Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
GRA.NTH i*lNM DAILY (ÜIIUKK Till iMI»*Y, JUNE 0, 1021 PAGE THRU ■ * STRAYED < w DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth fit Company Bathing Suits In Wool and Cotton, all sizes Eor Women and Children < Classified Advertising H»l< HALM 4 9 WANTED I HTRAYI«» OR 8TOLKN — One | bright aorr.l hors«, white dot In furvhead, onu white foot, fore topi cut off. had shoe, all around and u leather halter on when left, known as the Dr. Blllick horse. I will psy suitable reward to any t Bulger's Comedy Animal circus Is one to bring him to me. The flret a guaranteed laugh maker and will house on City Market ■laughter produce more laughs per minute than houae rood Mra Ettle Vanbleri- ¡ any other similar attraction that oom. Granta Pass, Ore 8* lever appeared here. The trained ponies, dog* and mon- I’llYHK'IAN ANI» SURGEON 'keys »how wonderful Intelligence L. O. CLEMENT, M. D, Practice I n nd their routine of tricks are al) limited to diseases of eye, oar,no»<- 'different from any you have seen If and throat. Phoue 62; Res. 239-J yui hve any doubt an to the quality of mentality possessed by a burro 8 LOUGHKIIXIE, M. D. Physician ______ and eurgaun. City or country calls < l,y al* “»••*»» want to -ee Jazz attended day or night Phon«-.. "" ’b" «Vacated donkey. He Is a real Hee 369, Office. 182; 6th and H j »nd has brought happiness to ■ . ..... ..... - ...... -......................... ...... the hearts of mlllons of people, as he h J BilAalCK, M D.^ Physlctan^sur-j jja(| bcen an accomp]|,hed performer geon. Hchallhorn Ulk i*hone 64-J; for «even years res 1001 Inwnrldge, phone S4-L. There is the usual funny clown W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the-] which affords entertainment for raputlc. Office over Barnes’ Jew- everybody, doing many comical elry Hour. 9 30-12; 1 30-4. jatunta while the ring master ably demonstrate, that all the animals RALPH W. STEARNS, M D. Phy- with the Bulger «how have been ■Iclan and surgeon, X-Ray equlp- trained by kindness Instead of by ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple the rod. Bldg ., phone 21-L. This attraction, with the feature W. T. TOMPKINS. D S T. Nervou. photoplay "Straight Is the Way" and ohronlc diseases. Office, Claus opens a two-day engagement tomor- Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. row matinee. WOOD FUR SALK Fir *.' 31, pine WANTED TO RENT Modern, fur nished bouse. North side prefer (2. on ground. 4 miles west on up red. Phono 517-R. 100 per river road Posts and building poles Hlvely *t Hrlekell, General IX »HT Delivery. 6811 ixnCT Heavy blue auto robe, be- SALE— Quiet running White twoun Merlin bill and Granta Pa»«. sowing machine, good order, but Sunday night, kinder pleaae leave old model. (12, call at 208 A St. 02 at Courier offloe H. 87tt ATTORNEYS T<> THE TAX PAVERS AND ELEC- I». NORTON. Attorney-at-law fobs of M iKMti, DISTRICT MIM ELLA.Nh.Ol»» Practices in al) State and Federal NUMBER SEVEN. FUR H.U-E »7 50 for curd of dry Courts First National Bank Bldg SHOP—Plumbing, pipe At It's last session the Oregon •lab wood cut in 1 linci» le-ngth», REPAIR »team tilting, boiler and G. W COLVIO. attorney-at-law legislature changed existing laws work, 314 North Third St. C. W. l*am- Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg, relative to schools and education In a pump work •and iu»lalllng brecht. 92tf Phone 306. G. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices! number of particulars. South 6th atreet Among the items of particular in »11» FUR SALE—Flrat claw baled wheat A. Bryan. In all courts. First National Bank terest Is the new law relative to the bay. I 23.00 per tun. Second cut ! manner of nominating candidates for Building A PRICE -Painter and decora directors, the new la# reads as fol- ting alfalfa hay, *30.00 per ton U tor 614 West B street, Grants O 8 BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law ' lows: Hulled Barley, *36.00 per tun. I The name of any qualified elector Pass, Ore Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270 Central Point Feed Store, Jesse L. shall be placed on the ballot as a can Richardson, Phone 41. IU6 DANK HRS LIFE OOMPAN Y De» C. A. -"'»LER. Attorney-at-law. Ma didate for the office of school direc upon filing with the clerk of the Moluea, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, •«nie i -.n?le, Grants Paaa. Ore. tor Al BALED 11AY (18 60 per ton school district, at least seven days District Agent. prior to the date of the election, of Peerless Rauch, Murphy, Ore. J i.bCI. H. DURHAM. Atloruey-el-law referee in bankruptcy. Maaonlc certificate of nomination, signed by E. Daniils. 94tf « v . nd Y making bueineM. Start at 4 (wme. Everything furnished. Men not less than 3 per cent of the num Temple Phone 115-J. ber. and In no case by less than ten FUR SALE—-On account of bereave and women *30 weekly Bon-Bon JAMES T OHINNlX'K Za»7e» persons, of the qualified electors vot ment will sacrifice my pretty, Co . Philadelphia. Pa. 108 ing for the office of school director First National Bank Building highly Improved place Just outside NOTICE Th« Granta Pae» Agency A. C. HOUGH Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg at the last annual school election; city limit., 10 acre, finest .oil In provided, however, tht there shall be of Singer Sewing Machine Co. has filed with the clerk an acceptance of Practice In all courta alfalfa and clover, Irrigation, heav moved to E. G. Holman'» furniture nomination by the nominee at least ily bearing orchard, modern bun store, al 605 G »treat. Phone 30. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In five days prior to the date of such galow, electric light», dairy barn, state aad federal courta Office election, otherwise such nomination Our new 1921 "Singer»" now on woodshed, apple, chicken «nd hog : shall be void. over National Drug Store floor See them. Your term» the It will thus be seen that any < and!- houatw, etc. R K R om . 93tf Ask about noodle«, oil. are our» date desiring to be nominated to a place on the board of directors of etc. J. W. Scott, «ales manager NirTh E OF SALE OF lllltl- FOR SALE »0 acre» on l»cer Creek, GATION DISTRKT BONDS school distnict Nnmber Seven must 87tf Josephine county. good water right, bouse and barn. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that flle wlth clerk of sa,<1 district For quick »ale *2900. (900 will CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS , . , . _ _ seven days prior to the date of the sealed proposal, will be received an- Blectfon wh)ph the ,oth day of handle and will take late model General foundry and machine til the 24th day of June. A. D. 1921. June, a certificate of nomination »mall ear oh balance. - W. Mia- work, mine and mill machinery, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- jsigned by not less than ten persons, thorn. 824 Woal G St chilled saw carriage wheels, live noon tor th. purchase of Fifteen Qualified electors of the district, and _ .. . . the person so nominated must file rolls, pipe fittings. Grant. Pass. Thousand . ,, Al 7-MONTIIS Ol-D raglstered Jersey Dollars worth or bond, of w)th th(1 ga.d cIerk >n a(.cepUnce of Oregon. 81tt bull from heavy producing stock the Enterprise Irrigation District of (nomination at least five days prior to tor «ale or trade tor burse or HEMSTITCHING Also plain sewing Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds the date of such election, otherwise | In | other cattle. Young calves also and children's clothes. Mrs. are to draw Interest at the rate of 6 such nomination shall be void. other words the said certificate of ; wauled. Seo T. T, Rows, New Gotcher, 801 H St. 18 per cent per annum payable semi-an nomination must be filed by the clerk ■ Hope, lire., or phono 601-F-33. 01 MRS. SYLVIA BUTLER ha. on «ale nually upon the 1st day of July and on or before the 13th day of June, the 1st day of January of each year and the acceptance of the nomination 77 ACRES—Opposite Hotuewood | a big line* of trimmed and suilor on or before the 15th day of June, in until the maturity of said bonds. hat» at 70S E atreet. 01 Farm, 6 miles south of Grants. that said nomination may bel Said proposals will be received by order valid. Pass, 36 acres cleared, good gar DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER the Board of Directors of said Irri This explanation and notice is den in, plenty of fruit, turnlabed ' gation District, and should be direct- given in order that all the electors 6-room house with summer porch, THE WORLD MOVE8; so do we. Uun«h Transfer Co. Office phone ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise In which to be represented at the , for »ale at a sacrifice. Term» to Irrigation District care of Fred D. said election. 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. autt. Address J. C. Morgan. Rd. Fletcher. Ixiomls Building, Klamath HOWARD S VAN DYKE. 4, Graut» Pass. 86tf F. G ISHAM, druyage. transfer; pi Falls, Oregon. Clerk of school district Number 7.1 anos, safe», furniture, moved, sbip- The Board of Directors reserve the 2000 SPLIT SHAKES for sale. Call or address M Andrew», East A I p< d, packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. right to reject any or all bids of- OVERLOOK BEAUTY OF FERNS fered. G. J. HILLYARD, 01 atreet. NI USERY STOCK Secretary of the Board of Directors FDR SALE -20 acres of slashed tim NI’USERY—Everything In up to of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill Choice Seem Not to Be a» Greatly Appreciated as They date nursery .lock, also direction, ber suitable for wood, mostly buxs Should Be. «aw »Ise. Inquire Chas. Mee. Ap for planting and soil culture. Call on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. plegate. Ore. 01 On.1 of the tilings which the Sorlst» Granta Paaa. Oregon. 4 3tf ENGLISH FIRST TO CHEW GUM of tlie United States have neglected to SILO FOR SALE, good as new. Write In the Year 1635 a Recipe for It« flan n great extent Is the growing of ferns. PIANO INSTRUCTION or see Mrs. O. 11. Steward, Murphy, To lie sure we see many beautiful »facture Wit Publiahed In Ore. 02 MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc s|HCimeus in the windows of city es That Country. tablishments, but very few of the more MoOORMACK mower for sale. *25,| tor on piano; studio over Barane' Phon» 265-J. Chewing gum isi't new. nml It isn’t choice varieties, which are renlly Just or will trade for calve». Phone I Jewelry. 601-F-7. Aptos Smith. 190 1 MRS. CLARA TITTLE FENTON American in origin, despite the fuel es easy to grow. provided a little care that our English cousins keep telling Is taken with them. How ninny know, teacher of piano and harmony, us that gum-chew Ing is an Amerlcuu for Instance, that there are scores of FUR SALE Dry mill wood at »2.50 Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith's habit, lu fact, they originated It them varieties of the “maidenhair?” The per tier delivered. Phone S01-F-7. Racket Store. 86tf selves. John Bate tin English writer, baby maidenhair is one of the duintl- . »9 gave a recipe for chewing in 1635. est of these. Its leaves beiug but little VETERINARY SURGEON FOR RENT He called it "mouth glew." Here's lurger than the head of an ordinary pin. Another variety which is espe- the recl|>e: DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. FOR RUNT -Small cottage, June lit. "Take lalnglasse mid steep It in wa- dally beautiful is tile New Zealand Residence 838 Washington boule Inquire at Peerless Clothing store. 'er until such time ns you may easily maidenhair. The stem of this fern vard. phone 3 98-R. <4tf pull It to pieces, put It Into a glass or flattens out a» It nears the leaves, ami TAX. pot well loaded mid set it In l.ulneo: tlie leaves themselves tire superim FOR RENT—Flve-rpom modern that Is, In n | h >I of water on the tin1 posed one on another, which gives the house, completely furnished, close SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R tor There let It seimiln until all, or moBt effect of several similes of green. <»f Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an part of It Is dissolved; then strain It course there are also the gigantic tree In. Mrs. George Tatherow. 710 J swered anywhere. anytime. Bfitf thorow a wide hnlre solve; while It ferns of the tropics, which have fronds St., phone 387-J 93tf from five to fifteen feet in length, the PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for Is hot. upon another course mid close trunks sometimes being four or live fur FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly bnlre solve, mid when It Is cold It Taxi. 78tf nlshed cottage, strawberries anil will be like n thick lolly. If you would J feet In diameter, but these would hard large garden. Would consider »ale Ill TLDING CONTRACTORS have It of n dnltitv «noil and are- ly do for II lady's bouquet. of furniture. 616 Dinilck St.. matlcnl taste, put Into It n little cinna HARPER * SON—Building contrac mon bruised. an<l a little miirleroin. First American Airway. FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping tor. Shop work, furniture crating. and roscnxiry Hewers. while It Is til«- i The "coraei’»t<'iie" of America's first rooms for rout. Reasonable. • all Shop 510 II St. Re., filone 142. solving, mid If you please a small ; ulrway froui Wash ugtou to H.iyton, Ohio, wiis laid at Ix'lling Held. Wash at 823 J street \. J. GREWN—General contractor quantity of brown sugar candy tn give ington. with appropriate ceretuonlea, It n sweetish snuitcb." Estimate, and plans made Noth- FURNISHED ROOMS reasonable - This recipe Is taken from a book des'gned as a part of the celebration Ing too small or too large. Shop called “Mysteries of Nature mid Art." of the anniversary of Lincoln's birth. 214 North Third St, 92tf 211 Sixth St Phone 38-J. High otiicials of the army, members of PIANOS TO RENT—Have a limited congress and aviators of note at NALASKOWSKl — Contractor. J number of fine pianos for rent Ap tended. What Relation 1» Bureau? Builder and Jobber. Phone 24 6-R ply early at The Music A Photo Ai my aviation olficials described the "The whole Crut family," postcards «Itf House. -* Ted. "consists of Auto. Arlsto. Pluto event us a "milestone in the progress ■ nd Demo—the last being the most of American aeronautic»," DENTISTS TYPEWRITERS To RENT Always A feature of the dedication was the truly American and the best mixer,"— on hand Visible Remington type E. C. MACY. D M. D. First-cis: Boston Transcript first public appearance of the Ameri writers The Music * Photo House dentistry 109 >4 S. 8tb 8t. can messenger alrplune, one of the 23 smallest in the wordl, which Is planned to take the place of motorcycles tor ACCOINTANT V Tint hiamoxi » nnann. a certain messenger work. The plane fi. t M c K instry . 603 a st., phone ft» 5 I I H TI NU~— Syatematixing. See me Ims a wing spread of only 3B feet and 8»5-R. real estate. Best of sails for about dally or monthly audit ser stands 7 feet high. It will carry a fruit, hay or general farming. »Jfönj loud of 240 pound» and with Its 00- vice Ivan Livingston. Incorporât MfMtsAlwtyt R a U a M* horse power motor makes 96 miles • ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad- ROY HIGGINS General real estate Office 111 South gixth. Phone 69 SOLD BY WWGGÎSTS EVERYWHERE an hour. drena. Granta Pass, Ore. 70tf CHICHESTER S PILLS w ella ilrtlled. not Just br<un. E'rtry place under the sun. Ijm>«Jng ■« the earth itadf. Ijar.-.- badie» of water hwated. If riven well, are old fashioned. Stauch ILitew are reaaonabir. Improve, your property GRANTS PASS,0«£. 311 I STREET at the water we have found. I I nspeet our machin«-. Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ixwie Grants !*■»> 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. LEAVE LEAVE GRANTS PAHS MEDF •OR 10:00 a. m- 14:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 11:00 a. m. DAILY AND SUNDAY 4:00 p. m. 1:00 P- m. PHONE M OR l»o 0:15 p. DI. 8:M P- m. We connect with stages for Ashland and Jacksonville Grants Pass- Stage Think of a five-passenger, quality automobile, completely equipped and having a powerful valve-in-hrod motor, for $809 Grants Pass CHEVROLET Model “Four-Ninety" at the new price is the greateet value of tills or any other year. automobile W. S. Maxwell & Co. PHONE 520 McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Q 9 Grants Pass, Ore MOTHER’S DREAM PLENTY OF (WX CLOTHES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY All through the years she has dreamed of the day which would bring an abundance of clean clothes for everyone in the family. The answer to Mother’s Dream is a Thor Washer—the experience of thousands of American »"men protew what you may expect from the Thor Washer in your own home. Call and we will be glad to show yon in detail and explain the conv-nient terms on which you can buy a Thor Washer. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY I’hone 350-R Next to Water Office CUTTING AND FITTING That shows in the finished re sult a Job best described as "tailored-to-order." Styles that combine services ability with looks, facility in quick putting np of the top and easy handling together with best durable materials and reas onable prices. Get our estimate. G.B. BERRY FORD ONE TON TRI CK. CHEVY. GOOD REPAIR. REO SEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL \T A BARGAIN. FORI» DELIVERY JI ST OVERHAULED. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE. C L HOBART COMPANY Maine'» Famous College. Bowdoln college Is rhe oldest «ent of learning In Maine, having been chartered tn 1794 by Massachusetts, of which state Maine was then a part, and opened In 18» rd. It has sent out many notable graduates, including Nathaniel Hawthorne, Franklin Pierce. Henry Wndsworth lax.gfellow. William Pitt Fessenden. Sargeant 8, »'rvntlss. Thomas B Reed and Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller. Merchant Printer»—Coartar. THE CALIFORNIA ANI» OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPANY Time Card Effective Nev. 24. 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wednae- days and Fridays Leave Granta Pass.............. 1 PM Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 PM. Leave Waters Creek..........2:30 PM Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 PM. For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the cAmpanv. Lundburg building, or telephone 121 «