Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1921)
WKDX EMI»tV, JI 8K H, IIMt. GRANTS I'.UiM DAILY CAM HIER PAGE TWO a GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voorhloe. Pub. and Propr Batared at pœtoffiee, Granta Pass. Ora., as second-class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch................... 25c Local-personal column, per line... 10c Beaders, per line—............... — 5c Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively •stilled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this ••per and also the local news pub the Call of 1 .Hllb" Novel entertainment ia offered III "The Call of Youth." th« pIcturiM tlon of Henry Arthur Jones' play. "James the Fogy," which open at the Rivoli today. This picture was mad« by the Famous I'laycra-laaky British Producers at their new studio near lamdon and li^the first of their pro duct to be shown In America Demon t MON SUITS AMI SEPARATE I'lK I B, A <x»MPI.Ki I I IXI . , DAILY OOP RIER By mall or carrier, per year---- I6.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. 50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year.......................... »2.00 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ stratln* as It does what all American AMUSEMENTS film company cun do with English ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ locations, with an English story In KINNEY & TWIT THE HOME OF NUMBER is COFFEH IND ALL OTHER Ql ALITY GOODS 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore lished herein All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8. 10B1 .......1 "S' ■ - ■ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Tonight and Thursday, fair. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ RI^HT HEKE WE WOULD] LIKE TO MENDON-WE J ARE »STUDENTS OFPR B. S. 514 Dedrick F Street 4OI G STREET of waler located. Rat)*. are reasonable. I mproves your property. PHONE 3OS-J E. W. CHILES I hm II cw Driven wells are olii fashioned. BUYS FOR CASH New and Used Goods SEE ME Every piace under the san. Large , We guess that everybody be lieves that an ounce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure. Of course you reallxe that if the plumbing at your house is put into the proper shape at this time some member of your house hold may not fall ill at some later date. Why not have that plumbing attended to at once? Placer location Courier office. blanks cigarette Courier SEW TDIiAV I« drilled. not just t>cgun. Lasting as the earth Itself. Ninth street between G and H was • busy place this morning when the tents of the Lovitt-Brown-Huggins combined shows were being set up and the various amusement features hying made ready for business. The •hows were to have been open for business last night but on account bf two train wrecks in California the SS-car train of the company did not arrive until late yesterday afternoon •nd too late for the evening enter-' (•lament. Everything was in readi ness this aftemon and the attractions open The company will be here dur ing the remainder of the week. Merchant Printer. Maine Pi-ople Buy Hume- Mr. and Mrs F W. Barton have XI « IVHH—Oil stMVB, fl I '......... located hero permanently from er«, 2 ti-lHimi-rs. glass door t-uplslnrd, Houghton. Maine, and have purché* dining table nearly new. library laide, ! ed the Hettinger bungalow on D Xcw shipment of tent* and wagon street, and will move In within the sheet». Drop head sewing machine. next few days Mr Barton Is Inter Single harness. Phone 71. T. <'. ested In the Boswell mine and also In Booth. the Mora pump sales company was made by A N. Parsons. v ............ ........ TlON CKrttW o Attractions Open Today— L ucky S trike terpreted by English players, it Is a momentous production The plot centers around a middle-aged lover whose autumnal romance la fruatrni ed by "the cull of youth." and the characters allow the master touch of Mr Jones In every scene Hugh Ford. an American, was the director Stauch GRANTS PASS,OSL us up when in town. At the water we have found. 311 I STREET Ins|Hx t our machine. one bettor around. Get us now, don't hesitate. MOTHER’S DREAM PLENTY OF CLEAN CLOTHES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY All through the years she has dreamed of the day which would bring an abuntiance of clciin clothe« for everyone in the family, The answer to Mother's Dream is a Thor Wash« ■the experience of thousands of American w’»nim proven what y<»u may ei|ie t from the Thor Washer in your own home. Call anil we will be glad to show you in detail anil explain the convenient terms on which you can bny a Thor Washer. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY ’hone 35G-R Next to Water Office EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE Dopendablo companies and rea» Stott. M onable rates. Seo T I O3tf Buick Salesrooms FOR HALE- Modern 5-rootn butina low almost new, newly pa I ti I ml three blocks off 6th street, garage and woodshed. S5»105 foot lots Will take Ford ns purt payment »ttr Jas K. Manuel, owner the J one- GET YOUR LUMBEK from phlno Lumber Co., at wholesale mill prices, All kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivers any Phono 188, 107 North where » str Sixth street. b\»R HALE One yea% old purr- bred White Wyandotte hens. JI 50 each. Alai, baby chicks. 25c each. K M laidewig. Box 71. lid 3. 9» E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estuto. hi suranos and plate glass liability'. (0914 G street, phone 28 40tf FURNISHED ROOMS reasonable 214 North Third M " • Caruso chose the Victrola I PIANOS TO KENT Have a limited number of fine pianos for rent Ap- ply early at The Music A- Photo House. TYPEWRITERS TO RENT Always on hand visible Remington type writers The Music A Photo House 33 MoOORM ACK mower for sale, •16. or will trade for calves. I'hone too (ol-F-7. Amon Smith 8 •1 ¡Ï Rccnnsc lie wanted you to hear him in your <W*n home exactly »« he ia heard on the stage nt the Metropolitan Opera. I lia records played on imitations would give you something but it would be something less than the best. FOR SALE Dry mill wood al I : >0 per tier delivered Phono 6OI-F-7. announce a Sanitary Tuftless Mattress GENERATIONS SERVICE Originated in grandmother's time, in the days when in tegrity meant more than lhe dollar mark, Sealy attri bute«’ of Tuftlo-s Comfort, Utmost Cleanliness and Old- Fashioned Quality have come down the genertaions, a heritage highly valued by health-enlightened women of today- Substantial Reduction in the price of their cars effective June the eighth Holman’s Furniture Store •9 fl assi £ SERVICE * REPHRINS I tl'TTING AX'D FITTING That shows In the finished re sult a job beat described “tailored-to- order.” Styles that combine service ability with looks, facility In quick putting np of the top and easy handling together with bort dursMe materials and rea— enable price«. Get our estimate. G.B. BERRY C. A. LINCI- DEALER IN DODGE BROTHERS MOTORCARS