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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
GRANTS PAM DAILY OOURIKR PERSONAL — LOQÆL Protect Our Forests tHac of th* principal ro.Hint* of J.KrfiWnr Coual, is it» timber. It is to the interrai of ever, cltUen to that It la protected from waste or destruction to cooperate with State and National see We urge all governments to • protect «hi» important »ourcc of wealth THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK «»»- tMH'TMKRN ORE4M» Flume lumber at Borland Thomas I exl t ar Malo— Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. Cltf^ Every oar tn stock reduced nona Honsel value« -priced W T Breen is In Grants Pass from ’ reserved. right. W. 3. Maxwell A Co. 88 (. reavetit City. Jim H. Rohrbaugh. of Holland. Is Buy Sa« unlay— in Grants Pass tor the day. Insomnia, hysteria, constipation! We will be closed all day Mouday, may be cured by Dr. Tompkins» Decoration day. Kinney & Truax 89 methods. Ch ou e 304«R. tf I Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Klamath L'uncr»! Hunday— Falls, stopped in this city last night. | The funeral of Collla^er Uray will Frank J. Meuner. of Roseburg, is be held in the Central Point ceme tery at 1 o'clock Sunday afternooh. in Grants Pass Alfalfa seed, field peas. .Minnesota May 39. Xo Xo. 13 seed corn, alalke clover seed at Counts' Feed Store 79tf Worth »8.00— Mr» P. K Gerould has gone to Wo will alow you *5 (or your old Kerby, » here she Will bo tor some suit to apply on the price of any wool months. a suit I’oerless Clothing Co 78lf Placer location blank» at the Courier office. Titillato Planta— Mr. and Mrs G Simmon», and J. At Count's Feed Store 90 Bill, of Sacramento, «topped In I Grants Pass last night. New I .edge Popular— Before you build get figures on The new “Mndhome la>dge* six I your lumber, shingles, lath, doors tulle« from the Oregon caves on the and windows at Borland Thomas 64 tf Sucker creek side, will bo opened to Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. the i>ubllc Juno 1st The lodge has Paul C. Dressel and family, at one alr««ady bm-ome popular, many people | time a resident of this section, left stopping there since the cave guide. I'hl» morning for the north They R. M Rowley, opened the cave» the ¡are Investigating coast condition» Pack and aaddlo honte», Several used cars in good condition 6th of May. I will trade for city property. J F. "i ug etablee. fruits, milk, butter and had for those wishing to i Bur*«. Fashion Garage 90 eggs can be Mr and Mrs A Walgh. Mrs. «1 8. camp out. FIUDAT, MAY fff, IMI. Summer Dresses Organdy, Voile, Dotted Swiss and Foulard mr$. Hellie Deas CHOOSE YOUR CLOTH ES with the »«me core you w '««Id your «ar. every indiiiduAl need In kerne itafe— At Granta Pass Hotel, For good eats try us. All experienced white help Open 6 tn the mornmg till 13 at night. Bring your friends lai raen of the ontitnndlng lecture »and Andrews events of the coming Chantanqna rests In the muH ura.ii e en the secoud after noon of I*«:in EII wixm I C. Perisho, one Worth .5Oc— We allow you 50c tor your old hat of the most noted educators In the country today. I»eun Perisho Is a deep to apply on new one grade |l 50 and thinker, a rifled sfieiiker and possesses UP- Peerless Clothing Co Dean Ptriaho of South Dakota Sched uled for .Chautauqua. Bing < lirrrii Kinney & Truax Grocery Satur- TAILORING Over Sixteen Yean Local Dealer From Josephine Dumber Co., wholesale mill price» All kinds of planed lumber. Our truck delivers anywhere. Phone 188, 107 North Sixth Street 88tf All This Week Holman’s Furniture NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price» at Peerless Clothing Co. Our faith in America ll ho» Ix-cn weil wild tlMil Hur (»Illi In tmrriia I» our failh In oursclira. I<rt tut all Ito United tor larooiicrity and pmgrra». Our couiitry will g»> forward a» we g«> forward. Ik> not bollate to < onduli un »lernt your banking matte*«. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank C, pants P as «.O regon Shoes for the Family Three Species of Giraffe. Samuel Johnson did not quit» FOR TIII-XE U IHM DAYS cover the (nets when. In bls . .• brated dictionary, he defined the gi raffe as “an Abyssinian animal taller than the elephant, but not so thick." As a matter of fact, there sre at least (JET YOl'ICN AT three specie» of giraffe—the one with two horns, long fan.Mar to us. and the second that dwells In northeast ern Africa, and »how« >< third frontal horn (In old bulls), or. In the Uganda variety, with as many ns five small horns on It» crown. In the second species the patches tn the network of holder, the, are just getting ready broad understanding of our national coloring are larger and of a brighter Prospector» Thick— I problems. His lecture subject will be chestnut than In the ordinary kind. The mountains around Grants Puss to run a Mf tunnel. Acoordlng to . "The Problems of Today." He was are speckled with proapectoni looking all rattorta, the Boew«II In the ricbeat for seven years Dean of the College There's Safety In Silence. tor gold, according to Al Martineau find that han come to light on the of Arts and Sciences of the University People seldom find It necessary to of the Paas, who ta at the Imperial coast for the past decade -(Portland ! of South Dakota, for five years Presl- apologize for saying too little. The big ntrlke at the Boswell mine Oregonian i dent of the State College, and later ba» caused a yotin/ stampede and Educational Administrator of the A. people have ewarmed In from all over K F. WILDERVILLE | with their pick» and pans and their <X>MING EVE NTH ♦ -— ---------------------------------- —------- >4 outfits. Although that country han May 27 to June 1—Frlday-Wednea- Sunday school and church were KRFKX T day Chautauqua In Grants Paas. held as usual last Sunday I Adies been prospected since alunit 1850. the ROTEI T1ON present day prospectent are far from Way 28, Saturday—Pomona Grasge Aid met witli Mrs. Sheehan on Thurs OIilCY meets with utogue River Valley day of thia week. Next meeting willbe hopelene, for the Boswell tn a recent discovery. Some of the prospectors Grange at their hall at 11 o'clock. with Mrs. Frank Wesson, June 2nd have found some pretty good things, Dinner at 12. Health J. L. Daws and wife, son Fred, Disability Accideat daughter. ¡Blanche, and Lloyd Morri says Mr. Martineau. At the Boswell. June 10, Friday— Flower «how and carnival. son, Mr. Ernst, wife, son Charles, and In which Mr. Martineau 1s a atock- KELIENCE LIFE Ellen Lloyd were guests .of Mrs. John insi RAM» co. Lloyd last Sunday. •OF PITTSBURG Ixiat Sunday night as Claudel THEO. P. CRAMER Jr. Loughridge was going home with hia General Agent cows about 8:30 a man bearing the 204 H M. Oth St. 107-H description as tall, staged a real bold hold-up when he »topped from behind a tree near the road which goes up to the cemetery. He took all Claude had in his pockets consisting of a knife and a few bicycle extras, then he blindfolded the boy while he made | his get away. Claude tore the hand kerchief from his eyes and also tore down the road for home he was greatly excited over his experience. George Holland had gone a few min ute« ahead of Claude and had heard a rustle of something in the brush REAL HAIR at the same spot but he thought it CAP SHAPED only an animal of some kind. The fellow in hiding evidently thought George too husky to tackle so let him You will like the go by unmolested It la reported K. M. C. Neill has rented his farm to Mr. Brady of Ill., SELLS DRUGS and Nichol and he will sail for his home In England In the near fture. ZU Mrs. Bailey is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. A. Sheehan, and family thia week. B. V. D’s 103 North 6th Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows. Wall board, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet W’ork, Screen Doors. Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WEST G GRANTS PASS. OREGON RIVOLI HARRY CAREY in another of his whimsical, tmuMial productions----------------- FREEZE OUT A »tor, °f th” West keynote io «■ntertalnmrat. HI N D A Y “MIlaMl MMMI MADNBNI" GEO. d. CALHOUN <«ct lour Lumber— Specials in Aluminum Ware SEE OUR WINDOW la a »tylc to fit life—long fibre woolens—both foreign and domestic*— In an and |MMteriia. Almont unlimited annortnii it of weave«, coloring» Tailored to your meneurs»—at the price you « it to pny. iloyt. Mrs. T J Jackson. G. Coburn, «nd Maud Hoffat. all of Fort Klarn- save S.V« h Turn In your old suit at the Peer ath. are stopping at the Josephine. I having arrived in Grants Pass last Iras Clothing Co 1 night. MoKinly Green and hi« wife and ll<»l 1 Lina mt»— Real Canary Island Banana» two children are visiting his mother. Mrs H. I,. Green, and his sister.! Kinney & Truax Grocery Mrs. Dan Willrout. Mr Green may locate here If suitable ranch proper Your Old llat— Is worth 50c to apply on the price ty can be obtained of a new one, grade *1.50 and up. Peerless Clothing Co. NOTED EDITOR SPEAKS ON PROBLEMS OF TODAY Hiere WOODWARDS Next Monday Night Good Form Hair Nets Close Harmony Dancing Vaudeville STUNTS AND COMEDIES CLEMENS U. of C Glee Club