Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1921)
Till 11*1» AY, MAI I». I IMS I. GRANTS PASS DAILY <XMRIER PAGE TWO specialtat. <>. A. €., "Is far greater ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMI MKMKNTN than the available supply." Josephine farmers know how diffi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ PubllaheS Dally Except Sunday cult it is to secure good, clean, sound ------------------------------------------------- - . At the Itivoli potatoes at auy price The soils of A. E. Voorhlea, Pub. and Propr. I The screen version of Arthur Horn many sections in this county are es Whs nd at poetoffice, Granta Pass., blow's "The .Mask" opened an en Ore . aa second-class mall matter pecially adapted to raising good seed gagement at the Rivoli yesterday and potatoes and several different varle ADVERTISING RATES registered as one of the most ab tit's are being trim! out in the hope ■Maplay space, per Inch.............. — 26c sorbing and oomiielllng photodramas Local-personal columa, per line....10c that we may find the variety or varle- of the season Teeming with fast ac Reader« per line—......... —— 5c | ties especially adapted to our soils. New Patterns tion and baaed on an Ingenious plot DAJLY COURIER There Is room for much improve- that Is replete with surprises snd mall or earner, per year..... 18.00 ’ ment. as a rule. In the growing of mall or carder, per month.. .50 thrills, this extraordinary piece of en 1 this crop in this county, and If the tertainmenl is Interpreted by a bril WEEKLY COURIER ; farmer expects the local merchant to liant cast, headed by Jack llolt and By mall, per year................... >3.00 ! purchase his potatoes then he must Hedda Nova. The story revolves MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ' In turn be able to supply a quality around a conspiracy against Kenneth The Associated press is exclusively j product. When thia Is the case them •■titled to the use for republication Traynor, a young -San Francisco busl- will be no excuse for shipping main of all news dispatches credited to It nea* man, who leaves his beautiful crop potatoes Into Josephine county. or all otherwise credited in this wife and little son for Africa to also the local news pub- paper and i----------- Very few cro|»s are as exacting as transact a business deal In the die Ushed herein. the potato, both as to cultural and Ir All rights of republicatlon of spe- mond fields. rigation requirements, Clean, healthy sial dispatches herein are also re- — seed, properly treated with mercuric •erred Mill TODA Y—Isuly'a oak «riling de- taking the place of rail transporta chloride as a means of precaution, active tn their campaign for the THUR8DAY, MAY III, ll>21 <le»k. Bedroom m -(. Onk extiMlnion and planted on soils not recently veiopment of harbor facilities, the tion, and while it may never sup grown to potatoes, are the first easen- laide. <1 »lightly used dining chair». ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ federal government Insisted that the plant it, It is so far relieving the sit- Hals. Thorough cultivation Is Im Oak K'uliv labio. Ono tl-lude »loci ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ uaton yiat lack of railroads can no portant, and after once starting to Ir r«utg<\ first ria»» eoaditioa. Oar «II ♦ projecting of a railroad into the ln- longer delay development. The high rigate great care must be exercised In niatm-M, umd one month. *4.50- izHs Tonight and Friday. occa- ♦ terior from the coast, or the exten ♦ the practice so as to keep the plant« of other Iwrgnlns. Phone 71. T. <’• ♦ sion of the roads from the Inland, way is a greater clviliser than the Booth. ♦ «tonal rain. railroad. It gets closer to the peo in a good growing condition until the ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ would be a first matter of assurance pie and to their needs It is more rli enlng period. Otherwise nilsshap HIGHWAYS AND THE HARBOR Transportation at that time seemed mobile as an adjunct to local lndus- en. second growth, hollow centers or I discolored areas result. Plans laid today may be entirely dependent entirely upon the laying try and travel. t^t us grow a quality product this I out of joint with the trend of the of steel rails. But today matters Investigating this phase of trans year and show It at the Josephine times of tomorrow. When the peo have changed. The auto truck trav portation, Col. DeKyhe, in charge of county fair ROY E MILLER. ple of Del Norte county first became elling over modern highways is fast the enginering department of rivers County Agent and harbors for the United States . --------- ------ ------- - army, was in Granfs Pass this week. NEW TODAY and was met here by a delegation ¿I Lii i. i lu. EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— from Crescent City. Accompanied by Dependable companies and reas citizens of Grants Pass. Col. DeKyne onable rwtae Bee T M Stott. is now at Crescent City, having trav-. Buick Salesrooms 108tf oiled over the highway from here to PHONE 3 28-Y. Houser Bro«., for Fine assortment of 36 inch tLws.u. lea tire » make a detailed investigation of the" wood. Pine 83 tier, 2-tler load; highway development, particularly fir 83 50. 7» the development proposed by the states of California and Oregon, His HAVE FOR SA1.E -A large and well Per Yard 17c built barn, cost originally 8480. 203 H. Olli report will go far in determining the Can be Ideally adapted Into modern , attitude of the government in deal home. Must sell at once See E. Ing with matters of this kind, for no S. VanDyke, agent, First National . Bank Building. 83 doubt observation will make clear to him the fact that the building of this 1 FOR WENT •Furnished apartment highway will solve the transportation with wood range and gas stoves Close in. Inquire at Millinery I question even before rails can be laid 871 Store, 708 E St. to connect the two points, the inland Come, try oar ready-to-serve, with the coast. This would speed up J 1ST ARRIVED A new lino of hats. | a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:80 Milan sailors and children's bats all harbor development, and gaining force from Its own inertia, develop- ' Mrs. M P. Anderson's, 708 E St. ment of highways and the harbor| will force the building of a railroad CANDYMAKING business. Start an ST/ GE because of its necessity. The harbor ■ home. Everything furnished. Men INTEBUBBAN AUTOCAB CO. S|w-< lai Hun.lay liiaui-r *1.00 and women 830 weekly Bon-Bon Is Just as much a need for the rail-’ Daily and Sunday Effective Oct. 25, 1920 Co., Philadelphia, Pa 1 road as the railroad for the harbor, i LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass POSITION open A SALESM AN'S and the use of the highway will make, MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Complete line of varieties In well« Waiting Beom 10:00 10:30 a. m. possible the building of the harbor i grown stock Write for term» to-1 Bonbonniere 1:00 p. tn. 1:00 p. m. that it may be ready when the rail-' day. Capital City Nursery Co.. New aad l'»ed Good» 4:30 p. m. 4.30 p. sb . Phone 160 428 Oregon BI<1Z Salem. Ore. HEE ME road arrives. GRANTS PASS DAIL? COURIER Doyou know VEILING OLMUIMt “B ull D urham TOBACCO KUM ; .«SCJkf X- ? iiiimu ymlUIM V • iihai Very Special Percales Paul’s Electric Store Caruso chose the Victrola Six Yards $1.00 JOSEPHINE HOTEL Golden Rule »Store CAFE Grants Pass-Medford I ha records played on imitation« would give you something- but it would be «omething les« than the best. •’I BUYS FOR CASH We connect with Magee for Ashland and Jacksonville THE <U Mt A 1'lloTo Hot HE Stanton Rowell, Proprietor 4 CHILES IX »ST Brown silk laco veil between G street anil river bridge, on 8th Under bring to Courier office STRAYED- Sorrel roan mare bell on. name Nellie, V on sbolli der. Notify J. T Robinson. Won 87 der. Ore. Have You Seen the New Model Tlie IWO is the lowest priced fully equipped quality car on the mar. kd—the greatest automobile value in the world- Call today and see it W. S. Maxwell & Co. GOODYEAR AND MILLER TIRF» McIntyre for Implements of All Kinds CLETRAC TRACTORS Pumps and Gas Engines Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Because lie wanted you to hear him in your own home exactly as he is heard on the stage at the Metropolitan Opera. Grants Pass, Ore Folks do you realize the opportunity you have lieen waiting for is here ? Why cook with wood when elec tricity is cheaper? Why wash by Jjand when you can get a Crystal on easy terms? See us for prices on cooking and washing devices. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office » Seed potato certification blank« WHY PAY MORE? Dry wood for sale cheap Pine 83 tier, 2-tler load; have been received at the county Phone 328-Y tier agent's office, and any grower inter-, fir 83 87 ested in having seed potatoes or seed ! Houaer Bros. grain certified this year should com-| IXM4T—Watch charm with Eagle municate immediately with the coun-1 emblem. Finder leave at Courier ty agent and make arrangements to J office and receive reward 83 have thia work done. This will be necessary as several field inspections (TIMING EVENTS are required before seed can be certi fied, and due to the large number of May 27 to June 1—Friday-Wednes day Chautauqua In Grants Pa»- growers throughout the state asking tor this service, those interested should take the matter up at once. Recently the couhty agent received a comir miration from potato grow ers in Coos county requesting quota- tions on a carload of certified Bur- bank potato seed, *'The demand for first class certified potato seed every year,'1 states W. S. Carpenter, crop It don't coat anything to look, and vary little money to buy n«e«l cars al Hobart'» garage. Voile Hix just painted, fine »luipc. Dodge IWIM. Chevrolet, I0IN. Ford tonring Car, IOHI. Maxwell, HUM. Lord delivery, JuM ov««rhaulcd, goo«l »liai»-. C. L. HOBART COMPANY PREHERVE YOUR EGGfl WITH F SILICATE OF SODA Carries a Double Punch (WATER GLASS) Egg-« are cheaper bow than they have been for many a day. And right now In the time to lay In n stock of them. Hill- cate of Soda covers them like glas» and is therefore a sure preservative. Full and simple directions with rath package. CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 3DU footafjC KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE NO. M Thermopylae MEETS TONIGHT Visiting Mem* bers Invited RUE economy as well as energy for a good day’s work begins with O lympic Wheat Hearts for breakfast. T Sclentificallp milled and »anitartlp parked, wrapped and tea led the OL YMPIC Lbw include» pour favorite cereal. st moa B<«r«, sloag with OLYMPIC Flour 1 airi j sd OLvVtm I( > .