Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1921)
I / GRAM'S PAHS DAILY OOl THURSDAY, MAY ÌV. IMI. PAG« lUiWAIll) DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company Organdy Dresses, Pretty Ones $15.50'to $19.50 Pretty Gingham Dresses Trimmed with Organdy $6.50 to $10.50 PHONE 339-L for fir and pine wood, bone dry, at 83.26 «nd 83 50 per tier. <63 N 8th st L. F Roat. 53tf * " ..... “ ' ' 1T T" I FDR SAIJ-J Team « and 7 years old. weight 2400 Addreea No. 180, care of Courier. C4tf Develop Your Home State by poultry FOR MADE Hix-weeks-old Ixtghorn cockerels, 15c each or 10c each in lota of 50. ('. Schaefers, Rd. 2. 83 Patronizing Your Railroads The developmen of Oregon and Its Railroad Transportation service Is a matter of Import ance to you. A vital factor in the development of Weetern Oregon 1« the Southern P»rifle Company. I’HOTl Milt* PHY THE PICTURE Ml Id. for artistic photographs. Hours for sitting. 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. Sunday »lt- tings by appointment only. Phone 65tf 283-R. or residence 140-J. .NURMKRY STOCK Classified Advertising FOR MAI AC RMWAIUA--J will give 850 ca«h for Information leading to the convic tion of the l>arty or partis« who took windows from my residence on the Takilma road H. M. Pfef ferì«. 84 Nl’ItSBRY—Everything in up to1 data nursery clock, also directions for planting and soil culture. Call on F. E Jordan. x«0 North 7th street, Granta Pass, Ore. 42tf Did You Know Southern PaHflc payrolls in Oregon for 1920 amounted to..„..... Southern Pacific purchases In Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Panifie taxes paid in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific total distribution In Oregon for 1920 amounted to.. $16,713,681.79 Southern Pacific is the largest payer of taxes In Western and Southern Oregon. South ern Pacific tax« average 1% of all taxes paid in every county through which it operate«. To continue th -so payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide better facilitie« and convenient, afe, rapid and frequent service is the aim of that Company. Why not travel on Southern pacific trains and do your part to enable that Company to keep pa<e with the further development of Oregon. AC4OU.NTA.NT AUDITING — Systematizing See me about daily or monthly audit ser-. vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat IN >11 RENT—Furnished apartment ed Accountant. Phone 389. Ad «11 HOSt. 79tf dress, Granta Pass, Ore. 70tf Va- FOR RENT ■ 5 room» al 826 PIANO I .NHTRl tTIO.N cant after Thursday, May 1 »th 85 MRS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc 715 North Second St. tor on plano; studio over Barns«' IlKAI. ESTATE Jewelry. Phone 265-J. Reduced Fare Ticket» FOR KKNT WOOD FOR HALE Hr 82.25. pine E T. McKJNHTRY. «03 G St . phone 82. on grouud. 4 mil«« weet on up- 355-R, real »alate Beat of nella for por river rond. Posta and bulldiug fruit, hay or general farming. polos Hlvely A Brickell, General Delivery. 888* ROY H1G4HNH General real eatate Office 111 South Sixth, Phone «9. FOR SALE Dry slab wood. 3-tler MIH« ELLA*KOI H load for 87.50. Single tier, |2.75 Pipe Also taking orders for fall deliv REPAIR SHOP—«Plumbing, work, steam fitting, boiler and eries of fir and hard wood C W. pump work and Installing. 506 Lambrecht, Rd 1. Grants Pass »6 South «th street. Phone 30«. G. SUGAR CURED MRATR -Hams, ba A. Bryan. 6111 con and picnics at reasonable CARNOR-GAYETTY IRON WORKS prices A. A. Hyde. 934 N. 9th General foundry aad machine et ree t. *8 I work; gray iron and braaa cast Foil SAIJC 160 acres timberland. ings, any aite and quantity. Deal Josephine county, W14 of NW 14 ers in second hand mine and saw and N4 of «Wli. Sec. 14 T. 3» mill machinery, boilers, englaes, H, K. 8 W. What la It worth to pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F you for cash Any offer considered streets, Grants Paas. Ore. 94lf Address A. l>. Dabney, 4X27 Elm wood Ave.. I .os Angeles. Cal 85 Q. A. PRICE--«Painter and decora tor. «14 West B street. Grants Foil SA1«E SO acres on Deer creek. Paas. Or«. 24tf 1 mile from poatofflce, good water BANKERS LIFE COMPANY — De" right, 18 acres plowed, house and Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. barn. 832 00. Terms. W. Min District Agent. io tboru. «24 West G St. OAU. UP HARRY JONES. Western FOR RALE Ixtrge Ice chest I and Hotel, tor paper hanging, painting . F. Call at 507 A St. cupboard and kalsomlnlng. 85 84 E Bootb. TO BELL FOR CASH or exchange I MORE NEW HAT» at Mrs. H E. Burton's at a big reduction. 407 for house and lol, 7room modern North 8lxth St. 87 bungalow and large lot in Medford Address 513 North Central Ave, M»ST Medford. Ore. «4 !OST 1 bay mare, star on forehead, hind foot white, no brand, also 1 UNCUT HAY In the field for sale black mare. X on left hip Last Phone 149-J. 84 seen east of Murphy. Please notify FOR HAlJ-l -One extra fine sow Mr. Gilmore of the Murphy Store from best registered stock on the coast. 850.00. Also three fancy or N. G. Pearson, Box 39. Rd. 4. 82 aow pigs 87.50 and 810.00. J. L. BUILDING CONTRACTOR« Johnson, Rd. 1, Box 57, 2Mi miles HARPER * SON—Building contrac 85 north of Granta Pasa. tor* Shop work, furniture crating. FOR SAIJi 292 feet 2^4-lnch Iron Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 142. pipe, Good as new. Cheap. Ad dress Rd. 3, Box «3. 82 A. J. GREEN General contractor. Estimates and plans mads. Noth- FOR SALE OR RENT -The triangle Ing too small or too large. Shop pl»co or land at th« bridge on the 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-Lc 93tf east side of Sixth Btreet, running J NALASKOWSKI — Contractor. along river front for 200 feet Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R with pile of lumber theron. for 61tf 1700—8350 cash; or |«t>0 spot cash, or will rent for 815 1)0 per l»KKNHMAKING month. A fine place for Graute MRS W. R. SWOAPE'8 dressmaking Paas merchants to ndvertlse oil bill parlors over Klnuey & Truax. boards, a boating and fishing place Room 3, across hall from opera or any other business desired. Ad house Call and get eatlmates, or dress E J. McCormick, Holtville, phono 506. 28tf Cal. ______________________ 83 i-XHl SAliE- Attractive modern bun DRAYAGE ANO TRANSFER galow, fire place, Dutch kitchen, built-in conveniences. Corner lot, THE WOR.U) MOVES, so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phene cement walks, close In. No. 193 34 9; residence phone 315-J. care Courier. 86 F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi (,«> vi s TOR 8\I.I. 20 h«'»d of An anos, safes. furniture, moved, ah ip- gora wethers, price 82.50 per head- ped. packed, stored. Phone 124 Y. W. H. Elks. Inland, Ore S6 for Summer Vacationists and Tourists Back East Summer Tourist Tickets Week-end and Season Summer Vacation Tickets to « to Eastern Cities Seashore and Mountain Resorts will be on sale will be on sale June 1 st to August 1 5th DKNTIsrs E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrat-ele dentistry. 109 A4 8. 6tb St. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian Residen«-« 83 8 Washington boule vard. phone 398-R. through May 28th to September 30th CALIFORNIA Week-end tickets are limited to Monday following Bale date. Season tickets permit stop-overs and return limits vary with - closing date of resorts. in one direction Final limit three months from sale date, not to exceed October Slat. Liberal stop overs and your choice of routes. “OREGON OUTDOORS’ A new Illustrated booklet graphically describ ing the different resorts and including hotel and camp information. Copy FREE on re quest. ATTORNEYS D NORTON. Attorney-at-law Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg G. W. OOLVIG. Yttorney-at-law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg $ 11,053,754.93 4,5l9,3¿¿.00 1,110,038.86 H. For particular« as to passenger fares, route«, train schedules or sleeping car accommoda tions inquire of any Ticket Agent of SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practice« in all courta. Firat National Bank Building JOHN M. 8OOTT, General Passenger Agent. O. 8. BILANCI! ARD. Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 C. A. ,<’r>IÆR. Attorney-at-law. X sowie 1 ‘inole. Granta Paas, Ore GOO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Maaonb- Tempi«. Phone 125-J. JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer First National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuff» Bldg Practice in all courts. iteod V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice in state aad federal courts. Office over National Drug Store. Ft KRY SM<>: A TREAT < XH NTY TREASI KER'S .CALL FOR GENERAL M IHR INTS Ail Josephine County general war rants issued up to (not including) September 10, 1913, and protested prior to that date, are hereby called in and are payable at the County Treasurer's office on or after May 18, 1921, on which date interest will cease. GBO 8. CALHOUN. County Treasurer Jose- phine County, Ore. 82 to the one that eats it. Wheth er you toast it or eat It plain, with butter or cheese or jam, our bread evokes only praise from members of the house hold. It is made right and baked right and priced right. 4«k your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 60S G Street Paris, May 19.—(A. P.)—X-rays NOTICE OF SALK OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER pass through brick walls and have General Isuid Office, Washington, injured itersons in buildings adjoin D. C., April 16. 1921. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the con ing laboratories, members of the ditions and limitations of the Acts Acadamies of Sciences have just been of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218). and | told 'by Professor Contremoulin, a June 4. 1920 (41 Stat., 758), and l radiograph expert. He advised that the Instructions of ths Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917, I X-ray laboratories be completely en and June 22, 19^0, the timber on the closed in lead sheeting a quarter of following lands will be sold June 3. an inch thick. 1921, at 10 o'clock a tn., at public It has been found. Dr. Contremou auction at th« United State« laind Of- lin said that rays sufficiently power fice at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ful to be useful in treating cancer, appraised value as shown by this no- have affected persons in. rooms on the tice, sale to be subject to the ap- other side of thick walls and in apart proval of the Secretary of the Inter ior. The purchase price, with an ad ments above and below the radio ditional Bum of one-fifth of one per graph room. cent thereof, being commissions al lowed, must be deposited at time of sale. money to be returned if sale THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TAX. WANTED is not approved, otherwise patent COAST RAILROAD COMPANY will issue for the timber which must Time Card WANTED -An oil range In good con SOONER TAXI — Phone 262-R for be removed within ten years. Bids Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Effective Nov. 24, 1919. dition. Phono 179-R. «5tf will be received from citizens of the swered anywhere, anytime. 8«tf United States, associations of such Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- days and Fridays WAN Till» We ar» paying market OWL TAXI Call 172-J citizens and corporations organized I-eave Grants Pass.. 1 P.M. price, cash, for eggs at tlurkhal- NEW under the laws of the United Statesi Prompt service day or night. A. F. or any Btate, territory or district Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M. tar’» feed store Also want heavy Berrie. 83 thereof only. Upou application of a Ideavo Waters Creek------- 2; 30 P.M. hens at 25c. Our price Is always PM. qualified purchaser, the timber on 1 Arrive Granta Pass............ 4 right. Phone 2X6-H or 363 82 PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for any For information regarding freight legal subdivsion will be offered Taxi. 79tf seimrately before being included in and passenger rate« call at the office SITÛATION WANTED by e»i>er1onc- any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S.,l of the compaay, Lundburg building, ed cook, for a crew of men. Call PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON R. 1 W . Se . 5. SW14. NW v4, pine or telephone 121- Frank Wesson, Wildervllle, Ore. I 160 M„ Fir 175 M . none of the pine L. O. 01 .EMENT, M. D., Practice 82 to be sold for less than 82.50 per M., limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose and nbne of the fir to be sold for less WANTWD— To rent furnished mo and throat. Phone «2; Res. 239--J. that 82 00 per M T. 33 S.. R. 5 W.. dern 4 or 5 room house, north Sec. 9. NW «4 SW V,, pine 200 M.. PLANT'EN. (Ni RIDGE, M. 0. Physiclan f|r 440 yj . none of thè pine to be --------------- .fie of track preferred. Address 8. LOU and surgeon. City or country calls'aold for lese than 82.50 per M., and No. 195 care of Courier. 84 CÀPSULES attended day or night. Phonea ¡none of thè fir to ha sohi for less, thau 8100 per M. T 31 S.. R 7 W ' WANTWD—100 f««t of galvanized Re« 169; Office. 182; Rth and H Sec.. 1. NE «éSWti. fir 300 M„ notj pipe in good condition or In smal E J BILT.ICK, M. D Physiclan. sur- •" f’,r lees than »1.00 perM.1 ler quantities. Some faucets and ceon, Schallhorn illk Phone M-.I: NR1< plne'cso « m \ flrTsO^t . NEI« couplings. Wrn. Boog, 208 Foun rea. 1904 Lawnridge. phone NW1«. i>lnc 220 M . Fir dry str««'i ____________ HW>4 NW<4, pine 105 M.. W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- NW14 SW>i. pine 4 5 M . WANTED Work for man with light raputics. Office over Barnes' Jew SW<4 SWl<, pine 95 M.. team. W. E. Bair, 413 West L SE>4 SWU. pine 140 M . elry. Hour» 9:30-125 1:30-4. t.adlrsl A»L y our l>ru«^l<l ' r /A\ street, Grants Pass. R2 none of thè pino to be aold for CM-rheo-lrr • ••ui. i» «<■« RAld ’ ll W STEARNS. M D Phy than 83.00 per M., and none of thè \\ tNTljD l«y <•«>«»; I" with no chil sician "and surgeon. X-Ray equip fir to be sold for. le«s than 81 00 per dren Modern furnished house on WILLIAM 3PRY, ment. Office tn Masonic Temple M. north side of track. Would con Commissionar General I<and Office. Bldg., phone 21-U SOIB BY DRIÄGISTS EVERYWHERE 93 »Ider lease for year 86 your instruction book It says-^ l Old oil should be drained from the crankcase at regular intervals and replaced with fresh oiL This statement is made because engine operation cause» road dust,cat ¿2”, fine metal particles and other impurities to accumulate in the crankcase ofl. The gritty oil circulate» through the engine, impairing its performance, and ulti mately leads to rapid depreciation and repairs. These careful instructions from the manufacturer are often disregarded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally disliked. To meet this need Modem Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by first-class garages and other dealers co-operating with the Standard Oil Company.. These garages and dealers use Calol Flushing Oil,- the ecientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other impurities and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh oil used. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the proper grade of Zerolene. Look for the garage or dealer displaying the sign shown below, —it means “Better operation and longer engine Hfe. ” STANDARD OIL COMPANY MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE "for better operation* mid longer ergine life * VWwr CALOL RUSHING OU ZIROLENE S or bla CK CHICHESTER S KILLS LEARN TO MAW WtSHLL MAM. YOU OV» WITHOUT ANY COST TO —... I