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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1921)
GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO pie of the living wage The labor IXX4T Silver neck chain with two picture and one plain agate«, lost : men declared railway worker» ware TuradaV. Pinder leave at Courier ' underpaid and attempted to set up office No. 201 »o-called “living wage” budget» to substantiate their fight against any reductions. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A. E. Voorhles, Pub. and Propr ■attu-ed at poatofftc«. Granta Pass. Ora . aa second-class mall matter Mean* <»nl> one thing—The Quallly ■« not there. To |ui> mor.' is an effort to gel a bethw «olive than our Number IN Special ItoftM, which is tnipiwdble. The Quality and l*rl<t> are always right. AMISEMENTS ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ADVERTISING RATES At Ilio Rivoli Dtaplay space, per Inch.................. 25c EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— (-personal column, per llne<...10c The feature attraction at the Rivoli Dependable companies and reas IGARLTT ere. per line—....................... Sc onable ratea. See T. M. Stott, i theater Is “Love, Honor and Be SEE OUR SI*M IAIN DAILY COURIER Buick Salesrooms. 1081t have,” a .Mack Bennett comedy. Few films have ever Imen screened that mall or carrier. per year...... 16 00 E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, In- ^compare to this one fur mirthful all or carrier, per month . .50 surance and plate glass liability. J comedy. “Love, Honor and Behave.** WEEKLY COURIER A new ai/.e pitckugct «09 G street, phon« 38. 40tf i Is not a looee-Jolnted assemblage of By mall, per year.......................... 33.00 WILLIAMS WlXM) YARD Fir wood r'gags.” "stunts” and “chases" but Ten for 10c. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS 3 i 3 nd $:i .0 Phon«' 137 94 [a legitimate story from which arise The Associated press is exclusively comedy situations that crowd and Very convenient. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Dry pine , ()o Ui),v •■titled to ths use for republication •C all news dispatches credited to It Dealer« carry bolhf wood, 33 tier. 2-Uer load; dry fir. f(tl|(>w OM „n„th„r But wllh ,h„ or all otherwise credited tn this 33 50 par Uer Houser Broe ,kl„ <(f n Iialnt<.r h(i( ■•per and also the local jiews pub- lOforlOc; 20 for 20c 1 b”n’’ ' ■Mark S<»nn«»tt avtildw th«* nionotonv <»f Ushed herein. It’s tousled 5N»lt SALE 5 or 10 acres standing1 mirth by the Injection of legitimate All rights of republication of »pe sial dispatches herein are also re- an appropriation for the extension Then we will arrive somewhere, wheat K. M l-ailowlg. Box 74, appeal, human intero»l and thrills, so served Route 3. 93 that when the beholder feels that he ’’There are only 79 miles of rail of the breakwater until we assure Narvoii» can 1,0 1°»«•*’’• •>» Is not aur- WEDNESDAY, JI NK 1, IMI a railroad to the rad to build to tap one of the richest | W- T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. I the construction of and chronic Office. Clau» I w,,h n"r,h b"‘ U «'”n ,h” ■» I Schmidt Bldg Phone 304 It /«»»erlng Influence emanating from a ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ interior, we might as well face the »nd best tonnage producing districts rival and Interesting «lory. ¡n the United States and that is right OREGON WEATHER : propositlou, which was of our own ... ■ ... WANT TO TRADE for city property, making, and get busy to comply wtth here, We have confidence in our my 1918 Studebaker, 7 passenger Tonight and Wednesday, fair. ♦ the terms of the agreement. If the country and it Is high time that we ■ car. or will consider team of N EVI TODAY—Oak <lrvw>«r. large bevel gla»». Mahogany center table. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ mountain won't come to us let ua go convince those who have the capital horse», harness and wagon In part Maple dreaaer. Oak dressing table. that it is everything we say of it and ; or cows. Call at 200 Booth St ns Pun It i liaim. t amp blanket». One to the mountain. CRUX ENT CITY INI» THE "The government demands a rail more We thought it possible once. | FOR SAI JC -8 acre« of alfalfa on 10x14 tent. II<*<1». Spring«- Mat- RAILROAD south aide of Pacific highway nt treaav», etc. Phone 71. T. <’. Ilooth. As one of the conditions upon road to the interior and we. or rath when we agreed lo it, and at a time ths old dam Wm. Breltmayer which federal aid for the building er our neighbors from Grants Pass when conditions were uot as favor* phone 603-F-23. 92 of the adequate harbor facilities at In conjunction with us, promised the able as right now. The government NOTIUK The agent of the Oregon! Crescent City was based the govern government this railroad as a part Isn’t asking anything more, so whyp Journal la ill. It you do not re-1 of our contract in the harbor mat should we? If we mean business, ment asked that a railroad to con ceive your Journal plea»«» phone! E paoni Down». England. June 1 nect Crescent City with the inland ter; now let us quit trying to fool jet us get down to business and If] 166-R. 92tf, ( A. P.) — 4 lu inorisi won the derby Viacount Astor’» Craig today ourselves and the government into the mountain won't come to us. again at Granta Pass be constructed. The H>H SA1-E—A bargain. 3fl8 Ford Eran wa, seconil dillydallying over a highway when we say, let us go to the mountain. ” condition is still effective, though ef touring car in Al condition, thor oughly overhiiul«.d. See Ament | fort has recently been put forth to both parties to the agreement need about It at once. 97 1 A PIPE TO REPAIR and want a railroad. If the proposi have it rescinded In favor of the tion warrants a railroad at all it WANTED — Heavy hens at Burkhal building of a highway between the WILL PROVE ter's-bred store. We l>ay 21c lb. two points. The thought at the coast warrants It now. Big business is THAT I’M cash for good hens. Phone 2S6-K end of the line is expressed in the looking for Just such opportonBle» THERE (Continued from Page One) or S63. 77 following comment from the last is as this and all It needs is the proper Because lie wanted you HEMSTITCHING Also plain sewing sue of the Crescent City Triplicate: presentation by the proper people the efforts of both roads to cut wages to hear him in your and children ’ s clothe» was then the signal tor a deluge of | • v. n home exactly an “Now that we are about assured Let ua face the situation as it exists Gotcher. 801 II St. cases which began to pour Into the lie is heard on the stage that the government will not give us and not as we would like It to board’s offices Realising the futil WANTED—Cook for »mall mining at the Metropolitan ity of attempting a separate hearing camp, convenient for work, handy Opera. on each dispute, the board combined to town, dally mall and phone. His records played on all the cases for the hearing which Austin Wilson. Murphy. Oro. 93 imitations would give resulted in today’s decision. OET A "SIMPI j EX” SILO- The one you something but .After only one day’s deliberation, ° sf/r- r.<5 with a reputation and Iron elad it would be something the board made public a resolution guarantee See or address Monroe less than the beet. on May 17 stating that prevailing Repairing pipe» 1» second na & Cr Ise I Is salesman. W. 8. Bailey. conditions Justified a readjustment Coma bear Caruso un ih» turn to us. We understand the Murphy. Ore. S7 Victrola! It coats Usa downward and that a new wage order buslncws of ln»talllng plumbing than i mi ta Doua. would be issued on or about June 1. GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose In factories, offices, public phine Lumber Co., at wholesale to be effective July. The decision, buildings and homea as well a« mill price» All kinds of planed however. Is not as comprehensive as stores We can give you the that which granted the ffiOO.OOO.OOO 1 lumber. Our truck delivers any same high class services that where. Phone 188. 107 North wage increase to railway worker» on you would receive from the Stanton Howell. Sixth street. Mtf July 20, 1920. Reductions under hlgest priced sanitary engineer Proprietor today's decision will be effective only mil RALE 37 50 for cord of slab In the land. for the classes of employes named by wood cut in 13-inch lengths. 214 the railroads which filed disputes North Third St. C. W. 1am- prior to April 18 and which appeared brecht. 92tf In the hearing beginning on that date WANTED—A middle aged woman at All E Street The Increase last year affected all so-1 once for chamber work called Class 1 roads, including near Western Hotel. ly 200 of the larger rail systems of mil BALB- First class bale.! alfalfa the country. WESTINGHOUSE hay at 122 per ton at Josephine A new hearing will be begun June W<* have at l«»t bevsi able, after waiting for one year, to get Farmer» Co-op. Aaa'n. Warehouse 6th to include all disputes filed with 1 agency for ibi» lamp, which I» only handled by Strictly Elotrhai 97 the board between April 18 and June Dealer». aged WANTED Reliable middle 6 and a speedy decision is anticipated . Tbl» lamp come» in the regular alar» at the »ame price aa other lady who would appreciate good in the new case, members of the I brand», ami I» Considered a better lamp Ilian any of lhe other» now home, small wage». IJght work. board stating that today's decision A trial will con- on the market, ami carries a better guarantee. Courier 94 Address No. 200 care would set a precedent for »ubsequent I vince you «>f It» better qnalitirw. FOR QUICK SALE—2 months old decisions. purebred Duroc pig», 33 per each. Baaing their argument upon the GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Also first cutting alfalfa hay. W. board's declaration that wages as es GENERATIONS Side of Water Office H. Leonard, Rd. 2. Box 16. 93 tablished by this decision were Just Sanitary Next to Water Off lie SERVICE Tu ft lesa and reasonable in July, 1920, the We Deliver la«m|M> I'honc JWl-R Mattress Originated in grandmother’s railroads presented a volume of tes time, in the days when in timony to show that living costs had tegrity meant more than i declined and that wages in outside the dollar mark, Sealy attri ¡industries had dropped. The rail- TOUR TOI* bute« of Tuftleee Comfort, ‘ road representatives declared wages Shoiild l>e Dtt«<d wlth thè ltm>»l ClcHnllness and Old- should be cut in proportion < Iciir iiHxIcm piate già»» llgtits, Liquid Antiseptic Fash ioned Quality have The employes, while giving figures they improve thè look» of your «■«»me down the genertaion«, ¡combatting the railroads' argument top loti per cent lo aay n<>thing A Wonderful Antiseptic for a heritage highly valued by ’ of lower wages and cost 'of living, of thidr »u|M-rlority over <dd- health-enlightened women made their main ¡ilea on the princl- Mylr iclliiloid (hai crack», dim» Combatting Germs STRIKE NEW •DIRAI RAILWAY BOARD CUTS WAGES Caruso chose the Victrola 4 B. S. Dedrick KLENZO of today- from <lu»t aluay» look» ahabby. All different »tylo and »IMS. Treating Pyorrhea Holman’s Furniture Store Page Throat Gargl" Monday, June Vz Shoes for the Family k FOR THESE WARM DAYS B. V. D’s SEASON'S Ml Sit AL COMEDY HI I CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS USED CARS G COM. CONANS COMCDMNS 9 ERFE4 T RtlTECTfON OLICY P GET YOU RS AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. THEO. P. ( RAMER. Jr. (¡•■neral Agent 904 M N. flth St. i W. S. Maxwell & Co PHONE B20 RELIAN< F. LIFE INHI RANCE < O. OF PITTSBURG Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to Page Theater Add lo Per Cent War Tax to Price Ticket Desired. Include self- addres»ed stamiied envelope to help Inaure safe return. PRK I»—Floor. *2.-10. cony, *2.00, HI..NO, *t.OO. office »ale next Friday, o'clock. ford DODGES M KhS CHEVROLETS. All at prices that you runnnl a (forti to ¡Mien by. Health Xteltlent Disability McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds G. B. BERRY Medford 107-R USED CARS BUYS FOR CASH 4 New and Used Good« HEE ME E. W. CHILES C L HOBART COMPANY