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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1921)
THE NWKKTENT STORY EVER TOLD Xo, not a love story , twit "In- cioaed find check in pajr*“*’**'' And Is it not a phMsant way, a most conveulcnt and exact way to pay bill« and meet obliga tion»? A « lux-king account at thia Kink add» prvatige to your name. FIRST NATIONAL BANK MFMrn « rEDmXl R4.SERV i snsTt OE HOVTIIE.RN OREGON Let us show you why they are th£ BEST » Rogue River Hardware Co. The WINCHESTER Store TOURIST GROCERY ( Also Cigars and Confections) home : of the MILK SHIMMIE” I lc L. A. RINGVETTE NEW SHOW TODAY • A •Our youth we can have but today. We may always find time to grow old THE CALL OF YOUTH Adapted from "James the E’ogy," Henry' Arthur Jones tlic play WEDNESDAY, JINK », IMI. GRANTS PASS DAILY COI RIEH — ■ " PÊR52ML LOÇflL K. A. Cooke, of Hornbrook, Cal., Greatest Clothing Halts— was in Grants Pass yesterday. Now on at Peerless Clothing Co If One Lluie Dodge Bros Sales Room. 57tf Bound to Grand Jury- A. R. Hansen and wife, of Medford, Five Miller boy«, Itobert, Newell. spent yesterday in this city. Darwin. E*red and Sidney, whose case George AV. Knight »■». in Granta catue before Judge Holman's court I'ass yesterday. Monday, wero bound over to the la. M. C. truck cab. wind shield.' grand jury in September and gave »take body, eord tires, looks like bonds for their appearance, The new. Dodge Bros. Sales Room. 97tf charge was rioting and threatening Pearl E 8tuart, of Roseburg, was (with firearms, The boys are from I in Grants Paas yesterday. ¡Missouri Flat. A. M. Knapp and wife, of Holland, ! were In Grants Pass yesterday. til You Cun EM— J. J. SklnntE of Modforú. was In For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real phis city yesterday. working man's place to oat Try our Flume lumber, at Borland Thomas hot waffles. !0c All experienced i I.umber Co Phone -. I Cltf white holp. T Larsen and E An Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Denison left drews. Prop« 93tf last night for a visit to Portland dfr- : Ing the rose show I silver l*ri< iv»—■ L. D. Kimball and f unity, and M-s On goods iu every line tor men nt t L. F. Skinner, of S. u.!‘- ■>. • uerleaa Clothing Co. ¡Cal., spent yesterday In Grunts Pass. Before .you build get figures on your lumber, shingles, lath. doom Exhibit ut i iirnixal An attraction at the carnival now and windows at Borland Thomas «Iff showing on East O street is the ex 1 Lumber Co. Phon«» 1S7-J. Katherine Henrich, und her sister. hibit of war relics collected and ex Mrs. R. W. Smith, of Rogue River, hibited by three wounded ex-service I are In Grants Pass this week takln-: men. W. H Hall, 27th engineers; Hil ly Rhodes, 7 9th; and Chester Pastets, the state teachers' examinations Mrs J. A. Duncombe and daughter. Rainbow division. The men have and Mrs. John E Ijtcy, of Sett lie. with .them two dogs that were injhe who are touring the coast, stopped fighting, "Punkins." an arm» mas cot. given a U. S. discharge, and last night at the Oxford Buick Six. new top. paint. and lion," a French Red Cross dog No tires Dodge Bros. Sales Room. 97tf admission Is charged for the exhibit. One Dodge Brothers touring car. cords, repainted, good bay. I>odge Party Is Known— The person taking the tnotormeter Brothers Sales Room. 97tf from the Hoick car Monday night at Stanton Rowell returned Monday __ from a two-weeks' trip which extend- lh“ ,|n,lce *» known. ««» I*1'« at Clem- store * un<l avoid ed as far north as Seattle, taking ln.” ens n" !,,or •vold trouble ‘rabble »8 the Scottish Rite reunions at Eugen» and Portland, and business visits at Save Money — Purchase your new suit and fur Olympia and other places. On the return trip he spent a day nt Corval nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. lis. I. I. Itonk. Present* Wau-li— I. I Hoak. head consul of the W. O. i Attention Sir Knight»— Melita Commanderv No S K. T.. W.. at the close of his address at the* will hold stated session Friday even park Monday night, presented to W ing, June 10th. starting promptly at H. Leonard, his old time friend, a 8 o'clock. Order of the Temple will handsome gold watch and W. O W., be conferred. All members are urged fob. On the back of the watch case ■ to be present. Clyde E. Niles. Com was engraved. "To W. H. Leonard I mander. 100 from I. I Hoak. W. O. W." The gift «as accompanied by expressions of Jackson Men Hacking Oil Well— friendship and was a tribute to the! E. T. Staples, of Ashland, and work of Mr. I-eonard toward the up-| Fred Colvlg. of Medford, are spend building of the order During the ing a few days in Grants Pass explain recent membership campaign th» lo ing to Investors the advantages and cal camp secured more than 150 progress in oil production in the members, of which Mr. I«eonard turn-1 phenomenal Cat Creek. Montana, ml In 19 field. Mr. Staples recently return ed from personal inspection of the Sensational Reduction— field and the property Interests of the On suits, shoes, hats and furnish Ore -Cat Creek syndicate, an asso ings at Peerless Clothing Co. 98tf ciation of men of Jackson. Josephine and Klamath counties. The discov ery well was brought In February 19, 1920, and since then 40 producers have been added, ami a remarkable thing is the fact that the oil is 51 to 54 per cent gasoline This new field is attracting the eyes of the world and its growth will be of Interest to Luxite Hose * I Black, White, Brown, Navy and Camel rnrs. Hellie Deas We do HeniaUtchlng The Best Quality Values llumlnxls of Spring, Hummer «»I All-Year 'Round Fabrica, tailored to your Individual tneaaure In your »election of the right style for you. and up At the sign of Ye Jolly Utile Tailor GEO S.CALHOUN Over Sixteen Yean I.tu al Dealer » Shoes for the Family SI MM Kit's THE PLAY TIME OF THE YEAH. GET Vol It PLAY HIIOE» AND ttl'TING CLDTHEJ* AT 103 North- 6th WOODWARD’S Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grii(h*s. Lath. Shingles, boors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST EOINDICY AND AV EXT G 1 GRANTH PANH, OREGON COMING FRIDAY BILGER'S COMEDY ANIMAL CIRO S JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE RIVOLI Uxlgod in City Jail— tenced him to six months imprison J. W. Whitsett, who has an apart ment and |25 fine, the term being ment over the Rogue River Hardware, changed to parole on good behavior. was arrested last night by Chief of! Police McLean, when the noise of an ■ Attorney L. A. Roberts and Al Jor alleged wife-beating and domestic dan, of Ashland, were business vis discord disturbed other roomers. It itors in the city today. was found that Mr. Whitsett had ' been thoroughly innoculated with1 COMING EVENTS moonshine, and he was given a June 8-11, Wednesday to Saturday ■ night's lodging in the city jail. This! ___ Teachers examinations at Court morning Police Judge Allen sen- I house. Conte, try our ready-to-serve, a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 We will serve a very fine 75c table-de-hote dinner — Time 5:30 to 8 p. m .Sunday Dinner Sl.<Mi ERFE< T ROT EX TION OLICY ( over*» Health Ufe Accident Disability RELLANA E LIFE INNI’RANCE CO. OF PITTBBURG THEO. P. CRAMER. Jr. General Agent 20 4 H N. flth St. .WHAT'S THE PRICES REDUCED AGAIN Cars come complete with Demountable Rims, same size Non-Skid Tires all around, Tire Carrier, Extra Rim. Drop in and See This New Ford Ford Always Leads C. A. WINETROUT Authorized Ford Salos and Service 107-R DATE? Can you remember the date« or is your head too full of ad dresses and teiphone numbers to keep track of the birthdays and other anniversaries of your friends? And yet It means a lot when some one remem bers your birthday, doesn't It? It’s no fact of mental magic If you will keep a "Forget-Me- IM and SCATTER BI NSHINE WITH GRE7E7TING CARDS CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 3DU a