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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
V.W«rtltí o' LU,,í‘n rnnts pass Dai In Courier ♦ AWWMIATED PltEMH HKRVICK —e— GRANT* l’AHH, JOffEPHINK OOUWTY. OREGON. VOL. XL, No. I OH I 10 BE GARBLED Jury of <1 Men an«l <1 Women Return» Mursler V«w«llrt for Slayer of T ikoiiih Tati Driver 1ST. NEW JERSEY, I « >i IMMI Nili ipriti <Tt RE Iff hi «. il LARGEST Id Story Nk) »< rn|*cr Coni«! B<* I’m Tlir”«igli tlio Hp»«e Di«« Io»««! by O|M«n<vl IHMirs New York. June 10 (A. T.I America's first great terminal for giant aircraft I» nearing completion at Lakehurst, N. J This structure, the largest of Its kind on earth, la 803 feet long. 261 feet wide. an<l 195 feet high Nome ide* of Its Immense »lie ni«y( be gleaned from the fact that If set down In a city the hangar would oc cupy three solid block» It» door» at each end »land more than 175 feet high and are 261 feet wide A 16- story skyscraper could be pushed through the jpace dieclo»««d by the doors when they are opened The hanxar Is officially known as the United states Navy Airship Hangar, »nd represents the lateai word In construction for buildings ot this type. It Is planned to have It ready In the early summer to house tho two giant dirigibles now under construction, the ZR-1. building »t I «vague Island navy yard. Philadel phia. and the ZR-2, nearing comple tion In England The trans-Atlantic flight of the Utter Is schedule«! for late In July or early In August and • he United States Navy Department pian» to have the hangar completed for servlco before tho airship» are roudy to sail. Incidental to the hangar Is a gi gantic mooring mast to which great dirigibles may be tied when It Is Im practicable to house them Inside the hangar The mast I» so constructed that the giants of the air will bo mo >r»d, bow on, and will swing In the «Erection of the wind thus avoid ing the dangerous force exerted by high winds. Th«* r«*sult of experi ments with the latkehurst mooring mast will dotermine the policy of the navy department in erecting sim ilar mooring masts at various air sta tions throughout the country, suc'.i aS St Ixiuls, Kansas City, Chicago. Den ver. San Francisco. Seattle. New Or leans. \tlant«. Columbus. Ohio, sml San Diego The new nlrshlps nearing comple tion are of such larg«, proportions, each being 700 feet long and 85 feet In diameter, as large as many of the great ocean liners that the manner ot "docking” them presented serious problems In engineering, but it Is be lieved that the laikehurst hangar will (Continued or nane 1.» FRIDAY, JUNE IO, IH1. WHOLE NUMBER :i30*. Portland IU-altor Succumbs to In juries in Wreck of Machine Near Brillai VH1 Portland, June 10.— (A. P.)— ONE HIM SE WRECKED, ANOTHER DIX LARI» EVERYTHING SAID 1 Frank D. Wilson, a Portland realtor, SAVED WHEN BOMB PAILA HAD BEEN SPOKEN OR 'died today from injuries received in TO EXPLODE PRINTED BEFORE an accident In which Mrs. Margaret Garland was killed late yesterday, vr w 1 when an automobile plunged from 1 the Clumbla highway at Bridal Veil. _____________ PORTLAND 1IIVOII WIRES SEVENTEENTH CHALKED UP RELIEF MONEY TO PI EBLO Limit« IB-ating W m Or«l«T«vl to lri«h Qu«v»tion Remark» Bissi» for De. TO CREDIT OF BABE KITH Attempts Made Against Russell Bow ers, Prosceni«». and Haug , Safe Change Hi« "Hai-h Treatment” marni by M«Hal Trade» Convention Portland, June 10. (A. P.) — ty Dire, tor of Ohio Town Toward H <T for Diationorable DI m barge New York, June 10. — (A. P.) — Mayor Baker wire«! »1500 from the homer Babe Ruth lined out hl« 17th community chest to Pueblo today today. ♦ for flood relief. Hudson, N. Y.. June 10.—(A. P.) I Ijondon. June 10.—(A. P.)—Rear New Philadelphia, Ohio, June 10. —(A. P.)-—Bombs thrown from au- ■ -Mrs. Eva Kaber, charged wlth> Admiral Sims* -reply to Secretary tomobiles early today onto the front first degree murder In connection* Denby's request for an explanation porches of the homes of Russell with the slaying of her husband in of his speech here Tuesday, expresses Bowers, 10 years old, prosecutor of l-akewood. Ohio, nearly two years Sims' opinion that some parts of his Tuscarawas county, and L. O. Haug, ago. today confessed to "getting two speech, to which objection bad been the safety director of Dover, both ac men to beat up her husband in order taken, bad been garbled. Sims de- tive in enforcing prohibition law«. to change his harsh treatment to- dared he said nothing he had not The bomb wrecked the Bowen house ward her,” according to Chief of Po- said before In speeches in the United States and in his book. Twenty teachers are taking the but no one was injured. The bomb San Francisco, June 10. -(A P.) lice Christensen, of I-akewood. She denied she Intended that fee! ■ ----- - state teachers' examinations held failed to explode on the Haugh Work la being rushed at the Pre •Idlo of Nan Francisco and at Camp be killed. Christensen made the! Denver, June 10.— (A. P.)—Re this week at the courthouse, under porch. Two suspects have been ar I-nwis, iwar Tacoma, Washington, statement to the Asociatlon Press rep- call of Admiral Sims from London; the supervision of Mrs. Alice M. Ba rested. _ Of con, ______ county _________________ school superintendent. preparing the posts for the 1200 men resentative on a train carrying him, and a dishonorable discharge from ___ Mrs Kaber and her daughter. Miss the navy. If his remarks on the Irisht thege one Margaret Ritchie, Is tak- expected there July 6 to attend for a month citizens' military training Marlon McArdle, back to Cleveland question are found to be correctly ing the examination tor five years, O. A. C. M ILI. ENTERTAN CHIL ¡Christensen denied the report that quoted, was demanded In resolutions and the others for one year terms. DREN DURING FARMERS WEEK camps. Score« of requests for Information the two m«>n had been ordered to presented today In the annual con- from Grants Pass, Minnie Law, Ber- yj. Trueblood. Mary J. Murry, Oregon Agricultural College. Cor regarding the camps have been re pose as ghosts to frighten the bus- vention of the metal trades depart- ceived at the Sau Francisco camp re band II«« also stated that Mrs Kaber nient of the American Federation of gtarr Bumby, Cora B. Findlay and vallis, June 10.—(A. P.)—Attend Estelle Feldmaier are writing for I ance of women at Farmers week and Labor. cruiting office from many parts of h»«1 ot »«Pl'ffeUd her daughter, the examination. Other teachers are homemakers conference, June 13 to the west Al! men between the ages EUGENE WILL SOON HAVE as follows: 18. will be larger than ever. It Is of 16 and 35 may apply for admit-1 FIRST CU1SS GOLF (OI RSE Bessie May Febely, and Julia expected not only due to the class tance O'Brien, Kerby; C. F. Blundell and of speakers engaged and to the va Secretary of War Weeks. In a let Reno, Nov, June 9.— (A. P.)— Eugene, Ore . June 10.—(A. P.)— Ree Morrison, Wilderville; Kather-' riety of subjects offered, but be ter written to the governing commit the Prediction that Eugene soon will ine Henrich, Waldo; Nellie Storrs cause arrangements have been made tee of tho citizens' military training 2ver . “ 1°^. canips association, which has nr. Nevada Atftoinntrtte ms# rtree will have a golf course second to none Smith, Leland; Grace Bush. Plae4r; to- tfefett care of the children. Miss nnd SI. ibis year. ¡n this section was made recently by Harriet 1?. Pardee. Douglas county; Ruth Wininger, instructor in phy ranged for the work, has approved *’e held J,,n® 2», the work and urges all young men; 'll was announced recently, Automo- Allen E. Longstaff, new professional Josephine Donoghue, Merlin; Mar sical education for women, will be biles from all parts of the west are at the Eugene Country Club, Long- garet M. Ritchie. Hugo; Nellie Fer- In charge of children's recreation. . to attend expected to be entered. staff came to Eugene from the Flint rie. Provolt; Ina Chapin, Wolf Creek; Each afternoon the women’s gym The secretary'» letter follows. In1 All sorts of roads, from those ridge Club of Pasadena. Cal. Be Eunice Blodgett, Williams, and E. nasium will be open for children part from 5 to 16 years of age, and in the "I am keenly lntcr«-sted In the fu over mountain passes to highways fore the war he was with Milwau W. Jacobson, of Jackson county. mornings from 9 to 12 o’clock. Regu ture of these camps and hope to see, across the sandy deserts will be cov- kee, WIs.. clubs. lar gymnasium work will be given the annual attendance Increase from ,ere<*- Only a few miles of concrete TACOMA W. C. T. U. FIRST TO S33,om» SAVES EMMA BERGIK1LL our modest start this year to approx pavement are on the route. SIGN PLEDGE AGAINST GOSSIP each day in the women’s gymnasium. FROM IMPRISONMENT SENTENCE Baseball, volleyball, basketball imately 150,000. as the training giv-, Two trophy cups and a consider a will be on the program for the young en at those camps will he a distinct able amount of prize money will go Philadelphia. June 10.—(A. P.) —1 ________ Tacoma, Wash., June 10.— (A. P.) people. It is the plan of the depart national asset, both from a military to the winner. The race is to be con- ducted by the Nevada Highway As- Mrs Emma C. Bergdoll escaped jail — Gossip is responsible for thou- ment of physical education for wom and commercial viewpoint. gauds _______ of girls leaving _ their homes en to have a series of baseball games "The strict military trnining to be sociation and will follow as closely as by paying a »23.000 fine for conspi- ____ ■** the an(j disappearing every year, the between the boys from different sec conducted will return to civil life possible the racing rules of the Am racy ‘ to aid her sons to evade draft. Tacoma Women’s Christian Temper- tions of the country The swings, men who have beet, given an under- ertcan Automobile Association. ' ance Union declared recently when teeters, and sand boxes will be used atanding of the military profession ► nn irur onn llllirno 11 ad°Pted a pledge not to gossip and by the smaller children. and of th«* true meaning of discipline and, above all, of their obligation to' 'XeTuX?nerorianl“tlon,of the government. This training will PORTLAND MARKETS ----------------------- ---------- The pledge follows: develop tho young men mentally.! "We pledge ourselves not to re- morally and physically. It will be of! i peat an 111 story about any young I Choice Steers............... >8.00 @ groat assistance to the Americaniza „ ; girl, and, if any women seem desir Hogs, prime light A...|8.75 @ tion of our foregln born and will ous to regain lost nespectibility we Prime Lambs ...... -....36.25 @ teach good citizenship to all fortun-l wor<j an(j ¡n Eggs, buying price __________ Washington, June 10.—(A. P.)—I Peru. Ill., June 10.—Six hundred1)romlge t0 aj(j her ata enough to attend Should we “ * a coal, every way we can.” Eggs, case count ___________ 25c again be compelled to mobilize our Roy Haynes, of Hillsboro. Ohio, an miners, who * were trapped In 28c national resources for war. the pre«-! editor, was »pointed national pro- mine at Mark, 10 miles south of I In asking other organizations of Eggs, selling selects............. .... ________________ _ here, are all believed to have escap- women t0 endorse the pledge Mrs. Butter, extra cubes _.......... ..... 32c once of this large number of partial- hlbltion commissioner today, Haynes is editor of the Hillsboro ed by emergency shafts. The state jxjla Moss, secretary of the W. C. T. ly trained men In civil life will be of *u* 1 enormous value In building our regu- Dispatch. He was one ot the first j rescue crew sealed the burning tlin-l U. declared American women are Portland, June 10.—(A. P.)— harsher than those of other nations. Cattle, weak; hogs, steady; sheep, lar army, national guard and organ- Ohio editors to suggest the nomina- ne. _____________ Women should show more charity to- 50c lower; eggs, lc higher; butter, Ized reserves to war strength.” , tlon ot Harding for president. PLANES AT CAMP LEWIS WILL ■ ward their sisters, she said. steady. PATROL WASHINGTON FORESTS Tuiomi, June 10.- (A. P.l—Ed I ward Flllon, a Camp I-ewl« soldier, I wm found guilty of murder In the! flrat degree for killing Karl Timb«. the Tacoma taxicab driver on .May 8. The jury, «lx men and six women, voted not to hang the defendant. MANY TAKE TEACHERS’ STATE EXAMINATIONS fe OHIO EDITOR GIVEN BELItvt buu MINtKo PROHIBITION OFFICE ESCAPE BURNING MINE nnil TH 'IN UUII nr OTnni/ HF-S ,K iuvers M onday forecast Tacoma, Wash.. June 10.—(A. P.) ■ I U I IL UIUUII Portlnnd. June 10—(A. P.)—A —Six De Haviland airplanes are sta- niffip mn IIIIHTrnP slltht rise in the Columbia Is report- Honed at Camp I<ewls. near here for Q III I I I 11 HI IN I I K\iP<1 w,(h **le Snalle river lower. The use in forest patrol work, in Wash- IjflljIL I Ull IIUIl I LIU wp<‘th®r forecaster predicts that the ington this summer. Lieutenant Ro- WiUamette will be nearly stationary bert S. Worthington of the 91st aeroi ' on Monday after a stage of 24.6 feet ’ squadron stationed at Mather Field.: ¡Sacramento, has command of the Marshfield, Mas«.. June 10.—(A. of lower temperature until tinally'on Sunday. Columbus, Ohio, June 10.—(A. P.) ed by the use of the above mention ■ planes. P.)—Incubators are being used by they reach a pen without any artl-1 PEACE BETWEEN RUMANIA AND r Included ------ - - . - be cov- —The United States government ed mixture, the government Is asking In the territory ^o the division of fisheries and game of flcal heat. RUSSIA SEEMS ASSURED; ered will be the great Olympic Pen-| through the office of the surgeon the Research Society the following To overcome the familiarity with the state department of conservation to provide sport for the hunters and human beings developed during the Bucharest, June 10.—(A. P.)—¡Insula, a vast stretch ot wild land In general of the war department, has five questions: "Is there a need for an anaesthe ten days or two w«»eks In the brood Peace between Rumania and soviet;the northwestern corner of the state. presented to the National Anaesthesia food for the people. On a farm here pheasants, which ing houses the last pen is trimmed Russia seems assured, says Take'The peninsula, it Is claimed. con- Research Society, whose headquar tic of quicker action and more last In recent years have been growing thickly with small trees and heaps Jonesbo, Rumanian minister of for- tains millions of feet of lumber. Last ters are in this city, an opportunity ing qualities than the mitxure em ¡January a Btorm blew down about for what members consider Is prob ployed In the A. E. F. operations To scarce, have been hatched In large of boughs to provide hiding places. elgn affairs. "We do not meddle in Internal 7,000.000 feet ot standing timber In ably the greatest service that has* what extent was nltrous-oxide oxy- numbers by machine and are being On being Introduced Into this pen, of come to it since its organization. 1 gen .-vuaeaiiicsia Anaesthesia u« or «my any m«» modification cared for In steam heated brooders ficii« say. the young birds show no Russia affairs,” he said, "and more; that section, The war department, because of!thereof the _ A. E. F. in ______ used ___ _ in _____ ------------------- - until they are strong enough to inclination whatever to take to the than we would permit any meddling the comment made about the use of! France Is the Nltrous-Oxide Oxy Then they underbrush, but after a few days In ours. The soviets reiterate that FAVORABLE DISARMAMENT shift for themselves, RFPLIKB RECEIVED RY V. S. a mixture of ether, ethyl chloride and * gen method resonably safe, practic will be tiirned loose In various sec- they learn to work their way into the they have no Intention of attacking chloroform in field operations in the able. rapid and economical? Is there brush, to take cover when startled us. I am bound to believe them and tlons of the’ state Washington. June 10.—(A. P ) — A. E. F.. and because this depart a combination that would better meet Experiment« to ascertain the feas and to roost at night. About five 1 know that we shall not attack. "According to our information1 Favorable informal responses have ment is making researches in anaes-, the need of such an anaesthetic. If ibility of raising pheasants by artl- I w«»eks Is required for the birds to be come properly feathered ready totake ____ ________ ____ _____ means, have been underway there _________ are fewer bolshevik troops on been received from several govern- thesia pertaining to such operations, the need exists? Should the sugges Icial here for the past two years and this their chances in tho woods against*our Irontler than there were during menta In reply to the informal sug has asked the National R«asearch So tion be experimented with further, gestions by the United States re ciety to take up the subject, and and if so, within what agency?” the winter. year the work was started In earn- hunters. submit the data to the surgeon gen The stocking of the woods togeth 'T.'kewlse we have truly friendly, garding disarmament negotiations. eat. About 7500 eggs, some obtain- ALI. BRITISH COAL FIELDS eral. Poland. ed from the station's brood stock er with the natural spread of the tralernal relation« with ORDERED TO VOTE PROPOSAI» The war department believes a and others from private dealers, were bird In a few years, officials believe; Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia and MANY LIVES RELIEVED TOST * WHEN SHIP STRIKES MINK general anaesthetic can be developed placed In the Incubators at various will go a long way toward meeting Greece. With Poland we are In London. June 10.—(A. P.)—Tho Athens. June 10.— (A. P.)—Many which will produce compile anaes Intervals. In the course of time the shortage of fowl for human con- agreement to maintain peace on our thesia within a few seconds « and phi a wiium lew bcwhub uu still ( coal miners conference today order- 3,889 chick« were hatched and sumption in this state, It la estimât- eastern frontiers. We are opposed lives are believed to have been lost in As they ed that shippers in the south and to the return of the Hapsbargs whlcn In the sinking of the Greek steam have all the advantages of ether. On ed a ballot In all coal fields on the transferred to brooders. ggtn strength they are gradually west now send »30,000,000 worth of would be a great danger for the ship Bouboullna, which struck a the basis of the recent flfeld exper- owners' proposals for a strife« settle- mine and foundered in the Agsan sea. ience, and the severe comment arous- ment moved from one house to another. poultry into Massachusetts annually. peace of Europe." • I