Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
G It A b fN I*.IM* DAILY CUV Nt lib Fit Y STOCK Nt IU4ERY— Everything In up to date nursery stock, also directions for planting and soil culture. Call on F. £. Jordan. North 10th street. Granta 1’asa, Oregon. 43tf I PIANO INMTItl tTIO.N MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, Instruc tor on plano; studio over Barn«-*' Jewelry Phone 2«&-J. BEGINNER« IN MESIC My class commences June 6th, aged 4-8 eli gible. Five lessons per week, 50c. 10214 No Sixth St , phone 265-J. MRS. CLARA TUTTI JC FENTON teacher of piano and harmony, Tuesday p m Studio over Smith's Racket Stoye. 86lf Classified Advertising Hill HAI AC I'llOTOGIt tl'llY THE PICTURE MILL for artistic photographs. Hours for sitting,' 10 a. m. to 4 p. tn. Sunday slL| tings by appointment only. Phone’ 65tf, 283-R, or residence 140-J. A pipe won ’t burn your tongue if you smoke R A.! Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in your smoke- section! Know for a fact what a joy’us jimmy pipe can and will do for your peace and content! Just check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out of their pipes — all aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Albert! And, you can wager your week’s wad that Prince Albert’s quality and flavor and coolness — and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu sive patented process)—will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likes of which you never before could believe possible! You don’t get tired of a pipe when it’s packed with Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the sport of rolling ’em? Get some Prince Albert and the makin’s papers — quick — and cash in on a ciga rette that will prove a revelation! Hlll RENT THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone PHONE 339-L for Dr and plds wood, FOR RENT Furnished apartment 3*3; residence phone 315-J. 81114 0 81. 79tf bone dry. al 83.25 and 83 50 per tier. 863 N 8H1 St. L F. Boat. Foil RENT --Small cottage. June 1st. p F G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi 53tf anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship inquire ut Peerless Clothing store 84tf i ped, packed, stored. Phone 124 Y WOOD FOR SALE Fir 82.25, pine 82. on ground. 4 rnilea west on up FOR RENT Five furnished house-1 PHYHK IAN INI) SI IlGEON per river road Posts and building keeping rooms at 715 North Sec L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice polos, (lively A Bricked, General ond street. 92 limited to diseases of eye, ear.nose Delivery. «Ktf and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. Foil RENT 4-room • house, with BUHAR t'URFlli MEATO .llama, ba Pbyslclan sleeping room buck of house. 727 S LOUGIIRirxìE, M D con and picnics at reasonable and eurgoon. City or country calli 1 North Fifth street. Rent 810 50 prices. A A Hyde. 93 4 N l'th attended day or night Phones. I a month. Inquire at 208 Foundry street. 98 Ite» 8(9. Office, 182;* aud II street after »’• p. m. 93 FOR SALE 80 acres on Deer creek, FOR RENT — 5-room furnished 1 mite from poetoffice, good water house with piano, at 815 per right, 18 acres plowed, house and month, or will rent piano sepa barn. $3200. Terms. W. Min rately for 83 per month. Address thorn. 624 West G St. »« Mrs. G. I. Wardrip, 810 North 9th ' 92 FOR SAJ«E Attractive modern bun 1 8t. galow, fire placo, Dutch kitchen. 1 built-in conveniences Corner lot., SHOP—Plumbing, pip« cement walks, close In. No. 193 i REPAIR work, •team fltllng, boiler and care Courlsr. 93 i — 806 pump work and Installing ITolt SALE- Quiet running White South <tb street. Phone 30« G. sewing machine, good order, but | 511' A. Bryan. old model. 812. call st 208 A St. | 8 7 tf. a. A. PRICIC J’alnter and decora ----------------------- —----------------- ------, tor 614 West II street, Grants FOR 8AIJ0— 6-room plastered, mo Pass, Ore. «4 tf dern bungalow, furnished, garag« anti two lota 82750. Terms. In BANKERS LIFE COMPANY —Dea Moines, lows. Myron C. Gasion. quire .McIntyre’s Implement Store 94 District Agent. Erin«« Albert it sold in toppy red bat tidy red find, handoomo pound and hall pound tin humidor • and in tho pound crystal glass humidor with sponge metiltner top E J B1LI.ICK, M D. Physlclan, sur- «con. Schallhorn IBI. l’hone 54-J; rcs 1004 l<awnrldK<*. phone 5 4-L. | W F RUTHERFORD— Mun lai the- ra put les Office oier Barnes' Jew elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D Phy- slclan and surgeon. X-Ray «quip- ment. office in Masonic Temple Bldg. phons 21-L. C®p>- «ht 1021 by R J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. WUtatun-Salom, N.C. F ringe A lbert the national joy smoke dentists K. C. MACY. D M. D. Flrsl-cla dentistry inu% 8. «th St TTJ At 'll FIRS’ EX AM IN ATIONS VETERINARY HI IlGEON Notice is hereby given that Dit. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. County Superintendent of Josephine Residence 83 8 Washington boule County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of aiqilie&nta for State vard. phone 3 98-H. Certificates at the courthouse as fol lows: Commencing Wednesday, June FOR BA1«K Team of heavy mares. I CANDYMAKING business. Start at OBITUARY 8, 1921, at 9 o'clock a. m , and con 10 h. p. motor and 4-lnch pump. | home. Everything furnished. Men tinuing until Saturday, June 11,1921 ColliHier Gray Fordson tractor, tractor plow and , and women 130 weekly Bon-Bon at 4:00 o'clock p. m. Collister Gray was born May 17,| Co. Philadelphia, Pa. 108 disc, sulky plow gang. F. D. Els- ’ WeilncMliiy F'on-noon 1882, and died May 25. 1921. the mann. Hogue River. Ore. 94 1 U. 8. History, Writing (Penman LIST YOUR SIXX’K —Boswell Min- result of an automobile accident near Ing stock bought and sold. Glve Granta Pass. He leaves two daugh ship), Music, Drawing. WE ARE SFILI J NG No. I common price and amount you wtah to sell ters. Ix'tha, aged 13, and Jessie, aged pine lumber lit u sacrifice, You Wctlncwday Afternoon or buy. Geo. 8 * Ilari on. Granii 11, a mother. Mrs. D. Y. Gray, Fort I Physiology, can afford to build If you buy Reading. Manual 95 Klamath, two sisters. Mrs. T. C. Training. Composition, Paas. Ore. from us. Slate Creek Lumber Co., Domestic 95 Wonder, Ore NOTICE- The Granta I’atta Agency Booth, of Grgnta Pass, and Mrs. J. Science. Me'hods iq Reading. Course FOR t4\LFl I have several tracia of of Singer Sewing Machine Co. has N Kirkpatrick, of Fort Klamath, of Study for Drawing. Methods in and one brother. Harrison Gray, of Arithmetic. land that must bo sold, phone moved to E. G. Holme's Furniture Thunwkiy Forenoon 26S-J anil lot me show them to Store, at «05 G street, Phone 50. Bend Arithmetic, History of Education. Colly Gray spent all his life in you. If you like any of them 1921 "Singers ’ 1 now on Our new and Klamath counties, Psychology. Methods in Geography, make me lan offer E L. Churchill, the floor, See them. Your terms Jackson Mechanical Drawing. Domestic Art. trustee. 92 are oura. .Yak about needlee. oil, where he was loved by all who knew Course of Study for Domestic Art. hint. He was laid to rest In the Cen etc. J. ' W. Scott, sales manager FN»R SALE—4}oo<l oak dining table, Thursday Afternoon tral Point cemetery Sunday. May 29. 87tfi Josephine county. 6 good chairs to match, range al Grammar. Geography. Stenog ni <mt new, kitchen cabinet. 2 bed CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON raphy. American Literature. Physics. atoada, springs and mattrras 817 COA8T RAILROAD COMPANY Typewriting, Methods in Language, —-General foundry and machine East D street, Grants l’un«. R. L. Time t ard Thesis for Primary Certificate. work, mine and mill machinery, Cannon. 95 Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Friday F'on-noon chilled saw carriage wheels, live Theory and Practice. Orthog rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass. Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- FOR SAIJC One good bicycle and days and Fridays Oregon. 91 tf Leave Granta Pass.............. 1 Brlggw A Stratton motor wheel. P.M raphy (Spelling I. Physical Geog (Tieap Both In good condition Arrive Waters Creek ......... 2 P.M. raphy. English literature. Chemistry. STRAYED Friday Afternoon 1-eavw, Waters Creek........ 2:30 PM Call after 6 o'clock. C. E. Billings. P.M. School law. Geology, Algebra. STRAYED OR STOlzEN — One Arrive Grunts Pass........... 4 IBM n 1'irth For Information regarding freight bright aorrel horse, white dot In and passenger rates call at the office Civil Government. FOR BALE OR RENT- -13-acre Saturday Forenoon forehead, one white foot, fore top of the company, Lundburg building, ranch, with furnished house In Geometry. Botany. cut off. had shoes all around and a or telephone 131. good condition; 10 acres In alfalfa, Salunlay afternoon leather halter on when left, garden In, fruit of all kinds. In General History, Bookkeeping. known as the Dr. Billlck horse. 1 quire of H. J. Wlble, 725 West J. A. CHURCHILU will pay suitable reward to any | Bridge St., phone 14 9-J. 91 tf Superintendent of Public Instruction one to bring him to me. The firot house on City Market slaughter OOOD MILK COW—Gives 4 14 gal NOTICE OF sale : OF' house road. Mrs. Ettie Vanblerl- lons milk, tests 514, for stile. Also GOVERNMBNT TIMBER com. Grants 1'ann. Ore. 99 I two pigs and 35 White leghorn •, try our ready-to-serve, ( 'Ollie, pullets H. J. Wlble 725 West la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 ACCOUNTANT General lauid Office, Washington. Bridge 8t., phone 149-J. 91 tf D. C„ April 16. 1921. Notice is We will Herve a very AUDITING — Systematizing. See me hereby given that subject to the con MOWING MACHINE In running con fine 73c table-de-hote ditions and limitations of the Acts about dally or monthly audit ser-| dition for sale cheap. Ben H. dinner — Time 3:30 of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218). and vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat Jess, Murphy. 96 June 4. 1920 (41 Stat., 758), and to H p. tn. ed Accountant. Phone 3S9, Ad-| the instructions of the Secretary of Foil SALE AT ONCE—Complete dress. Grants Paas. Ore. 70tf the Interior of September 15. 1917, S|»ecial Hull.lay Dinner $1.00 buzz saw with 4 h. p. engine and June 22, 1920, the timber on the HEAL K8TATK following lands will be sold June 3. mounted on good wagon. One cow 1921. at 10 o'clock a m.. at public cowing fresh In August. 200 Bridge ET MCKINSTRY. 603 G St., phone NOTICE OF SALK OF 1RRL G VTIoN DISTRICT BONIiS auction at the ---- United ------- States Iamd the Of- ------- St. 96 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Sld7er ™t*“‘l°"; thL the fruit, hay or general farming. MIST sealed proposals will be received un- appraised value as shown by this no- ROY HIGGINS—General real estate til the 24th day of June. A. D. 1921, tlce, sale to be subject to the ap- IX>ST—Sunday between Holland and Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 69 at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- >rova‘of th*' Secretary of the Inter Grants Pass, a spare rim and tire. ior. The purchase price, with an ad | noon for the purchase of Fifteen ditional sum of one-fifth of one per 30x314. Please return to Courier TA.V j Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of cent thereof, being Commissions al office. 92 SOONER TAXI —I’none 262-R for ¡the Enterprise Irrigation District of lowed. must be depositee^ at time of Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds sale, money to be returned if sale W ANTED not approved, otherwise patent swered snywhere, anytime. 86tt are to draw Interest at the rate of 6 is will issue for the timber which must WANTED Chickens at 20c lb. for per cent per annum payable semi-an- removed within ten years. Bids, heavy hens. Also eggs at market PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for nually upon the 1st day of July and be will be received from citixens of the i Taxi. 79tf pried at Burkhalter Feed Store, the 1st day of J.rnuary of each year United States, associations of such ■ ¡citizens and corporations organized: phone 286-R or 363 We pay BUILDING CONTRACTORS until the maturity of said bonds. under the laws of the United States cash. 92 Said proposals will be received by or any state, territory or district' HARPER A SON Building contrac 1 the Board of Directors of said Irri thereof only. Upon application of a j WANTED—2 men with orchariL ex tors. Shop work, furniture crating. gation District, and should be direct qualified purchaser, the timber on 1 perience. F. I). Eismann, Rogue Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 142. ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise any legal subdlvslon will be offered : River, Ore. 94 separately befojre being included In . Irrigation District care of Fred D. any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S.,j contractor. A. J. GREEN — General WANTED—Nicely furnished bunga 1 W . Sec. 5. SW14, NW >4. pine Estimates and plans made. Noth- Fletcher, Loomis Building, Klamath I R. low or nice apartment for a newly 150 M., Fir 175 M . none of the pine Falls, Oregon. Ing too small or too large. Shop to be sold for less than 82.50 per M., wedded couple at once, north side. The Board of Directors reserve the and njne of the fir to l>e sold for lees 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L »’If W. H Patullo, real estate. 90lf right to reject any or all blds of- that 82 00 per M T. 33 S.. R 5 W . Sec. 9. NW 14 SW4. pine 200 M . G. J. HILLYARD. WANTED—Young girl to assist with J. NA LASKOWSKI — Contractor. jfered. Builder and Jobber. Phone 24C-R. Secretary of the Board of Directors fir 440 M., none of the pine to be housework. Apply mornings at sold for lew than 82.50 per M.. and 61tf of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill none of the fir to be -sold for less 718 N. 4th St. »2 JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY' AND SUNDAY Leave Granta Pass 1:00 p. ni- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Grants Pass- Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE 83 OR 100 We connect with «faite« LEAVE GRANTS PASS I 10:00 a. in 1:0O I». ni. 4:00 P- ni. 0:13 P- for Ashland and LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 »■ ni. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Jacksonville SWbè SW 14. pine 95 M.. fir 35 M. SE14 81V 14, pine 140 M . nr 10 M . none of the pine to be sold for less than $3.00 per M.. and none of the fir to b« sold for less than 81.00 per M WILLIAM SPRY. Commissioner General Land Office. 93 » 9