Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
PAGE FOUR GRANTS PAM DAILY (W 1UKR '•'<1 ia,^ fVs n « I J TlttH HLKD about bookkeeping hard to make your cash balance— can’t keep track of your bills and receipts, etc? Perhaps ita tiecause you have no checking account with this bank where your account would always tally with ours, to a penny Come and talk to us about opening a commercial account here. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FEDERAI. RESERVE Rte- SX S TF M -^8 OP SOUTHERN OREGON 1 HERRICK REFRIGERATORS Let us show you why they are the BEST Rogue River Hardware Co. The WINCHESTER Store PERSONAL LOCXIL Ina Chapin, of Wolf Creek, was"in GreaCtwt Clothing Hale- this city yesterday Now on al Peerless Clothing Co tf Ree Morrison, of WUdervllle, was in Grants Pass yesterday Notlca Is'aion Member*— C. Farlelgh. of Leland. Ore., was There will be no regular meeting In this city yesterday of the American loglon until Thurs H. L Sanders of the I-ayton mine. day evening. June 33 waa In thia city yesterday. Sales One Usile. Dodge Bros Room. 97tf W . IL <’. Meeting The regular meeting of Gen l<o Mrs. layon Glover arrived last night I from Hilt, Cal , to visit her father gan W R. C. will be held on Saturday afternoon K full attendance Is de 1 Frank South E J. Dorris and family, of Vai* sired. lejo, Cal., were in Granta Paaa lart night. til You Can Eat— Charles F. Allen and wife. Dorris { For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real and Mildred Allen, of Tacoma, were i working man's place to oat. Try our in Grants Pass yesterday. hot waffles. 30c All experienced II. M C. truck cab, wind shield, white help T i atraen and E An- stake body, cord tires, looks like draws. Prop« 93 tf Dodge Bros Sales Room 97tf C Croesby and wife, and Mrs I .«over Price*— Bertrand, of Eureka, «to. <i Ou goods in every line tor men at over yesterday In Grants Pass Peerless Clothing Co S»stf Buick Six. new top. paint. and tires. Dodge Bros Sales Room 37tf Party Is Known— L. S. I al w head and A Kahn. of The person taking the motormeter Woodland. Cal . stopped In Grants from the Buick car Monday night at Pass yesterday Flume lumber at Borland Thomas the dance is known, so leave at Clem C4tf ens store and avoid trouble Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. . Mr and Mrs. M. Pnrklman, of Petaluma. Cal., stopped in Grants l-egion Auxiliary Meets Tonight— At the county courthouse al Pass yesterday. Mothers, wives, sisters One Dodge Brothers touring car, m Dodge daughters of Ixtglon members cords, repainted, good buy Brothers Salos Room 97tt dlally Invited to attend Mr and Mrs. Jensen an d fallili) left today for Hagerman. Ida., where! s»ti* Xloiiry — Purchase your new suit and they will stay for a few months care niahlngs now at Peerless Clothing Co ing for business matters Before you build get figures on your lumber, shingles, lath, doors. I hod A twtenlay — and windows at Borland Thomas Mrs. Irene Newstrom. wile of II Lumber Co Phone 187-J. 64tf W Newstrom. and daughter of Mr Miss Ida Scott, of St. Ixiuis. the and Mrs. Con Fenner, of Slat»* t're«k, granddaughter of Mrs M. A. Wert.:,! who died Wednesday, June 8, after arrived last evening and will spend an illness of two weeks, was born In several months visiting in Grants Fort Jones. Cal. In 1903 She has Pass been a resident of the Grants Pass section for 17 years. She married Entertainment at Ba|>tL»t Church— H W. Newstrom in 1919. and Is sur On Friday evening at 8 o'clock the vived by her husband and one son. Orange division of the B. Y. P. U. Derrel. The funeral will take place will give a return social and supper Friday at 2 o'clock in Medford. Rev. to the Greens. Sasnctt conducting the service Eldon Rooms Solil— E. D. Yenny has Just purchased the Eldon rooms located over th«* Rogue River Hardware Co . and has taken over the business. Mr Yenny has added new furniture and has made some Improvements. Utcntion Str Knights— Melita Commandery No 8 K. T , will hold stated session Friday even ing, June 10th. starting promptly at 8 o'clock. Order of the Temple will be conferred All members are urged to be present Clyde E Niles. Com mander. 100 KNIGHTS OF GRANTS PASS SUMMER BIBLE PYTHIAS St*H<MU. WILL OPEN TUESDAY Save* Pennies but Forfeits Dollars— R J. Rowen, of Grants Pass saved LODGE NO. 50 Fined 850— Thermopylae MEETS TONIGHT Visiting Mem- Invited Harmony Cocoa Butter Cream With Free Box of t harmona Fare Powder THE TWO FOR 0<k CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS EU Twenty years ago the Daily Vaca j tlon Bible school was almost un heard of. In 1911 there were 102| , schools in the United States, with, I 26,000 attending. In 1919 there were 752 schools with 98,000 boyB and girls attending representing 50 races, and nearly every state In the union. In 1918 Oregon had not seen such a school, in 1919 we had just two, in 1920 we had 25, this year we may have 50 to 75. Ashland last year , tried (he experiment for the first time and planned for 50 pupils. 125 appeared the first day. 225 were en- rolled in all, with an average at- tendance of 146. Grants Pass will start next Tues- day morning with a faculty of at least six teachers and helpers, The admission to the school is free to all children between four and four teen, whether connected with any church or not. After the school is well under way, there will be given opportunity to contribute but for the children it is free. Sessions will be held in the Baptist church from 9 , to 11:30 each forenoon. Tomorrow EXTRA! 3 4 cents for himself by sending his E. L. Davis, ol Williams, who was letters to his wife in Medford under tried In Justice Holman's court yes canceled postage stamps. Yesterday terday, was convicted on a charge of Judge Bean fined him 350 for his having molested private signboards economy The method Rowen used and paid a fine of 350 into the coun was novel l^etters which he himself ty treasury. F T Ixivell. also of received in Grants Pass he would Williams, was tried at the same steam open and extract the contents. time, but sufficient evidence for con Then he would put his personal let viction was not found ters to his wife In the envelopes. s«-al them up again, and write a forward ing address for himself at Medford Sensational Reduction»— On suits, shoes, hats and furnish He succeeded in dispatching 17 let ings at Peerless Clothing Co. ters under this unique method until he was caught by postal inspectors. He pleaded guilty to the charge and Linotype Operator Uitnlel— the fine was imposed on the recom-• For two weeks beginning with Apply or address Courier of mendatlon of Assistant United States. 4th Attorney Maguire. Portland Ore- gonian. RISE IN PRICES Nenana, Alaska. June 9.—(A P.) —.Approximately 16500 went to the winner of a pool made up here last month on the exact time the ice in the Tanana river would break up. Entrants in the pool placed their bets on the hour and minute they thought the ice would move and the man who guessed the exact minute took the money The pool was the largest ever made on the ice break up in the north, it was said. EXTRA! LEAVING TONIGHT “THE ( ALL OF YOUTH” A great real life love story staged in England's most beautiful location by a master Ameri can director. BULGER’S Comedy Animal Circus JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE Come, try our ready-to-serve, a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:80 RIVOLI Black, White, Brown, Navy and Camel mrs, Hellie Deas The Best Quality Values Hundred* nf Npring, Nunmicr anil VII-3 oar ’Round Fabrica, tailored to your Individual mnaaum In yoar seleiUon of the right stylo for you. 835.00 ami up At the alan id Ye Jollj I .It tie Tailor GEO. S CALHOUN Over Sixteen V ean Local Dealer T NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price» at Peerless Clothing Co. T Shoes for the Family 103 orth 6th Oil company, spent Wednesday In the city on business Mr. Hanna states that the company Is now delivering to Grants Pass 1500 gallons of gasoline dally by auto truck, to the four As sociated dealers here now. Other dealers are to be taken on as soon as more truck equipment Is secured WOODWARD’S Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grade«. Lath, Shingles, I loops, Windows, Wallboard, <•(<• WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, .Screen Doors, Window Screens, Chipboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOI NDltY 4 Nl> WEST G Sanitary Tuftleaa Mattresa GR ANTS PASH, OREGON OKNEIIATIONN NEIlVIt E OF Originatesi in grniidinotlier'« time, |n I he <ta,ys when In tegrity meant more Ilian the dollar mark, Newly attri buirà of Tüftle*« Comfort, I tin<*»t I Iranilne«a an<l old- lashlomsl Quality have come down st»«» grticrtaions. a heritage highly » allied by lii-iillli-i-nllgliti-iiril women of today. Holman’s Furniture Store New Low Price Makes Tord Ton Truck $624.70 F. O. B. GRANTS FASS We will serve a very fine 75c table-de-hotc dinner — Time 5:30 to H p. m. Spel lai Sunday Dinner 81.00 • ERFECT ItOTM TION OLICY f t anil the feature photoplay “STRAIGHT IS THE WAY“ Luxite Hose V smh intiil Agent ll«T W. H Hanna, of Medford, south LARGE POOL tJOES TO WINNER OF ALASKAN Gl ESSING GAME ern Oregon agent for the Associated Big Double Bill! NO I < overa Ufe DtauMllty Health Accident RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG , THEO. P. ( RAMER, Jr General Agent 904 M N. «th St. Worm Drive, Pneumatic Tires, Demountable Rims C. A. Winetrout Authorized Foni Ralea and Hervlce