GRANTN l*ANN DAILY (XH HIKII PAGE CAMP 55 READY ÎD Introductory A B. Voorhlee, Pub. and Propr Entered at pontofflce, Granta Pase. Ore., aa second-claas mail matter FOR SAl.E Modern 1-rooui bungs low almost new, newly painted, three blocks off 6th street. garage and woodabed. 85x105 foot lots. Will take Ford as part payment Jas K Manuel, owner. 94tf A few families are not using our White Loaf Flour. For this reason we make i this special price for two davs only, Wednesday and Thurs T day, June 8th and 9th. l-VR SAIJC -30 acres of slashed Um Rogue River Camp Number 56. of ber suitable for wood, mostly buss I the Woodmen of the World, has sent saw site Inquire Chas Mee. Ap a message asking If the camp may plegate, Ore. 01 aid the homeless In the flooded city of Pueblo, Colorado The telegram SHA» l-N»R S Vld-!. good as new Write If you do not want the Flour at once, place or see Mrs. O. B. Steward, Murphy. was as follows your order and we will deliver later when OM «8 ''(■'rank P. Hawke, head manager WEEKLY COCRIER you do want it. W O W . Pueblo, Colorado GKT YOUR LUMBER from the Jose By mail, per year-------------------- $2.00 phine Lumber Co. at wholesale "Rogue (River Cfemp 55 regrets to MEMBER «F ASSOCIATED PRESS mill prices All kinds of plaued learn of the great misfortune occa The Associated press is exclusively lumber Our truck delivers any sioned by the recent inundation. We entitled to the use for republication where Phone 188, 107 North stand ready to respond to any call. of all news dispatches credited to It Sixth street. “A. K. CASS, clerk." or all otherwise credited in this paper and also The W. O. W. ia slid to be the IXJOT Heavy blue auto robe, lished herein. largest order in Pueblo, with three AU rights of republication of sps- tween .Merlin hill and Granta camps and 3700 members The W. «lai dispatches hereln are alno re Chse.Cs real identity. He was known Sunday night. Finder please leave Flume lumber at Borland Thomas •erred. O. W. committee rushed tents and 03 at Courier office. C4tf only as Casey when arrested tor mur Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. provisions from Denver, and a tent der; he went through his trial alone TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1021 Buick Six. new top. paint. and city is now sheltering the homeless 1-N m R RALE One year old pure and friendlees as Casey; he was hang tires Dodge Bros. Sales Room 9 7 If Due camp is composed entirely of bred White Wyandotte hens, 11 5l ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ed by the neck until dead as Casey E. A. Rathbone was in Grants railroad men. among the homes of each Also i-aby chicks, 35c each There was but one outstanding fea I^ass yesterday, coming in from the whom much of the damage was done. « OREGON WEATHER K. M laidewlg. Box 74. ltd 3. ♦ ture of his case. Casey had only one Winona ranch <o attend the Wood From $50,000 to $75.000 will be paid ♦ Tonight, cloudy west portion, ♦ leg, the missing member being re men celebration by the order to <he beneficiaries of .MOTHER INI» DAI GÜTER wish sillons as cooks on ranch or showers and cooler in the east ♦ placed with a wooden leg. He was deceas,ni members of the Pueblo One Dodge Brothers touring car. camp Cull at Western Hotel ♦ asked a few days before being hang- ♦ portion. Wednesday fair. cords, repainted, good buy. Dodge camps *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ed whether he would die with or 1A»ST On streets of city Saturday, 97tf Brothers Sales Room. He said: without his aooden leg. NMW WDA1 6 Kodak films and pictures, Find H. E. Scott and family. Mr. and "Without it." On the morning of er please return to Rowell's Music the final day he decided he wanted Mrs. Albert Scott, of Crescent City, EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE — Store came into Grants Pass last night on Dependable companies and reas his wooden leg to go with him. This onable rates. See T. M. Stott. necessitated a last minute refiguring the Crescent City stag». Kitten Would Naturally Be Blus. G. M. C truck cab, wind shield, Buick Salesrooms lOîtf of weights and length of drop, but (Contlnnsd from Page One) From an Exchange— The bride was tires, looks like stake body, cord his desire was granted, and Casey new Dodge Bros. Sales Room. 97tf NOTICE If you do not receive your si tired Io a dark blue kitten's ear in cases where the condemned start went to his death without parting Oregon Journal on time, please beautifully designed In Iridescent a hunger strike with refusal to eat compauy from his wooden leg. phone 166-R. Paul Allen, agent. beada.--Buston Transcript Worth 5Oc— any food during the week decreed as 97 We allow you 50c for your otd hat COMING EVENTS time for execution. Another question ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to apply on new one grade $1.50 and Juno 8-11, Wednesday to Saturday • 2000 SPLIT SHAKES for sale Call asked was whether "the average man ♦ ♦ up. Peerless Clothing Co. PERSONAL AND LOCAL 78 Teachers examinations at Court or address M. Andrews, East A would not rather die with has facul ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ house. street. 01 ties alert, meeting death as a man i Fred J. Osburn, of Corvallis. spent Typewriter Man H e r o Is P. Herman, representing the rather than as a dumb brute " yesterday in Grants Pass. The Hanging of Casey Underwood Typewriter Co., is regis Sales One Lizzie. Dodge Bros tered at the Oxford. 97 No answers were given these ques 97tf tions. When they will be answered Room. M. R. Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Save $5.00— in actual experience of a man or Turn in your old suit at the Peer woman waiting death cannot be told, Grutz, of Medford, were in Grants less Clothing Co. 78tf Pass yesterday. for none is waiting death at the pres Before you build get figures on Kicked by Truck— ent time. Black, White, Brown, Navy and Camel Nevada has not exacted a death. your lumber, shingles, lath, doors Audley Egger is carrying around penalty since 1913. With the privi-j and windows at Borland Thomas a broken right arm the result of a 64tf kick-back while the lad was crank- lege of electing the form of death. • Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. Mat Berwick and wife and Wil-' ing a .Maxwell truck, either shooting or hanging, a man The large known only as Casey was hanged in liam Beston and wife, of Portland. bone in the fore arm was broken that year. No one has ever learned spent last night in Grants Pass. straight across. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch .......... 36c lxMel-psreonal column, per line.. . 10c Headers, per line— ________ 5c Regular 49 lb. Sack, $2.35 '‘Nationally I Tired '' Which mo.a>« th« sama price to evary one otery where Frtce branded In the back of each Instrument st Hie factory. We are exclu- •ivo agents fur Jackson, Jose phine ami Del Norte Co uni les The Music & Photo House Stanton Rowell, Prop Grants Pass, Oregon THE HHKCTKNT STORY EYER TOLD No, not « love story, but "En closed find check in payment-*' 1ml Is it not a pleasant way, a most emirtilriu and exact way lo i my bill« ami meet obliga tion».* \ clteck I ng a<vount at Illis liaiik a<|<|s prestige to your name. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Luxite Hose AV HAT you lose V’ thru baking failure must be added to baking costs—it has to be paid for. Calumet Hiking Powder will save you all of that. Be I11r$. Dcllic Deas cause when you use it there are no iadures no losses. Every bak ing is sweet and palatable—and stays moist, tri tier and dehoous to the last tasty bite.— Fancy- Solid- Ripe Tomatoes at Kin ney & Truax. Bathing Suits and Bathing Caps The Best Quality Values Bread Is Chea pel 9c for the pound loaf, 13c for the large roll, or 2 tor 25c. Buy your bread made by the - Grants Pass Bakery. 97 All You Can Eat— "Hie most complete showing of Men's, Women's and Chil dren's all-wool and wool mixed bathing suits we have ever shown. Prices very low. See Window Irtsplay. I Bathing capa 25c, 35c, 45c, 9Oc. For 35c at the Acme Cafe. A real working man's place to eat. Try our I hot waffles, 20c. All experienced [ white help. T. Larsen and E | drews, Props. $35.00 and up At the sign of Ye Jolly Little Tailor GEO. S CALHOUN BAKING POWDER NEW SPRING GOODS LEAVING TONIGHT JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD’S epic of the Great Northwest —a tale of the Midnight Sun It is reasonable in cost and I < sses more than the or At Rock Bottom Prices at The ladies society of the Presby terian church will hold the last meet ing of the season at the home of .Mrs' W. S. Maxwell, on I^wnridge Ave., tomorrow afternoon. All members and friends are invited to be there. Soldier l»i The body of Sergeant John Epping. I who died at Skiles. Oregon, will ar rive in Grants Pass this evening at 9:30 o'clock, and will be given a mil itary funeral by the local post of the American Legion. The funeral will I be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Pleasant Valley ceme tery. with interment In the family lot. CALUMET Over Sixteen Years Local Dealer Women's Association Meeting— i—RIVOLI you buy Calumet and you eave when you use it. Hundrtcb* ofSpring, Summer and All-Year 'Round Fabrics, tailorol to your individual measure your selection of the right style for you. Your OI<1 Hat— la worth 50c to apply on the price of a new one. grade $1.50 and up. Peerless Clothing Co. e That’s a big saving—but that isn’t all. You save when dinary Icavcnii g strength. You pay less and use less You get the most in purity, dependability and whole- Minu-ness. Peerless Clothing Co In every way — it is the best way to keep down bak ing costs. That's what lias made it the world's biggest selling baking powder — has kept it the favorite of millions of housewives for more than thirty years. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 ox. Some baking powders come in 12 ox instead of 16 ox cans Be sure Shoes for the Family $ Cal'S»« SuashiM Cahe Recipe t. cup of butter, it i cups granu lated sugar, 2VJ cupe flour, 1 cup water, 2 level teaspoons < aln- met Baking Powder, 1 tea spoon lemon, of 9 mix I regular way ' ■ [»Mind when you want It. SUMMER'S TIIE PLAY TIME OF THE YEAR. GET YOUR PLAY SHOES ANI» OI TI NG < 'IJJTHES AT Tn Arrive— Wednesday morning, fancy Stand ard Cantaloupes at Kinney Ki Truax “ISOBEL “THE TRAIL’S END with HOUSE PETERS and JANE NOVAK TOMORROW—“THE CALL OF YOUTH GENER VriONS SERVICE Originated in grandmother s time, in the days when in tegrity m<-nnt more than the dollar mark, Sealy attri butes of Tuft lees Comfort, Utmost Cleanliness and Old- Fashioned Quality have come down the genertaions, a heritage highly valued by health-enlightened women of today. Holman’s Furniture Store 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Worth $5.00— We will alow you $5 for your old suit to apply on the price of any wool suit. Peerless Clothing Co. 78tf Reames Chapter Wednesday— Regular communication tomorrow night. Visiting companions invited. H^wis Stlnebaugh, H. P. 97 »» LL “PLANI ICH BULLFR Portland. Ore., June 7.— (A. P-.) — Lakes and marshes of Oregon will be stocked before long with French bull frogs, the legs of which are declared by gastronomic experts to be a deli cacy. A. E. Burgduff, state game warden, announced that he had received six dozen of the frogs from the Idaho state game commission. These six dozen will be protected by the game commission until they have multi plied sufficelntly to begin stocking waters In the vicinity of Portland, and in other parts of the state. Sound Business Methods Three C ’s Lumber Company form a secure basis upon which io build any bus iness. C oinè In and c onsult us regarclliig your hanking requirements—we are at your service. CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, boors, Windows, Wallboard, ete. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Door's, ete. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY ANI> WEST G Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass .O regon GRANTS PASS, OREGON Think of a fl'e-iMomengor, quality ntitonioblle, completel ■ly cqlll|q»r>d and having a powerful valvc-lmhcml motor, for TOURIST GROCERY $809 Grants Pass (Alno «Igars and Confections) CHEVROLET HOME OF THE Model "Four-Ninety" at the now price is the greatest vaine of this or any other year. “MILK SHIMMIE” I lc L. A. RINGI’ETTE 510 MOI TH SIXTH MT. W. S. Maxwell & PHONE 121 -R I I’HONE 520 automobile