GltlVl's 1‘lss 1*111.\ (XHRIKIi PAGE KIGHT NEW TVDAY EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dependable companies and reas onable ratea. See T. M. Stott. Buick Salesrooms lO2tf FLOWER SHOW JUNE 10 t PHONE S26-Y, Houser Bros., for wood. Pine $3 tier. 2-tier load; ¡'he committees of the Lidies Au* fir |S 50. estat e - in- iltarr "f ,h* OranU Chamber of I. L'UALB RA ! TH—Rea' Commerce which have been appoint turane» and plate glass liability. ed to arrange attractions for the 60»H Q street, phon» 28. 40tf flower show to be held in this city on A SALESMAN’S open- Friday. June 10, have been lining up Complete line of varieties in well a tentative program tor their events grown stock. Write for terms to- ind eXj*ect hearty cooperation from day. Capital City Nursery Co.. the entire community. 426 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore. 92 Awards for flowers are to be so ar JOS MOSS AGENCY—Fire insur- ranged that the smallest growers may ance. plate glass liabllty, insur- have an equat chance tn competition with the largest and persons are urg ance. 204 H Sixth street. ed to present their best exhibits, FANCY CAKES made at home Also ¡even though but one »peel men is would like work by the hour Ad- available. Awards will _ e made only dress No. 19<> care of C ourier. S3 amature growers a i l exhibit* poamouN I HAVE 40 ACRES, relinquishment, will lie Judged under the following on Applegate river. 12 acres river classifications: Section 1 bottom, 20 acres can be irrigated, Best single rose from the garden livable house, on Crescent City (only one from one exhibitor.) highway. Price $550. Best 6 roses. separate named va- riety. 49 acres deeded land. 2 acres Best 12 roses, separato named va- bottom, livable house, fine riety. tion tor country store. 20 Best 20 Caroline Testout. tillable. Price H00. Section B Best display 6 to 12 white roses. SO acres. 13 miles out. 15 acres cieared. 20 acre« more that can be Best display 6 to 12 pink roses Best display 6 to 12 yellow roses. cleared easily, good water right free. 2 houses, fine stock range Best displav 6 to 12 red roses. Section C Price 1900. Basket of roses, not less than 12 in lots at bar- blooms, one or more varieties. If you want close ______ For amateurs who have never won If you gain prices, S ee me . want a fine home for 60 per cent a prize: best 3 roses, one variety or, of cost, I have it. E. T. McKin- mixed Best 6 roses, one variety or mixed.1 85 *trv, 603 G St. Best display of sweet peas. FOR SA1JS CHEAP for a quick turn Each exhibitor Is requested to ar over—A 4-room and sleeping porch range his or her own display and to bungalow with a General Electric bring the necessary vases range. $850. See Grants Pass Electric Co. 86 Miss Uster Association Officer— FOR RENT—Small cottage. June 1st. The fjrst annua! convention of the Inquire at Peerless Clothing store. Oregon high school press association • 84tf was held at the University of Oregon WANTED by lady and son—Two re yesterday with 42 delegates present.. spectable gentlemen to board and Miss Helen Lister, of Grants Pass, room, with home privileges Rates was elected secretary-treaurer of the reasonable. Phone 291-L. 85 association. Miss Uster was also one FOR SALE—co acres unimproved of the speakers at the association on Jones creek. 80 acres unim meeting. proved in Fruitdale. 14 acres cleared and fenced in Fruitdale Extraordinary Tim» Keeping. 160 acres 5 miles out on Crescent Methods of reckoning time have al City road above ditch, unimproved And H interest in Bronson ways been a source of trouble to sci addition on Tenth street. Must entists. The first standard was the lunar month—that is. the period of be sold, Make me an offer on all about ¡Si’s days between one new moon or part. E. L. Churchill, trustee. and the next. Twelve of these months Phone 268-J. 86 seemed to correspond to the four sea FOR SALE—My home, 1026 Lawn sons, and so the year was fixed at ridge Ave. Davenport addition on 354 days. They soon found that they were getting badly mixed, that the Tenth street. Also several 10. 20 seasons did not correspond to the and 40-acre tracts. Some under months; in the course of 10 years irrigation and some not. If yon they were more thun three month* are looking for a snap, see E. 1,. wrong. The Jews and Greeks stuck Churchill, owner. Phone 268-J. 86 in another month now and then. They LIST YOUR STOCK—Boswell Vin added seven months In 19 years and managed to keep a clumsy track of ing stock bought and sold. Give time. price and amount you wish to sell or buy. Geo. S. Barton. Grants Trophies of the Chase. Pass, Ore. 95 Motorson—Was that guy we hit WANTED—More milk customers for hurt badly? Speedup—I dunno. I Just got out morning delivery at 10c a quart. to cut a button off his coat to put in A. Alberts. Rd. 1. on Sixth street my collection of trophies. north of town just outside city limits. 85 Neither It Satisfied. BEST OFFER before June 1st takes Tell a woman she looks like____ some Stutz Bulldog touring car, tine other woman and the chances are you condition, wire wheels, cord tires. make two women mad, the one you Phone 282-J. 89 say It to and the one you say It about. —Boston Transcript. NEW TODAY—-Lady's oak writing desk. Bedroom set. Oak extension Old Story to Him. table, n slightly used dining chairs. Jud Tunkius says that when he wa-> Oak center table. One B-hole steel a boy the old folks were always say- range, first class condition. One $1 I Ing the fashions were scandalous just mattress used one month, 80.50. Lota the same as they do now. of other bargains. Phone 71. T. <_'• Booth. Typewriting paper—Courier office TOMORROW! AND I HUI1 II'ISDAY NO RISE IN PRKES LOIS WEBBER’S fancinating and lavish romance—filled with the glamour of lovely gowns and beautiful women. A Melodrama A Thrilling Spectacle All in One Supreme Production “TO I’VE GOT THE BLUES ” Well Here’s a "Electra Platt, of the Stone-Platt-Bragers Trio, gave a per formance that sent the blues traveling into the unknown. Miss Platt is some entertainer all by herself and frequently the audience had to virtually hold its sides—tn other words, she got right under your ribs. If you had the blues before you went there, they took wings and flew afterwards. She Is a great comedienne and a real funny girl. "Vernon Stone made another smashing hit both with his banjo and one-string fiddle made of a Cigar box. With the violin he is an artist, and he also played saxophone accompaniments to Miss ..... ...... Platt’s vocal numbers. ‘‘Achille Bragers. the third member of this unusual company, created keen interest with a most beautiful piano accordion. We are told that thia la the largest and finest instrument of Its kind ever built. Mr. Bragers also sang French and Belgian songs, accom panying himself on the accordion." Grants Pass Chautauqua 27th June 1st SEASON TICKETS—Adulta »2.50, Studente »1J5O, Children 91.00 WOMAN” 4 A Story of Real Life in a Real Town—A Story That Reflects Every Aspect of American Life Interpreted by a Cast You Never Heard of— But a Story You 11 Never Forget. IT’S A PARAMOUNT M Pi t: SPHTI 4L ■I WHERE HUSTLE IS UNKNOWN a PI SUCCESS MOUA pl MP VERIFIED BY GOVERNMENT M XX Mallorca Justly Entitled to the Ap While demonstrating at Klamath pellation Given to It, "Island Falls recently a government man of Calm." who has charge of the reclamation Mi.ilorcu, a tiny speck of an Island work witnessed the Mora Pump In In the Mediterranean, is a land of operation and was greatly surprised peace und ease. A great painter and at Its performance. He stated: “It’s writer who visited the island, has the greatest pump In the world.” At Marysville, Calif., a couple of christened It ‘"The Island of Calm,” because there everyone moves, rests, days ago the manager of the Hamp talks, walks and conducts his court ton Hardware Co., who has two men ships as If the day had 48 hours, the out all the time attending to sales mile about 16,000 feet, and the span of pumps In that district, after see of human life 700 years, so little haste ing the pump demonstrated, declur do they make In living and enjoying life. These people who take life so ed : “It looks like you were defying the leisurely, are not lazy, shiftless or un pleasant In personal appearance or laws of gravitation. It beats anything manner. They are Intelligent, honest, I ever saw.” He wanted the demon capable of work, sober and econom strating crew to stay another day ical. These characteristics, preserved till he could get his men In to see It throughout centuries of uninterrupted and wants the agency In his locality. peace and tranquility, have made The Mora Pump’s efficiency Is them peaceable, trusting and liotne- double the efficiency of other pumps loving. The men are of medium on low heads. Therefore It Is econo- height, strong and agile. so saves And ns for the women, they poe my. It la always primed, tess the same lovely skin as the time. No irrlgatlonist can do with- 84 women of North America, features as out one. if scluptured 4>y Phidias or Prnxlfelos, and they walk like goddesses. But 8anq Bab»* to Sleep Then Slew Them. they know nothing of the "Joy of liv Chicopee Muss After singing her ing.” due partially to ancestral Arabic j wo children to sleep Mrs. John Wewl- Influences and to tlie fact that their orskl. twenty Six years old of Chico- I Island hns for so long been under pee. Mass., took an ax and beat their strict religious repression. heads as they slept One died soon afterward and the other I* not expect Office stationery, all weights and ed to live. The woman made an tin- I grades of paper—Courier office. ■uccesaful attempt to kill heraelf. Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, nil grades, Lath, Shingles, Doni’s, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Fol NDICY AND WEST G (Continued from Pax« One) machlne. I thought there must have Iwen an epidemic of losing rear li cense plates, until I inquired the rea son. In Koy West the automoblllsts never lock their machines for there Is no possibility of machines being stolen and driven off the Island Key West 1 r about six miles long and contains about 10 square miles. GRANTS I'ASH, OREGON are first chuis citizens, In fact, the champion potato rnlsor of Alabama is a Negro, but there are any number of big, fat. lazy niggers, whose whole alm and ambition la to sleep and eat. Fresh milk and sweet cream are apparently novelties in some sections of the south, for on one of tlio dining cars the waiter brought In with our coffee a small can of condensed cream Two holes were punched In the top of tho can. Condensed cream was served at more than one hotel, occasionally in the original can. At no less than three high priced hotels I was brought up to call a colored wer we served with sour milk or man a Negro, and to believe him to cream with coffee. be every bit as good a citizen as any Long runs a specialty in the man. On this trip I saw Negroes and niggers and I can now say "nigger" Courier merchant printing depart- without hesitation. Home of them meat. <