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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
Vslverzlty of Ore. Library ♦ rants Ulmin Courier AHtMM TATUI» l'IlKHH HKKVIGK GlttXTN I'A m H, JOHEI'HINE COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. XI.. No. Iti” - . ... Till KMDAY, Jt SE ». IMI 437 LOSETRADEOF ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ on the women Jurors bill so ♦ ♦ close that the result Is still In ♦ ♦ 4 doubt. 444444444444444 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Portland. June 9 - -(A. I’ I ♦ Unofficial returns from Tues ♦ day's election show the figures ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 ♦ 4 ♦ on 44444444444444 44 Pueblo, Colo., June 9.— (A. P.)—The Red Cross today is sued a list of persons who are still missing In the flood, con taining 437 names. Search is still being conducted. 4444444444444444 BRITISH IfUMlPS VA5QIISH THE INSURGENTS WITHOUT FIR ING A SHOT FEDERAL Tit IDE OOMMINHION PRESIDENT OF UNITED TEXTILE WORKERS PASSES AFTER ItEI'oltTH ALLEGED < OMBIXE MONTHS ILLNESS TO CONGRESS WORKED HIS *« UP FROM RANKS Hiiggesla a Kalamin» of Import» by ImrrvMing Demand foe South Amer bun Kan Prtniuct» Machine Guns I »nd tc Dislodge Slay Killed WI ihi Auto Gore Over Bunk Believe Report Made Io lid Pa»«itgc Wiw <'oninii»»ioner Willi Samuel er From Attic After Shott X'oar IndituMpoll»—Posts Are < lumper» on lutbor Mission to of tapper Control Kill nn<l Kill ing Officers in Xiourning Great Britain and Italy I aiiii I m - t Tariff .ImlwMMMlor Says Forces Attacked French When They Were Mistak en for Pole insurgents Toledo, Ohio, June |A. P.) — Indlunapolis. June 9, (A. P-I — Oppeln, June 9.—(A. P.)—Five New York, June 9.— (A. P->—1 Thomas Kelley, an Oklahoman, was Wasbington. June 9 - (A. Pl (By I. N. H Service) Gal-' The death of Colonel F. W Unit- ! South Bend, Ind. June $.—-(! N. bralth Jr., of Cincinnati, national Charge» that the loggers and lumber John Golden, president of the killed this morning following a battle thousand Polish Insurgents were 8.) A warning against loss of South commander of the American legion, manufacturers of the Douglas fir re ed Textile Workers of America, died ¡n arhich machine guns ____ and 1 hand driven from Rosenberg by the British American trade through depreciation tn an automobile accident threw Into gion on the Pacific coast, are organ at his home in Brooklyn after several grenades were used to dislodge him forces. The Pole« made a show of trom an attlc. He had killed two resistance but the British did not Of monetary exchange values was mourning legion posts throughout ised to fix prices by a restricted pro- weeks of illness. John Golden was to the textile policemen who had been called after fire a shot In taking Rosenberg. given to American business men in the nation, He was returning to the duction. were made by the federal a statement Issued h«re by Rev. John city from the* country club last night trade commission In their report to union labor movement of America he refused to pay his board bill and Paris, June 9.—(A. P.)—German what John Mitchel was to the mine ¡la(j flourished a revolver, threaten- F. O’llara, dean of tho department with two I<egion officials when the congress. Ambassador Mayer presented excuse» workers—a leader who worked his lng lhe ]andiady, of commerce, Notre Duiue university. car went over an embankment us a for the attack upon French troop» _____________ Portland, June J.—(A. P.)—'Lum- way up from the ranks., He was lie called particular attention to result of a break H> the steering in Sileaia yesterday by the German th« steady decrease In Argentine ex gear, Galbraith's skull was frac- b<vnien here characterized the fed born in I^ancashlre, Eng., in 1863,i defense forces. He said the Germans eral trade commission’s findings as change. • lured mistook the French for Polish In propaganda to give aid to the con ''The effect of tho phenomenal loss surgents. said, because of his activity in the! servationists to put over the Capper In value of South American monies la bill giving the government control that South American merchants are LABOR FEDERATION DELEGATE over all forest products Industries unable to-buy goods In the United FOUND DEAD IN DENVER HOTEL and against the efforts of lumbermen at Fall River, Mass., where he ob Stalos or to pay tor goods previously for a protective tariff. tained employment at his trade. * purchased In good faith," said Rev Denver, June 9.—<A. P.)—Milton It was in 1902, when Golden was Anaconda. Monf., June ,._(A. P.) O'Hara. Smelling, the national president of IOWA IM»Y SCOUTS TO VISIT na L « E Gray. » wealthy ’ ldo ’ "Buch goods have mounted In some YKLIJ»VISTONE NATIONAL PARK ners’ Organization of the United ! of Ashland, Ore., was drowned Sun the Steam and Operating Engineer»* custom houses lu South America to States and Canada, that the conven day night in the west fork of Rock union, who was here as a delegate to During the past two weeks the an enormous exteut and foreign com Clinton. Is . June 9.—(A. P.)—. tion of the United Textile Workers creek, about 40 miles southwest of the American Federation of Labor mercial rivals of the United States Boswell Mining company has made convention, was found dead In hi» Two hundred boy scouts of this city' in session at Lowell, Maas., elected here, according to word received in •re taking advantage of thia situa shipments of bullion and concen bed at a hotel this morning him president to succeed James Kan-' tion to spread propaganda against trates to San Francisco, the bullion are preparing for the time of their' se.v and each year, for 19 successive this city last night. young lives as they will leave here Mrs. Gray was with a party of tour shipment being 440 ounces, valued American Interests. years, Golden has been returned as WHEAT AGAIN RAISES DI E rivals have at approximately $3.000. The con-' on Juno 20th, bound for the wilds of head of the union labor body with ists from Oregon who had gone to the “These European TO RAILROAD STRIKE RUMORS upper Rock creek district to inspect Yellowstone Park centrales amounted to 10 pounds, spread the fabrication that the Unit Its 175,000 to 200,000 members mining property. While attempting Tlie trip is unique In the annals ed States, having assumed financial running from 35 to 40 per cent gold During the textitle strike of 1904 to walk a foot log across the stjift Chicago. June 9.—(A. P.)—The The company Is now installing a of youthful entertainment. It Is be supremacy of the world Is taking ad- in Fall River, when 28,000 workers steam. Mrs. Gray fell in, it was re- possibility of a railroad labor tie on ing conducted by 50 business and I vantage of the situation to 'beat crusher and has ordered an engine were out. Golden made an impassion July 1 caused a rapid rise in wheat down' the exchanges of other coun to furnish power for theg crusher. professional men of this city who ed speech before the convention of ported. A search is being made for today. July delivery commanded as the body. will be hosts to the youngsters Eight thousand feet of tram tracks tries. This explanation is not only high as 31.4044 against SI.32 at yes Nothing so prosaic ■ as Pullman the American Federation of Labor absurd, but likewise it la dishonest." are also being laid from the mine to in San Francisco as a result of terday's finish. the mill During the past month a sleepers will be used and hotels will The real explanation, the dean which, it is recorded, the A. F. of L., MARINE CORPS PLANE FALLS The boys and farce varying front 20 to 30 men be decidedly taboo, said. Is that Wuropean acciMBta, es WITH IDAHO LIEUTENANT SIMS QI < »TED AS STANDING BY their hosts, together t with a 25 piece for the first time in its history, pecially English banking houses, has been employed at tho property band will travel in five IRISH QUESTION ADDRESS I passenger levied an assessment on all its mem- have put off their indebtedness to automobiles while their sleeping bers for the support of the idle men Washington, June 9. — (A. P.) — American firms by buying dollar ac tMKItlt IX I I<EI<UITI<K < Il \RIXiT London. June 9.— (A. P.)—Rear equipment, commissary and such, and women textile operatives of Fall ceptance in the South American mar HTRIKEK l< I.BFKG OI F II t LIFAN will follow closely in five huge River. This precedent has since been Lieutenant W. B. Brown, of Boise. Admiral Sims is quoted as saying ¿“¿I ket. These transfers of funds or. followed by the A. F. of L. ' in giving Idaho, ’ was killed when his marine that he stands by every word of the trucks. ,, , , support . . to other .. _ affiliated corps credits from South America to the financial __ “ * plane __ crashed at Colonial beach speech he delivered on the Irish Camps will be made each night en Halifax, June 9 ( A P) The ; near here. United States, he added, resulted in question Tuesday. American freighter Chariot, struck route, the entire party tenting in the striking trades. depreciation of the South Amariean In 1912 Golden was in charge of an Iceberg 200 miles off the coast open The personnel of the hosts exchange rate EX-OONVKJBB SENTENCED BY Her bow Is stove in. The steamship will include doctors, nurses, s mov the textile strike involving 30,000 VKW <\>IX»RADO FLOOD KILLS “There is nothing dishonest about! Columbia Is proceeding to her help. ing picture outfit and wireless equip workers of Lowell I and Lawrence, I» PERSONS IX LA JUNTA JUDGE CALKINS AT MEDFORD Mass.. Patterson, N. J., and other thia process bv which deprecislion of ment. exchange is brought about. it is ■ products The extension of credits to Medford. Ore . June 9.—(A. P.) — The trip will consume more than mill centers, His conservatism was Pueblo, Colo.. June 9.—( A. P.)— simply good bunking business and South Xmericun countries would nji- a month of travel, starting on June shown. It was said, on several occa Eighteen persons were killed by a Peter Strauff, known to the Pacific sions when he helped to avert walk the British exchange bankers must be (erlally help the present situation," 20 and ending July 2«. coast police as “Dutch Pete," and outs. During the Manchester. N. H.,l flood In the La Junta district, Cap- Frank Kodat, both ex-convicts with given credit for taking advantage of said the economist. ’I tain Mock, of the national guard. strike of 191F he Appealed for ted-, the situation.” he add ''However, prison records In Montana. Arizona “Another means of solving this Portland. June 9.- (API- There eral mediation and the result was a reported on his arrival here after a it is working terrific harm to Amer situation would be the Investment of1 and Oregon, were sentenced to five 50-hour battle with the elements. is a further slight rise of the rivers, compromise which brought all cbe ican Interests in South America." 1 American capital in 8outh American years In prison this morning by the stage here for Sunday is fore operatives back to work, Judge Calkins for attempted rob The dean declared the only reme securities. The permanent transfer I cast nt 24 7 feet. Golden was one of the commis-! PORTLAND POUCE CALIMI bery of the Gold Hill bank April 1$. dy was the balancing of trade be- of American funds to the prospective sioners of the American union labor TO QI - ell ' women bargainers Strauff. Christmas morning, 1918, tween the United State» and the 1.8- I-atIn-American markets would right movement who, led by Samuel Gomp- received a pardon from Governor tho discrepancy between the supply' tln-Amerlcan nations. era. went to Great Britain and Italy Portland, June 9.— (A. P.)—A Olcott and was befriended during his “The balance between iminirts and and demand of bills and bring ex in 1918 and by speech and pen. "strawberry riot" at the public mar trial by E W Wright, former com exports cannot be righted, however, change back to par,” he concluded. sought to convince their overseas ket waa the result of an announce- missioner of the Port of Portland. “This would enable South Amerl- until there Is more prodnctlon In the fellowcraft that the workers of the n)ent that one dealer would sell United States and consequently more cans to renew their trading In the! United States were solidly back of strawberries at 90c a crate, though Misses Dorothy and Miriam Boozer, demand here for South American raw American market." their governent and the allies in the prevailing price was $1.75. The of Corvallis, arrived last night and winning the war. police were called to control the mob will be guests of Miss Lulu Benedict University of Oregon. Eugene. Golden's homo was in Fall River women. i for several weeks. ;June 9 —(Special) — Miss Dora Bir He and his wife, who survives him. -------------- chard. the only student from Grants have 20 grandchildren. | Pass graduating from the Unhenity of Oregon this year, will receive her PORTLAND MARKETS B. A. degree from the biology de $8.25 partment on Monday. June 20. Dur- Choice Steers............... $8.00 $9.00 $8.75 ! Ing her four years on the campus. Hogs, prime light $7.25 Riga, June 9.—(A. P.)—Newspa “I told you so" attitude and suggest Miss Birchard has been active in stu Prime I-anibs............... $6.50 2 2 Sc pers now appearing In Moscow give ing a return to Ironclad communism dent affairs, besides being among Eggs, buying price ............... ....24c During the period of transition no the highest in scholarship. She has Eggs, case count............ ....... some Inkling of th« struggle In Rus ....28c Eggs, selling selects .......... Constantinople, June 8.—(A. P.)—.similarity with the ancient Greek sia during the first two months of the American or other foreign news cor-1 been head of the Pi Beta Phi soror Butter, extra cubes ............. ...32c A new gospel of health, that man is conceptions of the development of respondents were admitted to Russia | ity during the past year. attempt to restore something like not one but three and that he cannot mental force and bodily grace and In her freshman year Miss Blr-| normal civilisation, along the line of and only occasional news admissions Portland. June 9.— (A. P.)—Cat- function fully until his three person activity. or editorial controversy is printed In chard majored in physical education,! Lenlne's new policy of freedom of but changed to zoology. At the end J tie, steady, hogs. 25c lower: sheep alities are in harmony, has come here' He is persuaded that his teachings trade, and at the same time retain the Moscow press. The Moscow Economic Life of May' of her sophomore year, war having! steady: eggs, firm; butter, lc higher? from the Middle East on the tide of will change the art of living. He has power In the hands of the commun ------------------- Russian and other refugees from far gathered about him a group of con- 5 displays hopefully an account of aj been declared, she entered the ser-l iats. vert» who say they are going to countries. peasants' conference which agreed on vi<4, and was assigned to the base Reform after reform ha» been an the necessity of the non-partisans This gospel is proclaimed by a spread his theories westward, some hospital at Camp I-ewis, where she J nounced but tho Moscow papers say working with the communists to re small, dark man of mystery, a Greek going to the United States. He say» served as laboratory technician In i thnt difficulties are arising at every a as ar-rx is nriltTr Tartar. G. I. Gurdjieff. He has con- that he was taught by Russian phy- store Russia; but other papers edi-^charge of the pathology department, turn. tributed to the meager intellectual stcians and psychollgista. torlally bemoan the fact that “the Later she was transferred to the gen I^nlne, hopeful of success, is keep peasants are not interested and won't eral bacteriology department. “In harmony there is health," de i life of the city a new throb. ing his pen busy day and ntght writ do anything at all.” The outward and primary form of clared Gurdjieff. “The western world I-ast year. Miss Birchard assisted1 ing article after article explaining his teachings begins with dances bor- of medicine and psychology has never Information trom independent in the bacteriology department of why tho reforms were necessary and sources, however, indicates that Icen the University and this year, in the! Washington. June 9. — (A. P.)— 1 rowed from the Mosques of Persia grasped, the truth that man Is not urging the peasants to support him. ine has no real opposition that he biology department, also doing re The senate has confirmed all of the and the temples of India. He puts controlled by pne personality, but by Secklov and other more radical could not sweep away quickly and search work on the effects of intra shipping board nominations. The ¡some of his patients on bread and three, and when these three are not writers, however, are filling the Pra that the situation Is now entirely up cellular secretion of the thyroid senate ordered an Investigation Into water for months at a time but re In harmony a man says he is 'sick.* vda And Izvestia with arguments In to him. He is being guarded more gland, under the guidance of Dr. Rear Admiral Sims’ Ixindon speech quires them, all the while, to carry A sick man. a man with that tired which they attempt to show that free closely than ever in view of the rum Harry B. Torrey. Miss Birchard ex on Irish sympathizers, also an inves on the most violent exercises which feeling, is like a horse and carriage without a driver. The man is not trade already has proved an titter or» In Moscow of « new plot to assas pects to spend the summer at her tigation Into all government agen conform to the music of a piano. Gurdjieff's teachings have some master of himself.’’ failure. They are also adopting the sinate him and other cpmmlsarles. cies dealing with former service men. home In Grants Pass. ASHLAND WOMAN IS DROWNED IN MONTANA BOARD NOMINATIONS PilMLlDlulLn IM \LMATt