Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1921)
GRANTS PANK HAH,Y COURIER TUHMDAY, JINK 7, limi. MOONEH TAXI -Phon« 262-R Jltusy Luka or Cullar. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime 8«tt I’HONM 160 -The Uonbunblere for Taxi. 79tf DOYLES Successor to E. Firth & Company New Wash Skirts Gaberdines and Satins $3.85, $4.25, $5.0(1, $5.95 Classified Advertising FOB HA I AC WANTED WOOD FOR HAUK Fir 12.116. pine WANTED -Nicely furnished bungu low or uli-e apartment for a newly *2. on ground, 4 mile« woel on up wedded couple at once, north side per river road l’ont» and building W. II. I’attlllo, real estate 90tf polos, Hlvely & llrlckell, General Lisi ivory. BHtf WANTED Heavy liens at Burkhal ter's feed store Wo pay 21c lb. HUG A II CURED MEATH ■llauis. ba cASh for good hens. Phono 286-11 con and picnics at reasonable <>r 263. 97 prices A. A llyde. M31 N. Pill street M WANTED Good 3^4-lncb wagon with 40 und 48-lnch wheels. C. F. for BAI AC- quiet running While Eale». phone Provolt central. 100 sewing machine, good order, but old model. Ill, call al 208 A St WANTED TO RENT Modern, fur 87tf nlshed house. North side prefer red Phone 517-R. 100 yxyll SAI4C A bargain, 1918 Ford touring car In Al condition, thor WANTED—laiundry work, 75c per oughly overhauled. See Ament dos. Call at 332 Bridge St. 97 about it at once. 97 WANTED Three or 5-room furnish ed modern house. For long time GET A ’’SIMPLBX’ 811»-The one or .will consider purchase Ad with a reputation and iron clad dress J. 8. Hendrix, Granta Paas guarantee. See or uddr«»» Monroe Hotel. 97 A CrlselU salesman, W. 8. Bailey, Murphy, < >ro '-• I MiM ELLANKOl H Foil HALE- -|7.I0 for cord ot slab REPAIR SHOP—.Plumbing. pipe wood cut iu 13-lnch lengths, 214 work, steam fitting, boiler and North Third St C. W. Lam pump work and installing 505 brecht. ________________ 92lf South 6th street. Phone 306. G. FXMl BALE First claaa baled alfalfa A. Bryan. 51u hay at 122 por ton at Josephine G A. PRICE--Painter and decora Farmers Co-op. Aaa'li. Warehouse. tor. 614 Went B street, Granta »7 Paas, Ore 2<U FOR BALS- First class baled wheat BANKERS LTFE COMPANY Dee hay. (25.00 per ton. Second cut Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, ting alfalfa hay, 120.00 per ton. IMstrtct Agent. Rolled Barley, 136.00 por ton Ceutral Point Feed Store, Jesse L. CA.NDYMAKING business Start at home. Everything furnished Men Richardson, Phono 41. 100 and women 330 weekly Bou-Bon ixilt sale Alfalfa hay 1. M Co., Philadelphia. Pa. 108 Nichols. Phono 612-F-4. Rd. 2. »8 NOTICE The Hrants Pass Agency of Singer Sewing Machine Co. has Al BAIAX» HAY »18.50 per ton moved to E. G. Holman’s furniture Peerless Ranch, Murphy, Ore J. store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. E. Daniils Htf Our new 1921 "Singers” now on FOR 8Al.dC—On account of bereave the floor. See them Your terms ment will sacrifice my- pretty, are ours. Ask about needles, oil, highly Improved place Just outside etc. J. W. Scott, «alos manager city limits, 10 acres finest soil In Josephine county. 87tf alfalfa aud clover, irrigation, hoav- CARNERAIAYE1TY IRON WORKS lly bearing orchard, modern bun - General foundry and machine galow, electric lights, dairy barn, work, mine and mill machinery, woodshed, apple, chicken and hog chilled saw carriage wheels, live hous.-s, etc. R K Rosa. 93tf rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass, FX>R SAIsE- X0 acres on Deer Creek, Oregon. 01 if good water right, house and barn For quick sale (2900. 1900 will HEMSTITCHING Also plain sewing und children's clothes Mrs handle and will take late model Gotcher. 801 H St 18 small car on balance. W. .Min thorn. Ml West Q St 100 MRS. SYLVIA BUTLEIl has ou sale a big Uno of trimmed and sailor IIHHT HI Y 1\ «.It XX IS l \SS New hats at 708 E street. 01 house, 2 largo sleeping porches, city water, electric lights. Includes electric range, chicken house and run-way, wood shed, large lot. 6t2 Howard St., near high school. 91 FOR SAL» Black, 1%-ton farm wagon, will trade tor heavier wagon, Horses and milk cows for sale. Otto Henricson.Rd. 2, phono 6O2-F21. • »7 Al 7-MONTHS OW registered Jersey bull from h«»avy producing slock for sale or trade for horse or other cattle. Young calves also wanted. Hee T. T. Rosa, New Hope, Ore., or phone 601-F-33. 01 77 ACRES Opposite Homewood Farm, 6 miles south of Grants Pass, 25 acres cleared, good gar den In. plenty of fruit, furnisheil 5-room house with summer porch, for sale at a sacrifice. Terms to suit. Address J. C. Morgan, Rd 4, Granta Paas. STRAYED STRAYED Oil STOLEN — One bright sorrel horse, white dot in forehead, one white foot, fore top cut off. had shoos all around and a leather halter on when left, known as the Dr. Billick horse. I will pay suitable reward to any one to bring him to me. The first house on City Market slaughter house road Mrs. Ettie Vanbleri- oom. Grants Paas, Ore. 99 IlKAYAGE AND TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Transfer Co. Offico phone 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. F. G ISHAM,"drayage, transfer; pi anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship ped. packed, store«!. Phono 124.Y "SU RSKItY STOCK NURSERY—Everything in up to date nursery stock, also directions for planting and soil culture. Call FOR RENT on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street. roll RENT SmallX’ottage, June 1st Granta Paas, Oregon. 43tf Inquire at Peerless Clothing store. 84tf M<olNTANT 5-ROOM HOUSE now being cleaned, Al BITING - Systematizing See mo will be ready In 2 days« Men about dally or monthly audit ser working In It at present. (10.50 vice. Ivan Livingston. Incorporat per month. 727 North Fifth St. ed Accountant. Phone 3X9. Ad dress. Grants Pass, Ore. 70tf Wm. lioog. ________ , ,x FX»R RENT Five-room modern PIANO INSTRUCTION house, completely furnished, close In. Mrs. George Tetherow, 710 .1 HRS. JAMES M. POWERS, Instruc tor on piano; studio over Rant''»’ St., phone 397-.I 93tf Jewelry. Phone 265-J. HX >R LEASE OR RENT Partly fur MRS. CLARA TUTTl.E FENTON nlshed cottage, strawberries and teacher ot piano and harmony. large garden. Would consider sale Tuesday p. m. Studio Over Smith's of furniture t>16 Dlmlck St. Racket Store. 86tf FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping VETERINARY SURGEON rooms for rent. Reasonable. Call at 822 J atr—L 100 DRr R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule llOI-HE WITH FURNITURE With vard. phone 398-R. gswtan, 212 West O at. 97 I BUILDING t ON I KAITORÄ JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE Come, try our rvady-to-errve, a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:80 We will nerve a very fine 7Sc table-tle-hotc «llnaer — Time 6:80 to H p. in. HAItPICIt A SON Building contrac tors. Shop work, furniture crating Shop 510 H St. ilea, phone 142. A. J. GREEN General contractor. Hpetlsl Sun<lay l*liin«-r *1.00 Ealluiatee and plans made. Noth- Ing too small i.r too lai go. Bhop 211 Sixth St. J’houe 37.-L. 92tf Contracto!, NOTICE OF SAIA-: OF IRIll- J. NALA8KOWHKI GATION DISTRICT BONDS Builder and Jobber Phon« 246-11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 61lf sealed proposals will be received un It KA I, EHTATE til the 24th day ot June, A. D. 1921. E. T. M c K instry , 6U3 G St., phone at the hour of 2 o’clock In the after 355-il, real «»late. Bust ot soils tor noon tor the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars worth ot bonds of fruit, hay or general farming. the Enterprise Irrigation District ot l«H IllGGLN.s General real e tali Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. are to draw intereel at the rate ot 6 per cent per annum payable semi-an I’llYHIt IAN AND HI lU.I.oN I.. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice nually upon the 1st day of July and limited to diseases ot eye,»» the 1st day ot January of each year and throat. Phone 62, Res. 239-J. until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by .4 LOUGHRIDGE, M. D Physician the Board ot Directors of said Irri and surgeon. City or country calle gation District, and should be direct attended day or night Phones, ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Res 369. Office. 182; «th sud H irrigation District care of Fred D. E J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur Fletcher, Itoomls Building, Klamath geon. Scballborn Blk. Phon« 54-J; Falls, Oregon. r«»s *1004 lsiwnrldge. phone 54-L. The Board ot Directors reserve the W F HI TH Ell FORD Mane.G the right to reject any or all blds The Camel idea wasn’t born then. It was the G. J. HILLYARD, raputlcs. Office oxer llnrne»' jew fered. exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized Secretary of the Board of Directors elry. Hours 9:80-12; 1:30-4. of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill cigarette smoking. RALPH W. 8-1 KAHNS, M. D Phy- slcian and surgeon, X-Ray equip- TO TIIE TAX PAYERS ANI» IXEC- That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tnent. (Jffice in Masonic Temple lolls <»1 s< HOOL DISTRICT Bldg . phone 21-L Nt MBEIt SEVEN. tobaccos hits just the right spot It gives Camels such W T. TOMPKINS, D S T Nervous mellow mildness and fragrance! At It's last s«»ssion the Oregon and chronic diseases. Office, Claus legislature changed existing laws Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. relative to schools and education in a The first time I smoked Camels I knew they were number of particulars DENTISTS Among the items of particular In made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest K. C. MACY. D M. D. Flrst-eli. terest is the new law relative to the cigarette in the world, at any price. manner of nominating candidates for dentistry mili 8 6tb St directors, the new law reads as fol lows: Nobody can tell me anything different. THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON The name of any qualified elector shall be placed on the ballot as a can <X»AST RAILROAD COMPANY’ didate for the office of school direc Thue Card t. do « une tor upon filing with the clerk of the BLEND Effective Nor. 24, 1919. school at least seven days Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- prior to district, the date of the election, of days an«! Fridays certificate of nomination.. signed by | I»eave Grants I’ass. 1 P.M not less than 3 per cent of the num- Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 P.M b«*r, and in no case by less than ten Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M I»ersons, of the qualified electors vot Arrive Grants I’ass........... 4 PM. ing for the office of school director For information regarding freight at the last annual school election; and passenger nites call at the office provided, however, tht there shall be of the company, Lundberg building, filml with the cfcrk an acceptance of or telephone 131 nomination by the nominee at least the date of such election, otherwise five days prfor to the' date of such such nomination shall be void. »•lection, otherwise such nomination <Wher words the said certificate shall be void. It will thus be seen that any candi- nomination must be filed by the clerk I date desiring to be nominated to a on or before the 13th day of June, New and I mx I Goods place on the board of directors of and the acceptance ot the nomination HEE ME school district Number Seven must on or before the 15th day of June, in file with the clerk of said (Rstrict order that said nomination may be seven days prior to the date of the valid. election, which is the 20th day of This explanation and notice is 401 <. KTBEET June, a certificate of nomination given in order that all the electors signed by not less than ten persons, of the district may have ample time qualified electors of the district, and in which to be represented at the person so nominated must file said election. with the said clerk an acceptance of BDWARD S VAN DYKE. nomination at least five days prior to Clerk of school district Number 7, ■ ' ■■ Those iutenssted in Canada's farm and industrial opportun CUTTING AND FITTING ities are cordially invited to That shows in th«' fini-h«'«l re come and secure first hand in- sult a job liest described as formation on June 8th at Hotel Josephine. Mr. W. F. ’•tailored-to-order.’’ I he Anderson will tell you Style« that combine service tacts about Canada, ability with looks, facility in aro wel- quick putting up of the top and and will * pot put yourself easy handling togethgr with under obligation by hearing l»e»t durahl«' materials amt reas this talk. onable pric«'«. ' Cdnddidn Ndt'l Rdilwdys Get our estimate. Imhistriikl and Itosourv«". Itept. I»ewitt Fo«t«'r, Supt. Marquette llidg. till «ago, III. W. F. Anderson, Agt. IM»2 S«H«»n«l Ave. Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage _______ Seattle, Wash, Camel BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHILES Fads About Canada FRFE«»° ___________ W -*-*•- ----- T~ Hotel Sutter . BAN FRANCIS!*» Not Merely a Hotel, but an Institution Foundixl on These Principles POPULAR p|tICKS SERVICE COURTESY George Warren l!oo|>er, Mgr. SKILLED SERVICE REPAIRING • CI NEW . G. B. BERRY DAILY’ AND SUNDAY Listvc Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- Ixvave ltosi-burg 1 p. tn. LEAVE GRANTS PASS tirants Pass- Stage 10:00 a. n>- 1:OO p. in. DAILY ANI» SUNDAY 4:00 p. ni. PHONE 8.N OR 100 0: IN p. m. We connect with stages for Ashland nn<l LEAVE MEDFORD S.tMt 11:00 1 :OO 4:80 a. a. p. p. m. m. m. m. McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Health Life Yccltlent hHnbility RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURG THEO. P. CRAMER. Jr. General Ag««nt 204 H X. Oth St. 107-11 Mowers, Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. Wells drilled, not begun. Every plm-e under the sun. Lasting as th«' earth itself. Large bodies <»f water located. Driven well» are old fashion«'«!, Stauch lyates arc n-asonaihle. NNW TOIkAY—Oil atoves, a 4-hurn-! era, 2 IMturneru, glais <lo«»r cupboard, dining tabi«» nearly new, library table. ' New ihllHiient of tenta ami wagon i 'dioet.a. Drop h<-a«l sewing machine. Single harm's». Phone 71. T. C. Booth. Find Pleasure In Oclng Good Gfcat minds, like heaven. . are pleased In doing good, though the un grateful subjects of their tuvors ire barren in return.—Rosa MOTHER’S DREAM PLENTY OF Cl.RAN < IXITHES FOR THE WHOIJ-: FAMILY All through th«» y«wrs she has dreamed of the «lay*which would bring an abundance of cltws cloth«'« for everyone in the family. Th«< answer to Mother’» Dream is a Thor Washer—the experience of thoiisaml» of American w«»men |>rov«»> what you may expect from th«' Thor Washer in your own home. Call and we will b«' glad to show you In dt'tail and explain the «onvenlent terms on which yon can buy a Thor Washer. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Phon«« :ww»-R Next to Water Office Improtei» your property. GRANTS PASS, ORE u- u|> ««lien in town. 311 I STREET at the water «fe have found. Ins|ss i our machine. ^I«»ne better around. Gel us now, don’t hewltate. »