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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
¿fe V^H^Ife fe of Or«. Libran ôvaiilô jJiiGS Dmln Courier AHH4MIATEI» I'ItEHH HER VICK GIIANTH I'A n H. JOKEI’HINE OOVNTY. OKKGOM. MONDAY, JI NE «. IMI, WHOLE NUMBER 33M. relief started CONGRESSIONAL WHISKEY ROW SAID TO LOOM Foretgn Affair* («rtnnüttee lieport* < «mt urring in ‘The lx* lared Purpose" TOWARD FLOOD STRICKEN CITY Washington, June 8.—(A. P.)—As TRAIN WITH TENTS, I TEN8IM Washington, June 8.— (A P.)—I WITHIN 2.1 FEET OF HTREET TO- AHKH EXOOlRJGEMENT FOR DRYH M ARK HTIioXtJ 1.1 I'ORT TO a substitute for th« Borah disarma The government asked the supreme AND MKDICAL SUPPLIES IS l>\V WILL G IIX I N FEET BY HOME IM*I SHUES VM> IX- TK.RTI N VOUffl U> I Hi ment amendment to the naval appro court to dismiss its appeal In tb«j DUE AT PUEBLO JHVRHDAY 1 I I III.*Is I'RiiVIHIOXH ffl IS OF FOB DEFINITION I anti-trust suit against the American ’ .Can Company and Its »ubsldlarisej Th« government lost In the lower court«. I>l»ml«»ai wa* asked by th« government because of the supremo ' court's decision In the United States Steel Corporation case SHARP RISE AT HEADWATERS CHAMBER LISTENS TO ADDRESS priation bill, the bouse foreign af fairs committee reported out th« Joint resolution concurring in "The declared purpose” of President Hard ing to call an International confer ence to limit armaments. MILITARY POLICE THE STREETS Water* in Low l ying section* Recced Flood Walers Inundated Valuable Visitor* From Many Woodmen <'amps ALBERS PETITION DENIED Grenier Hup|«»rt for Light Wine* I* and Work of Removing Botile« Is Garden Tract at Hood River ( au*- U ill Meet in Park Tonight With OREGON BAR ASSOCIATION Norn In W aaliington—Uiree (lai» Washington, June 6. -(A. I’.) — 1 Weil Inder Way Ing Loan Town.*|>eo|>lo Ion* for Hick May lie lllow<*l The supreme court dismissed th» ! Washington, June 6.— (A. P.)— The supreme court today denied the Pueblo, Colo., une 8.—(A. P.)— Portland, June 8.—< A. P.)—Flood “Let your vision extend out of petition of the Oregon Bar Associa lly W. II. it kin* This flood devastated city awoke to tion that it be permitted to intervene water« last night Inundated a valu your own dooryard, make your vision (I, TC S Nt.iff Correspondent I day to find the waters in the low ly able garden tract at Hood river caus extend to your neighboring towns, in the Albers case. Washington, Jun« <1 (I N. H I — ing sections receded to below the ing a 34,00b loss, the water Is seep counties and state*," said I. I. Boak, A fight between th« "wets” anil five foot level and still going down. ing through gopher holes and threat bead consul of the Woodmen of the "dry»." l*«gun through move* to The flood Is at its lowest stage since ening other tracts in that region. World, and president of the Denver amend anil make mure rigid the pro the sudden onslaught Friday night. The weather bureau forecasts a Chamber of Commerce, addressing vision* of the Volstead law. threaten* Work of removing bodies from the stage of 34.7 feet here Thursday. To th« Grants Pass Chamber of Com now to Involve both «Idea of the cap- Grove and Peppersauce bottoms dis day It is at 22 9 feet merce luncheon at noon today, itol In a whiskey row. tricts has begun. The situation is Upper Columbia points reported a "Only in this way will we join hands The rum battl» has many angle* well in hand, and order is rapidly be Portland, June 8.— (A. P.) Fin sharp rise, Wenatchee 1.2 feet. The with growth and development, and The biggest fight developa out of ing brought out of chaos. contribute to our nation's welfare." ishing touches are being put on the! .make river Is up 1.2 feet at lewis Oregon Agricultural College. Cor Congreaaman Volstead*« drive to State troops and rangers patrolled The 25-foot stage will bring •'Patronize your own people,” Mr. vallis. June 8.—(A. P.)—Tne Farm tighten the "»crew»" on whiskey u* festival center and on floats which' ton the residence districts. Everyone will be feature* of the annual rose the water to Front street here. Harry Boak continued. "Help and encour ers week preliminary program is off a medical agent and to outlaw beer found on the streets after nightfall Other phase* of the whl*key em- festival which will be held here Wed Nuenemato's tract at Hood River is age your own industries. We are the press and copies are ready for is stopped and questioned. , Only one brogllo. grew out of vigorous move* nesday, Thursday and Friday of this flooded, destroying the crops. J. H using a vast amount of Eastern-made distribution to all interested. The or two cases of actual looting were Koberg, whose garden Is the largest goods—buy Western products when general announcements assure the by certain "wet" leader« to obtain week. discovered since the military assum The crowning of Queen Dorothy, In the mid-Coluinbla district, one you can, and by so doing, help bullet fsrmers and housewives attending ed control. Between 15 sad 20 men "liberal" amendment* to the dry law mile east of Nunematos, says his up Western prosperity." that they will have no trouble after One of thee«, fathered by Gong re»* sovereign of the festival, will follow were brought to military headquar man Edmund«, of Penniylvanla, her arrival with the princesses at the dikes «till have one foot leeway. Mr. Boak expressed himself as reaching the college in getting living ters and questioned, but nearly all accommodation and registering for would allow tnu-rlcan »hip* to carry municipal dock at noon on Wednes strong in bis feeling* for his West. were ignorant Mexicans, wandering liquor* aboard Mr. Edmund«' pro day. The coronation will take place The head of practically every great the special work they want. about aimlessly. All arrivals by train will be met posal Invite« atrong aupport from at haurelhurst park at 2:30. The Eastern Industrial concern is, with A relief train with tents, bedding, aenatora and congressmen Shipping rose and flower show will open to very few exceptions, a product of the at the stations, no matter at what cooking utensils and medical sup interest» urge Ila passage on the the public at the auditorium at West,” he said. "And when the call time of day they come in. As the plies is due. A refugee camp has ground that Ameircan «hlpa are suf o'clock, the festival center will be I goes out for one who can do things. regular students will have moved been established at Mineral Palace fering competition with foreign Iln dedicated at I o'clock, and there will , those In command of Eastern affairs from the campus halls, the short park to care for sufferers now In the ars. I'aaeengera are taking p«**«ge be music and addresses at the testl- [turn their faces toward the West." course men and women will have the churches, schools and other public on foreign owned boat«, b*c*use lyal ceater In the evening. A sound, "Climate was the first watchword use of the rooms at 32.50 a week buildings. Guards are on all roads Because he ¡»ersisted in doing 50 liquor* are sold and *arved on them amplifier will carry music and ad I of California," said Mr. Boak. who Cauthorn hall and the men’s dormi stopping everyone except those hav The miles per hour around the turns of confessed to ten years residence in tory will be available for men and ing official business. Verbal pyrotechnic* will come dresses throughout the city. soon In deltatea over beer The treas "Pageant of the lioses" will be held the highway between Rogue River state. "But today, climate means several rooms In Waldo for families. A report last night that a new ury la holding up regulation* which at laureihurst park at 8 o'clock and Grants Pas*. H. Welshdarpt, of little beside the cause of good roads Groups coming from home com flood was coming proved groundless. San Francisco, spent Saturday even would authorize manufacture and , Wednesday night Good roads are making California munities can find homes In fratern Besides usual sale of medicinal beer. Thursday will be featured by the ing and Sunday and this morning in rich, and good roads will mean pros ity and club halls. Washington, June 6.— (A. P.) — eating places meals will be supplied IVofcnt* I’ll« t'p floral parade in the afternoon, and this city perity for you.” Western army posts reported that Harry L. Griffith of the Oregon at Waldo at from $1 to 31.50 a day. Congr«a«man Volstead claim« con there will be fireworks In the even every effort is being made to extend The speaker was introduced by department of state, who was patrol A large tent city on the campus gress. by an overwhelming majority, ing at Multnomah field. relief to Pueblo. A telegram from President O. S. Blanchard, who em will declare beer la not a medicine, Friday there will be motor boat ling the highway Saturday evening, phasized especially Mr. Boak's love will offer opportunities to those who Pueblo urged congress to appropri and will apeclflcially bar It Vol races on the river In the afternoon, chased Mr Welshdaupt’s car four for the West and for its people. Over wish to live outdoors, and auto ate $5.000,000 immediately for re parking grounds will be provided. stead* fight I* the result of an opin and In the evening there will be a mile* before he could overtake him 100 persons heard the address. lief. Care and amusements for children ion by former Attorney-General Pal program at the festival center, a ball to place him under arrest. At 6 o'clock the visiting Woodmen This morning he was convicted in will be provided by the physical edu mer. holding beer sales by druggists at one of the large hotels, and street Pueblo, June 6.—(A. P.)—Gov JusQce |lolman's court of exceeding and the citizens of Grants Pass will cation department for women with to be legal. dancing at the festival center ernor Shoup today asked the United I assemble in Riverside park for a the *tate *i«>ed limit, and of crowding special instn<tion in folk game* and Brewer!*. drug manufacturer* and States government to place 320,000,- other motorists off the road, and paid basket dinner, which will be follow organized plays. leading anti-prohlbltlon organization* 000 at the command of the state for ed by a band concert, singing, and an a fine of $100 Into the treasury of have entered strong protests against food relief. An urgent call was sent ' address by Head Consul Boak. Josephine county. th Volstead measure. The protests AMERICANS IX1SE IN INTER. for anti-typhoid and anti-diptherla Crowds of visitors are gathering Three other men were brought be against the Edmunds' ship measure NATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT serums, and disinfectants. today, every - town from Roseburg to fore the court this morning. R. are les* numerous, although It la Glen Eagles. Scotland, June 6.— The governor placed all relief In Higgins, D. B. Cutler and H. C. Pe Ashland being represented. All will (A. P.)—Great Britain defeated the strongly opposed by the anti-saloon the hands of the Red Cross. The city terson were charged with failure to assemble for the dinner and ad United States in the International league is planning to rebuild and optimistic dresses in the park. The head con dim their headlights when approach Few will deny that In congress professional golf match here. The signs are displayed. ing motorists, and each paid fines of sul and his party will arrive there British won nine of the day's matches there now exists greater support for An Associated Press check showed (Continued on Page 4.) Portland, June 6.—(A. P.i—The $10 light wines and beer The real ntye- and the Americans three 4 2 known dead, against the Red tery la whether or not new accessions steamer Bearport departed today, the Cross figures of 100 yesterday. Many to the beer and wine standard will ninth steamer to leave with a non FAIR WEATHER SAYS bodies are still in the debris. vote a* they drink or think. In all union crew since the strike started. WASHINGTON OBSERVER ,wet anil dry contest* at the capitol Judge Wolverton this afternoon is PORTLAND MARKETS the votes on liquor questions have hearing the marine picketing fnjunc- Washington, une 6.— (A. P.) — Choice Steers............$8.00 © $8.25 shown, Invariably, a large percentage ! tion case. The forecast for the period of June Hogs, prime light..... $9.00 O $9.25 of "wets” lining tip with "dry” ad 6 to June 11: Pacific Coast State«: Prime Ixtmbs............ „.$8.50 @ $7.2$ vocates, upon ei«asures to clantp Normal temperature and generally Eggs, buying price--------- 17c @ lie down the lid tighter upon the rum lu L. I* U HELFAT'H III EG NITZ fair weather. Eggs, selling selects ................ 25c OF PORTLAND AS HECRETARY traffic Butter, extra cubes ....................... $lc We left Bakersfield at 10:30 Sun-, teria, everybody does, In fact, the Throe Gallon* of Wine for the Hick Mrs John Niday, of Portland, ar day morning and arrived in Ix>s An cafeteria is one of the features which The "wets” In the new skirmishes Portland. June 6.—(A. P l—Cat rived here this morning to visit her geles at 5 after spending an hour atj has made Ix>s Angeles famous. may be somewhat appeased by the Portland. June 6.—(A. P.)—WJ sister. Mrs. M. P. Anderson, and tle, 25c to 50c higher; hogs, steady; the San Fernando mission. It wzs | Everybody seems to be hungry there fact that the new Vblsteail bill leaves C. Ruegnltz. of Portland, was elected friends. Mrs. Niday will spend the sheep, steady; eggs, firm; butter, wine as a medicinal drink, which may executive secretary of the Loyal Le slow going much of the way on ac at the same time. At noon I en-. steady. sumemr here. be prescribed, along with whiskey gion of Loggers and Lumbermen. ef-| count of the rain and slippery tered the line which extended out on pavements. to the sidewalk and it required 12 (Continued on Pa*« 21 fectlve June 15. Out of Bakersfield there is one minutes for the line to clear to a stretch of 30 miles of pavement ab-| point where I secured a tray, and as' solutely straight with the exception I pushed the tray along the little of one turn. Then commences the' tracks and selected the food I (feslred "ridge road" and for 50 miles there I was reminded of the story about are turns in plenty. The elevation the man who died in a far away rises from 1500 to 4 230 feet In a country among strangers. An au distance of seven miles. The mists topsy was to be performed and as hung heavily and a part of the time the subject was being made ready Dublin, June 6.—(A. P.)—King thorized by the home rule act to ap the roadway was in a dense fog and someone noticed the callosed ridge George may have to appoint a parlia point a committee consisting of mem at other times mist clouds were be across hi* stomach and remarked, ment from the south of Ireland. He bers of the Irish privy council and "That man is from lavs Angeles." St. Louis, Mo., June (>. -Establish the bureau and sent to places where low us on the right or left. is authorized by the home rule act such other persons as he may choose, In the afternoon it was decided to to do so if the members elected fail and constitute these persons a legis ment of a central police bureau for such Information was needed. Los Angeles was reached in a dissemination of police Information A contest between Now York and heavy rain which continued through make the trip to San Diego, 130 to take the oath of office within 14 lative and executive assembly to ex was expected to be the principal mat Washington for the proposed bureau out the following night, in tact the ' miles away. We would have reach days after the date fixed for the as ercise the functions of the parlia ment. ter discussed at the convention of was in prospect. rains were general and heavy the ed San Diego in time for dinner had semblage of the new parliament. This provision is described by the Plans to prevent crime and stan full length of California and into not two heavy trucks blocked the the International Association of This fact is important in view of Polle« Chiefs which opens here to dardize traffic regulations were to Mexico. Monday morning was bright road about 15 miles from the city. | the announcement that the Sinn opponents of the act as the establish be considered. The wireless tele and the Loe Angeles streets seemed I One truck had gone off the pavement Fetners nominated without opposi ment of crown colony government. morrow. Creation of the bureau would In phone and telegraph as a means of flooded with automobiles The with two wheels and mired to the tion for the new parliament, and It is evident that It makee It easy sure cooperation between the police Imparting Information, and the' elim downtown districts were simply pack hubs. Another truck in endeavoring thus virtually elected, have been ac for the government at once to take of th« United States. Canada and ination of politics from police de ed with car* and traffic cops at all to pass went off the pavement on the cepted by the Irish leaders as consti measures for setting up the souther« Europe and the coordinate police partments also Is to be discussed Intersections had difficulty in pre opposite side and two wheel* were tuting the new members of the Dail parliament at or near the same time Approximately 1,000 chiefs of po venting Jama, while the motorist in mired, so the road was effectually Eireann; suggesting the probability as the northern. Under this method. work In general, delegates explained The proposed bureau would 'be a lice and other police officials from endeavoring to reach a certain desti blocked for several hours. Some of that they will refuse to constitute Southern Ireland would be governed the automobIHsts who were especial the parliament for which they were by a committee of nominated Irish clearing house for Bertillon Intelli all parts of the country «re expected nation was doomed to delays. men Instead of at present by aoml- gence. delegates said. Records of to attend the convention, which will When in Ixx Angeles you should ly anxious to reach their destination chosen. criminals would be assembled at continue through Thursday tak a part of your meals at a cafe In that event. King Georg* is au- nated British officials. (<%a ttan«d «■ pa$« ».) government's appeal in the Amari can Can Case on the government'*' motion. FESTIVAL FLOATS FOR PORTLAND COMPLETED FARMERS WEEK PLANS COMPLETED AIO.A.C. SPEEDER PAYS FINE OF $100 Î0 COUNTY S.S. BEARPORT CLEARS WITH NON UNION CREW RAMBLINGS OF COURIER PUBUSHER ON AUTOMOBILE TRIP TO MEXICAN BORDER POLICE CHIEFS IN CONVENTION PLAN ■ CENTRAL CRIME INFORMATION HIM PARLIAMENT FDR SOUTH OF IRELAND IW BL APPOINTED BL BRITISH CROWN