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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
rants puss Dmln IMMM'IATED l'KEHH HKRVIGK GHANTH PAMH, JOSEPHINE (X»UWTY, OttlÛÎK>N. THIttHDAY, JtNE 2, 1021. WHOLE NUMBER 82P8. PATROL TULSA COMET MAY COME TO GIIIEF IN ATMOSPHERE OF EARTH, RAYS ENGLISHMAN SENATE VOTES FOR FARMER S RELIEF 3,0000 Inhabitants Drive In Sentries And Surround Headquarters Detachment While French Rush Tanks To Scene And Charge Attackers CITY RESUMES NORMAL LIFE FOLLOWING NIGHT OF IN CENDA RISM “ TT Oppeln. Silesia. June 2.—(A. P 1 — < from the windows of which a hot! special Officer at I’ort land Trie*, to tn'Shcr Bill Would Give President French soldiers garrisoned at Beu- fire was opened. The tanka charged! Take Alleged Thief Who Jumps Power to AM Court With the Anu y and Navy then, near the old Polish frontier. , the building, firing volleys through Into River the doors and windows. Poris-W Innrskc la Moving Toward have been attacked by organized Ger- There were many German casual * Earth at H ihvm I of Mnny Ttumsand» man Inhabitants numbering 3,000. ties Polish insurgents aided the Washington. June 2.—(A. P.) at Mlles Per Hour June 2.—(A. P.) — The German attack was well plan- French when the Germans attacked • Portland, Another farmers' relief measure, the Caught breaking into a box car in ed, the wires between the French the French. Germans and Poles are bill of Senator Courtis, a republican headquarters and the barracks being engaged in a battle near Gross-Streh-! the railroad yards early today, a man of Kansas, to loan up to »50,000,000 cut, the sentries being driven back drew a knife and threatened Special (By I. N 8 ) Tulsa. Okla., June 2 —(A. P.)— Utz, the Germans forcing tbe Polish to foderai farm loan banks to dis | London. June 2 —-(I. N 8 ) — and a headquarters detachment sur- ' Insurgents to withdraw from strong Patrolman Armstrong, who leveled Tulsa today resumed a normal atmos his revolver. phere except for the presence of 500 Pons-Winnock«. th« short-period tribute among the farmers at not rounded. positions. over 5% per cent Interest has passed The man declared, "You will never national guardsmen sent here yeeter- comet that 1« hurtling throgh sluice i The French rushed tanks to the Women are volunteering for ser the senate with the assurances of an at a speed of many thousand miles scene, and the Germans. armed with vice, and many are wearing men's take me alive," and ran, followed by day after the rioting between negroes an hour towards th« earth. will not early house approval. pistols, attempted to capture the ma ! clothing and driving wagons and au- the officer, who fired into the air. and white men. Including the night of The man jumped from the dock into incendiarism in which virtually the have the beat of th« "bump," accord-1 chines but were driven Into buildings 1 to mobiles the river, and Armstrong says he entire negro quarter was destroyed Washington. June 2. (A. P.) — A Ing to Professor A. Fowler, chief lec sank. bill giving the president authority to with a loss of about »1,500,000. turer In astronomy at the Imperial Invoke the federal courts and use the Estimates of the dead dwindled. Science college. South Kensington Nine white dead have been identified "It Is generally aocepted," said the army and navy to enforce court rul LEWISTON ROSE FIKTIV AL professor, "that wo shall come In con- > ings to maintain the treaty rights of WILL BE OPENED TOMORROW and 15 negroes accounted for. The wounded are estimated at 240. Some tact with Its tall, if at all. In thia aliens, irrespective of any state law. still estimated the negro dead as event it io possible Pons-Winnecke ‘ him 1 >ecn Introduced by Senator Kel- Lewiston. Idaho, June 2. — (A. P.) * The president may become so disintegrated that logg. of Minnesota —Elaborate floats prepared by high as 40, but a casual search fail » the to Instruct would be authorized other self-respecting comets will die- I^ewiston business houses and private ed to disclose additional bodies or Following the creation, on the 25th Annapolis, Md., June 2.— (A. P.) assume th« de- attorney general to ¿re ’ bones. Many of the 5000 negroes us- own him " of last month, of five additional field I —'Hope that the nation would never cars decorated with flowers I__ fsnse of aliens. planned for the parade of the Rose der guard at the fair grounds had i'ycloni« Trsielrr operators positions for the motor be called upon to fire a gun In war The Haughen packer control bill lost their entire possessions In the On« can picture some scientist in a passed the house and was sent to the vehicle division of the Oregon detri again, was expressed by the president Day carnival, which will be held here fire. tomorrow Boy Scouts will march in ment of state, the highway and the today in presenting the diploma to few weeks' time picking up a small senate uniform while horsemen from the roads of Josephine County in the naval academy graduates. meteor, the mortal remains of this surrounding country will form a: Tulsa. June 2.—(A. P.)—Thirteen Grants Paas district are to be cleared cyclonic traveller in our space "Alas Ixtndon, June 2 --(A. P.l The division in the procession. A bicy white men have been arrested by poor Pons, we knew him well!" will first airplane garage for the use of of speeders, road hogs, and drivers 10 YEARS DECLARED LIFE cle troop is to be one of the features guardsmen, accused of looting In the doubtless t>e the comment of the as the air tourist has made its debut In of cars with glaring headlights. OF IMERICN OIL DEPOSITS Ths queen of the Rose Day will be negro quarter. tronomical world One of the state Inspectors is now 1 a Ixindon suburb it la equipped crowned in the park following the Professor Fowler was the first with a staff of skilled mechanics un In this section, and will begin at once ‘ Columbus. Ohio. June 2.—(A. P.I parade ■dentist to prove that tbe tails of der qualified ground engineers and to dear up the traffic Situation In the —Tlte oil supply of the United States PORTLAND MARKETS cornets have carbonic oxide gas in advertise« to make repairs “while county The officer will be in the will be exhausted in 16 years, if tol district several days, and will be stead of the deadly cyanogen sax. as ' you watt " present rates of production are kept lowed at once by another, so that tile up, and no new producing territory was previously supposed Choice Steers ............... »7.50 ® »7.75 highways will be patrolled by a is discovered, it Is asserted by Pro- Hogs, prime light ___ »6.50 @ »9.25 "When tho tall of Pone comes In changing personnel of Inspectors Prime Lambs.................»6.50 & »7.25 contact with this earth," continued feesor John A. Bownocker. state Eggs, buying price-------- 16c @ 18c Overloaded trucks and license tag geologist and professor of geology at Professor Fowler, "vast quantities of Butter, extra cubes ................. —Sic violations will also come under the Ohio State university. carbonic oxide, which la an odorless supervision of the officer, The state gas. will be absorbed In the stmos- According to Professor Bownocker law authorizes fines of from 11 to the United States has petroleum re There la no phern of this planet Portland. June 2.—(A. P.)—All Portland. June 2—(A. P.)—A new »500 for violations, and the drivers serves amounting to six or seven bil markets are steady. cause for alarm, sine« the proportion pre rise In the Willamette Sunday is ____________ of carbonic oxide la so small In rela Peking. June 2.—(A. P.i— The of over-loaded trucks will be liable lion barrels The rate of production dieted, the stage then of 22.6 feet I tion to the immense volume of atmos anti-bolshevik revolt in eastern SI- for the full amount, Two license in 1920 was 4 40 million barrels a is the forecast. The upper Columbia phere round the earth Jhat the effect berla. which began with the capture tags are required for every motor year, However, this is thought to : and Snake are again rising, Wenat PERUVIAN ORDER OF SUN 18 REVIVED BY SI PREME DECREE will be Im precept I blc, People do not of Vladivostok and nearby towns has vehicle, and trucks with passenger be the highest mark production will ' chee reported a .6 foot rise, and realize how many million tons the spread to Blagovestohaneek, the cap car numbers and machines lacking reach, Bownocker said geologists be- < Lewiston .5 foot. The Willamette Lima. Peru. June 2.— (A. P.)— atmosphere we breath weighs At ital of Amur province The new so *>ne or both tags will be stopped by ifeve. The production rate is expect- here today is 22.1 feet. The historic Order of the Sun, cre ground level the weight Is fourteen cialist government at Vladivostok the officer. ed to decline this year. ated as "an eternal institution” by pounds to the square inch In addl- continued functioning Thus, Professor Bownocker points Oregon la«' authorizes a si»eed of General Jose de San Martin during WILL tion to gas the tall will contain nie- PACIFIC COAST CITIES 30 miles per hour on tbe highways out, this country actually can pro-' ESTABLISH AIRPLANE SIGNS the aristocratic regime of early Pe teorlc dust that la. particles of Iron possible to think or si>eak of It in of the state, and violators of the rule duce oil for longer than 16 years, but' ruvian Independence, has been re and nickel Thia dust Is not likely terms of miles." will l»e punished. In cities and towns1 at a constantly decreasing rate each Professor Fowler added that Jupi the state has prescribed a limit of 20 ' year. Oiympia. Wash., June 2.— (A. P.l vived under a supreme decree. Gen to reach us ter. to whose family Pons-Winnecke per hour, with 12 miles per hour the ' More than 60 per cent of the Huge "nameplates,” with letters J eral Simon Bolivar, one of the liber- Fascinating Theory "As to how a comet Is formed I belongs, may cause a disturbance and rule at intersections. world's oil supply Is produced in the large enough to be read 2000 feet in *tors of Peru, abolished the order In cannot tell you. any more than I can so alter the path of the comet that It Drivers of cars equipped with United tSates. Much oil is Imported the air, will be erected in all parts ' 1825 on the ground that it did not tell you. from a scientific point of i will reach Its nearest point to the dimmers, will, if the dlmnipd lights, here from Mexico, second in oil pro of Washington if the cities of the conform with the basis of the pollti- view, how tho earth was formed Per earth about June 27, the date on exceed a certain intensity and arei duction. but. Professor Bownocker state follow the recommendations of cal constitution of the republic.” Membership in the order, says the haps they come from gases thrown which it is expected. blinding, be liable for the full fine. declared, at Mexico’s present rate of Thomas B Hill, director of the state decree just issued, may be granted off from th« sun, which are gradually) "When the public Interest in Hal- Cars without dimmers must* use a i production, her wells will cease to development bureau here. Mr. Hill hw started a campaign to | to Peruvians, military and civilans, cooled On the other hand, leading| ley's comet became acute I worked s|K>tlight directed at the right side' be a factor in two or three years ,ve cities erect the signs so that have ----- who have “rendered themselves . authorities on astronomy say that it out the exact date of the arrival." of the road when passing machines. aviators who have lost their bearings worthy of distinction and to foreign Is clear that comets cannot have continued Professor Fowler, “btu I All other cars must dim the head- «8,000 CLOTHING WORKERS A ers who haOe made patent their in originated within the limits of the'should be Involved In laborious cal- llghts while passing. RETURN TO 4MXTPATIONS may readily locate themselves. number of commercial clubs have al terest in Peri).” The president of ths solar system They propound the dilations for days on end If 1 were According to the state law. drivers, fascinating theory that comets, such'to ascertain the day on which Pons so republic will be the grand master New York, June 2.—(A. P.)—Ap ready taken up the suggestion, Several articles of the Order of ths as Pons-WInnecke. come from a dis- will drop his visiting card In the and not owners of motor vehicles, are proximately 65.000 clothing workers that "he who flies may read.” liable to fines If the speed is ex the Sun are said to be Identical to those The huge letters, spelling tones In space so great that it is Im- shape of a shower of meteorites cessive. the lights bright, the license today began a gradual return to names of the cities, would be located of the Order of the Cincinnati in the Incorrect, or the truck overloaded, work, following the general strike, near landing fields. United States. the driver will be taken to account. which started last December The driver must. also, have his driv ers license with him at all times NX months imprisonment The given OMMAN PHNOM GU MB while operating his machine card costs only 25c and the driver Leipsic, June 2.— (A. P.) — Ser may be called upon to show It at any geant Neumann, accused of ill treat time. ing British prisoners, was sentenced Washington. June 2.— (A. P.)— trees, one for each of the “War Pres to six months Imprisonment by the The "Roads of Remembrance" Idea.! idents" from Washington to Wilson ORGANISI S II ÍW All AN G1 \ltl> allied court. OF 2.000 OFFICERS AND MEN Pocatello, Idaho. June 2.—(A. P.) the waters backing up from the dam originated by the American Forttetry) A handsome box was provided for the —Removal of the entire town of I will cover 76 square miles and will Association In the avenue of memor trowel in which will be kept a re (X1NVKT McOOY CONFESSES TO Honolulu. June 2—(A P.l—With CENTRALIA. WASHINGTON. JOB American Falls. Idaho, with its pop have an Impound of 3.000,000 square ial trees leading to the tomb of the cord of the trees It "plants" before ulation of 2,000. two or three miles feet. Its waters will extend from late President McKinley, are now It Is returned to the forestry organi in sixty days the national guard of Hawaii will be completely organized being planned in many sections of zation In Washington. Walla. Walla, June 2. —(A. P.l — to a new site higher than its present American Falls tq Blackfoot, a dis In a letter to Mrs. William D. and prepared for any emergency with Mark McCoy, a convict, confessed to location. Is to be attempted within I tance of about 20 miles. The reser the country, according to reports re ceived by the association. National Caldwell, of Canton, president of the more than 2.000 officers and men. robbing the safe at Centralia and a few months by engineers working voir will have a shore line of nearly 100 miles and at its widest point. It patriotic organizations have adopted Lincoln Highway Memorial associa according to a recent announcement murdering his confedrate near Gal on a huge Irrigation project. Waters of the Snake River, on t will be four miles across and. In the idea for marking points of un- tion, Mrs. Harding expressed the by Colonel W. D. Potter, adjutant vin, Lewis county, -the prison warden which American Falls is located, are places. 90 feet deep. nsual Interest and civic Improve hope that the trowel might "inspire general of the territory. has announced. to he dammed, according to present > Besides moving the town of Amer Rapid establishment of the guard ment groups are using It to beautify some more tree planting." Mrs. William W. Richardson. Vir on a footing of preparedness Is be Woman Kills Coyote- plans, and will be used to reclaim I ican Falls, it will be necessary to tear local roads and highways Mrs. Warren O. Harding has sent ginia librarian of the Daughters of ing carried out pursuant to the army Mrs. G. W Mathews last night some 300,000 or more acres of arid up the Oregon Short Line railroad the trowel she used in planting the the American Revolution is complet reorganization law passed last June killed a coyote which had been seen land now given over to the sage and move It to higher bench land. A railroad bridge »rill be rased and Ohio tree on the miniature road of ing plans for a road of remembrance by congress, providing that the guard around their place near Merlin sev brush. Engineers say the project is one of j a new one constructed farther up the remembrance of the American For into Yorktown, the forestry associa and the reserve shall be the first line eral times. The animal, when shot, the largest ever attempted. The big Snake river. The Idaho Power Com estry Association to Canton. Ohio. tion announces and Geo. P. Blow la of defense. was within 200 feet of the house. dam Itself will have an abutment of pany's plant furnishing light and Colonel Potter has announced that McKinley's former home, for use bv restoring Washington’s headquar the IJncoln Highwsv Memorial Asso ters there. A very bad road leads to the federal government will grant Mrs. Ike Davis arrived home last one mile in length, will be 60 feet power to the southeastern section of ciation In planting 200 trees along a the birthplace of Washington, offi the territorial guard a budget of ap night from Springfield, where she high and will have a base sufficiently the state will be removed. I The dam site has been surveyed memorial avenue from Lincoln high cials of the forestry association point proximately »500,000 for 1*21. has been visiting with her eon. Ralph strong to stand an additional 30 feet way to MoKinley's monment. Among out and they suggest that a good road which will be expended for equip Davis. Mrs. Davis also visited in Eu should it ever be deemed necessary and preliminary work in the form of drilling for a solid rock foundation these trees will be a "War Presi he built and planted with memorial ment. supplies, salaries and inciden gene. and attended the Rebekah as to add to its height. tal dlsburaeriients. The big reservoir to be filled by has been started dent's Row" with six magnificent tree«. sembly held at Albany.