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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
GRANTS ru* DAILY <XX HIER PAGE TWO New Shipment A. E. Voorhies, Pub. and Propr ■atareó at poatofflce. Orante Paa, Ore . as second-class mail matter ADVERTISING RATES ■Maplay apnea, per Inch—.......... Local-personal column, nor line....10c Reader«, per line— ......... . Sc DAILY COURIER Ry mall or carrier, per year..... **.00 By mall or carrier, per month WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year »- MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited ln this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of «pe nial diepatches herein are also re served FRIDAY, MAY 27. 1021 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER 54-in. Indian Head Linen Finish / Saturday We Close at 9 p. m Sharp NEW TODAY EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dependable companies and reas onable rates. See T. M Stott. Buick Salesrooms. iOItf ¡relee. who were motoring to points in Southern tMlifornia. were dinner guests ot th«« Hamiltons Wednesday Mrs. Brock and Mr Hamilton were old friends and schoolmatre lu Maine Mrs. Roper Is now at her father'» home iti Central Point unii t< gaining very slowly. Mrs. Slattery spent last week In ¡Medford with her daughter., Mrs El liott. Thelma Sheeley was dinner guest lot Charlott iHollieter in Grants rase 1 Sunday ami on Tuesday Myrtle Holla- ter was all day visitor at the Sheeley home Mrs Robert Nielson, Anna. Ernest and Robert and Mr and Mrs. Neil son from the dam. Mr. and Mrs Mil ler and Miss MacKane. of Oakland, Cal., spent a musical evening with the Hamilton family Wednesday The Harris. Underwood and Allen i Underwood famlli««a pleknlckod up on ! Evans «-reek Sunday The Victrola plays HIS favorites too Music, the language <»f sympathy, lias a power of drawing minds together, far beyond the power of words. In the im mense held of music opened to you when the Victrola enters your home, you will fuid your favorite records and his, I he Victrola will add to your evenings many hours of happiness. Let us explain to you personally our terms and service. The Music and Photo House Ntaaton Ilo»«'ll. or NOTICI K> IXtNTII YlTORM Notice is h««reby given that Tonight and Saturday ; Building Committee of Newman Heavy frost in early morning IVll SALK Team of heavy mares, ! E. church will consider bide for except near the coast. Warmer 10 h. p. motor and 4-inch pumi», ^construction of a building on !x>ta s The program ot the University of Sat urda.v. Fordson tractor, tra«-tor plow and and 9. Block 3 of O. T. S , Grants California glee club differs materially ♦ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ disc, sulky p|ow gang F. D. Eis-i Pass. i from that ¡»resented by meet college maun. (Rogue River. Ore. 91 i Plans and specifications for warn«* glee clubs. There are serious songs, THE GOVERNOR AND THE VETO college songs, plantation songs and W\NTKD 2 men with on-hard x are on file «it the M E. t’arsonage. If governors of states always met humorous songs by the club of course, \I1 perience F. D. Eismann. Rogue : No. 610 U Street. Granta Pass bids to be filed on or before 10 a. m. the ideal formulated in the public butethe main feature of the program River. Ore. 94 i June I. 1921. an«l a certified check Director mind it would be in the interests of is the vaudeville acts Morse doesn’t allow an act to go on WANTED—Sleeping room in private for 5 ¡»er cent of the amount bld must the public wel to clothe them with home by man who sleeps days. accompany same, made payable to until the actors have acquired the all possible authority and power. But necessary finish in their work. There Must be cool and quiet Address the Building Committee of Newman States have been extremely unfor is nothing amateurish about the glee 90 M. E. Church 199 care Courier. The Building Committee reserves tunate on occasion in choice of gov club's program. FOR SALE—Gas range, four burn- Owing to their world wide exper ernor, or at least fate has been un er. higii oven and gas water heat- the right to reject any and all blds »1 or award the contract according to er. I’hope 3S6-R. kind in the manner of men who were ience and numerous appearances on the best interests of the church. the stage the members of the club foisted upon the state as governor have all acquired the aplomb of pro-: R W STEYRNS. NEW TODAY—Used, but not abused. on occasion, and more authority and teeeionals. Particularly ls this no Mahogany «irw-M-r, marble top. Oak ECU’S POLLOCK. L B. HALL. more power in the hands of such ticeable in the case of Charles Strick- dreMcr. large mim>r. Sanitary cot. Building Committee Dave Oak e&teiudoa table. Breakfast tal.l.'- »0 To ward fadden. saxaphone soloist. men is an unsafe thing, Phennig, violinist. Harold Girvln, Two or thrw g««o«l rang«*». A few against these accidents, states muit singer of character songs and Ross mattrexe«« left at the »¡axial low therefore use discretion Legislatures Himes, who dances and sings. price. I’hone 71. T. C. Booth. are safer, and the veto power la a The glee dub will give their varied much abused thing with men who program at the opera bouse on May To Clean Oil Paintings. 30th. A simple way to clean oil paint have an overpowering ego. 1 ings. and one that will not Injure 2 At the special election soon to be the colors beneath the dirt, is to cut 4 Dotar, try our ready-to-serve, AFTERNOON ENTERTAINERN 2 held the voter will find upon the bal a la cart lunch, 12 tn 1:90 TO FREIA DE EVKNTN’G TALK a raw potato in half and rub It quick ly over the painted surface. Then lot a bill that would give the gov We will serve a very III nt |>rl<m ernor authority to veto the emergen i Dr. Edward Parker Mile«, who will polish with a silk handkerchief to remove dust or dirt. fine 79c table-de-botc cy clause to acts of the legislature. lecture on "Tallow Dips’’* at the » dinner — Time 8:30 The governor already has the power Chautauqua toight has interviewed to H p. m. to veto a bill in toto, or to veto single King Edward. Balfour, the kaiser. FRUITDALE ini Hundny Dinner 91.00 PHONE »20 Gladstone and many other notable items in other bills, a power that has men and fairly peoples the stage with Mias Virginia 'Heed, of Ashland, met much abuse. Through it a single the different characters. ’’Tallow visited Mrs. Vnderwood Wednesday. man can set aside the combined ■ Dips” has lwen given over 6,700 The Eighth grade class passed thought of a body of representative times, showing the popularity the their examination with flying colors men, each of whom may be a wiser performance draws. getting good grades in everything. man that the governor himself. For» The Liberty Belles, a trio of young Mr. and Mrs. Sheeley went to Med «bis reason the veto power should be ladles, gave the entertainment this ford Sunday with their chum from the money, and you would like to held within bounds, and bounds have afternoon, consisting of vocal and Christian church to attend a class instrumental music, solos and drama- celebration and heard a good speaker have better bakings. already been exceeded in Oregon. tic readings. The prelude this even in the afternoon. The measure should therefore be de ing will be by the Liberty Belles. Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Nielson feated. • visited the homes along the highway biggest thing you can do to im ----- - ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ as far as the dam Sunday in the in prove the quality of your bakings terest of Chautauqua. AMUSEMENTS At a hear ns, held before the state — and lower baking costs. Mrs. George B. Franks, daughter, ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ irrigation securities commissio.i at Thelma, and sons. Cleon and Lee. of Harry Carey at th«' lUvoli Calumet is made in the largest, Fa-m Wel'i-slav a num:»-r of , Harry Carey, one of the most uni- I Medford, spent Che week end with most sanitary Baking Powder Factories gation districts sought certficaton of que and unusual of all screen stars, the Bates family. in the World. No Baking Powder is Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stanbrough as bond ssues for the building of their plays the stellar role in “The Freeze made under better conditions—none delgates from Pomona and Mr. and will be the picture which projects. Grants Pass was one of can be better in quality. Mrs. A. 3. Coutant as delegates from shown as the feature attraction at the these districts, and its bonds were „ Rivoli theater today todav and tomorrow, Fruitdale grange, leave Monday It contains only such ingredients readily certified upon the showing of 0,1«. (g a „tory ,a)d morning in the Stanbrough car to at Mie at a price within 10 points of the WeBt ln the d«ya when the chief tend state grange at Eugene. {s have been officially endorsed by the I. S. Pure Food Authorities. An abso par. The Grants Pass bonds brought building in town was the saloon and Dr. and Mrs. Brock, of Port An- lute guarantee that it is pure. the best price of any certified Wed- gambling house. A stranger comes nesday. Another sale of 1580,000 by I to town. He sees that the old gamb- eastern Oregon districts went at onlv house ln town is crooked, so he 80 cents on the dollar, and this ln the °r*n one ot h18 own And in the end, when he change« his fact of a cost-plus contract which the plaM lt ls a <|r) 118IlaIj who to district was entering into. It was an blame. Supporting Carey in this pro- excellent showing from a compare- duction is Helen Ferguson, an exper- tfve point of view for the Grants Pass *enc,,<i and accomplished leading district woman, who will be recognized by many followers of the srrwn. t III A I IO XI A MA I 1.1. C. L. HOBART COMPANY JOSEPHINE HOTEL USED CARS CAFE W. S. Maxwell & Co • I --------------------- -— yOU certainly want to save 4 1 Then use Calumet It’s the Jt. receivedhighest Awards,World’s Pure Food Exposition, Chicago—Paris Exposition, Paris, France- positive proof of its superior merit. It is used by more housewives, domestic scientists and chefs than any other brand. That would not be the case, if it were possible to secure a higher quality leavener. It is sold at a moderate price. All you have to do is to compare cosls to determine how much you can save by buying Calumet. BUYS FOR CASH New ami I ped (rood» SEE ME E. W. CHILES *01 G STREET A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powder i conic in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Cake Recipe — 3 cupa pastry flour, 3 level tea- spoons Calumet Making Powder, cupi utter 11.4rup* granulai'd sugar. Yolks nt 3 eggs, q cup cold water, Whites of 3 eggs, I teaspoon orange extract. Then mix la the regular way.