Till IlMDAY, JI 'NE 9. IMI, ORAN CH FAMI DAILY PAGI “F DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company ! Women’s Summer Underwear \ I XI'S HASH Fol'S liODHE STYLE 50c and 65c I MO\ hl ll>* MÄC, »12A Classified Advertising EOK HALK ' Nl'ItSBRY—Everything in dele nursery stock, slso directions for planting snd soli culture. Cell on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street, Granta Paa«, Oregon. 43if i I A4XXM N'TANT AUDITING Svstematlzlng. Se« me1' about dally or monthly audit ser vice. Ivan LIvIngHton, Incorporât-1 ed Accouniant. Phone 389, Ad-1 dresa. Grant« Paas, Ore. 70tf . J1 1 K.g PIANO INSTRUCTION MRS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barn«« Jewelry. phone 265-J. aWs. « BEGLNNBRS IN Ml SIC My class] commences Juno «th, aged 4-9 eli gible. Five leseons per week. 50c. 102*4 No Sixth St., phone 265-J MRS. OLA HA TITTLE FENTON teacher of -piano and harmony. Tuesday p. m Studio over Smith's Racket Store. 86lf IHtlYAGE AND TRAN8FEK W1NTKD THE WORLD .MOVES, so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone WANTED 2 men with orchard ex 349; residence phone 315-J. WOOD FOR SALK Fir *3.35, pine perience. F. D. Eismann. Rogue *3. on ground. 4 mllna west on up- River, Ore. 9 4 F. O. ISHAM, drayage. transfer. pi per river road Posts and bullillng ano«, safes, furniture, moved, «hip ¡•oles, (lively A Brlckell, General WANTED -NlceJy furnished bunga ped. packed, stored. Phone 124 Y low or nl<e apartment for u newly; 68lf Delivery. weiided couple at once, north aide ; W. H. Psttlllo, real entate. 90tf ! / RUGAR CURED MEATH .Hams, ba u O CLEMENT, M D, Practice con and picnics at reasonable WANTED Heavy hens at Burkhal limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose prices. A. A. Hyde, 934 N, 9th ter’s feed store. We pay 21c lb. ] and throat Phone «2; Res. 239-J. street 98 cash for good hens. Phone 286-11 8. LOUGIIItlDGE. M. O. Physician or 262. 97 and surgeon. City or country calls TOR hai a : 80 acres on Deer creek, attended day or night Phones. 1 tulle from poatofflce, good waler WANTED Cook for small mining Res 249. Office. 122: «th and H cam*, convenient for work, handy right, 18 acres plowed, house and to town, dally mall and phone. E J BIM.ICK, .M D. Physician, sur NOTH E OE SALE OF *3200. Terms W. Mln- barn, GOVERNMENT TIMBER1 Austin Wilson. Murphy, Ore. 95 9« thorn. «24 Went U St geon, Schal Ihorn Blk. Phone 54-J; — General iaind Office, Washington, res. 1004 I^wnrldxe, phono 54-L. . WANTED- A middle aged woman al FOR SALE. Quiet running While 1> C , April 1«, 1921. -Notice is once for chamber work at the W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- hereby given that subject to the con sewing machine, good order, but Western Hotel. 93 * raputlcs. Off‘co o» er Barnes' Jew-, ditions and limitations of the Acts old model. *13, call at 20« A St. of June 9. 1916, «39 Stat. 218), and •iry Hours 9:20-12; 1:30-4. 87tt WANTED .Reliable middle June 4. 19 20 «41 Stat . 758 1. and aged lady who would appreciate good W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- the Instructions of the Secretary of FOR SALE-- 5-room plastered, mo 'he Interior of September 15, 1917, homo, small wages. Ught work and surgeon. X-Ray equip- atiu dern bungalow, furnished, garage u 11 <" 22, i 1920, y • v, m c ti timber m uc f Uli and <j June the on lur the Addroea No. 200 care Courier 94 Office in Masonic Temple . following lands will be sold June 3. and two lota *2750. Term« In 1921, at 10 o'clock a rn . at publicl phone 21-L. quire Molntyre’e Implement Store MIS« ELLANEOI S .auction at the United States Land Of-1 *4 W. T. TOMPKINS, D. 8 T. Nervous __ nct, __ Mt ________ Roseburg. Oregon, „___ ___ , to the! 8HOP—Plumbing, PIP« REPAIR and chronic diseases. C Office, Claus i highest bidder at not less than the FOR SALE Team of heavy mare«. — appraiMol \u. shows »Y IM* IM** <* ork, steam fitting, boiler and Schmidt Bldg. Phone ---- 304-R. 10 h. p. motor and 4-Inch pump. ! tice, sale to be subject to the ap- 505 pump work and Installing [ prova! of the Secretary of the Inter- Fordaon tractor, tractor plow and South 6tb street. Phone 306. O. (ior. The purchase price, with an ad Brevity. disc, sulky plow gang. F. D. Ele • A. Bryan »11» sum of one-fifth of one per "Any business man can say all be ditional ment!. ¡Rogue River. Ore. 9 4 icent thereof, being commissions al-] G A PRICE Painter and Mecora-1 wants to In ten minutes."—G lowed, must be deposited at time of WE ARE SELLING No. 1 common , sale, money to be returned if sale tor 614 Went B street. Grants wick M p You pine lumber at It sacrifice is not approved, otherwise patent] Paas, Ore. will issue for the timber which must] can afford to build If you buy be removed within ten years. Bids, from us Slate Creek Lumber Co.. HA m NKHRS LIFE COMPANY will be received from citizens of the« • 5 Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston. Wonder. Ore. United States, associations of such District Agent. .citizens and corporations organized; FOR HALE Good oak dining table, i under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district | « good chair» to match. range al- CANDYMAKING business Start at thereof only Upon application of a home. Everything furnished Men moot new, kitchen cabinet, 3 bed qualified purchaser, the timber on I and women *30 weekly Bon-Bon stenda, npringa and mat tres«. «17 any legal subdlvsion will be offered Co.. Philadelphia. Pa 10S East D street, Granta IN ihh . R L. separately before being Included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S.. Cannon. 95 LIST YOUR STOCK— Boa well- Min R 1 W . Se -. 5. SW>4. NW *4, pine ing stock bought and sold. Give 150 M . Fir 175 M.. none of the ptne FOR SALE. OR RENT 13-acre to be sold for less than *2.SO per M., price and amount you wish to sell ranch, with furnished* house In and r..-:>e of the fir to be sold for less or buy. Geo. 8. Barton, Grants good condition; 10 acres In alfalfa, that $2.0o ; er M T. 33 S.. R 5 W . Paas, Ore. 95 gardetf In. fruit of all kln< * *n- Sec. 9 XW>4 SW’4. pine 200 M.. fir 440 M none of the pine to be quire'ot T. J. Wlble. 72 > WW The Granta Pass Agency IOOK AT OUR IX>AF s.>.J /or leas man *2.50 per M., and ait'. NOTICE Bridge St., phone 14 9-J. of Singer Sewing Machine Co. *haa none of the fir to be sold for less of bread and compare It with 'than *1.00 per M T. 31 S.. R. 7 W. moved to E. t>. Holman’s furniture| MOWING MACHINE in run others, Taate it and com ¡»are Sec . 1, NE «48WH. 11» M . not atore, at 80» G street Phone 50. dltlon for sale cheap. Ben X». to be sold ftor less than *1.00 per M. with other*. Notice its llght- now on •'Singers" I 931 Our new T 39 8.. R 8 W.. Sec. 3. SW k. 96 Jess, Murphy. n«M and whiteness and pur NE14. Pine 280 M . fir 150 M„ NEi4 the floor. See them. Your terms ity, its frexhness of flavor. Is M NW *4. pine 220 M , Fir 4 5 “ FOR 8AIJ5 AT ONCE Complete are oura. Ask about needles, oil. It any '.von-ler that our bread SW»« NW *4. Pine 105 M . fir 20 M buzz saw with 4 h. p. engine etc. J. W. Scott, sales manager NW *4 SW*.., pine 45 M.. fir 10 M I alone holds our c :stomors mounted on good wagon. One cow Josephine county. 35 M SW«4 SW»4. pine 95 M.. fir and makes many new oner .' I cowing fresh In August. 200 Bridge SE*4 SW*4, pine 140 M.. fir 10 M |none'of the pine to be sold for less St 96 carner 4 a Y etty iron works for Bread Aak your Grocer —General foundry and machine than *3.00 per M . and none of the baked by the fir to be sold for less than *1.00 per FOR 8AIJC A bargain. 1918 Ford work, mine and mill machinery, WILLIAM M ................. SPRY. chilled saw carriage wheels, live touring car In Al condition, thor Commissioner General I-and Office. GRANTS PASS BAKERY rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass, I oughly overhauled. See Ament 9.1 503 G Street Oregon. 91tf about It at once. 97 <N»I VTY «¡ENTS NOTES -1 GET A "SIMPIsEX" SILO—Th<| one HEMSTITCHING Also plain sewing (Continued from page 2.) with a reputation and Iron clad and children's clothes Mrs. guarantee See or address Monroe Gotcher, 101 H St 18 on an already top heavy tax pro- Ar t'rlsells salesman, W. 8. Bailey, STRAYED ] gram. This should cause each mem Murphy, Ore. 97 ber of the Fruitdale precinct to stop STRAYED OR STOIJiJN — One] FOR SALE »7.50 for cord of slab ] and think before voting on this meas bright sorrel horse, white dot In! wood cut In 12-lnch lengths. 214 ure. (kune, try our ready-to-serve, forehead, one white foot, fore topi North Third St. C. W. lxim- No gain is ever made but at some a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 cut off, had shoes all around and a brecht. ®2tf expense, and there Is no question but leather halter on when left, We will serve a very that cattle at large cause Inconven- known as the Dr. Billlck horse. 1 FOR SALE— First class baled alfalfa fine 75c table-de-hme ' iences and annoyance to farmers, and will pay suitable reward to any hay at *32 ¡»er ton at Josephine dinner — Time 3:30 the public at times, but when we ono to bring him to me. The first Farmers Co-op. Ass’n. Warehouse. to 8 p. m. ' stop to think that Josephine county 97 house on City Market slaughter contains an area of 1751 square] S|>eclal Sunday Dinner *1.00 house road Mrs. Ettie Vanblerl- miles and of this area approximately FOR QUICK SALE -2 months old 99 I com, Grants Pass. Ore. only 25,000 acres are under cultiva purebred Duroc pig«. »5 I’«*» **»•»• ■ tion or about 2 per cent of the entire KEAI. ESTATK Also first cutting alfalfa hay. W. NOTICE OF SALE OE IRRI area, we see that the passage of H. Ixtonard. Rd. 2. Box 1« 93 E T. McKINSTRY. «03 O St., phone GATION DISTRICT RONDS herd laws in a county such as this is 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for EOK KENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that not only unwise hut impracticable, fruit, hay or general farming. , sealed proposals will be received un-; It should further be remembered FOR RENT—Small cottage. June 1st. ROY 'HIGGIN8 General real estate. til the 24th day of June, A. D. 1921,> that grazing cattle help to^ceep down Inquire at Peerless Clothing store. Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 69. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- many weeds and secure feed , that 84tt noon for the purchase of Fifteen *'ou!d otherwise go to waste This TAN. Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of waste feed Is changed into beef and FOR RENT 4-room house, with sleeping room back of house. • -’1 SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for the Enterprise Irrigation District of .w**en marketed brings capital back to Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds Josephine county, helps defray taxes North Fifth street. Rent *10 50 swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf ¡are to draw Interest at the rate of 6] and makes a living for a Josephine a month. Inquire at 208 Foundry street after •’> l>. m. PHONE 160 Tile Bonbonniere for per cent per annum payable seml-an-, farmer. WALTER FARRA, « Signed! Taxi. 7»tf nually upon the 1st day of July and Murphy. Oregon. MIST the 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. BUILDING (N1NTKACTOKS IXJflT Silver nock chain with two THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON picture and one plain agates, lost HARPBR A SON—Building contrac » Said proposals will be received by OOA8T RAiLROAD COMPANY the Board of Directors of said Irri Tuesday. Finder leave at Courier tors. Shop work, furniture crating. gation District, and should be direct Time Fard office No. 201. ______ 93 Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 142. ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Effective Nev. 24. 191». Trains will run Mondays. Wednes- RKNTI8 TH A. J. GREEN—General contractor Irrigation District care of Fred D. days and Fridays Fletcher, Ix>omis Building, Klamath Grants "pass j...............1 PM. _ _____________ Estimates and plans made Noth- E. C. liACY, D. M. D Flrst-els P.M. Arrive Waters Creek........ 2 Ing too small or teo large. Shop Falls, Oregon. >t«nt1stry 10» *4 8 6th St. The Board of Directors reserve the I .eave Waters Creek........ 2:30 PM 211 Sixth St. Phone 875-L 92tf PM. VETERINARY BURGEON right to reject any or all blds of- Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 For information regarding freight NALA8KOW8KI — Contractor, •fered. » G. J. HIU j YARD, Dll R I BE8TUL. Veterinarian. J. sod passenger rstee call at the office Secretary of the Board of Directors of the companv. Lnndburg building, Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R Residence «3« Washington boule 61tf I of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill or telephone 121. vard, phone 898-R. an advantage worth while J 4 Back-of the Zerolene you buy for your engine are the combined resources, expe rience, knowledge and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. They create an efficiency in the manufacture of fine lubri cants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. You gain this advantage in the use of Zerolene. Our Board of Lubrication -ingineers recommends the grade of Zerolene to meet the requirement of your type of engine. Follow their recommendations as embod ied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart. Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) -I C j grade por each type of engne McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools Grants Pass, Ore. 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ixvtve Granta Pa>w 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. LEAVE GRANT« PA88 10:00 a. m- 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 0:15 p. m. Grants Pass Medford Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE S3 OK 1«O We connect wilt, stage« LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 a- m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p- m. 4:30 p. m. Jacksonville WESTINGHOUSE KAMI'S We have at last been able, after waiting for one year, to get the agency for this lamp, which is only handled by Strictly Electrical Dealers. Thi« lamp com<* in the regular sizes at the same price ae other brand«, and is considered a better lamp than any of the others now on the market, and carrier a better guarantee. A trial wiU con- vlnce you of It» better qualities. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office .Next to AV at er Office We Deliver Lamp« Phone 350-R JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE 1 FORD a DODGES a RVICKS 8 CHEVROLETS. All at prices that you cannot a fford to pa** by. W. S. Maxwell & Co. PHONE 520 USED CARS DODGE AT A BARGAIN. FORD UELIVKRY, 1017. LET 1018. OVERLAND DELI! EBY MODEL M. 1918. F0RD8ON TRACTOR AT A RAIL RARGAIN. CHEVRO MAXWELL C. L HOBART COMPANY