(örantö jJnos Dailn Courier AMHÍM iated pkkhh her vice GltlNTN l'ÄHH, JOHEPHINE COUWTY. ORKGON, vol . XL. No. ••»— VOTES FOR VETfcRANS AID AND Portland, Juno 8. (A. P ) ■A fur A. I». LAMKEll, WHO MANAGEI» QOVEIINOH OM'O'IT EXTEND« I A new basis of representation at the ther gradual rise In the Columbia is AGAINST HYGIENIC AND i:i Pl hi . has UN I mmira (WilllTI LATIONM To THE [next republican national convention,' reported today, but the Snake river is TERM BILL« IH .NOMINATE!» AMERICAN LEGION under which there would be a cut of) stationary. A gradual rise here un­ 23 votes from the southern states, til Saturday Is predicted. A dike was pdopted today by the republican ' breaking, flooded the big truck farm national committee. Tuo next con­ of J II Koberg, of Hood River, caus­ vention would be composed of 1037 ing $10.00» l«*n Juror». M.irrtag«« Ex»m- ed republican national Committee strengthened and Gave to Japan , Are Defeated I» Accept»»! at Once inntlon Aro Killed chairman succeeding Will H. Hays. ¡Ralph B. Williams, of Oregon, was' elected vice chairman succeeding; lly William G. Cayeu A large majority for the world p » Portland. June S — Yap are a care-free people, and it is assured of places on the board women Jurors measure. The vote t'pon receipt of ndvlco from depart ­ Women*» Jury bill vote Is close on the sate to say they do not know of the VO! NG SWISS PHYSICIAN <»N against these measures was not as ment headquarters that the charter oarly returns WALKING AROUND WORLD heavy as against other bills on the Washington. June 8.—(A P.) — International controversy being raged had been mailed. It was decided to about possession of the little moun ­ Milan, June 8. —(A. P.)—Dr. Mas- ballot. The senate has confirmed Chamber ­ hold the first regular meeting of the Portland. June h (A P. I lie­ a Woman’s Auxiliary to the American lain's nomination to the shipping tain top, all because of its cable im­ elmo Armand Leuret, aged 36, Only slightly over 38 per cent of turns from 20 counties, including af-1 portance," said the commander Swiss physician, has arrived here board The other nominations were Ixvglon under their charter Thursday the registered voters of Josephine Multnomah complete, compiled this "There are not more than 7,000 ter walking 35.000 miles in both old county visited the polls on Tuesday. evening. Juno 9th The meeting will referred to the committee In their afternoon gave people on the Island of Yap, and they and new worlds He asserts that his The register lists shows about 3,000 >»e held at the county courthouse at ususl course. Iatglslallve. 26.140 yee. >6,047 no are very peculiar in their ways and tour took him around the globe com­ names, while an unofficial tally of S o'clock and all mothers, wives, sla­ llonua, 53,720 y»s. 18,452 no. customs, like all the rest of the South mencing In January 1, 1914, and cost the voting shows that 1148 persons ters and daughters of legion member» Mitrrieal l«a»t Week— Emergency veto, 37.010 yes. 26. him $40,000. are cordially Invited to attend cast their ballots yesterday. I.ester Ford of Ferrydale and Miss Sea Islanders. One of their unusual He says he left Switzerland going 101 no 1 customs is the use of stones for Outside of Grants Pass the feeling Gwladys Jones, of Berkeley, Cal north to Germany. Poland and Rus ­ Marriage exumluatlon. 31,333 ye». money, the value being rated accord­ was not so strong for the veterans' were married last Friday. June 3, at sia. He was in the last named coun­ 38.636 no. the home of the groom's parents. Mr ing to the size of the stone and «ke try when war began and continued ’■stnte aid fund as In the city, for Women Jurors. 35.013 ves, 30.034 fineness of Its grain. As a result, Toklo. .lune 8. (A P.)—The Jap­ and Mrs. A. C. Ford, of Ferrydale men of wealth store their money in the journey across Russia to Siberia ! while every city precinct returned a no anese diet at its session recently con­ district. Rev Conrad of the Church I the front yard and hold no fear that He then visited China and Japan and substantial majority for the measure, six out of eighteen rural precincts Qalem, Jtina 8 (A I’ > Oregon cluded failed to take any action on of God officiating. The ceremony jit will be taken away while they I later crossed the Pacific to America.] gave a majority against its passage. was performed in the presence of the petition of Formosan» for more la to he congratulated upon her mag­ sleep—it would take a small army to He claim to have traversed both Of the local measures, the bill for North and South America on foot a salary raise for the office of asses- nificent showing. In Indicating some extended political rights Before re­ members of the family. Mrs. Jones, move it," the naval officer said of Berkeley, mother of the hride. and turning to Formosa to resume his »hare of her appreciation for what In »¡»eaking of the Island of Yap i His trip from the Pacific coast to J sor was defeated by the largest num- her service men did during the war.' duties. Baron Kenjiro Den. the gov- Misses Velma Everton. Beula Hussy, and Its history. Commander Black­ New York was made alternately in bey- of voters. Each measure was said Governor Olcott today In a let-* ernor-general. In an Interview said and Damn McKinstry. Mrs Hussy. burn said Canada and the United States. defeated -in every one of the 25 pre­ ter to William S Gilbert, of Astoria, that the Japanese authorities were Eugene and Ray Neeley Eugene R "The Island of Yap (or Vuap or cincts. alate commander of the American I.e filled with consternation when a metn Neeley acted as best man and .Miss Wap) was discovered by the Portu- Havana. Cuba. June 8.—(A. P.l;— The measure to determine whether The glon "The landslide In favor of the orandum signed by 274 Formosans Myrtle Ford as bridesmaid i guese in 1527 and held by them for Seizure toy Havana customs inspec- cattle should be allowed to run at Ferrydale school I for bride taught the measure show» unequivocally that the was presented to the diet petitioning more than 150 years, until Spain ob­ tors of several valuable contraband large, appeared only in the Fruitdale people have not forgotten and will for an extension of the constltution- the past two or more years. tained it. Spain held it until after the shipments of opium has given rise to ballots. This precinct returned a not forgot the service Oregon's yo mt il government system to the Island [Spanish war. when it was sold to Ger­ the theory that a strong smuggling vote of 46 for allowing grazing cat- manhood rendered the nation. The Seven of the signers were responsible It tend«’«! District Convention— many for approximately three and organizatioh is working through the ;le on the highway right of way. and splendid work which has hen done by mon having their domicile In For­ Grants Pass was represented at one-quarter million dollars. When Spanish port of Barcelona. 7"he drug 28 against a continuation of the prac- the American 1x>gion since Its organ­ mosa while the rest were practically the district convention of the Neigh-1 I Japan entered the world war on the captured has been foutiEMn the bag- ties. isation no doubt had much to do with all students now receiving their edu­ hors of Woodcraft, held on Monday side of the entente. England and gage of passengers arriving from that Twenty-four precincts voted against the tremendous majority given the cation In Toklo nnd Tuesday at Ashland, by Mrs. J. [ France agreed to give Japan all the port. One consignment which was an extension of the legislative term, •oldlers aid hill " D. Stlnebaugh, chairman, and Mrs 'German Islands in the North Pacific found In a warehouse here Is valued 1 7 against the hygienic marriage ex- (XkPKNII MiEX M EMIOF SALK Racher. delegate, others In attend-! in the event of Germany’s defeat. The at $250,000. amination, and 12 each against the Portland. June 8 (A Pl Virtu­ OF GREENLAND Fl R PELTS nnce were Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Ahlf I United States was not a part of this emergency veto and women jurors ally complete returns show that Port­ and Mrs Wickman Mrs. Stlnebaugh I ill lance and did not know It even ex­ is a cable between Yap and Shanghai measun} The county TOte COnform- Copenhagen. June 8. (A. P.) land approved the charter amend­ The annual fur sale of the Royal was elected delegate to attend the feted. which was laid by Germany in 1905 t0 8tate vote In three of th< ment. authorizing street vacations for Greenland trade has Just taken place gTand convention In Portland In "The Yap question today is merely and now controlled by Japan Thei state measures, the legislative term terminal Improvements by 24.091 yes. here The pelts of 1,103 blue foxes. Jnly. At the Ashland meeting there ,one of cable rights. The trouble situation now is that when the cable, extension, veterans' aid and marriage 7.694 no. and defated $200.000 fire 1,661 white foxes and 258 polar bears were present three past worthy grand which has arisen Is that Japan has between Guam and Manila is out of' of examination, and differed from the apparatus "bonds. 8.664 yes. 23,750 were sold at auction. The pelts of matrons. grounded the cable at Yap which commission messages have to be held state's decision on two, the emer­ no. 1 * connects with Guam, TTie commer- until traffic on the Manila cable’ is gency veto and the women jurors the blue foxes averaged about 30 per cial cable between the United States restored. If Ja;utn would allow the measure, which won in the state vote. cent higher prices than last year, it A HF RUTH AGAIN PAYS while the white foxes were 20 per FINE IN POLICE COURT and the Orient, after leaving Guam, Yap cable to operate, messages could connects at Manila, but because the be relayed to Yap from Guam and cent lower and the bear skins were 50 , per cent lower. New York. June 8—(A. P.)—aBbe line at several points is more than then direct to Shanghai. The estab- ----- . _• of Yap ------- as an 1 independent 1---- ,--------- A number of skins were purchased' Ruth was sentenced to one day in Jail four miles under water, and the cur- lishment for America through Danish and and fined $100 for automobile speed­ rents are not always satisfactory for ¡cable base is what Secretary Hughes the transmission of messages. There is fighting for.” German middlemen. ing. CITY PRECINCTS FOR FUND INTERNATIONAL ASPECT OBSCURE S i JOKFR SEEN IN CUI OF EAST-BOUND RATES While the transcontinental rail j roads have announced a lower freight rate on apples to the Atlantic coast of from $1.66 a hundred to that of $1.50 a hundred. At the same time they have handed the growers a Joker In making a charge of 10 cents a hun­ dred for stornge In transit shipments •Yany shippers In car lots, store ap­ ples at such points as Tulsa. Omaha and Buffalo and hold In storage awaiting a favorable market, and| then make quick delivery, paying the through freight rate. Now the rall-i roads propose that apples so held In storage shall pay five cents a box extra for the privilege. The reduc­ tion rate In freight was only 8 cents a box. leaving a gain in rate to the grower of only three cents a box. This, according to the Oregon Grow­ ers Cooperative association, does not by any means solve the problem of high freight rates to the Atlantic coast. It la understood that fruit growers In the northwest will continue to make a fight for lower rates on fruit to the Atlantic coast and also the privilege they had in the past of storing fruit while In transit without paying the five cents a box now ask­ ed by the railroad» Unofficial Count of Josephine County Vote Cast in Special Election, June 7,1921 ft MEASURES Is-gi«laUvn Regulation— 300 Yes ............ 301 No Soldier'« Bonus Bill— 302 Yee 303 No Emergency Vrt< 304 Yes . .. 305 No ... . Hygienic Exnmlnntion— 306 Yes.................... 307 No...................... Women Jurors— 308 Yes .................... 309 No Salary Assessor— 500 Yes .................. 501 No ............ .. ....... Salary School Stijierlntcndcnt— 502 Yes ................................. 503 No................................... Total Vote Total registration . ■ 1» 9 14 10 1 8 1 14 5 14 21 35 3 1 8 43 7 47 372 956 584 16 14 3 28 23 6 21 31 81 I 209 605 40 12 9 15 1 13 12 3 4 12 15 4 5 4 38 14 590 40 6SR 5 21 5 11 11 16 26 25 2 13 7 31 22 622 32 763 2 18 16 31 7 15 12 18 4 11 3 34 21 34 2 7 8 24 3 17 36 30 3 0 7 44 7 48 4 10 6 23 3 17 26 32 1 0 7 47 10 45 9 49 55 11 33 30 53 ♦ 1 88 60 96 22 135 136 98 Members of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association living In the Grants Pass district will be pleased to learn of its rapid growth during the past six weeks, with no efforts made whatever to seccre new mem­ bers or additional acreage. At the annual meeting in April the membership was reported as 164 8. The present membership is 1804. At the same annual meeting the acreage controlled by the association was re­ ported at 28,838. The acreage on i June 7 was 80,723 with new acreage being signed up every day. The Association was organised Au­ gust 1, 1919. with 137 members, con- 1 trolling 3.000 acres PORTLAND MARKETS $8 25 141 Choice Steen............. .$8.00 & Hogs, prime light ...... $9.00 & $9 25 $7.85 Prime Lambs..... ........ $6.50 658 694 36 i Eggs, buying price . —S3 fee Eggs, case count .... ____ 24e 276 .„...... 28c 1087 811 Eggs, selling selects Butter, extra cubes ........ 81« 340 1052 712 Portland. Ore., June 8.—(A. P.) — Livestock, steady; eggs and butter, 1448 firm. 2937