«.Il 4 NTH I'AHH »Albt COI KIEK HKDNFMDAY, JI NE N. IVUI. PAGE TURKS REAL ENTAT». E. T. McKlNHTltY, 603 (I Si., pbou- 466-lt, reai estate. Best nt solls tur fruii, bay or generai faruiing. HOY HIGG1NH -General reai estate Office iti South Blxth. Pbone «9 DOYLE’S Successor PHYHII IAN AND HI IUJKON L. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice limited to diseases of aya, ear.aus­ ami throat. Phone 62; Ras. 239-J H MHJGHHHMIK, M D Physician and surgeon. City or country call, attended day or night • Pliun.-. Rea 36», Offlu, 183; 6th and H E. J BILI.H'K, M. D. Physician, sur­ geon, Hchallliorn Blk. I'hone 54-J; res. 1004 l-awnridge. phone 64-L. W F It I TH Ell FORD Manual tbe- raputlcs Off'ce over Barnes’ Jew­ elry. Hours .' SO 12. I 19 4 to E. Firth & Company New Wash Skirts / Gaberdines and Satins RAlai'll Classified Advertising WANTED FOR HAI JI ^Tk'AltN'H, M. D Phy alclan and surgeon. X-Ray equip­ ment Office In Maaonle Temple Bldg., phono 21-L. ■W. T. TOMPKINS, IJ 8 T Nervous and chronic diseases. Office. Claus Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. Goodrich Tiie Prices redueed^O ”2 Ore. FOK KENT FOR RENT—Small cottage. June 1st. Inquire at Peerless Clothing store 84tf I PIAN«» INSTRUCTION MRS. JAMES M IXIWERS. Instruc­ tor on plano; studio over Barnes' Jewelry. Phone 265-J. MRS CLARA TUTTLE FENTON teacher of piano and harmony, Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith's Racket 8tore. 8«tf (-ROOM HOUSE now being cleaned, I will be ready In 2 days. Men working in It at present. »10.50 4 ETERI N AIO HI RGE«».N per month. 727 North Fifth St. DR li I BESTUL, veterinarian. Wm Boog. $$ Residence 838 Washington boule­ FOR RENT—Five-room modern vard. phone 398-R. house, completely furnished, close TAX. in. Mrs. George Tetherow. 710 J St., phono 397-J 93tf SOONER TAXI-Phone 262-R tor Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an­ FOR LEASE OR RENT Partly fur­ swered anywhere, anytime 8Htf nished cottage, strawberries and largo garden Would consider sale PHONE IfiO The Bonbonniere for of furniture. «1« Dlmlck St . Taxi. 79tr FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping III I l.lll Ml er river road Posts and building Timo Card i>ole«. Hlvely A Brickoil. General MOTHER AND DAUGHTER wish po­ Effective Nov 24, 19 1 » Delivery. Illf sitions as cooks on ranch or in . Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays < .imp Cull at Western Hotel. 98 | SUGAR CURED MEAT* dialisi, ba­ l^eave Grants Pass....... . Arrive Waters Creek ... con and picnics al re« sona bio MINT I .eave Waters Creek..... prices A A Hyde. 934 N. mb IXXTr Heavy blue auto robe, be- Arrive Grants Pass...... UK street ■or Information regarding freight tween Merlin hill and Grants Paaa, and passenger rates call at tbe office leave Sunday night. Finder please Whit® Qulot running FOR SALE tbe company. Lundburg building, 02 of at Courier office sewing machine, good order, but or telephone INI old model, *12, call ut 208 A St. 87lf NOTICE <>F SALE OF IKRI- pipe SHOP—Plumbing, REPAIR GATION DIHTItKT BONDS FOR SA1JC *7 50 for cord of dry work, steam fitting, boiler and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that slab wood cut In 12lnch le ngths, 605 pump work and installing sealed proposals will be received un­ 21« North Third St <' R l->in South 6th street. Phone 306. G. til the 24th day of June. A. D. 1921, 92tt brecht. 511» A. Bryan at the hour of 2 o'clock in tbe after­ »XJR SALE- • First class baled wheat G Painter and decora­ noon for tbe purchase of Fifteen bay, *26.00 per ton. Second cut­ si B street. Grants Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of ting alfalfa hay. *20.00 per ton. 24tf the Enterprise Irrigation District of Rolhsl Barley. *36.00 per ton. COMPANY Ilea Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds Central Point Feed Store. Jesse I.. HANKERS LIFE Myron C. Guston, are to draw interest at the rate of € Moines, Iowa Richardson, Phouo 41. 106 per cent per annum payable semi-an­ District Agent. nually upon the 1st day of July and L. M C.VNDYMAK1NG business FOR SALE Alfalfa bay. Start at tbe 1st day of January of each year ltd 1 NI oli ols. Phono «12-F-4 home. Evbrytblng furnished Men until the maturity of said bonds 8k and women »30 weekly Bon-Bon Said proposals will be received by 108 the Board of Directors of said Irri­ Co.. Philadelphia, Pa Al BAUX» HAY *18.50 per ton. Poerless Ranch, Murphy,, Ore. J. N< »TIOE Thu Granta Paes Agency gation District, and abould be direct­ 94tr E. Daniils. of Singer Sewing Machine Co has ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise moved to E G. Holman s furniture Irrigation District care of Fred D I'Oli SALE--On account of bereavo- Fletcher. Loomis Building. Klamath nient will sacrifice my pretty, I store, al 605 G street. Phono 50. Anti-Skid Safety Tread "Singera" now on Falls, Oregon. Our now 1921 highly Improved place Just outside S1LVERTOWN The Hoard of Directors reserve the them Your terms See the floor city limits. 10 acres finest soil In Ask »Lout needles, oil, right to reject any or al) bids ours are alfalfa and clover, irrigation, heav­ G J. HILLYARD. etc. J. W. Scott, sales manager fere<| ily bearing orcluwd. modem buu- Secretary of the Board of Directors S7tf Josephine county. I galow, electric lights, dairy baru, of Enterprise irrigation District 111 o’ectfon. otherwise such nomination woodshed, apple, chicken and hog I CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS shall be void. - -General foundry and machine houses, otc. It. K. Rosa. 93tf TO I in I \ \ P ll EKS i\i> i i i It will thus be seen that any candi­ work, mine and mill machinery, TOMI OF 8CMOQL DISTKI« I date desiring to be nominated to a FOR 8AI«K- HI) acres on Deer Creek, place on the board of directors of chilled saw carriage wheels, live Ni mih i ; sex i n good water right, house and barn. school district Number Seven must rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Paas, For quick sale *2900. *900 will At it's, last session the Oregon file with the clerk of said district Oregon. . 91 if legislature changed existing law« seven days prior to the date of the handle and will take lato model relative to schools and education in a election, which is the 20th day of small car on balance, W. Mln- HEMSTITCHING Also plain sewing number of particulars June, a certificate of nomination Mrs and children's clothes 100 thorn, 624 West G 8t. Among the Items of particular in­ j signed by not less than ten persons, 1» terest is Hie new law relative to the quallfled'electors of the district, and Gotcber, 801 11 St. Al »-MONTHS 01.1» registered Jersey of nominating candidates for the person so nominated must file MRS SYLVIA BUT1JCR bus on sale manner directors, the new law reads as fol­ j with the said clerk an acceptance of bull from h«.ivy producing stock a big lino of trimmed and sailor lows: 1 nomination at least five days prior to for sale or trade for horse or j the date of such election, otherwise The name of any qualified elector hats at 7v8 E street. 01 other cattle. Young calves also in shall ba placed on the ballot as a can­ such nomination shall be void. wanted. See T. T. Roas. New IIK.11 AGE AND IKA.N h FEII didate for the office of school direc­ other words the said certificate of Hope. Ore., or phono 6O1-F-33. 91 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. tor upon filing with tho clerk of the nomination must be filed by the clerk school district, at least seven days on or before the 13th day of June, Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone prior to the date of the election, of and the acceptance of the nomination 77 ACRES- -Opposite Homewood 349; res. phones 265-R. 316-L. certificate of nomination, signed bv on or before the 15th day of June, Farm, 6 miles south of Grants not less than 3 per cent of the num- .order that said nomination may Paas. 25 acres clearod, good gar­ F G ISHAM, drayiige, transfer; pi­ her. and in no case by less than ten 'valid. anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship ­ den in. plenty of fruit, furnished persons, of the qualified electors vot­ This explanation and notice pod. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. ing for the office of school director given in order that all the electors 5-roorn house with summer porch, at the last annual school election; of the district may have ample thus for sale at a sacrifice. Terms to Nt KHEKY STAKE provided, however, tht there shall be ’ In which to be represented at suit. Address J. C. Morgan. Rd filed with tho clerk an acceptance of said election 4, Grants Pass. 9«tf NUKABRY—Everything In up to nomination by the nominee at least I EDWARD S VAN DYKE, date nursery stock, also directions five days prior to the date of such Clerk of school district Number 7 2000 SPLIT SH IKES for sale Call for planting and soil culture. Call or address M Andrews, East A on F, E. Jordan, North 10th street, Granta Pass, Oregon. 43tf street FOR SALE -20 acres of slashed Um­ AtX'Ol NTANT ber suitable for wood, mostly busi AlTlHri.Ni; Systematizing S.s- me saw size. Inquire Chas. Mee. Ap­ about dally or monthly audit ser­ plegate, Ore. 01 vice. Ivan ldvlngston, incorporat­ ed .Accountant. Phone 389, Ad­ SIIX» FOR SAI JI, good as now. Write dress. Granta Pass, Ore. T^Otf | or see Mrs. O. B. Stewurd. Murphy, » $24.50 $32.90 $41.85 $43.10 $47.30 «48.40 $49.65 «58.90 «ÔÎ.90 30«3‘ a 3231 32x4 - 33>4 32-4^ 33«4\ 34*4*4 33*5 135x5 9 Fabric Tires Smooth 30tf aoo Safety 32*4 526.90 Safety 30*3 $ 13.45 Safety Safety 30’3$ S1&OC Safety *2830 $37J5 $ THE B.F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY C^krvn,Owo Grant« Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY leave Grants Pana *:. in. LEAVE MEDFORD H: I I : no I : «10 We connect with atagtv. for Ashland and FORD ONE TON TRl’CK, (TIKVY. GOODREPA1R. RFO SEVFN PAflBENGRR. MIWI.II il \ IIIIIGIIX. FORD I>1 I.IVI KY Jl ST «»VERRAI LFI». WF. BUY, «ELI. AND TRADK. C L HOBART COMPANY Think of n fiv«^|M»sscnger, quality automobile, completely eqaipixsl limi having a powerful yalie-ln-hevul motor, for $80$) Grants Pass CHEVROLET Mixlel "Four-Ninety" at the nmv price is the greatest vaine of tills or any other year. W. S. Maxwell & Co. PHONE A2t» McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mower«,Rake«, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore.