Uuitersity of Ore. Library ♦ A X k GRANTS PA h M, JOSEPHINE (XJUNTY, OREGON. Tl ENDAY, JI NE 7, IMI. Record Light Vote Being Returned by Grants Pass ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Procfnct voting ¡»laces are re cording a record light vote, probably running mder the vot ing average f^r the state. At noon about 20 per cent of the registered voters had cast their ballots, while It is expected that thia percentage will be rained to 50 per cent or higher by the afternoon voting. The women's ♦ vote will be largely cast in the afternoon balloting. Iktgu«* River Valley Will Profit •»* Cut lu l'ùv>llx>un«l Apple and ► alni Seoul«' « oiif«*r«vw tgr«** Redine Eetiliint« of Isitler by* H im «»«' •.XO.IMMI.OOO I«» Pear < hallt«*» Station 5 k «!UI Isham today receiv ed Instructions front th« office of R. A. Ilinsbuw, gunral freight agent or the Southern Pacific company an- uuunulng a reduction of freight rate» ou fruits anil Vegetable«, which, for the Rogue River Valley, tn «a ns a r>- duction In freight iitc» on isern and a ¡»plea In car lota. The rate in effect last year for pears was L' 0»S ¡»er hundred with a minimum of 20,000 D m to the car Th»» new rate la $1.75. Th« old rat«- ou apples In car lota was and the present rat« 1» fixed at $1 5tt. Th« pear rate becomes effect)»« al the »'iirlh’itt posslhl» date,” act ord Ing to the wire received here. The apple rate Itecomos effective Septem ber 1. The»« ar« trunscontineiital rut«» from northwest points to New York. Boston and the Atlantic seaboard point«. Buffalo, Pittaburg. Clii«inn*s and Detroit districts on pears, there .being no reduction on rates to Chi cago and west Th« apple rate rixluction Included shipments from any northw»-st ¡»olid to Colorado and all territorj cast ♦ ♦V ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦EE ♦ ♦ I'riiiiliuil-» Will Be Phu«s| in Hr Tiglil Cell» liter Eating OptaU» Meal anil Will Die W itliout I'ain KEYS 10 POWER Portland. June 7.—('A. P.)—Vot- BELI EY ES THAT WOODMEN ARE RED «'IRIKS «R Ell I HJI Git E THE |ers today are balloting on five state I TAUGHT PRINCIPA» WHICH l*IU»HABLE DEATH LIST wide measures, referred by the re AN 500 AID CITIZENSHIP cent Iglslature, including a bonus and loan measure for the benefit of ex-service men. A sixth measure re ferred affected only the port of Port land. Voting is rported light. Th« Portland Telegram estimated that the vote would be 50 per cent. Kill«*«l When He Was I naMe to Stop of the total registration iVictroU of Woodaarw Camp Awariled Car Quick at < oiiimand to to Merle M. Willits During Halt. Say» Son INUlie in Evening Portland. June 7.—(A. P.)—Based on reports of lighter voting than was Cork, June 7. (A. P.)- Crown» expected the Telegram this afternoon for«'«*« caiitured over 100 members of! Pueblo, Colo., Juno 7.—(A. P.) —* revised its early forecast on the vot "The principals for which the ll> II. W. Farmluy ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » ♦ ♦ the Irish republican army last night' A committee of real estate men to- ing. saying that indications were that Woodmen of the World Camps stand il N. S. Ntaff Correspondent) ♦ WuMhington. Julie 7. I A P I ♦ Reno. Nevada, June 7.— (I. N. ft. I after a battle in which three Sinn, day estimated that the ¡>roi»erty dam a 25 to 30 per cent vote would be, are being reflected dally, hourly, In ♦ Tho American government ♦ Thudding craah of bullets or sick Felners were killed and 12 wounded ' age in Pueblo from the flood would cast. the communities In which these ♦ ha* pro|H»M»d « treaty of amity ♦ be between $1-5,000,000 and $20,000,- lamps are loi'ated. and In which the ening drop from a scaffold will no ♦ and comity with Mexico, the ♦ Belfast, June 7.--(A. P.l—The 000, after an appraisal ot the build $ 1,000 is (XW4T OF ESCAPE | 140,000 neighbors in Woodcraft »re longer bring legal death irt^Neiada ♦ »tat» d>»i>artui«ut announced ♦ Instead, drugi'd Into unconscious parliam»*nt of Northern Ireland, elect ings and their contents. OF ('HIÑESE IN HONOLULU active,” said Head Consul I. I. Boak, ♦ this afternoon Red Croaa officials at.a meeting es- ■ -»t Denver, Colo., in an address b<!- ties*, criminals will be placed in an ed under the new home rule measure, ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦If ♦ 4 ♦ alr-Ught chuinber, where death will opened today amid impressive scenes tlmated that the death list would to- Honolulu, June 7.—(A. P.j—Ba ’ fore 800 visiting and resident Wood come in stealthy approach of a taste- "in the council < liapil»*r of the city tai 500 when a complete count was capes of Chinese en route from the men in Riverside park last evening. Washington. June 7. (A Pi possible, The known dea-i this Far East to ports in Central hall. "These principals are a force in leaa, «xlorless gas _ < and The cabinet <II*» u » mx I the American » w -------- - morning totaled 55. A rescue party South America while their sir ahii>s ships were America.” said Mr. Boak "America Prior to January ot this year a policy toward Mexico after a pre Dublin, June 7.— (A. P.l -Three is going down the river today 'n an lying In Honolulu harbor have cost J holds the keys, has the power, net man condemned to death had choice aonlatloii, by 'Secretary Hughes, of men. convicted of participating in a effort to recover bodies. Clear weath ______________ ____ __ $8000 ____ ___ ________ only _______ to help herself, ____ but „ to help steamship companies in the1___ of one ot two waya to die He could Preaident Obregon'* r»q»ly to the Am seleql the bullet or the hangman'ji riot in Ireland were executed here to er is believed to make possible the past two months, according to federal | others, and she is doing it dally.1 erican moHange outlining conditions recovery of many which had been officials. Each Chinese lost costs the| "The Woodmen of the World were noone Choice was removed by the day. under which the United States would found but could not previously be company owning the vessel on which first to say to their boys in the last legislature, meeting in Carson consider recognition. The cabinet extricated. he has been transported $1000 and trenches of Europe, 'We will pay City early this year, wheu it passed IIE STATIONERY also considered relations with the E. E. Withers, a prominent bus- eight have come ashore In Honolulu. your dues and assessments for you a bill decreeing death penalties Portland, June 7.- <A. PI Dominican republic iness man, was shot through the So far two of the fugitives have been during this war,' and this spirit of drop In the Snake and a smaller rise should be exacted through the use of head last night, after being com- captured and rewards have been of being first pervades the whole organ In the Upper Columbia, caused the a deadly gas. Washington, Jun« 7 (A. I P.) manded to halt bis automobile. He fered for the capture of the remain ization,” Mr. Boak continued. "The weather bureau to predict that th«- A new tier of cells la rapidly near Appropriations of $ 111 .<>(>0.000 I for was bringing the car to a stop when der. Woodmen were first to answer the th« shipping IxMird in th« deficiency Willamette will be nearly stationary ing completion, ut tho state peniten killed, said his son. who was with, call of the first liberty bond drive. on Friday, after 24 *4 feet Thurday tiary in t'urson City. In that tier of appropriation bill, ha« l»een cut to him. HIGHFMT AND LOWEST POINTS We were the first to subscribe* and The stage hern today Is 23.3 feet. cells ar« three which to outward ap- $61.000,000 by th« senate and house IN U. S. FOUND IN CALIFORNIA took $100,000 in eack of the bond Is Constantinople, June 7.—(A. P.)—' ¡»eiiran«'« corr«*apond exactly with the conferee«. the latter refusing to the Washington, June 7.-—(A. P.l—A sues.'* . other ceils in the« prison house. Betting on cockroach races is one of million dollars would lie available senate Increase of $50.050.000 NA ill Work In Jowpliin«' Shop— Consul Boak said that cooperation Written over the entrance of each the'ffbwest si>orts here. It was intro immediately for flood relief of Colo-' Washington, June 7.—(*A. P)— M. W. Mills, of Marshfield, has The highest and lowest points tn the and education go hand in hand, that duced by a Russia who has just open-1 moved to Grants Pass, and Is working «ell. unseen except by eyes that must ed a hall where a man who wants' rado under a resolution introduced j United States are in California, with- they were the two great forces for soon face death, is a legend of an STACK. «H PORTLAND, MIDI aimultaneously by Senator Phipps'ln 90 mnes of each other, says a bul- advancement, anil that they are found nt the second chairan the Josephine guish. for the thr«w cells are death some real excitement for his money and Representative Hardy, both ORGANIZER «»I STATE LABOR barber yhop ot letin issued by the geological survel.. daily in every Woodmen camp In the can get results. <*olla Mount Whitney, the highest point, is West. The hall is darkened at the mo-| Colorado. Ih'ath cells in literal truth, for the Portland, Jung 7. I A P.) E J. "When I came to Oregon some '14.501 feet above sea level and in ment the race Is to begin Then a «*«»11 in which the condemned prisoner Stack was el«»ct«»<l organizer for the B«xly X o C F<ain«l— Rise at IWTiver Death Valley *there is a depression single electric light at the end of a l (Continued on Page 4.) The body of William Childers, who ¡»asses tho last days on earth is the state federation of labor. Secretary Denver. June 7.— (A. P.)—Heavy that Hes 276 feet beiOw sea level. Yunway is turned on, and the cock cell where death will steal on him or Klmsey announced. Ila will carry was drowned Just above Rogue ltiver ___________ ___ ___________ ___ rains in the mountains last night The difference in height of these ENGLISH MINERS CALL MEET on the work provided for under the last Thursday, has not been found, her aom«itiine during the fateful week roaches. each in a separate track, are TO CONSIDER SITUATION lot loos«* from their cages to race for eau! ' ed ,he Platte rivPr here ,o ,we J’ two points is small, however, the sur- seven cents annual per capita tax although the river has been dragged which has been set apart as the week ' again. Over a score of frame resi- states, as compared with the dif the light. voted at the iffderatlon'a Pendleton by several parties during the past of death London, June 7.— (A. P.)—The More real. old!fashioned. non-pro- dences are surrounded by water in ference in the height and depth of Invisible Ga» l’i|x*» few days convention. Lower West Denver. Two feet of ¡an<j ¡n _v,ia. Mount Everest rises executive body of the coal miners’ f«»ssional sport may be had here than the ('lose by the death cells lie water stands in West Colfax and I-ar- «9,002 feet above sea level whereas union called their delegatee to a con- executioner's room. There are no in any other city of Europe. This is Friday to consider the strike imer streets. Many basemets of the shores of the Deed Sea lie 1,290 ference ' - - * switches to «wing Into contact here, due in part to the allied troops of oc warehouses are flooded A call for feet below. situation. cupation, to the American officers nor buttons to push which will re help from the city hospital came lease a drop beneath the prisoner's and sailors on station here, and the ! when the basement was flooded. large number of American and Brit feet. Instead, great tanka of death --------- * dealing gas stand waiting the day of ish civilians who have come out for Pueblo. June 7.— (A. P.)—Flood carrying out sentence pronounced as business since the armistice. What the Russian refugees have damage to the three principal rail penalty for crime. Plues lea«l front roads entering Pueblo will*aggregate this room to each of the death cells done in the way of enlivening the $4,500,000. city with concerts, dancing places and After sightseeing for an hour the <»<l on the enclosure In big letters said Their outlets cannot be seen by the queer restaurants, the other allies trip to Tla Juana. In Old Mexico, 17 sol. There horseracing anil g.imb j ey«*e of the condemned, yet through have don% in sporting lines. miles was made and return tn Ran ling are Indulged in during the racing th<< openings leading into fhe cells PORTLAND MARKETS* In winter there Is wild boar, duck .season Mjlwaukee. Wis., June 7.—1A. P.) tee. Owen R. Lovejoy, secretary of death will rush when the signal has Choice Steers............... $8.00 © »8 25 Diego for late lunch. * and fox hunting. There is also, in —Reports of recent rural investiga the national child labor committee, It doesn’t take long to do Tla j been given. $9.25 $9.00 © Hundreds visit Tla Juana dally, Juana then tho baggage Is again In-' Provisions in passing sentence will and out of season, plenty of horse- Hogs, prime light will preside. $6 50 © $7.25 tions by the national child labor com Prlme Lambs... »nibs....... not that there la anything to see, hut s|MM»tod. this limo by an agent of the be the same as provisions under the back riding over the dirt roads and Prime Conditions of child employment in mittee will be i»resented by members .....22Sc just to say they have been In Mexico. U. 8. It consisted of more than a old infliction of death penalty except unfenced stretches of upland country Egg«, buying price ..... certain highly industrialized forma of the staff at the sixteenth national ..........24c count......... There is nothing to see worth the wave of th«» hand. The Inspector In a for phrasing "shot until dead” or on both sides of the Bosphorus. of agriculture, such as beet raising ......... 28c conference on child labor to be held Eggs, selling selecta trip, but of cours«» I went. This gruff voice demanded "Did they let "hanged by the neck until dead.” for Horse races are often held. and onion culture, will be described. here, June 24, in conjunction with ♦ ......... 31c Both the British and the Americans Butter, extra cubes mail«» the third' foreign country I yon cross with your baggage?” and which will ho substituted, "placed in the national conference of social The right of country children gener have visited In two months, Cuba. also "What «lid you purchase.” 1 as-J a room fille«l with lethal gas, there tn have laid out golf courses. There ally to a good schooling and to plenty Portland, June 7.— (A. P.)«—Live- work. The general topic of the meet of wholesome play and recreation are also'a few tennis courts. Canada and Mexico, and in doing so sure«! him that they let nie pass and j remain until dead.” ing will be "Fair Play for the Coun The trooi»s and sailors within the s4°ck» steady: eggs, firm and higher; I neceaaarlly traveled to tho four that th«» purchasi's consist'd of post will be emphasized. The conspicu In all three <*ells arrangements try Child." city have taken charge of a large butter, firm, corner« of the U. S. A. The principal speakers will be Dr. ous feature of rural-child labor, says cards and a lace handkerchief. Then have been made so ventilation may he At the international boundary a he sal«!: "Some day I am going to get cut off. anti in each door is a heavy field near Taxim. In the center of Felix Adler, founder and senior lead the committee, is its interference with a er of the society for ethical culture school entrance. The average school visit Is mad«* to the Mexican federal cross and make the people unpack glass window. Witnesses will use the Pera, and thfcre play football and! OFFICIAL REPORTS INDICATE Yachting and term in the United States is 140 days, agent from whom permits to enter and stack everything by tho road window through which to view thv baselxill matches. HEAVY IRISH UNEMPLOYMENT of New York and professor in Colum Mexico must lx* purchased at $1 for side." That ended tho examination unfortunate passing from life to swimming are commonplace sports' bia university; Prof. E. C. Lindeman while the city term ia 180 days. Of open to all. every hundred children enrolled in each person At th« boundary you Out from San Diego Is Old Town death. Dublin. June 7.— I A. P.l—<A great of North Carolina college, field secre the city schools the daily attendance aro want cd to leave all firearms un In which Is located Ramona'« mar tary of the American Country Life Ophite in Islet Supper increase in unemployment in Ireland is 80, while of every hun<"red en Association: Charles E. Gibbons and der penalty of confiscation; then riage place, a quaint old building dat In ¡Hissing sentence death Is desig STATUE OF I.INlXil.N'S SLXYER is shown by official reports. The comes th«* examination of baggage, ing back to tho mission period, A nated to takejdace within a week. MAY BE REMOVED III' YLYBAMA number of people registered at the Sara A. Brown, both of the field staff rolled in rural schools only $8 are in daily attendance. which consisted of a wavff of the hurried inspection was made of the Under Nevada's new law. when the - ----- - labor exchanges, which does not in- of the national child labor commit- hand; then Tla Juana. The "City” place and then the return to Ia»s An- final week arrives any meal may be Birmingham, Ala., June 7.—(A.^jnde workers on short time, has BRITISH COAL SHORTAGE RE INVESTIGATION OF LASH' *1 the condemned man's last meal on P.l—«A movement looking to the re- risen to 116.285. consists of several blocks of saloons, geles for the night PEAK PLANNED BY * CNT1NT ACTS OX STRIKING MINERN dance hulls and restaurants, with a L or »Angeles depends more or less earth, for in tho food on the fatal «lay moval of a statue erected at Troy. I Belfast is worst off with 28,434 un- curio «tore or two. Then there are upon the tourists anil I among others, will be a strong opiate. As h<* fin Ala.. Just after the Civil war to John employed as against 15,291 in Dub Red Bluff. Cal., June 7.- ( A. P.) Hull. Eng, June 7.—(A. P.)—The residences, a few, and the govern assisted financially in tho city ad- ishes eating drowsiness will close his Wilkes Booth, slayer of Abraham Lin lin. and 10,922 in Cork. Over 100,- causse —-An effort to determine wl shortage of coal has been so serious ment office buildings, and a school ministration. Tho traffic rules are eywi In sleep, the window to his cell coln. has been launched by Mrs. Cal 000 are drawing unemployment where the youngsters were at play strictly enforced as are also the will be closed air-tight, the close-fit-1 O. Brooks, president of the Woman's benefit. The hardest hit industry is here during the strike of miners that the eruptions of lessen I ik, 47 with tho sain«* games with which parking regulations. I made a trip ting door will swing on hitn for the' »ague ot Republican Voters of Ala- linen in Belfast. In Dublin the the people were unable to obtain hot miles east of Red Bluff ant he only States, water. To meet this situation, the live volcano in ths Unite« American boyi and girls amuse them to the business district and parked last time, witnesses will take their| bams. trouble Is mostly du«* to a dispute in national kitchen, which happened to will be made this summer r Dr. J. selves. Then lher«» Is the armory, or th« car.' having first looked r«»M> I ¡»laces, and as the <l»*adl.v g.is is forced) Mrs. Brooks declares that protests the buildings trades. have a supply of opal, sold hot water S. Diller of the United Stat «eoloc- barracks, outside of which several for a "No Parking" sign and failed . into Qi<> death cell th«* condemn«*«! against the statue have come to the to the working people at one-half ical survey. soldiers In uniform loafed. A uni to discover any. When I returned to man will go to his Maker without , 1 league from many sections of the Dr. Diller, who arrived recently form does not Improve the looks of the machine I found on the steering ever having known that final pav- country and she believes the time has BRITISH AND FRENCH GOODS l>enny a bucket. The shortage of coal also produced from Washington. D. C.. t> pursue a Mexican nothing could do It when wheel a slip of paper notifying me to ment is being made. UNDER BOYCOTT IN HAMBURG come when such acts as placing th«' _______ 1 a shortage of ice, as it handicapped his investigations, has beet jonnect- ho wears the customary look of Indo call at the ¡xtllce station within 24 During the debate on the bill shaft "will tie frowned upon by all lent Indifference. Yes, there was a hours. I went to the station as oral legislators pointed out. the fact | 'good citizens of the south regardless Hamburg, June 7.—(A. P.l- -Pro the artificial Ice plants To obviate ed with the geological survey 3M hull ring, an enclosure about th«* quickly as the congested traffic would that mental torture would not be , of party affiliation.” prietors of hotels and restaurants in this, trawlers were sent to Holland to years In that time he has spent a h I m > of a circus ring. enclrcl«»d by permit and Just escaped being "pinch ) ended with use of lethal gas tnstoadof An injury has been done the south Hamburg have declared a boycott bring coal which they exchange«! here portion of every summer, except in 1893 and in 1920, in California In grand stand seats In it corral! was ed” for turning across a •’no-cross rifle or noose. All the horrors of as a whole, she says, and a wrong against English and French war«*« as for ice. vestigating »seen peak and its erup a nilhl mannered animal contentedly ing" streM At the station the desk waiting must he borne under the le Impression created north, east and a protest against the Institution ofi C. H. Lyman returned yesterday tions. chewing a cud A wild stretch of serg«*ant gave me a receipt for $5 thal gas law which w»re experienced w«*st. In order that there may lie the al!i«*d penalties on the Rhine. According to Dr. Diller's records, Imagination could poaelhly ¡dr I lire a ball. I told hkn I was just leaving by condemned men who had iwde "one harmonious union of interest, French wines and liquors and Eng-’ from Roseburg, where he has been in thrilling encounter with an pnraged the city anti his comment was: "Yeu their choir«* of being shot or hanged. north, east, west and south.” Mrs llsh preserves are no longer in any the hospital, undergoing treatments there have been 600 eruptions from bull. My Imagination would not go will forfeit the ball.” Tfiat was much The question was raised relative t«v Brooks has called upon all political restaurant or wineroom. An effort is for heart trouble Mr. Lyman is now Ijtssen. In 1883 Dr Diller ascended so far A few miles from tho "city” cheaper than watting over until the how an oplato would b«» administered faiths of the south to join the league being made to extend the boycott to greatly improved and able to be home to the peak of the volcano, which at tains an altitude of 10.2S0 feet. was the Monte Carlo (A sign palnt- end of the week. again. (Continued on page 2.1 I In ¡dans to remove the Booth shaft. other cities. • RAMBLINGS OF COURIER PUBLISHER ON AUTOMOBILE TRIP TO MEXICAN BORDER