to be born again. Slowly the perstition. and must contain no men- conditions." The hedging condition freight train on which he later es ford plane will leave daily in the powers of life were redeveloped. 1 tion of angels, fairies and evil geni ly considered is held to be the necessity for Ul caped pulled Into Castle Rock, on i forenoon and fly to Eugene over the. Came the day when he could move uses. Kings and princes must be Heavy Artillery on Hand one finger, then a whole hand, and Accordingly, the war department ster agreement, and this, It is argued.| Tuesday evening, and he made up his Cascade range by way of Mt. Pitt and. after weeks he stirred his bead upon described as oppressors of the masse« means the maintenance of ' the Ul mind that there was his chance to “such a they are in reality.” Oak Ridge, stopping at the Eugene I conceived some time ago the plan of Its pillow. ster veto" which "can always be re make my getaway." j base for dinner, and returning in the ' airpplementlng our fixed coast de “The engineer got down out of his afternoon on a straight line to a' PORTLAND MARKETS fenses with movable batteries mount lied upon to wreck any plan that would satisfy four-fifths of the peo- cab to oil the engine and two special point 30 miles east of Ashland and' ed on carriages which could go by officers came forward and talked to back to the Medford base. A plane | Neil Funeral Saturday— ' , Choice Steers _______ >7.00 @ >7.50 rail from point to point This would ple" The real crux remains in Ulster the engineer. They then walked ¡from Eugene will fly daily from that J The funeral of William Salter Neil, Hogs, prime light___ >8.75 & >9.00 mean that. In addition to the station 1 I city to Medford over the coast range, who died at his ranch near Williams, East mountain lambs .>6.25 @ >6.75 ary batteries making up the regular The majority In the northeast cor-J back along the train with him. fortifications of a seaport, other ner 1s attached to the English con n\ade a rush for the tender and in the forenoon, and then return, on Wednesday, June 15, «rill be held Prime lambs.................>6.00 @ >6.50 croups of batteries, equally powerful nection The picture of Queen Vic crawled underneath,” said Gardner. over the range to Eugene in the af at Hall's chapel at 2 o'clock Satur Eggs, buying price_____________23c "Just as I crawled under the of ternoon. day, June 18, with Interment in the Eggs, case count______________ 25c •nd capable of moving to any advan toria occupies, on the walls of the houses of Belfast artisans or An ficers came back, they were within Granite Hill cemetery. Rev. Forbes Eggs, selling selects_____ ______ 28c These planes will be in constant tageous point or to any threatened point, could keep up a smashing fire trim farmers, the place of honor ac three feet of me and I thought I communication by radio telegraph, of Williams will conduct the service. Butter, extra cubes _____________ 21 each ship being equipped with two Wm. Nell was born in Monongahela, on the enemy fleets, without having corded in Nationalist houses to pic was gone, but they didn't see me.” Sonny first saw Gardner early this sets of wireless outfits. The ship Penn., December 5, 1868. He had Portland. June 16.—(A. P.)—Cat to wait there afterward while said tures of Robert Emmet, and other enemy got the range and returned leaders of revolt against British morning. He watched him purchase that left the Medford base yesterday been a resident of Josephine for the tle, steady; hogs, prime light, un the compliment. This Is the general rule. According to the Ulster lead a newspaper and walk to the park to at 10 a. m. had Sergeant C. D. Ardnt past 25 to 30 years, and was engaged changed; sheep, weak and unsettled; ers no agreement will ever be pos read it. Later when Gardner was as pilot and R. M. 'Parsons as observ- in mining for moat of the Ums. butter, 2c higher. plan. sible with the rest of Ireland which accosted in his room, he tried to bluff er. It did not progress so rapidly until Implies separation from the British the officer, who for a minute, almost In command of the Medford base Empire (Oontinned on page 1.) believed he was making a mistake. is Lieutenant Samuel Carter with a force of 20 men and four ships. F. Castle Rock, Wash., June 16.— (A. M. Gruever of Grants Pass, who fill P.)—The sixth day of the hunt for ed the same position last year, is the Roy Gardner opened with officers liason officer for the forest service! here still hoping for the capture of connected with the local base. the elusive outlaw. A report from Goble. Oregon, that a man supposed BACHELORS BANNED New York. June 16.—(A. P.)— to the Yale Bowl when Harvard met to be Gardner, had a meal at a tim BIGAMA' BOOSTED The Dempsey-Carpentier boxing bout the Bulldog and the total receipts ber company's dining room, proved for the world's championship at Jer were approximately >250,000, about London. June 16.—(I. N. 3.)—An “Their communist lecturers work false. sey City. July 2, will draw the great one-quarter of the amount which Riga, June 16.—(A. P.)—Most of anti-bachelor bill introduced into the the younger generation of Russians even In the prisons, trying to convert; Officers found Ed. Rosin, of Wood est "gate” in the history of sport. trill be paid for the coming fight. Turkish nationalist parliament at land. reported missing yesterday, and A month before the fight, Promo The attendance at the Indianapolis are bolshevik, says Captain Merlon the prisoners," he continued. "They! found he had not encountered Gard Angora, seeks to make marriage ter “Tex” Rickard announced that Speedway event usually ranges be C. Cooper, of Jacksonville, Fla., the ner. A rumor originating, at Kelso compulsory for men over 25. even tried It on me. There were American flyer who was captured by Defaulters will be fined a quarter the seat sales totalled >650,000. tween 100,000 and 125,000 but total that Gardner was caught had not Russians while serving in the Polish lectures or classes held very fre of their earnings, which will be de Since that day, the sale of all seats receipts fall short of what Rickard been verified. •rmy and recently escaped from a quently. If a man said he was con posited In agricultural banks to help has gone on briskly except for the and his assistants will have gather Moscow prison. He attributes this verted and could convince the* prison I l \ iti vri tut CONV1CTO show peasants to marry. No adult in the >50 pasteboards, which are exhaust ed in when the gong sounds for the to the bolshevik educational system, committee of that fact, he generally HIGH INTELLIGENCE AVERAGE civil service will be allowed to be a ed. and the general admission seats, first round of the Jersey City battle. under which communism Is taught In was released. to be placed on sale the day of the "Tex” Rickard started his career Cleveland, Ohio, June 16.— (A. P.) bachelor. "Further in the lino of skilled pro -Convicts in penitentiaries show a the schools. Gifts of land, loans and state edu fight. Rickard estimates that ap as a promoter of championship bouta "The schools are all red," he said, paganda was the excellent treatment higher average of intelligence than cation for children are held out as proximately 65,000 persons will pay on a large scale when Joe Gans met "and the educational program pre of the Polish prisoners Just before the general population. Dr. Herman rewards for marriage with a penalty >1.000,000 to view the ring action Battling Nelson in Goldfield, Nev., scribes that the first thing to be de they were returned to Poland, under Adler, of the Cleveland Foundation’s at Boyle's Thirty Acres. in 1906. The receipts for that Those figures will eclipse by far memorable battle were >69,715. That veloped in the mind of the child Is the repatriation agreement of the justice survey, told members of the the 'revolutionary conscience.' In Polish-Russian peace treaty. Before Cleveland Academy of Medicine at a all previous records for ring con figure was topped when Jack John prison. I saw. several times, children each bunch was repatriated all of the I recent meeting. tests or any other sport In this coun- son fought Tommy Burns in Aus | try. The Willard-Dempsey battle at tralia. on Christmas day, 1908, but visit their parents, the latter being soldiers In It were given new clothes Repeaters, men returned to the •ntl-bolshevlk. The children were and new shoes, being well fed for penitentiary time after time, show a i Toledo, Ohio, which established the Rickard again established a high ’reds' and accepted their parents' im several weeks, so that when they ar higher average Intelligence than previous record drew >451,000 at the mark in 1910 when boxing fans prisonment philosophically, wonder rived In Toland they looked well fed. those who learn their lessons the 1 box office, a puny figure as compared from all over the country paid >370,- ing how they could go against the well dressed and, in short, were first time. Dr. .Adler said. ; with what the coming spectacle will 775 to see the Jefferies-Johnson tenets they had been taught to ab- walking advertisements for the so attract. conflict at Reno, Nev. Figure« for Criminals who are caught and con worb In the class room,” viet government." The Harvard-Yale football game the Wil lard-Dem peey bout at Toledo, victed are not necessarily those least Vying with this system of educat Generally, Captain Cooper said, Intelligent, but those with an antag Washington. June 16.—«(A. P.) — and the Indianapolis Speedway Races July 4, 1919, supplanted even that ing the children, said Captain Coop conditions In the prisons were very onising personality. Dr. Adler ex Representative W. E. Mason, of Il are annually reckoned among the large total and Rickard, in the com er. Is the wonderful propaganda sys bad from the standpoint of diet, but plained. An engaging personality is linois, a former senator, died today largest and most widely patronised ing Jersey City match, has entered tem by which the bolshevik attempt that he received no personal 111-treat - the most frequent cause of miscar from heart trouble at the age of 70 sporting events in this country. Last the select circle of “milllon-dollar Ament fall 79,000 persons were Jammed In business rasa ” to convert the adults. yearn. riages of J net toe. he added PERMANENT FORTS VULNERABLE GARDNER ADMITS IDENTITY ELUDE RIVER HOMES WATCHERS 3 CARS DROP THROUGH BRIDGE AIRPLANES LEAVE MEDFORD AND EUGENE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF BOLSHEVIK TEACHES YOUNG RUSSIA COMMUNISM GREATEST GATE IN HISTORY OF SPORT TO BE DRAWN BÏ PROMOTER RICKARD