Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
FRIDAY, MAY at, HKM. GHANPH PANH DAILY —-------------- ___________________________________ DKKHNMAKING * DOYLES MRS. W R SWOAPE'8 dressmaking parlor* ever Kinney * Truax. Room 3, Kross hall from opera house Call and get estimates, or phone 608. 28tf Successor to E. Firth & Company New Sport Jackets HIU»WN, <utEY. BEAVER. BED MAVÌ AND IIUV'K $3.50 to $0.50 Classified Advertising PHONE 339-L for fir and pine wood, bone dry, at »3.25 aud »3 50 per tier. 683 N Mb'Bl» L. F Roat. zx 53tf TOR SALE Team 6 and 7 years old. .“eight 3400. Address No 180 care of Courier. 84tf The Jinest ^Tire, for Small Cars HITI.DING (ONTllAtTOtlH Goodrich HARPER A RON Building contrac tor*. Shop work, furniture crating Shop 510 H St. Res phone 14 2. A. J. GREEN—General contractor Estimates and plan* made Noth ing too small or teo large. Shop 211 Sixth St Phone 375-L. 92tf J. hill HALM page ___________ ■______ . NALASKOW8KI guilder and Jobber Contractor, Phone 246-R eitf Ointi Skid Safety Tread at the 20^ Price Reduction NURMKKY HTOCK NURSDIIY Everything in up to dat* nursery stock, also direction* for planting and soil culture. Call on F. B. Jordan. 8«0 North 7th street. Grant* Pass, Ore. 43tf Here is a 30x3i tire, with snappy black tread and creamy white sides—clean, trim, splendidly finished—generously large and • full in size, with the Goodrich and-skid safety tread. PIANO INHTltl 4TION MRS JAMES M POWERS, instruc tor on piano; studio over Barn»*' WANT LIGHT CAR to apply on Jewelry. Phone 265-J. classy four ;<a»sengcr Stutz Bull dog Some terms on balance to re BDOl.NNERS IN MUSIC My class sponsible party Box 742 Grants commences June «th, aged 4-8 eli gible. Fly* lessons per week. 50c. Pass, phon« 282-J. 90 102 No. Sixth St, phone 265-J. WANTED Chickens at 20c lb. for heavy hens. Also eggs al market MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON teacher of piano and harmony. prl<» ul Burkhalter Peed Store, Tuesday p. m Studio over Smith's phone 2HC-11 or 363. W« pay Racket Store. 86tf cash. 92 WANTED WOOD roil SALE Fir »2 25. pine 32, on ground. 4 miles west on up per river road Posts and building ¡toles Hlvely A Brick *11, General DIUY AGE AND TRANSFER Delivery 68tf WANTED Wood cutters to cut 10U cords of 4-fool wood, mostly fir. «IB WORLD MOVES; so do wo Soo W Minthorn, 624 West G St roil sale : Ihy slab wood 3 tier Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone i 89 load for »7.50. Single Iler, »2.75.1 3 49; reeldeuc* phone 315-J. Also taking orders for fall dellv-j MI.MMJ.VMHIH F. G ISHAM, drayage. transfer; pi erics of fir and hard wood C W. anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship latmbrecht. Rd 1, Granta Pass 96 pipe REPAIR SHOP Plumbing, ped, packed, stored. Phone 124.Y SUGAR CURED MEATH -diama. ba work, steam fitting, bollar ■nd 505 con and picnics at reasonable pump work and installing PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ¡«Ices A. A Hyde. 93 4 N 9th Phone 306. G. South 8th street street 98 A. Bryan Jit» L. O. (TJCMEN'T, M D. Practice limited to diseases of eye, «ar.nose FOR HAU: 80 uert» on l>eer creek. CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS and throat Phone 62; Re*. 239-J. 1 mile from poetoffice, good water General foundry and machine right. 18 acres plowed, house and work; gray iron and braaa caat 8 LOUGHRIDGE, M D. Physictan and surgeon. City or country calls W Mln barn »3 200 Tenus inga, any site and quantity. Deal 90 attended day or night. Phonea. thorn, 8 24 West G St ers In second hand mine and saw Res 3«9. Office. 182; 6th and H. mill machinery, boilers. engine«, FOR SAI j : Attractive modern bun pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F E. J B1M.1CK, M D. Physician, sur galow. fire place. Dutch kitchen, streets, Grants Pass. Ore. 94tf geon. Schallhorn Blk. l*hone 54-J; bullt-ln conveniences Corner lol, rea. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. cement walks, close In No. 193 0. A. PRICE- J’alnter and decora cars Courier. 92 tor 614 West It street. Grants W F RUTHERFORD— -Manual tbe- Pass. Ore -'4tf raputlc* Office over Barnes' Jew BEST OFFER before June 1st takes elry. Hour* 9:30-12; 1:30-4. Stutz Bulldog touring car, fine IIAAKUH8 LIFE COMPANY Des condition, wire wheels, cord tires Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston. RALPH W STEARNS. M. D. Phy 89 Phono 282-J. I sician and surgeon. X-Ra» equip District Agent. ment. Office in Masonic Temple ALFAU'A HAY In field or delivered. CANDYMAKING business. Start at Bldg., phone 21-L. fine hay. new crop. N. E. Brans- home. Everything furnished. Men 00 tn be, phon» B06-F-4, 'after 6 DKNTIHrs arrd women »30 weekly Bon-Bon 90 p. rn Co.. Philadelphia. Pa 108 E. C. MACY. D M. D. Flrat-cla IMHM»E CAR FOR SALE Good con- dentistry 109 44 8 8tb St. Mln- LIST YOUR STOCK — Boswell McClung. dltlon. »750 H. H Ing stock bought and sold, Give VBTKHINAK1 NI lUIEÖN 90 Wonder. Oregon. prico and amount you wlah to sell FOR 8AI.E Shakes H H. Me- or boy. Geo. 8. Barton, Orante Dll R. J BESTEL. Veterinarian Residence 838 Washington boule 90 Clung. Wonder, Oregon. 95 Pass, Ore vard. phone 398-R Hilt SALE to acre relinquishment, NOTICE- The Grants Paas Agency several thousand cords of wood, ATTORNEYS of Singer Sewing .Machine Co. has house and barn and some other moved to E. G. Holman's Furniture H 1> NORTON. Attoruey-at-lsA Improvements. »400. Inquire Store, at 605 G street. Phone 50. Practices In all State and Federal H. McClung, Wonder. Oregon. 90 Our new 1921 "Singers" now on Courts. .First National Bank Bldg EXHl SALE 40 acres deeded land the floor, See them. Your terms G. W. OOLV1G. Yttorney-at-law. and 80 acres relinquishment. Sev aro oure. Ask about needlee. oil, Grants Pas* Banking Co. Bldg eral thousand cords wood, house etc. J. 1 W Scott, sale« manager 87tf E 8 VAN DYKE. attorney Practice* Josephine county and barn Many other Improve- In all courts. First National Bank mnnts. Inquire 'll. H. McClung, STRAY KI) 90 Building Wonder, Oregon STOI j BN — One ALFALFA HAY In the field Inside STRAY ED OR bright sorrel horse, white dot in city limits lx»ave orders now for forehead, ono white foot, tore top your winter's supply. »12 and »15 cut off, had shoes all around and a per ton Phone 149-L or see lx>wls leather halter on when left, 8tonet»angh. 90 knowu as the Dr. Billlck horse. 1 PROTECT YOUR GARDEN and will |Mk.v suitable reward to any field crop with "Sure Die" Rabbit one to bring hi8i to me. The first Lick. For sale at Josephine Farm house on City Market slaughter er* l'o<»|M»rative Association. C. N. house road. Mrs. Etlie Vanhlerl- Duly, Mgr. 85tf »9 com. Grants Pass, Oro. FOR SALE Al J. I Case threshing outfit, complete, steel separator, STRAY MORSES TAKEN UP One roan with light mane and tail and gas tractor Write for terms and tho other dark l>ay. Owner please price. Grant Davis. Talent. Ore take horses and pay damages and gon. 91 for this ad.' W. S. Barrie, 733 P*OR SAI JO- -Quiet running White Hawthorne. 89 sowing machine, good order, but old model, »12. call «t 208 A St. AIXXM'NTANT 87tf AUDITING Systematizing. See me WILLIAMS WOOD YARD Fir wood about dally or monthly audit ser »3 25 and »3.50. Phone 137. 92 vice. Ivan Livingston. Incorporat ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad FX>R RAG» i-room plastered, mo dress. Granta Pass. Ore. 70tf dern bungalow, furnished, garage and two lota »2750. Terms In HEAL E8TATK quire McIntyre'« Implement Store 94 E T. McKINBTRY, «03 Q St., phone 355-11, real eetate. Best of soils for FOR SALE Swiss Toggenburg milk fruit, hay or general farming. goats and their doo kids. Rose mont Goat l»alry, 7E «4th St. No.. 'Portland, Ore. 88 HOY HIGGINS General real estate Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 09. Pllo'IXMiR WHY FOR RENT Furnished apartment, •i1 h »; 79, f THE PICTURE MUA. for artistic photographs. Hours for sitting. FOR RENT Small cottage, June 1st. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday sit- Inquire at Peerless Clothing store. 84tf I tings by appointment only. Phone 283-R. or residence 140-J. 65tf Foil 'HUNT Five furnished house TAX. keeping room« at 715 North Sec a - — - ond street. 92 SOONER TAXI—Phone 282-R tor Foil rent 4-room. house, with Jitney Lake or Cutler. Call* an sleeping room l>ack of house, 72 7 swered anywhere, anytime. R6tt North Fifth atraot. Rent »10.6» a month. Inquire at 208 Foundry PHONE 180- The Bonbonniere for 79tf street after 6 p. m. 93 | Taxi. O 8 BLANCHARD, Mtorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270 C A. -'DIJCR. Attornev-at-law Ma •eaie ' -.uilo. Grants Pass. Ore GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-la « referee in bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. JAMES T. OHJNNOCK Lawyer First National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg Practice In all oourta. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal courts. Office over National Drug Store Placer location Courier office. blanks at tjie NOTICE OF SALE OF lililí- GATION DISTRI4T BONDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed proposals will be received un til the 24th day of June, A. D. 1921, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon for the purchase of Fifteen Thousand Dollars worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation District of Klamath County. Oregon. Said bonds are to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum payable semi-an nually upon the 1st day of July and the 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds Said proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of said Irri gation District, and should be direct ed to the Secretary of the Enterprise Irrigation District care of Fred D. Fletcher. Loomis Building, Klamath Falls. Oregon. The Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids of fered. G. J. HILLYARD. Secretary of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. Ill This tire will give you much longer mileage, the greatest of durability, the utmost riding comfort and the fullest satis faction. Like all other Goodrich tires the ”30x31” is made only in one quality. It is so thoroughly and unusually good that its makers frankly declare it the best tire ever made for small cars. Goodrich 30x3} onii-ikid tafety tread fabric tire now available at the ’ 20% Price Reduction which went into effett May 2nd General latnd Office, Washington, D. C., April 16. 1921. Notice is' hereby given that subject to th« con-1 ditlons and limitations of the Acts of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218). and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat.. 758), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917, and June 22. 1920. the Umber on the following lands will be sold June 3. 1921, at 10 o'clock a m , at public auction at the United States l.and Of- flee at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at nut less than the appraised value as shown by this no- tice, sale to be subject to the *P- proval of the Secretary of the Inter- lor. The pttrehase price, with an ad- diUonal sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received frqm citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered se;>arately before being Included in anv offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S., R 1 W., See. 5. SW14, NW 44, pine 150 M., E'ir 175 M.. none of the pine to be sold for less than »2.50 per M., and njne of the fir to be sold for less that »2.00 per M T. 33 S.. R 5 W , Sec. 9. NW >4 SW . pine 200.M.. fir 440 M., none of the pine to be sold for less than »2 50 per M., and none of the fir to be sold for less than »1.00 per M. T. 31 8., R. 7 W. Sec , 1. NE 44SW44. fir 30(* M„ not to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. T. 39 8 . R 8 W„ Sec 3. SW L N'E>4. pine 280 M., fir 150 M , NE». NW 44. Pine 220 M.. Fir 4 5 M . SWk* NW 44. pine 105 M . fir 20 M.. NW »4 SW 44. pine 45 M.. fir 10 M . SW44 SW>4, pine 95 M . fir 35 M . 140 M , fir 10 M., SE*4 SW4*. pine I none of the pine to be sold for less than »3.00 per M.. and none of the fir to be sold for lees than »1.00 per M. WILLIAM SPRY, Commissioner General I .and Office. 93 The longer the run the cheaper the rate at the Courier merchant print ing department. THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 4X1AST RAILROAD IXiMPANY Time Card Effective N«v. 24, 1919. Train* will run Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays Leave Grants Pass.............1 P.M. Arrive Waters Creek .3 P.M. l,eave Waters Creek.. 2:30 P.M. Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 P .M. For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company. Lundburg building, or telephone 131. THE B.F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY zAkron, O^io Dealer* everywhere are selling Goodrich Silver- town Cords, Goodrich Fabric Tires and Goodrich Red or Gray Tubes—all one quality—at the 20% reduction in price* which Goodrich made eflec- rive May 2nd, 1921. Have us go over your car's body anti make the (rimming rvjvairs in time. Top and trim work that is handled by exper ienced men—we guarantee sat isfaction—reasonable coat. G. B. BERRY CITIZENvS lio you realize its your DUTY' to keep every penny of your money in ■ in illation in your own home town.. Then why not let ¡icople who know the business and who spend every dollar of thHr mmings with you do your electrical work? WE DO IT RIGHT GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers, Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS • Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth # Grants Pass, Ore. Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY' Leav 'e ltoeelnirg 1 p. rn. Iswtve (,'Yants Pass 1 ;Ot> |>. m Grants Pass- Medford Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE HA OU 1«O IKAVK <U< 4 NTH PASH 10:00 a. m- • 1 MM> p. m. 4:M p. m. O:t.Y p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 11 : OO 1:00 4:30 a- a. p- p. We connect with stage« for Ashland and Jacksonville m. m. m. m.