Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
WHDY1Í.DYY, Jl YK I, IIW1. GHAYTH l’AM DAILY tXM HIER PAGE FOUR " s PER52ML One Chance in Ten They say that nine men out of every ten underesti mate their power and ability to accomplish. The tenth man wins One man out of ten saves money . One ntan out of ten succeeds, Could the lesson be plainer* Do you want to succeed? Our Rank is ready to open an account with you and to offer you every encouragement, It Is not an easy matter to save money, but it is the price success demands THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MtMBI «’’Wl FEDERAL RKSKRVT STEM tip NOUTHKKY OKKGDN McCORMICK 9 Mowers and Rakes GET OUR PRICES I & Ÿ ■ & I I 6 mm I Rogue River Hardware Co. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER FARM MACHINES SARVtCY. Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Latli. Shingles. Doors. Windows. Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE alj kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST ■ . ...... . — . .... Organdy. Voile. Dotted Swiss A D late, of Crescent City, was tn Idbrwry tu Climo— Grants Pass yesterday Tomorrow will be the last chance and Foulard Saturday. June 4th, will be a big to visit the Public library In Its pres aluminum day at Cramer Bros. 92 ent home Mrs Fred Poole, of Checo. Wash . arrived yesterday and will vtsit sev Save M.OO— eral days with the Isaac Beat family Turn in your old suit at the Peer Ufetlme Ylumlnum in a special less Clothing Co sale on Saturday at Cramer Bros 92 Mr and Mrs. ,W H. Wilson, of Build a Yew Hum The Building and Loan Association Spokane, stopped in thia city last will furnish the money II IL Yllyn. night. D Barnes, C. C Ro«» and Joe Oood- Secretary win, of Seatie, stopped at the Oxford t’lMatfled Yd Sell» Horn llundn'iV. <>f Spring, Summer and Yll-Y ear 'Round last utght. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thorpe have Fabric», tallorisl to your individual lueaaurv In Flume lumber at Borland Thomas sold their beautiful home at C and jour »c|e< lion of the right »tyh» for you. Lumber Co. Phon«» 1S7-J. C4tf Seventh streets to Mrs Nancy Os Mr and Mrs Roseland, of Rose and up borne. The sale was made through burg. who are touring south, stopped a classified advertisement Itt the At the sign of at the Josephine last night Ye Jolly Dally Courier Jersey milk from Geo > Hamilton GEO. S. CALHOUN Uttle Tailor ranch. 11c per quart at the Groce- Your Dill Hat- Over Sixteen Vean Loia/ Dealei teria. Conklin Bldg. »3 la worth 50c to apply on the price Mrs. W. A. Lowe left this morn- of a new one. grade >1 50 and up. Ing for Portland to visit 1 her son. C. Peerless Clothing Co. H. Lowe in Moling Public Library Watch for th«» big bargain nouncement on aluminum ware ()v 1 The transferring of the five or six thousand books in the Grants Pass Cramer Bros |nl public library from the city hall, Mr Frltx and wife, and Mr .Mrs. Norden, of Holland. are iu w,ll'-h ‘ III» ! hw > ii the home of the II p brary sine* its organization some Grants Pass today. At Rock Bottom build In Mr. and Mrs A. R Hansen, of years ago. i. to the new building Prices at Medford, stopped in Grants Pass to- Courthouse squar«» will be commenc ed the last of the week, and during day. Mrs Claus Schmidt went to Cor- the period of moving no books will vallis today by train to visit her son. be Issued. Miss Gibson, the librarian, Reinhold, a Junior at O. A. C Mr will have her hands full in supervis Schmidt left yesterday morning by ing the transfer of books A portion of the old shelving will be Installed automobile. Saturday is th«» day when you save In the feuding room of th«» new big money on aluminum war«» at building and th«» remainder of the Cramer Bros. • 2 old shelving will find use for stor 8. H. Riggs left this morning for age epace In the basement. From a Redfield, S. D.. to spend several w«»ek to 10 days or even longer will weeks at his old home. Mr Riggs be required In moving will atop in Portland and Washing Worth ».5.00— ton point en route, to visit sons living We will alow you 85 tor your old there. suit to apply on the price of any wool Before you build get figures on suit Peerless Clothing Co in anouiil wllli thè Granfe l’aa» and .l”*i-|»lilm- your lumber, shingles, lath, doors Itank em imr age» tlie i hililren lo «ave—niaklng and windows at Borland Thomas Own Your Own Home theni eeonont leni and thrift)—helping fileni lo *»• Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf The Building and Iatan Associa tal>li»h a lu>hIt tliat «ili inni' lasting. Mr. and Mrs. Danofsky. of Hugo, tion will help you See H. H. Allyn. Four per cent Interrai palei <>n «avltig» ari mini ». will leave this week by automobile Secretary. for Y’alentine. Neb., and other points to spend the summer with relatives. Meeting of A. F. * A. M.— This will be their first visit to their There will be a special meeting of old home in 19 years Grants Pass lodge No 84, Thursday Don’t fail to see the special bar evening at 7 o'clock. G rants P ass , O regon gain in aluminum ware In the corner 92 YYorth 5Oc— window at Cramer Bros We allow you 50c for your old hat Junior Chautauqua Parade— Nearly 100 youngsters, both boy» to apply on new one grade $1 50 and 78 white help T I.arsen and E Yn- Juna 8-11. Wednesday to Saturday and girls, paraded the down town up. Peerless Clothing Co drew», Proim 92tf Teachers examinations at Court streets this morning, and Impressed house. upon the minds of Grants Pass citi All You t an Eat— June 9-10, Thursday and Friday- - For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real coming rvwrs zens that there Is such a thing as the 8th grade examinations. Court Junior Chautauqua. Many of the working man’s place to eat. Try our June 10. Friday Flower «how and experienced carnival. house. young people were dressed In fantas hot waffles. 20c. tic costumes: some made a din with noise producing instruments vary ing from trumpets and drums to wash basins and tubs, while dainty maidens strewed roses along the wav A menagerie w-as also Included In the parade < mr$. nenie Deas The Best Quality Values NEW SPRING GOODS GRANTS PASS, OREGON Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Just Compare These Old and New Prices Hubbies, It Shows You... How to choose etn How to lose ’em Hou to find the joy in life— Where to meet 'em How to treat ’em How to hide 'em from your ivfie. Note the very substantial reduction which has been made in FEDERAL TIRES, both FABRIC and CORD, and which in con junction with the EXTRA SERVICE they give, makes FEDERAL I MACK SENNETT’S TIRES Terrible Tale of a Ticklish Triangle the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL BUY FOR YOUR CAR and His Latest and Greatest First National Riot I Summer Dresses Something lour Children Should Have l)il FOUNDRY AND WEST G LOCAL FABRIC TIRES TIIAFFIK TREAD olii Price .Yew Price PLAIN TREAD Old Prii«' 1 Yew l*rice I LOVE HONOR AND BEHAVE A Sermon in Screams Portrayed by Charles Murray—Ford Sterling—Phyllis Haver gfc and Marie Provost. IS HRIVOLIH 115.55 19.50 24.00 30.30 $11.85 14.50 30x3 •15.00 30x3 1-2 18.50 32x3 1-2 32x4 $12/85 15.00 20.25 26.90 RI GGED TREAD Old Price Yew Price $19.45 26.00 30.35 37.90 $16.50 20.00 25.95 34.40 CORD TIRES RIBBED TREAD Old Price 30x3 1-2 32x3 1-2 32x4 34x4 1-2 35x5 139.10 49.70 58.95 73.50 New IMre $34.60 44.00 52.15 65.05 YOY-HKID TREAD Old l’idc* New Price $34.25 41.15 52.30 62.05 77.35 $27.50 36.40 46.30 54.90 68.45 C L. Hobart Co 4